19 research outputs found

    Infestazioni parassitarie polmnari del gatto: Aelurostrongylus abstrusus

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    Numerosi parassiti possono infestare il tratto respiratorio del gatto. Aelurostrongylus abstrusus è uno dei più importanti parassiti a localizzazione polmonare dei felidi. La prevalenza, di questo nematode a distribuzione mondiale, dipende da stile di vita (all’interno, all’esterno), origine geografica e metodi utilizzati per la diagnosi. Il parassita è ancora considerato da alcuni veterinari pratici sporadico e relativamente poco patogeno. I gatti si infestano attraverso l’assunzione di chiocciole o più facilmente di ospiti paratenici. Solitamente la malattia ha un decorso cronico con sintomi respiratori poco patognomonici. Le manifestazioni cliniche variano da subclinica a grave e dipendono dal carico parassitario, dall’età dell’animale, dalla risposta immunitaria e dalla presenza di malattie concomitanti. I gatti randagi e liberi di avere l’accesso all’esterno hanno un rischio maggiore di contrarre l’infezione soprattutto in aree endemiche. Gli esami copromicroscopci devono essere considerati come il primo paso per diagnosticare l’infestazione

    Comparative Transcriptional Profiling in HIV-Infected Patients Using Human Stress Arrays: Clues to Metabolic Syndrome

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    Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART therapy) for HIV-1 infection has significantly increased the survival and quality of life of patients with this disease. However, in several epidemiological studies the onset of metabolic syndrome is a phenomenon reported to be extremely frequent. In the present study, genes involved in the molecular cascade responsible for the alteration of fat tissue and of lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with HIV-1 infection treated with antiretroviral therapy were identified. Towards this goal, hybridization using Atlas cDNA Expression Arrays allowed simultaneous monitoring of the expression levels of approximately 250 genes and identification of a panel of changes in relation to different therapeutic groups and in the presence of metabolic syndrome, with some genes being up-regulated, while others are down-regulated in the different subgroups of patients. The results of this analysis have shown a panel of transcriptional changes associated with oxidative stress mechanisms that provide a basis for further studies on understanding of mechanisms that, in vivo, are the foundation the metabolic disorders in patients with HIV infection

    Role of NEDD8 in HIV-associated lipodystrophy

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    The pathogenetic bases of HAART-associated lipodystrophy are still poorly known, even if it is clear that adipose tissue and its metabolism are sensitive to antiretroviral therapy alone and/or in combination with HIV infection. The NEDD8 system is essential for the regulation of protein degradation pathways involved in cell cycle progression, morphogenesis and tumorigenesis. We investigated the possible involvement of NEED8 in adipogenesis and, consequently, in HIV-related lipodystrophy. One hundred HIV-1-infected patients were included in the study. Using an in vitro model of adipogenesis we evaluated the effects on adipogenesis of the forced expression of NEDD8 together with efavirenz, stavudine, saquinavir, amprenavir and indinavir, belonging to the three main classes of anti-HIV medications. We showed that NEDD8 expression level is higher in the peripheral blood of HIV patients developing lipodystrophy. Coherently, forced expression of NEDD8 in an in vitro model of adipogenesis was able to perturb expression of some key proteins involved in adipogenesis, such as C/EBPα and PPARγ, possibly acting throughout the NEDD8/p27/β-catenin pathway. Moreover, three out of five evaluated drugs were able to affect adipocyte differentiation: efavirenz, stavudine and saquinavir. Finally, we have shown that NEDD8 was expressed in the fat tissue of lipodystrophic patients, being significantly higher in the lipodystrophic patients with respect to the controls, thus further confirming the altered NEDD8 expression in the fat tissue of HIV-infected patients affected by lipodystrophy. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis of an implication of NEDD8 through p27 and β-catenin pathways in the disruption of adipogenesis and consequent lipodystrophy in patients affected by HIV infection under HAART therapy with qualitative and quantitative differences according to diverse antiretroviral treatments. These evidences indicate the NEDD8/β-catenin/p27 pathway as a possible molecular target for prevention of lipodystrophy development in patients under HAART therapy. © 2008 International Society of Differentiation

    Occurrence of canine and feline extra-intestinal nematodes in key endemic regions of Italy

