13 research outputs found
A new protocol for use and storage of tooth-brushing material for school children
Este trabalho avaliou o material de higiene bucal usado em escolas para estabelecer um protocolo à s ações de higiene bucal coletiva. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: 1ª- 20 responsáveis pelos procedimentos coletivos com escolares de Bauru e São José dos Campos - SP responderam a dois questionários sobre o uso de cinco kits de higiene bucal coletiva. A análise estatÃstica foi realizada através do teste Wilcoxon (p < 0,05); 2ª - 178 escolares de 4 a 8 anos de Bauru e Bariri-SP dispensaram na escova uma quantidade de creme dental e dentifrÃcio lÃquido para a prática da escovação, a qual foi pesada através de uma balança portátil. A análise estatÃstica foi obtida através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e a análise de covariância (p< 0,05). O kit 5 obteve graus de satisfação e muita satisfação quando comparado aos kits 1 a 4. A quantidade de creme dental dispensada pelos escolares foi em média 0,41g (Bauru) e 0,48g (Bariri). Não houve diferença estatÃstica entre os escolares de Bauru e Bariri em relação ao dentifrÃcio lÃquido (média de 0,15g). O dentifrÃcio lÃquido, através da "técnica da gota", foi considerado prático, dispensando uma pequena quantidade padronizada. O kit 5 demonstrou ser uma boa alternativa ao estabelecimento de um protocolo de ações em saúde bucal coletiva no SUS.The aim of this study was to evaluate the storage and distribution of toothbrushing material for school children. Twenty individuals responsible for the collective oral hygiene of school children from Bauru - SP and São José dos Campos - SP participated in the first stage of the study, answering 2 questionnaires about five different kits for use by school children. The statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxon (p<0,05). In the second stage, the amount of toothpaste or liquid cleanser applied to the toothbrush by 178 school children aged 4 to 8 years from 2 cities from the state of São Paulo (Bauru e Bariri) was weighed using a portable balance. The statistical analysis was obtained by using Pearson's correlation coefficient and analysis of covariance (p <0,05). Kit 5 obtained levels of satisfaction and high satisfaction when compared with the others kits (1 - 4). The school children from Bauru (0,41g) used smaller amounts of toothpaste than the school children from Bariri (0,48g). The average of the amount of liquid cleanser applied by the sample was 0,15g. The "drop technique" (liquid cleanser) was considered practical for dispensing a small, standardized quantity of the product. Kit 5 was considered a good alternative for establishing a collective oral health protocol in the Brazilian health system
Enamel remineralization and surface roughness after treatment with herbal-containing toothpastes
Oral care products containing bioactive agents obtained from extracts of plant drugs were launched. This in vitro study investigated the effects of herbal-containing toothpastes associated or not with fluoride to remineralize the enamel after cariogenic
Anticaries efficacy of a new low-fluoride liquid acidic dentifrice: a randomized clinical trial
Neste estudo foi avaliado o efeito de uma formulação de dentifrÃcio lÃquido com pH acidulado e baixa concentração de flúor (F) na prevenção de novas lesões cariosas e na incorporação de F no biofilme dentário e nas unhas. Foram selecionadas 1.402 crianças com idade inicial de 4 anos e experiência de cárie, as quais foram divididas em 4 grupos que diferiram em relação ao dentifrÃcio utilizado por 20 meses: G1dentifrÃcio lÃquido (1100 ppmF, NaF, pH 4,5, n=345), G2 - dentifrÃcio lÃquido (1100ppmF, NaF, pH 7,0, n=343), G3 - dentifrÃcio lÃquido (550 ppmF, NaF, pH 45, n=354), G4 pasta comercial Sorriso Fresh (controle -1100 ppmF, NaF, pH 7,0, n=360. A pasta comercial e os dentifrÃcios experimentais foram dispensados na escova usando as técnicas transversal e da gota , respectivamente. A progressão de cárie (ceo-s) foi avaliada no inÃcio do estudo e após 12 e 20 meses de uso contÃnuo dos dentifrÃcios. Uma subamostra de cada grupo participou na segunda etapa do estudo, conduzida 15 meses após o inÃcio da primeira etapa. Após as unhas das mãos e dos pés terem sido deixadas crescer por 14 dias, foram