1 research outputs found

    Testing a fault tolerant mixed-signal design under TID and heavy ions

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    This work presents results of three distinctradiation tests performed upon a fault tolerant data acqui-sition system comprising a design diversity redundancytechnique. The first and second experiments are Total Ion-izing Dose (TID) essays, comprising gamma and X-rayirradiations. The last experiment considers single eventeffects, in which two heavy ion irradiation campaignsare carried out. The case study system comprises threeanalog-to-digital converters and two software-based vot-ers, besides additional software and hardware resourcesused for controlling, monitoring and memory manage-ment. The applied Diversity Triple Modular Redundancy(DTMR) technique, comprises different levels of diversity(temporal and architectural). The circuit was designed ina programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC), fabricated in a130nm CMOS technology process. Results show that thetechnique may increase the lifetime of the system underTID if comparing with a non-redundant implementation.Considering the heavy ions experiments the system wasproved effective to tolerate 100% of the observed errorsoriginated in the converters, while errors in the process-ing unit present a higher criticality. Critical errors occur-ring in one of the voters were also observed. A secondheavy ion campaign was then carried out to investigatethe voters reliability, comparing the the dynamic cross sec-tion of three different software-based voter schemes im-plemented in the considered PSoC