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    Extra-intestinal nematodes of companion animals are of growing concern in veterinary medicine for their pathogenic potential and the current expansion throughout Europe. The present study has evaluated the occurrence of major canine and feline extra-intestinal nematodes in regions of Italy having epidemiological relevance. Associations of various recorded parameters related to the examined animals have been statistically evaluated, along with a comparative analysis with the most recent epidemiological data. Overall, 1055 dogs and 1000 cats were tested. Among extra-intestinal nematodes Angiostrongylus vasorum was the most common in dogs followed by Capillaria aerophila and Dirofilaria spp.; Aelurostrongylus abstrusus was the most recorded parasite in cats, followed by C. aerophila and Troglostrongylus brevior. The statistical analysis revealed that outdoor access is associated with A. vasorum, A. abstrusus and T. brevior infections, that were also more prevalent in animals with cardio-respiratory signs. Moreover, cats aged less than 12 months had more chances to be infected by lungworms. The data herein presented confirm the occurrence and the possible risk of expansion of different extraintestinal parasitoses of dogs and cats in Italy, underlining the importance of a constant epidemiologic vigilance and of appropriate control methods

    Occurrence of canine and feline extra-intestinal nematodes in key endemic regions of Italy

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    Extra-intestinal nematodes of companion animals are of growing concern in veterinary medicine for their pathogenic potential and the current expansion throughout Europe. The present study has evaluated the occurrence of major canine and feline extra-intestinal nematodes in regions of Italy having epidemiological relevance. Associations of various recorded parameters related to the examined animals have been statistically evaluated, along with a comparative analysis with the most recent epidemiological data. Overall, 1055 dogs and 1000 cats were tested. Among extra-intestinal nematodes Angiostrongylus vasorum was the most common in dogs followed by Capillaria aerophila and Dirofilaria spp.; Aelurostrongylus abstrusus was the most recorded parasite in cats, followed by C. aerophila and Troglostrongylus brevior. The statistical analysis revealed that outdoor access is associated with A. vasorum, A. abstrusus and T. brevior infections, that were also more prevalent in animals with cardio-respiratory signs. Moreover, cats aged less than 12 months had more chances to be infected by lungworms. The data herein presented confirm the occurrence and the possible risk of expansion of different extraintestinal parasitoses of dogs and cats in Italy, underlining the importance of a constant epidemiologic vigilance and of appropriate control methods

    Cardiovascular risk in advanced naïve HIV-infected patients starting antiretroviral therapy: Comparison of three different regimens - PREVALEAT II cohort

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    Background and aims PREVALEAT (PREmature VAscular LEsions and Antiretroviral Therapy) II is a multicenter, longitudinal cohort study aimed at the evaluation of cardiovascular risk among advanced HIV-positive, treatment-naïve patients starting their first therapy. We hypothesized that these patients, present a higher cardiovascular (CV) risk. Methods The study included all consecutive naïve patients with less than 200 CD4 cells/ml starting antiretroviral therapy. Our primary objective was to evaluate changes in carotid intima- media thickness (IMT). Secondary endpoints included changes in flow mediated vasodilation (FMD), inflammatory markers, triglycerides and cholesterol. Patients were evaluated at time 0, and after 3, 6 and 12 months. Results We enrolled 119 patients, stratified into three different groups: patients receiving atazanavir/ritonavir boosted (ATV/r) based regimens, efavirenz (EFV) based regimens and darunavir/ritonavir boosted (DRV/r) based regimens. At baseline, advanced naïve patients showed a relevant deterioration of CV conditions in terms of traditional CV risk factors, endothelial dysfunction and serum biomarkers. During the 12-month follow up period, mean blood lipids significantly increased: total cholesterol from 159 to 190 mg/dL, HDL-C from 31 to 41 mg/dL, and LDL-C from 99 to 117 mg/dL. D-dimers steadily decreased (median level 624 at baseline and 214 at T3), whereas ICAM and VCAM consistently raised. DRV/r and ATV/r determined a more marked decrease of D-dimers as compared to EFV. Regarding the epi-aortic changes (IMT >1 mm or presence of atherosclerotic plaques), patients in the DRV/r group were at risk of developing pathological IMT during the study (OR 6.0, 95% CI 0.9–36.9), as compared to EFV ones. Conclusions CV risk was elevated in advanced naïve patients and tended to remain high in the first year of therapy