4 research outputs found

    Cys-27 variant of human delta-opioid receptor modulates maturation and cell surface delivery of Phe-27 variant via heteromerization

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    Abstract The important role of G protein-coupled receptor homo/heteromerization in receptor folding, maturation, trafficking, and cell surface expression has become increasingly evident. Here we investigated whether the human δ-opioid receptor (hδOR) Cys-27 variant that shows inherent compromised maturation has an effect on the behavior of the more common Phe-27 variant in the early secretory pathway. We demonstrate that hδOR-Cys-27 acts in a dominant negative manner and impairs cell surface delivery of the co-expressed hδOR-Phe-27 and impairs conversion of precursors to the mature form. This was demonstrated by metabolic labeling, Western blotting, flow cytometry, and confocal microscopy in HEK293 and human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells using differentially epitope-tagged variants. The hδOR-Phe-27 precursors that were redirected to the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation were, however, rescued by a pharmacological chaperone, the opioid antagonist naltrexone. Co-immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled variants revealed that both endoplasmic reticulum-localized precursors and mature receptors exist as homo/heteromers. The existence of homo/heteromers was confirmed in living cells by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer measurements, showing that the variants have a similar propensity to form homo/heteromers. By forming both homomers and heteromers, the hδOR-Cys-27 variant may thus regulate the levels of receptors at the cell surface, possibly leading to altered responsiveness to opioid ligands in individuals carrying the Cys-27 variant

    Human β1-adrenergic receptor is subject to constitutive and regulated N-terminal cleavage

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    Abstract The β₁-adrenergic receptor (β₁AR) is the predominant βAR in the heart, mediating the catecholamine-stimulated increase in cardiac rate and force of contraction. Regulation of this important G protein-coupled receptor is nevertheless poorly understood. We describe here the biosynthetic profile of the human β₁AR and reveal novel features relevant to its regulation using an inducible heterologous expression system in HEK293i cells. Metabolic pulse-chase labeling and cell surface biotinylation assays showed that the synthesized receptors are efficiently and rapidly transported to the cell surface. The N terminus of the mature receptor is extensively modified by sialylated mucin-type O-glycosylation in addition to one N-glycan attached to Asn15. Furthermore, the N terminus was found to be subject to limited proteolysis, resulting in two membrane-bound C-terminal fragments. N-terminal sequencing of the fragments identified two cleavage sites between Arg³¹ and Leu³² and Pro⁵² and Leu⁵³, which were confirmed by cleavage site and truncation mutants. Metalloproteinase inhibitors were able to inhibit the cleavage, suggesting that it is mediated by a matrix metalloproteinase or a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) family member. Most importantly, the N-terminal cleavage was found to occur not only in vitro but also in vivo. Receptor activation mediated by the βAR agonist isoproterenol enhanced the cleavage in a concentration- and time-dependent manner, and it was also enhanced by direct stimulation of protein kinase C and adenylyl cyclase. Mutation of the Arg³¹–Leu³² cleavage site stabilized the mature receptor. We hypothesize that the N-terminal cleavage represents a novel regulatory mechanism of cell surface β₁ARs


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