coletadas unhas das mãos e dos pés em duas ocasiões separadas (n=15 para cada grupo). Amostras de biofilme dentário foram coletadas 1 h após a última utilização dos respectivos dentifrÃcios (n=21 por grupo). Biofilme e unhas foram analisados para o F com eletrodo, após difusão facilitada por HMDS. Os dados de ceo-s foram analisados pelo teste Kruskal-Wallis (p <0,05). Os dados do biofilme foram analisados por ANOVA e teste de Tukey, ao passo que os dados das unhas foram analisados por ANOVA a dois critérios de medidas repetidas e teste de Bonferroni (p <0,05). Após 20 meses, 1053 escolares (G1=271, G2=262, G3=250 e G4=270) completaram o estudo. As médias (±DP) do ceo-s no baseline e após 20 meses, e do respectivo incremento para cada grupo foram, respectivamente: G1) 5,07±5,11, 7,13±6,53 e 30,8%; G2) 4,80±5,00, 6,88±6,78 e 31,9%; G3) 5,24±5,37, 7,29±7,27 e 30,5%; G4) 5,05±4,89, 7,13±6,35 e 31,1%. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos para nenhuma dessas variáveis. A média (±EP, unidade mmol / Kg de peso seco) das concentrações de F no biofilme foram 3,091±0,984a, 1,667±0,410a, 1,448±0,303a e 0,405±0,103b para G1, G2, G3 e G4, respectivamente. As [F]s nas unhas das mãos foram significativamente mais elevadas quando comparadas à s dos pés. As mais altas concentrações de F foram encontradas para a pasta comercial, diferindo significativamente dos dentifrÃcios lÃquidos. As menores [F]s foram encontradas para o dentifrÃcio de 550 ppm F, diferindo significativamente dos demais dentifrÃcios. Os dentifrÃcios lÃquidos de 1100 ppm F levaram a [F]s intermediárias nas unhas e não diferiram significativamente um do outro. Os resultados sugerem que o dentifrÃcio de baixa concentração de F (550 ppm) e pH acidulado tem a mesma eficácia anti-cáries que os dentifrÃcios convencionais (1100 ppm F). A redução do pH do dentifrÃcio aumenta a incorporação de F no biofilme sem afetar a concentração de F nas unhas. Portanto, o uso do dentifrÃcio de baixa concentração de F e pH acidulado parece ser uma boa alternativa para prevenir cárie dentária e reduzir a ingestão de F a partir do dentifrÃcio em crianças pequenas.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a liquid dentifrice with reduced pH and low fluoride concentration for the prevention of new carious lesions and fluoride uptake in dental biofilm and nails. One thousand four hundred and two 4-year-old schoolchildren with caries experience were randomly allocated to 4 groups, differing according to the dentifrice used for 20 months: G1liquid dentifrice (1,100 ppmF, NaF, pH 4.5, n=345), G2-liquid dentifrice (1,100 ppmF, NaF, pH 7.0, n=343), G3-liquid dentifrice (550 ppmF, NaF, pH 4.5, n=354), G4-commercial toothpaste (control-1,100 ppmF,NaF, pH 7.0, n=360). The liquid dentifrices and toothpaste were applied to the toothbrush using the drop and transverse techniques, respectively. Caries progression (dmfs) was evaluated at baseline and after 12 and 20 months of continuous use of the dentifrices. A subsample of each group participated in the second section. Fingernails and toenails were clipped in two separate occasions, after being allowed to grow for 14 days (n=15 for each group). Plaque samples were collected 1 hr after the last use of the respective dentifrices (n=21 for each group). Plaque and nails [F]s were analyzed with the electrode, after HMDS-facilitated diffusion. dmfs data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test (p<0,05).Plaque data were tested by ANOVA and Tukey\'s test, while nails data were analyzed by two-way repeated-measures ANOVA and Bonferroni\'s test (p<0.05). Results: 1,053 children were examined after 20 months (271, 262, 250 and 270 children for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively). Mean dmfs(±SD) at baseline, after 20 months and % increment were, respectively: G1) 5.07±5.11, 7.13±6.53 and 30.8%; G2) 4.80±5.00, 6.88±6.78 and 31.9%; G3) 5.24±5.37, 7.29±7.27 and 30.5%; G4) 5.05±4.89, 7.13±6.35 and 31.1%. No significant differences were found among the groups for all the variables tested. Mean (±se, unit mmol/Kg dry weight) plaque [F]s were 3.091±0.984a, 1.667±0.410a, 1.448±0.303a 0.405±0.103b for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively. Fingernails [F]s were significantly higher when compared to toenails. The highest [F]s were found for