1,317 research outputs found

    Contribución al conocimiento de la brioflora urbana de la ciudad de Badajoz.

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    Se han encontrado 25 briófitos en la ciudad de Badajoz, 3 hepáticas y 22 musgos, de los que 8 se citan por primera vez en la provincia. Se indican los ambientes y lugares de la ciudad donde fueron recogidos.Tbe identification of tbe Bryopbyta recorded in tbe town of Badajoz (19821983) has yielded a catalogue of 22 species of mosses and 3 of liverworts. This paper gives information on their occurrence within the town and indicates whicli of them are firstly cited br the province

    Manejo reprodutivo em bovinos de leite.

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    Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Puskesmas Guna Mendukung Penerapan Sikda Generik Menggunakan Metode Hot Fit Di Kabupaten Purworejo

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    Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Purworejo telah mengembangkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Puskesmas (SIMPUS) demi tersedianya informasi yang cepat, tepat dan akurat guna mendukung pengambilan keputusan dan kebijakan pelayanan Puskesmas, namun pada Kenyataannya ada pelaporan yang kosong dan puskesmas yang tidak menggunakan SIMPUS. Untuk standarisasi SIK Kementerian Kesehatan mengeluarkan konsep SIKDA Generik. Untuk itu SIMPUS DKK Purworejo perlu dievaluasi, evaluasi yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini menggunakan model HOT fit. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan observasi langsung. Informan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah Sembilan petugas operator data dan enam informan triangulasi Puskesmas serta lima informan triangulasi Dinas kesehatan. Teknik analisis data dengan analisis konten. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa SIMPUS DKK Purworejo dari sisi aplikasi yang digunakan telah setara dengan SIKDA Generik. SIMPUS telah digunakan secara rutin namun belum didukung dengan adanya prosedur penggunaan dan pelatihan. Personil telah mencukupi dalam jumlah, namun secara operasional perlu dibentuk TIM Pengelola SIK sesuai kompetensi. Belum ada monitoring yang rutin dan terjadwal, dan anggaran yang ada belum dapat mengatasi kebutuhan pemeliharaan perangkat pendukung SIMPUS. Kualitas SIMPUS yang digunakan baik, mudah digunakan dan tersedia menu untuk mengkomunikasikan data. Kualitas informasi yang dihasilkan belum akurat dan tidak lengkap karena tidak memuat data pelayanan di PUSTU dan PKD. Kuallitas layanan lambat berkaitan dengan prosedur pendanaan. SIMPUS DKK Purworejo telah setara dengan SIKDA Generik namun belum dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengambilan keputusan. Disarankan agar Dinas Kesehatan meningkatkan pelatihan, monitoring, pengadaan perangkat keras dan jaringan, serta bagi Puskesmas diperlukan komitmen untuk menerapkan SIMPUS secara maksimal oleh PUSTU dan PKD. Purworejo District Health Office (DHO) has developed Health Center Management Information System (HCMIS) to provide quick, precise, and accurate information for supporting the process of decision making and the policy of services at Health Center. However, there was still any empty forms and did not use the system. To standardize Health Information System, Ministry of Health has released a concept of Generic SIKDA. Therefore, the system applied by Purworejo DHO needs to be evaluated using the method of HOT fit. This was qualitative research using indepth interview and direct observation. Main informants were nine data operators and informants for triangulation purpose was six persons from health centers and five persons from DHO. Furthermore, data were analyzed using content analysis. The result of this research revealed that the application of HCMIS at Purworejo DHO was equal to Generic SIKDA. The system had been applied routinely but there was no a guidance book and training. Number of human resources was sufficient. However, there needed to make an implementer team of Health Information System in accordance with competency. There was no routine monitoring and current budget was not sufficient to maintain hardware to support the system. Quality of the system used was good, easy to use, and available of menu to communicate data. Unfortunately, quality of resulted information had still been inaccurate and incomplete because it did not cover data of services at Subsidiary Health Centers (SHC) and Village Health Posts (VHP). The lateness of services was related to a funding procedure. HCMIS at Purworejo DHO was equal to Generic SIKDA but it had not been used to make a decision. As a suggestion, DHO needs to conduct training, monitor, and provide hardware and a network. Meanwhile, Health Centers needs to make a commitment for applying the HCMIS maximally by SHC and VHP

    Vitamina C : una estrategia didáctica polifuncional

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo contextualizar contenidos curriculares de química: incursionando en el área de bioquímica, como elementos básicos de la formación en química del estudiante; proporcionando información general sobre las propiedades de la vitamina C que permitan al estudiante, como ciudadano, tener libertad de elección frente a la vasta publicidad que se ofrece, entre otros, en los medios masivos de comunicación; aplicando su cultura científica a situaciones de la vida cotidiana y, por lo tanto, valorando la importancia de la educación científica para poder ser capaz de conocer mejor lo que consume y poder opinar en forma crítica sobre ello. Se presentan técnicas sencillas para investigar la presencia de vitamina C en alimentos de uso común. Se discuten distintas estrategias de presentación y tratamiento del tema en los distintos niveles escolares con objetivos diferentes y se analizan cambios en la metodología de trabajo en el aula. Este trabajo fue presentado bajo la modalidad de taller en el XV Congreso Nacional e Internacional de Profesores de Química y los resultados y conclusiones a las que se arribaron fueron ampliamente satisfactorias, ya que permitieron una revalorización de la tarea educativa buscando un currículo más abierto donde el estudiante se sienta partícipe de su proceso de aprendizaje y encuentre contenidos científicos útiles para su vida.This paper attempts to contextualise chemistry curricula contents, entering the field of biochemistry, as basic elements for the formation of chemistry in the student by providing general information on the properties of C vitamin that allows the student, as a citizen, the freedom to choose in front of the huge publicity offered to them, among others, by the mass media. They can apply their scientific culture to everyday life, thus assessing how important scientific education is to be able to better know what is consumed and give a critical opinion. We present simple techniques to find C vitamin in commonly used food. We discuss different strategies to present and deal with this subject at different school levels with different aims, and we analyse the changes in the classroom working methodology. This paper was presented as a workshop in the 15th National and International Congress of Chemistry Professors and its results and conclusion were highly satisfactory, as they allowed revaluing the educational task aiming at a more open curriculum where the student feels part of his learning process and finds scientific contents useful in his everyday life

    A Benchmark Study on Sentiment Analysis for Software Engineering Research

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    A recent research trend has emerged to identify developers' emotions, by applying sentiment analysis to the content of communication traces left in collaborative development environments. Trying to overcome the limitations posed by using off-the-shelf sentiment analysis tools, researchers recently started to develop their own tools for the software engineering domain. In this paper, we report a benchmark study to assess the performance and reliability of three sentiment analysis tools specifically customized for software engineering. Furthermore, we offer a reflection on the open challenges, as they emerge from a qualitative analysis of misclassified texts.Comment: Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2018