745 research outputs found

    Assessment of motor coordination in primary education of Barcelona and province

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    El presente estudio tiene por objetivo valorar la coordinación motora de estudiantes de primaria de Barcelona y provincia. Para la evaluación se ha utilizado el test KTK en el que participaron 1254 personas, 670 niños y 584 niñas, de edades entre 7 y 10 años. Se realizó el análisis descriptivo y la comparación entre género y edad. Los resultados indican que más del 40% de la población estudiada presenta una coordinación por debajo de la normalidad, cerca de un 57% de la muestra fue clasificado con coordinación normal y solamente el 4,6% lo ha sido por encima de esta clasificación. Los chicos han presentado resultados significativamente mejores que las chicas. Los datos del estudio no permiten generalizar los resultados, sin embargo como es una muestra representativa, nos lleva a creer que la población de alumnos en educación primaria de Barcelona y su provincia tiene un nivel coordinativo por debajo del esperado para su edadThe present study aims to assess motor coordination of primary-school students of Barcelona and its province. For evaluation we used the KTK test. 1254 people, 670 boys and 584 girls with ages between 7 and 10 years participated in the study. Descriptive analysis and the comparison between gender and age were performed. The results indicate that about 40% of the population studied presents results below normal, around 57% were classified with normal coordination and only 4.6% has been above this rating. The boys have presented significantly better results than girls. The study data do not permit to generalize the results, however as a representative sample, it leads us to believe that the student population in elementary education from Barcelona and its province has a coordinative level below expected for their ageAgrupació de Recerca en Ciències de l’Educació. U

    Vitamina C : una estrategia didáctica polifuncional

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo contextualizar contenidos curriculares de química: incursionando en el área de bioquímica, como elementos básicos de la formación en química del estudiante; proporcionando información general sobre las propiedades de la vitamina C que permitan al estudiante, como ciudadano, tener libertad de elección frente a la vasta publicidad que se ofrece, entre otros, en los medios masivos de comunicación; aplicando su cultura científica a situaciones de la vida cotidiana y, por lo tanto, valorando la importancia de la educación científica para poder ser capaz de conocer mejor lo que consume y poder opinar en forma crítica sobre ello. Se presentan técnicas sencillas para investigar la presencia de vitamina C en alimentos de uso común. Se discuten distintas estrategias de presentación y tratamiento del tema en los distintos niveles escolares con objetivos diferentes y se analizan cambios en la metodología de trabajo en el aula. Este trabajo fue presentado bajo la modalidad de taller en el XV Congreso Nacional e Internacional de Profesores de Química y los resultados y conclusiones a las que se arribaron fueron ampliamente satisfactorias, ya que permitieron una revalorización de la tarea educativa buscando un currículo más abierto donde el estudiante se sienta partícipe de su proceso de aprendizaje y encuentre contenidos científicos útiles para su vida.This paper attempts to contextualise chemistry curricula contents, entering the field of biochemistry, as basic elements for the formation of chemistry in the student by providing general information on the properties of C vitamin that allows the student, as a citizen, the freedom to choose in front of the huge publicity offered to them, among others, by the mass media. They can apply their scientific culture to everyday life, thus assessing how important scientific education is to be able to better know what is consumed and give a critical opinion. We present simple techniques to find C vitamin in commonly used food. We discuss different strategies to present and deal with this subject at different school levels with different aims, and we analyse the changes in the classroom working methodology. This paper was presented as a workshop in the 15th National and International Congress of Chemistry Professors and its results and conclusion were highly satisfactory, as they allowed revaluing the educational task aiming at a more open curriculum where the student feels part of his learning process and finds scientific contents useful in his everyday life

    Biofortificação com micronutrientes em trigo.

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    A alimentação humana deve considerar além de aspectos quantitativos, o valor nutricional dos alimentos produzidos

    Biofortificação de trigo no Brasil.

