80 research outputs found

    Friend Turns Foe: Transformation of Anti-Inflammatory HDL to Proinflammatory HDL during Acute-Phase Response

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    High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is a major carrier of cholesterol in the blood. Unlike other lipoproteins, physiological functions of HDL influence the cardiovascular system in favorable ways except when HDL is modified pathologically. The cardioprotective mechanism of HDL is mainly based on reverse cholesterol transport, but there has been an emerging interest in the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant roles of HDL. These latter activities of HDL are compromised in many pathological states associated with inflammation. Further, abnormal HDL can become proinflammatory contributing to oxidative damage. In this paper, we discuss the functional heterogeneity of HDL, how alterations in these particles in inflammatory states result in loss of both antioxidant activity and reverse cholesterol transport in relation to atherosclerosis, and the need for assays to predict its functionality

    Effect of Bleaching on Color Change and Surface Topography of Composite Restorations

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of 15% carbamide peroxide bleaching agent on color change and surface topography of different composite veneering materials (Filtek Z350 (3M ESPE), Esthet X (Dentsply India), and Admira (Voco, Germany). Methods. 30 samples were fabricated for evaluation of color change using CIELAB color system and Gonioreflectometer (GK 311/M, ZEISS). 45 disc-shaped specimens were made for evaluation of surface topography after bleaching (Nupro White Gold; Dentsply) using SEM. Statistical analysis. One way ANOVA and Multiple comparison tests were used to analyze the data. Statistical significance was declared if the P value was .05 or less. Results and conclusion. All the specimens showed significant discoloration (ΔE > 3.3) after their immersion in solutions representing food and beverages. The total color change after bleaching as compared to baseline color was significant in Filtek Z350 (P = .000) and Esthet X (P = .002), while it was insignificant for Admira (P = .18). Esthet X showed maximum surface roughness followed by Admira and Filtek Z350. Bleaching was effective in reducing the discoloration to a clinically acceptable value in all the three groups (ΔE < 3.3)

    A comparative study between ProSeal laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal tube for ease of insertion and haemodynamic changes in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anaesthesia

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    Background: The endotracheal tube is considered a gold standard for providing a safe and effective glottic seal, especially for laparoscopic procedures under general anaesthesia. However, haemodynamic pressor responses associated with its use might be detrimental. The ProSeal LMA minimizes this response without compromising the airway with lesser incidence of complications. The aim of this study was to compare ProSeal LMA and Endotracheal tube with respect to intra-operative haemodynamic responses and ease of insertion of device and nasogastric tube in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries under general anaesthesia.Methods: This prospective randomized study was conducted on sixty patients, aged 20-60 years; of ASA grade 1 or 2, 30 in each group, posted for laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anaesthesia. After induction with propofol and neuromuscular blockade with rocuronium, PLMA or ETT was inserted. The haemodynamic responses and insertion time of device and nasogastric tube were noted. Postoperative complications, if any were also noted.Results: The mean time of insertion of PLMA was 37.40±16.09 seconds and for intubation (ETT) was 31.17±20.89 seconds which was statistically not significant (P >0.05). The mean time of insertion of nasogastric tube was 18.84±6.84 seconds in PLMA group and 73.00±71.06 seconds in the ETT group which was highly significant, (P 0.05).Conclusions: ProSeal LMA proved to be a suitable alternative to endotracheal tube for airway management with stable haemodynamics in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anaesthesia

    Association of Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Markers with Metabolic Syndrome in Asian Indians in India

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is associated with a proinflammatory state. Here, we assessed the contribution of inflammatory and oxidative stress markers towards prediction of MetS. A total of 2316 individuals were recruited in Phase I of the Indian Atherosclerosis Research Study (IARS). Modified ATPIII guidelines were used for classification of subjects with MetS. Among the inflammatory and oxidative stress markers studied, levels of hsCRP (P < .0001), Neopterin (P = .036), and oxLDL (P < .0001) were significantly higher among subjects with MetS. Among the markers we tested, oxLDL stood out as a robust predictor of MetS in the IARS population (OR 4.956 95% CI 2.504–9.810; P < .0001) followed by hsCRP (OR 1.324 95% CI 1.070–1.638; P = .010). In conclusion, oxLDL is a candidate predictor for MetS in the Asian Indian population

