31 research outputs found

    New Star Observations with NuSTAR: Flares from Young Stellar Objects in the ρ Ophiuchi Cloud Complex in Hard X-Rays

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    We study the structure and dynamics of extreme flaring events on young stellar objects (YSOs) observed in hard X-rays by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). During 2015 and 2016, NuSTAR made three observations of the star-forming region ρ Ophiuchi, each with an exposure ~50 ks. NuSTAR offers unprecedented sensitivity above ~7 keV, making this data set the first of its kind. Through improved coverage of hard X-rays, it is finally possible to directly measure the high-energy thermal continuum for hot plasmas and to sensitively search for evidence of nonthermal emission from YSO flares. During these observations, multiple flares were observed, and spectral and timing analyses were performed on three of the brightest flares. By fitting an optically thin thermal plasma model to each of these events, we found flare plasma heated to high temperatures (~40−80 MK) and determined that these events are ~1000 times brighter than the brightest flares observed on the Sun. Two of the studied flares showed excess emission at 6.4 keV, and this excess may be attributable to iron fluorescence in the circumstellar disk. No clear evidence for a nonthermal component was observed, but upper limits on nonthermal emission allow for enough nonthermal energy to account for the estimated thermal energy in the flare on protostar IRS 43, which is consistent with the standard model for solar and stellar flares

    New Star Observations with NuSTAR: Flares from Young Stellar Objects in the ρ Ophiuchi Cloud Complex in Hard X-Rays

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    We study the structure and dynamics of extreme flaring events on young stellar objects (YSOs) observed in hard X-rays by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). During 2015 and 2016, NuSTAR made three observations of the star-forming region ρ Ophiuchi, each with an exposure ~50 ks. NuSTAR offers unprecedented sensitivity above ~7 keV, making this data set the first of its kind. Through improved coverage of hard X-rays, it is finally possible to directly measure the high-energy thermal continuum for hot plasmas and to sensitively search for evidence of nonthermal emission from YSO flares. During these observations, multiple flares were observed, and spectral and timing analyses were performed on three of the brightest flares. By fitting an optically thin thermal plasma model to each of these events, we found flare plasma heated to high temperatures (~40−80 MK) and determined that these events are ~1000 times brighter than the brightest flares observed on the Sun. Two of the studied flares showed excess emission at 6.4 keV, and this excess may be attributable to iron fluorescence in the circumstellar disk. No clear evidence for a nonthermal component was observed, but upper limits on nonthermal emission allow for enough nonthermal energy to account for the estimated thermal energy in the flare on protostar IRS 43, which is consistent with the standard model for solar and stellar flares

    Hard X-Ray Constraints on Small-Scale Coronal Heating Events

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    Much evidence suggests that the solar corona is heated impulsively, meaning that nanoflares may be ubiquitous in quiet and active regions (ARs). Hard X-ray (HXR) observations with unprecedented sensitivity >>3~keV are now enabled by focusing instruments. We analyzed data from the \textit{Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)} rocket and the \textit{Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR)} spacecraft to constrain properties of AR nanoflares simulated by the EBTEL field-line-averaged hydrodynamics code. We generated model X-ray spectra by computing differential emission measures for homogeneous nanoflare sequences with heating amplitudes H0H_0, durations τ\tau, delay times between events tNt_N, and filling factors ff. The single quiescent AR observed by \textit{FOXSI-2} on 2014 December 11 is well fit by nanoflare sequences with heating amplitudes 0.02 erg cm3^{-3} s1^{-1} << H0H_0 << 13 erg cm3^{-3} s1^{-1} and a wide range of delay times and durations. We exclude delays between events shorter than \sim900 s at the 90\% confidence level for this region. Three of five regions observed by {\nustar} on 2014 November 1 are well fit by homogeneous nanoflare models, while two regions with higher fluxes are not. Generally, the {\nustar} count spectra are well fit by nanoflare sequences with smaller heating amplitudes, shorter delays, and shorter durations than the allowed \textit{FOXSI-2} models. These apparent discrepancies are likely due to differences in spectral coverage between the two instruments and intrinsic differences among the regions. Steady heating (tNt_N = τ\tau) was ruled out with >>99\% confidence for all regions observed by either instrument.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Methods for Reducing Singly Reflected Rays on the Wolter-I Focusing Figures of the FOXSI Rocket Experiment

