3 research outputs found

    Spatial Features Transformation of Emission from Motor Vehicles in Moscow

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    The article examines changing volumes of emission from vehicles by administrative and municipal districts of Moscow. In Moscow automobile transport is the general source of pollution, it produces more than 93% of allover, and this is the absolute maximum of impact for Russian cities and regions. In 2011-2017, it was the first time when the growth of motorization was noticed against background of reduce of pollution due to modernization of car park and new quality of petrol. Total gross emission from vehicles decreased four times. Shifts in the factors defining spatial specifics of distribution of pollution from vehicles are revealed. Assessments of air pollution based on information of all Moscow streets provides estimations for 93 thousand low-level city areas. One of the research result revealed a high correlation between changes of pollution density and changes in transport infrastructure including developing of public transportation, modernization of car park structure. Spatial uniformity of pollution from vehicles has become the main trend of recent years. Programs of the new housing construction and large-scale projects aimed at the transformation of the districts increase the transport connectivity of the city. Administrative decisions on the traffic intensity reduction in the central districts decrease territorial differentiation of pollution. Transport and planning structure at the level of the city, the district, and the area is the defining characteristic. An attempt to solve the transport problem through the transformation of the street road network complicates the application of innovative techniques for combatting air pollution in Moscow


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    The article considers the main trends in the environmental situation in the New Moscow in connection with the acquisition of capital status and rapid population growth. The New Moscow is the territory annexed to Moscow as part of a large-scale project to expand the territory of Moscow at the expense of the Moscow oblast in July 2012. Under the influence of both hereditary and transformational factors, the situation in Moscow new adjoint area is rapidly deteriorating, and for Moscow in the old borders inherited factors are mostly negative for the formation of the environmental situation, and the transformation is in the direction of slow and gradual improvement.In Moscow new adjoint area the structure of pollution sources is linked to the postindustrial type of cities (heating systems and other non-industrial sources, vehicles), as the most non-industrial part of the Moscow region was chosen to join the capital. The level of pollution is low, but the environmental efficiency is also low and the level of pollution is growing rapidly. The decline in production and structural changes in industry, as well as the growth of the car fleet, the change in traffic conditions along the roads, led to a change in the territorial proportions in atmospheric pollution in Moscow, both in the old and new boundaries, and the scale of housing construction in Moscow new adjoint area led to a pressure on water sources and changing natural landscapes


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    The paper assesses transformation of environmental situation in Moscow and citizens’ attitude toward those changes. It analyzes a mass poll of 800 Moscovites conducted in June–July 2015. The research was aimed at identifying the correlation between subjective perception of residents and objective spatial and environmental differentiation in Moscow as well as assessing the potential of Moscovites’ involvement in solution of environmental problems. Air pollution caused by production enterprises and cars, solid household waste and waste incineration plants were given special consideration. The article analyzes how Moscovites perceive problems of the whole city and of their own districts