    Biochemical quality comparison of forced air dried osmo-dehydrated cashew apple products infused with spice mixture and sugar

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    Cashew apple is a pseudo-fruit available abundantly during harvest seasons (March to July) and majority of them goes as waste because of their perishability and poor shelf life. However, the absence of distinct exocarp and seeds are some of the potential advantages for processing utility. Hence, in the present study, osmo-dehydrated products were prepared from two maturity stages i.e. breaker and ripe stages using sugar, spice mixture and were referred to as cashew fig and chew, respectively. The drying efficiency and product recovery were conquered by cashew chew and fig, respectively. Based on the biochemical and organoleptic qualities, ripe fruits werefound suitable for preparation of chew and fig. The tannin content responsible for acridity got reduced (chew of ripe stage 1.18 to 0.53 mg/g and chew of breaker stage 1.85 to 0.68 mg/g) during the process of osmo- dehydration. Excluding total antioxidant activity, all other biochemical properties were found to be improved compared to their respective controls

    Usefulness of C-Reactive Protein as a Marker for Prediction of Future Coronary Events in the Asian Indian Population: Indian Atherosclerosis Research Study

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    Inflammation plays a pivotal role in all stages of atherosclerosis. Numerous inflammatory, lipid, and cytokines markers have been associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) risk but data directly comparing their predictive value are limited. Studies were carried to elucidate the role of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), other inflammatory as well as lipid markers and their associations. Among 1021 subjects, comprising 774 CAD affected members from Indian Atherosclerosis Research Study (IARS), plasma hsCRP levels showed strong correlation with inflammatory markers, namely, IL6 (r = .373; P = <.0001), sPLA2 (r = .544; P = <.0001) as also with fibrinogen (r = .579; P = <.0001). Levels of hsCRP were higher among subjects affected by CAD who suffered a repeat coronary event as compared to those who remained event free and subjects in the top quartile of hsCRP (>3.58 mg/L) were found to have a fourfold higher risk. In conclusion, hsCRP appears to be an independent predictor of recurrent CAD events in Asian Indian population

    Prevalence and component analysis of metabolic syndrome: An Indian atherosclerosis research study perspective

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    Asian Indians have a high predisposition to metabolic syndrome (MS) and coronary artery disease (CAD). The present study aimed to estimate MS prevalence in 531 Asian Indian families comprising of 2318 individuals. Anthropometrics and lipid profile were assessed. MS prevalence was estimated using standard Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP-III) and World Health Organisation (WHO) criteria and modified definitions which included lowered cut-offs for waist circumference (WC) (≥90 cm for men and ≥80 cm for women], body mass index (BMI) (≥23 kg/m2) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG) levels. ATP-III criteria identified a significantly higher proportion of people with MS (N = 933; 40.3%) compared with WHO (N = 708; 30.6%; p < 0.0001) while modified ATP-III showed maximum gain in percent prevalence among the revised criteria (17.3%; p = 0.0056). The IDF criteria identified similar proportion of subjects with MS (N = 809; 34.9%) as the revised WHO criteria (N = 792; 34.2%). The number of MS subjects was highest in the 50–59 years age group. MS was diagnosed a decade earlier in unaffected subjects compared with those with CAD/diabetes using the modified MS criteria. WC correlated significantly with BMI and waist–hip ratio (WHR) (p = 0.000). Among MS components, high density lipoprotein cholesterol and BMI contributed significantly in males (71.4% and 85.9%) and females (86.8% and 88.8%), respectively. The higher percentage contribution of WC among males and WHR among females indicates the influence of gynecoid/android pelvis on WHR measures. In conclusion, the revision of definition criteria for MS with lowered cut-offs for WC and BMI is critical for the accurate assessment of MS among Asian Indians

    Latest Expansions in Lipid Enhancement of Microalgae for Biodiesel Production: An Update