that significantly differed from the experimental liquid dentifrices, except for A (toenails only). The lowest [F]s were found for C, which significantly differed from all the other dentifrices. The experimental 1,100 ppm F dentifrices led to intermediary [F]s in nails and did not significantly differ from each other. Conclusions: The results suggest that the low-fluoride (550 ppm F) acidic dentifrice has the same anticaries effectiveness as the conventional 1,100 ppm F dentifrices. The reduction of the dentifrice pH increases the F uptake in dental plaque and does not affect nails [F]s. Thus, the use of low-fluoride acidic dentifrices seems to be a good alternative to prevent dental caries and reduce the F intake from dentifrice in small children
Análise comparativa entre formas de armazenamento e distribuição de escovas e dentifrÃcios dentais em programas educativos preventivos odontológicos para escolares
A proposta desse trabalho foi avaliar formas de armazenamento e distribuição do material higiene bucal utilizado nas escolas. Na primeira etapa participaram deste estudo, 20 avaliadores responsáveis pela higiene bucal dos escolares de Bauru e São José dos Campos. Estes responderam a dois questionários, anexos I e II, referentes a 5 kits de higiene bucal coletiva. A análise estatÃstica desta etapa foi realizada por meio do teste Wilcoxon com significância de p < 0,05. Como segunda etapa, 178 escolares de 4 a 8 anos de Bauru e Bariri participaram deste estudo, e cada criança aplicou uma quantidade de creme dental e dentifrÃcio lÃquido para a prática da escovação. Uma balança portátil de precisão foi utilizada para pesar os dentifrÃcios dispensados. A análise estatÃstica desta etapa foi obtida através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e a Análise de Covariância (ANCOVA) com nÃvel de significância p< 0,05. O kit 5, obteve graus de satisfação e muita satisfação quando comparados aos kits 1 à 4 (pouco satisfação e insatisfação). Na comparação direta entre os kits, o kit 5 demonstrou ter um custo bastante acessÃvel, encontrando-se entre os mais baratos. A quantidade de creme dental dispensada pelos escolares foi em média 0,41g em Bauru e 0,48g em Bariri. Não houve diferença estatÃstica entre os escolares de Bauru e Bariri em relação ao dentifrÃcio lÃquido, sendo a média dispensada pela amostra de 0,15g. O dentifrÃcio lÃquido, através da técnica da gota", pode ser facilmente utilizado dispensando uma pequena quantidade padronizada. O Kit 5 demonstrou ser a melhor forma de armazenamento e distribuição do material de higiene bucal do escolar, otimizando custos e obtendo melhores estratégias nos programas de saúde bucal coletiva.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the storage and distribution of school children toothbrushing material. Twenty school children responsible appraisers from Bauru and São José dos Campos participated in the first stage. They answered 2 questionnaires (attachment I e II) about five collective oral health kits. The statistical analysis of this stage was obtained by using Wilcoxon test with confidence level of 95%(p<0,05). One hundred seventy eight school children from 4-8 years from 2 cities from Brazil (Bauru e Bariri) participated in the second stage and each applied an amount of toothpaste and liquid dentifrice to toothbrushing. A portable laboratory balance weighed the amounts of dentifrices applied and statistical analysis was obtained by using Pearson correlation coefficient and analysis of covariance (Ancova). Tests were performed at confidence level of 95%( p<0,05). Kit 5 when compared with other kit (1 4) obtained satisfaction and high satisfaction degree. Besides a direct comparison among the kits, kit 5 was obtained a cost 17, 5% less than kit 4, 23, 3% than kit 3, 19, 5% than kit 2 and 35, 3% than kit 1. There was no statistic difference between the use of liquid dentifrice by the children from Bauru and Bariri, and also the ages. The school children from Bauru that received toothbrushing orientation (0,41g) used smaller amount of toothpaste than the school children from Bariri received no orientation (0,48g). The average of the amount of liquid dentifrice applied by the sample was 0,15g. The drop technique" (liquid dentifrice) can pattern a little quantity of dentifrice applied by the school children and kit 5 demonstrated the best storage and distribution of school children toothbrushing material optimizing costs and strategies in oral public health programs
