14,064 research outputs found

    A Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich-Selected Sample of the Most Massive Galaxy Clusters in the 2500 deg^2 South Pole Telescope Survey

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    The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is currently surveying 2500 deg^2 of the southern sky to detect massive galaxy clusters out to the epoch of their formation using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. This paper presents a catalog of the 26 most significant SZ cluster detections in the full survey region. The catalog includes 14 clusters which have been previously identified and 12 that are new discoveries. These clusters were identified in fields observed to two differing noise depths: 1500 deg^2 at the final SPT survey depth of 18 ÎŒK arcmin at 150 GHz and 1000 deg^2 at a depth of 54 ÎŒK arcmin. Clusters were selected on the basis of their SZ signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in SPT maps, a quantity which has been demonstrated to correlate tightly with cluster mass. The S/N thresholds were chosen to achieve a comparable mass selection across survey fields of both depths. Cluster redshifts were obtained with optical and infrared imaging and spectroscopy from a variety of ground- and space-based facilities. The redshifts range from 0.098 ≀ z ≀ 1.132 with a median of z_(med) = 0.40. The measured SZ S/N and redshifts lead to unbiased mass estimates ranging from 9.8 × 10^(14) M_☉ h^(–1)_(70) ≀ M _(200(ρmean)) ≀ 3.1 × 10^(15) M_☉ h^(–1)_(70). Based on the SZ mass estimates, we find that none of the clusters are individually in significant tension with the ΛCDM cosmological model. We also test for evidence of non-Gaussianity based on the cluster sample and find the data show no preference for non-Gaussian perturbations

    UEFI BIOS Accessibility for the Visually Impaired

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    People with some kind of disability face a high level of difficulty for everyday tasks because, in many cases, accessibility was not considered necessary when the task or process was designed. An example of this scenario is a computer's BIOS configuration screens, which do not consider the specific needs, such as screen readers, of visually impaired people. This paper proposes the idea that it is possible to make the pre-operating system environment accessible to visually impaired people. We report our work-in-progress in creating a screen reader prototype, accessing audio cards compatible with the High Definition Audio specification in systems running UEFI compliant firmware.Comment: 6 page

    Spitzer Imaging of Herschel-ATLAS Gravitationally Lensed Submillimeter Sources

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    We present physical properties of two submillimeter selected gravitationally lensed sources, identified in the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey. These submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) have flux densities >100 mJy at 500 ÎŒm, but are not visible in existing optical imaging. We fit light profiles to each component of the lensing systems in Spitzer IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 ÎŒm data and successfully disentangle the foreground lens from the background source in each case, providing important constraints on the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the background SMG at rest-frame optical–near-infrared wavelengths. The SED fits show that these two SMGs have high dust obscuration with A_V ~ 4–5 and star formation rates of ~100M_⊙ yr^(−1). They have low gas fractions and low dynamical masses compared with 850 ÎŒm selected galaxies

    Non-equilibrium properties of the S=1/2 Heisenberg model in a time-dependent magnetic field

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    The time-dependent behavior of the Heisenberg model in contact with a phonon heat bath and in an external time-dependent magnetic field is studied by means of a path integral approach. The action of the phonon heat bath is taken into account up to the second order in the coupling to the heath bath. It is shown that there is a minimal value of the magnetic field below which the average magnetization of the system does not relax to equilibrium when the external magnetic field is flipped. This result is in qualitative agreement with the mean field results obtained within ϕ4\phi^{4}-theory.Comment: To be published in Physica

    Discovery and Cosmological Implications of SPT-CL J2106-5844, the Most Massive Known Cluster at z>1

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    Using the South Pole Telescope (SPT), we have discovered the most massive known galaxy cluster at z>1, SPT-CL J2106-5844. In addition to producing a strong Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect signal, this system is a luminous X-ray source and its numerous constituent galaxies display spatial and color clustering, all indicating the presence of a massive galaxy cluster. Very Large Telescope and Magellan spectroscopy of 18 member galaxies shows that the cluster is at z = 1.132^(+0.002)_(–0.003). Chandra observations obtained through a combined HRC-ACIS GTO program reveal an X-ray spectrum with an Fe K line redshifted by z = 1.18 ± 0.03. These redshifts are consistent with the galaxy colors found in optical, near-infrared, and mid-infrared imaging. SPT-CL J2106-5844 displays extreme X-ray properties for a cluster having a core-excluded temperature of T_X = 11.0^(+2.6)_(–1.9) keV and a luminosity (within r _(500)) of LX (0.5-2.0 keV) = (13.9 ± 1.0) × 10_(44) erg s^(–1). The combined mass estimate from measurements of the SZ effect and X-ray data is M_(200) = (1.27 ± 0.21) × 10^(15) h ^(–1) _(70) M_⊙. The discovery of such a massive gravitationally collapsed system at high redshift provides an interesting laboratory for galaxy formation and evolution, and is a probe of extreme perturbations of the primordial matter density field. We discuss the latter, determining that, under the assumption of ΛCDM cosmology with only Gaussian perturbations, there is only a 7% chance of finding a galaxy cluster similar to SPT-CL J2106-5844 in the 2500 deg^2 SPT survey region and that only one such galaxy cluster is expected in the entire sky

    A Measurement of the Damping Tail of the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum with the South Pole Telescope

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    We present a measurement of the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) using data from the South Pole Telescope (SPT). The data consist of 790 deg^2 of sky observed at 150 GHz during 2008 and 2009. Here we present the power spectrum over the multipole range 650 < ℓ < 3000, where it is dominated by primary CMB anisotropy. We combine this power spectrum with the power spectra from the seven-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data release to constrain cosmological models. We find that the SPT and WMAP data are consistent with each other and, when combined, are well fit by a spatially flat, ΛCDM cosmological model. The SPT+WMAP constraint on the spectral index of scalar fluctuations is n_s = 0.9663 ± 0.0112. We detect, at ~5σ significance, the effect of gravitational lensing on the CMB power spectrum, and find its amplitude to be consistent with the ΛCDM cosmological model. We explore a number of extensions beyond the ΛCDM model. Each extension is tested independently, although there are degeneracies between some of the extension parameters. We constrain the tensor-to-scalar ratio to be r < 0.21 (95% CL) and constrain the running of the scalar spectral index to be dn_s /dln k = –0.024 ± 0.013. We strongly detect the effects of primordial helium and neutrinos on the CMB; a model without helium is rejected at 7.7σ, while a model without neutrinos is rejected at 7.5σ. The primordial helium abundance is measured to be Y_p = 0.296 ± 0.030, and the effective number of relativistic species is measured to be N_eff = 3.85 ± 0.62. The constraints on these models are strengthened when the CMB data are combined with measurements of the Hubble constant and the baryon acoustic oscillation feature. Notable improvements include ns = 0.9668 ± 0.0093, r < 0.17 (95% CL), and N_eff = 3.86 ± 0.42. The SPT+WMAP data show a mild preference for low power in the CMB damping tail, and while this preference may be accommodated by models that have a negative spectral running, a high primordial helium abundance, or a high effective number of relativistic species, such models are disfavored by the abundance of low-redshift galaxy clusters