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    Research progress on sustainable and renewable biofuel has gained motion over the years, not just due to the rapid reduction of dwindling fossil fuel supplies but also due to environmental and potential energy security issues as well. Intense interest in microalgae (photosynthetic microbes) as a promising feedstock for third-generation biofuels has grown over recent years. Fuels derived from algae are now considered sustainable biofuels that are promising, renewable, and clean. Therefore, selecting the robust species of microalgae with substantial features for quality biodiesel production is the first step in the way of biofuel production. A contemporary investigation is more focused on several strategies and techniques to achieve higher biomass and triglycerides in microalgae. The improvement in lipid enhancement in microalgae species by genetic manipulation approaches, such as metabolic or genetic alteration, and the use of nanotechnology are the most recent ways of improving the production of biomass and lipids. Hence, the current review collects up-to-date approaches for microalgae lipid increase and biodiesel generation. The strategies for high biomass and high lipid yield are discussed. Additionally, various pretreatment procedures that may aid in lipid harvesting efficiency and improve lipid recovery rate are described

    Genetic studies on the APOA1-C3-A5 gene cluster in Asian Indians with premature coronary artery disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The APOA1-C3-A5 gene cluster plays an important role in the regulation of lipids. Asian Indians have an increased tendency for abnormal lipid levels and high risk of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Therefore, the present study aimed to elucidate the relationship of four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Apo11q cluster, namely the -75G>A, +83C>T SNPs in the APOA1 gene, the Sac1 SNP in the APOC3 gene and the S19W variant in the APOA5 gene to plasma lipids and CAD in 190 affected sibling pairs (ASPs) belonging to Asian Indian families with a strong CAD history.</p> <p>Methods & results</p> <p>Genotyping and lipid assays were carried out using standard protocols. Plasma lipids showed a strong heritability (h<sup>2 </sup>48% – 70%; <it>P </it>< 0.0001). A subset of 77 ASPs with positive sign of Logarithm of Odds (LOD) score showed significant linkage to CAD trait by multi-point analysis (LOD score 7.42, <it>P </it>< 0.001) and to Sac1 (LOD score 4.49) and -75G>A (LOD score 2.77) SNPs by single-point analysis (<it>P </it>< 0.001). There was significant proportion of mean allele sharing (pi) for the Sac1 (pi 0.59), -75G>A (pi 0.56) and +83C>T (pi 0.52) (<it>P </it>< 0.001) SNPs, respectively. QTL analysis showed suggestive evidence of linkage of the Sac1 SNP to Total Cholesterol (TC), High Density Lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) with LOD scores of 1.42, 1.72 and 1.19, respectively (<it>P </it>< 0.01). The Sac1 and -75G>A SNPs along with hypertension showed maximized correlations with TC, TG and Apo B by association analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The APOC3-Sac1 SNP is an important genetic variant that is associated with CAD through its interaction with plasma lipids and other standard risk factors among Asian Indians.</p

    External quality assessment for laboratories in pan-India ILI/SARI surveillance for simultaneous detection of influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2

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    IntroductionThe Indian Council of Medical Research has set up a nationwide network of 28 laboratories for simultaneous surveillance of influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 in ILI/SARI patients, using an in-house developed and validated multiplex real-time RTPCR assay. The aim of this study was to ensure the quality of testing by these laboratories by implementing an external quality assessment program (EQAP).MethodsFor this EQAP, a proficiency test (PT) panel comprising tissue-culture or egg-grown influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 was developed. The PT panel was distributed to all the participant laboratories, which tested the panel and submitted the qualitative results online to the EQAP provider. The performance of the laboratories was evaluated on qualitative criteria but cycle threshold (Ct) values were also gathered for each sample.ResultsOn a qualitative basis, all the laboratories achieved the criteria of 90% concordance with the results of the PT panel provider. Ct values of different samples across the laboratories were within ≤ ±3 cycles of the corresponding mean values of the respective sample. The results of this EQAP affirmed the quality and reliability of testing being done for simultaneous surveillance of influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 in India