Regenerative and Protective Effects on Dental Tissues of a Fluoride–Silicon-Rich Toothpaste Associated with a Calcium Booster: An <i>In Vitro</i> Study
Calcium boosters have been used as a supplement for fluoride toothpastes to repair the dental tissues and reduce dentin permeability. This in vitro study aimed to characterize the regenerative and protective effects of the treatment of dental tissues with a fluoride–silicon-rich toothpaste associated with a calcium booster. Bovine enamel and dentin blocks (n = 5) were obtained (4 × 4 × 6 mm). A fluoride–silicon-rich toothpaste and a calcium booster were used to brush the enamel and dentin both immediately and five days afterwards. The outcomes were then compared to those of the untreated control group. After that, the specimens were cross-sectioned. SEM was used to evaluate the micromorphology of the surface and cross-section. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to determine the elemental analyses (weight%). After treatment for 5 days with a booster/silicon-rich toothpaste, EDS analysis demonstrated that it induced a significant mineral change. It was also able to form a protective silicon-enriched mineral layer on both enamel and dentin surfaces. It was demonstrated in vitro that a fluoride–silicon-rich toothpaste associated with a calcium booster regenerates the dental tissues, remineralizing the enamel structure and occluding the dentin tubules
The Drop Technique: a Method to Control the Amount of Fluoride Dentifrice Used by Young Children
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the amount of dentifrice applied to the toothbrush by school children using a liquid dentifrice (drop technique), when compared to toothpaste. Materials and Methods: A total of 178 school children (4-8 years old) from two cities in Brazil (Bauru and Bariri) participated in the present two-part crossover study. Children from Bauru received training regarding tooth-brushing techniques and use of dentifrice before data collection. In each phase, the amount of toothpaste or liquid dentifrice applied by the children to the toothbrush was measured, using a portable analytical balance (+/- 0.01 g). Data were tested by analysis of covariance (Ancova) and linear regression (p < 0.05). Results: The mean (+/- standard deviation) amounts of toothpaste and liquid dentifrice applied to the toothbrushes for children from Bauru were 0.41 +/- 0.20 g and 0.15 +/- 0.06 g, respectively. For children from Bariri, the amounts applied were and 0.48 +/- 0.24 g and 0.14 +/- 0.05 g, respectively. The amount of toothpaste applied was significantly larger than the amount of liquid dentifrice for both cities. Children from Bariri applied a significantly larger amount of toothpaste, when compared to those from Bauru. However, for the liquid dentifrice, there was no statistically significant difference between the cities. A significant correlation between the amount of toothpaste applied and the age of the children was verified, but the same was not found for the liquid dentifrice. Conclusion: The use of the drop technique reduced and standardised the amount of dentifrice applied to the toothbrush, which could reduce the risk of dental fluorosis for young children.CAPE
Use of phthalocyanine-derived mouthwash as a protective factor for COVID-19: a community trial
Aim: In a population profile corrected for sociodemographic factors, the aim of this study was to examine sociodemographic the protective effect of a phthalocyanine-derived mouthwash (APD) before infection with SARS-CoV-2, in addition to analyzing the survival of the at-risk population and the confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. Methods: For individuals from the Uru municipality, a structured questionnaire consisting of two parts was completed before the distribution of APD. Subsequently, subjects received two bottles containing 600 mL of APD and were instructed to rinse/gargle with 3 mL of the solution o 5 times per day for 1 min for 2 months. Data were obtained from the electronic system of the municipal health center, organized in a spreadsheet, and analyzed using multiple linear regression and Cox regression analysis. Results: The study included 995 participants with the following sociodemographic data: 98/995 individuals (p<0.002) who did not complete high school used the APD 66.30 times more than did individuals with higher education. The results in terms of survival were meaningful in relation to the duration of APD use. The protective factor for COVI9 was 14.1%. Conclusion: Daily use of a solution containing phthalocyanine derivatives provided a higher protection factor against COVID-19 infection, predominantly in individuals without a school-completion certificate