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    In high energy solar astrophysics, imaging hard X-rays by direct focusing offers higher dynamic range and greater sensitivity compared to past techniques that used indirect imaging. The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) is a sounding rocket payload which uses seven sets of nested Wolter-I figured mirrors that, together with seven high-sensitivity semiconductor detectors, observes the Sun in hard X-rays by direct focusing. The FOXSI rocket has successfully flown twice and is funded to fly a third time in Summer 2018. The Wolter-I geometry consists of two consecutive mirrors, one paraboloid, and one hyperboloid, that reflect photons at grazing angles. Correctly focused X-rays reflect twice, once per mirror segment. For extended sources, like the Sun, off-axis photons at certain incident angles can reflect on only one mirror and still reach the focal plane, generating a pattern of single-bounce photons that can limit the sensitivity of the observation of faint focused X-rays. Understanding and cutting down the singly reflected rays on the FOXSI optics will maximize the instrument's sensitivity of the faintest solar sources for future flights. We present an analysis of the FOXSI singly reflected rays based on ray-tracing simulations, as well as the effectiveness of different physical strategies to reduce them

    NuSTAR observation of energy release in 11 solar microflares

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    Solar flares are explosive releases of magnetic energy. Hard X-ray (HXR) flare emission originates from both hot (millions of Kelvin) plasma and nonthermal accelerated particles, giving insight into flare energy release. The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray (NuSTAR) utilizes direct-focusing optics to attain much higher sensitivity in the HXR range than that of previous indirect imagers. This paper presents 11 NuSTAR microflares from two active regions (AR 12671 on 2017 August 21 and AR 12712 on 2018 May 29). The temporal, spatial, and energetic properties of each are discussed in context with previously published HXR brightenings. They are seen to display several ``large flare'' properties, such as impulsive time profiles and earlier peak times in higher-energy HXRs. For two events where the active region background could be removed, microflare emission did not display spatial complexity; differing NuSTAR energy ranges had equivalent emission centroids. Finally, spectral fitting showed a high-energy excess over a single thermal model in all events. This excess was consistent with additional higher-temperature plasma volumes in 10/11 microflares and only with an accelerated particle distribution in the last. Previous NuSTAR studies focused on one or a few microflares at a time, making this the first to collectively examine a sizable number of events. Additionally, this paper introduces an observed variation in the NuSTAR gain unique to the extremely low livetime (łt1%) regime and establishes a correction method to be used in future NuSTAR solar spectral analysis

    The Critical Coronal Transition Region: A Physics-framed Strategy to Uncover the Genesis of the Solar Wind and Solar Eruptions

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    Our current theoretical and observational understanding suggests that critical properties of the solar wind and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are imparted within 10 Rs, particularly below 4 Rs. This seemingly narrow spatial region encompasses the transition of coronal plasma processes through the entire range of physical regimes from fluid to kinetic, and from primarily closed to open magnetic field structures. From a physics perspective, therefore, it is more appropriate to refer to this region as the Critical Coronal Transition Region (CCTR) to emphasize its physical, rather than spatial, importance to key Heliophysics science. This white paper argues that the comprehensive exploration of the CCTR will answer two of the most central Heliophysics questions, "How and where does the solar wind form?" and "How do eruptions form?", by unifying hardware/software/modeling development and seemingly disparate research communities and frameworks. We describe the outlines of decadal-scale plan to achieve that by 2050.Comment: White paper submitted to the Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033; 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 table