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    Entre as culturas alimentares, o trigo é importante na ingestão diária de alimentos e como fonte de energia, sobretudo nos países em desenvolvimento

    Tolerância à germinação na espiga em trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) em duas épocas de colheita.

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    O trigo é um dos cereais de inverno mais cultivados no mundo. A germinação na espiga tem sido constatada como um fator limitante na produção de grãos e na qualidade tecnológica para usos industriais

    Germinação na espiga em pré-colheita na cultura do trigo.

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    O melhoramento genético de trigo (Triticum spp.) tem buscado a criação de cultivares com maior produtividade de grãos e mais resistentes aos estresses bióticos e abióticos

    Livestock Performance for Sheep and Cattle Grazing Lowland Permanent Pasture: Benchmarking Potential of Forage-Based Systems

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    Here we describe the livestock performance and baseline productivity over a two-year period, following the establishment of the infrastructure on the North Wyke Farm Platform across its three farmlets (small farms). Lowland permanent pastures were continuously stocked with yearling beef cattle and ewes and their twin lambs for two years in three farmlets. The cattle came into the farmlets as suckler-reared weaned calves at 195 ± 32.6 days old weighing 309 ± 45.0 kg, were housed indoors for 170 days then turned out to graze weighing 391 ± 54.2 kg for 177 days. Therefore, it is suggested for predominantly grass-based systems with minimal supplementary feeding that target live weight gains should be 0.5 kg/day in the first winter,; 0.9 kg/day for summer grazing and 0.8 kg/day for cattle housed and finished on silage in a second winter. The sheep performance suggested that lambs weaned at 100 days and weighing 35 kg should finish at 200 days weighing 44 to 45 kg live weight with a killing out percentage of 44%. Good levels of livestock production are possible with grass and forage-based systems using little or no additional supplementary concentrate feeds

    The QUIJOTE experiment: project overview and first results

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    QUIJOTE (Q-U-I JOint TEnerife) is a new polarimeter aimed to characterize the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background and other Galactic and extragalactic signals at medium and large angular scales in the frequency range 10-40 GHz. The multi-frequency (10-20~GHz) instrument, mounted on the first QUIJOTE telescope, saw first light on November 2012 from the Teide Observatory (2400~m a.s.l). During 2014 the second telescope has been installed at this observatory. A second instrument at 30~GHz will be ready for commissioning at this telescope during summer 2015, and a third additional instrument at 40~GHz is now being developed. These instruments will have nominal sensitivities to detect the B-mode polarization due to the primordial gravitational-wave component if the tensor-to-scalar ratio is larger than r=0.05.Comment: To appear in "Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII", Proceedings of the XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society, Teruel, Spain (2014

    Pruning management of "Marselan" grapevines in the Serra do Sudeste region, in Southern Brazil.

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    The agronomical behavior of the ?Marselan? grapevine, indicated for the production of high-quality fine wines, is related to the management of the vineyard and the edaphoclimatic conditions of the cultivation region. This work aimed to evaluate the vegetative, productive, and qualitative behavior of ?Marselan? grapevines subjected to the Spur Pruning and Double Guyot pruning systems, cultivated in a municipality belonging to the Serra do Sudeste region, RS state, Brazil. The ?Marselan? grapevines were conducted in a vertical shoot positioning training system over a ?Paulsen 1103? rootstock, in a commercial vineyard located in Encruzilhada do Sul, RS, Brazil. During the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 cropping seasons the vegetative vigor, the mass of pruned shoots, Ravaz Index, production, and chemical-physical composition of the must were evaluated. The double Guyot pruning system in the ?Marselan? grapevines induced a lower plant vigor, promoted an increase in the number of bunches per plant, bunch mass, production, and yield. The pruning type interferes with the vigor and yield of the ?Marselan? grapes without altering must quality. In the management of the cv. ?Marselan? in the Serra do Sudeste region, Brazil, the double Guyot pruning system is the most indicated