Effectiveness of Bioactive Toothpastes against Dentin Hypersensitivity Using Evaporative and Tactile Analyses: A Randomized Clinical Trial
The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the effectiveness of toothpastes containing bioactives to relieve dentin hypersensitivity with that of a commercial desensitizing toothpaste containing REFIX technology, associated or not with a calcium booster. In this double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, multi-center clinical trial, thirty-two volunteers diagnosed with dentin hypersensitivity and qualified to participate were randomized into four groups: (1) Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief; (2) Sensodyne Repair & Relief; (3) Regenerador Sensitive; and (4) Regenerador Sensitive, associated with a calcium booster. Evaporative and tactile tests were used to check for dentin hypersensitivity in the test subjects. The participants brushed their teeth with one of the toothpastes, and dentin hypersensitivity was immediately tested using a visual analogue scale (VAS), in which the pain was rated on a scale of 0 to 10. Dentin hypersensitivity was measured after one week and after one month of the subjects continuing to use the toothpaste three times per day. Data were statistically analyzed with a non-parametric Friedman test for dependent data (α = 0.05). All toothpastes reduced dentin hypersensitivity. In the evaporative test, Sensodyne Protect & Repair and Regenerador Sensitive, associated with the calcium booster, exhibited faster and more effective results in reducing pain caused by dentin hypersensitivity, even after the first use. Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief was effective only after one week of use. All toothpastes performed well in the tactile test for treating dentin hypersensitivity, and their performance improved over time. Sensodyne Repair & Protect presented the highest overall pain remission after one month (84.6%). The bioactive toothpastes reduced, to a different extent, the tooth hypersensitivity reported by the volunteers. Sensodyne Repair & Relief and Regenerador Sensitive, associated or not with a calcium booster, presented faster and more effective results in reducing pain caused by dentin hypersensitivity
Can toothbrushing reduce the intraoral viral load of SARS-CoV-2? A pilot study with a dentifrice containing an antimicrobial phthalocyanine derivative
The aim of this study was to assess whether toothbrushing with a dentifrice containing an antimicrobial phthalocyanine derivative (APD) can reduce the intraoral viral load of SARS-CoV-2. Twenty COVID-19-positive dentate patients aged ≥18 years were selected instructed to brush their teeth for 2 min with a dentifrice containing APD. Self-collected samples of unstimulated saliva were carried out three times: T0 (baseline), T5 (5 min after toothbrushing), and T30 (30 min after toothbrushing). The analysis of viral RNA was performed by RT-qPCR for detection of three viral genes (ORF1ab, N and S genes). Results were statistically tested using Friedman’s test and pairwise comparison with Bonferroni corrections, with a significance level of 5%. There was an increase in the cycle threshold (Ct) value from T0 to T5 in 13 patients (72.2%), and from T0 to T30 in 14 patients (77.8%). In two patients (11.1%) no SARS-CoV-2 was detected at T5 and five patients (27.8%) at T30. The Ct values were statistically significantly higher (p=0.020) at T30 in comparison to T0 and T5. This pilot study suggests that toothbrushing with a dentifrice containing APD could reduce the SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the oral cavity. However, further studies are needed to confirm this possible beneficial effect against SARS-CoV-2