338 research outputs found

    The use of cylindrical grinding to produce a martensitic structure on the surface of 4340 Steel

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    The present work concerns a university extension program involving students, developed in the period 2001-2006, the main objective of which was the promotion of social inclusion of a community in the municipality of Fernandópolis, São Paulo State, Brazil, by means of capacity building initiatives, generation of jobs and income, and improvements in food and nutritional security. Supported by members of the city’s Rotaract Club, the project was developed in three phases. The first was dedicated to the empowerment of people directly involved in the production of vegetables, fruit trees, and medicinal plants. This was followed by offering a course on total utilization of food and the preparation of nutrients in such a form as to fully use the available nutritional resources. The third stage concerned the creation and transmission of skills as a means of generating income and employment conditions, by offering courses on the manufacture of homemade cleaning products, food preparation (pasta), fruit and vegetable processing, and the small-scale processing of cassava. The results showed that gains were achieved in terms of the quality and variety of household meals, and opportunities were created for a large proportion of the participants to obtain income following training. This led to a change in local conditions due to the protagonist participation of the population, and contributed to improvements in food and nutritional security. The Horta Viva project demonstrated that university academic knowledge can assist in the improvement of local living conditions, in a manner that is not paternalistic but combines the promotion of human dignity, social inclusion, and citizenship. The project also enabled consolidation of the knowledge of the academics involved, due to their participation in the complexity and richness of a local reality. The success of this pioneering experience resulted in subsequent deployment of the project in northern Peru and in other cities in São Paulo State, Brazil.El presente trabajo es una experiencia de extensión universitaria desarrollada entre 2001 a 2006, la participación de los estudiantes universitarios, tuvo como objetivo principal la promoción de la inclusión social de una comunidad en el municipio de Fernandópolis, estado de São Paulo a partir de iniciativas de cursos de capacitación, de generación de empleo, además de mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición. Promovido por los miembros del Club Rotaract de la ciudad, el proyecto se desarrolló en tres fases, la primera dedicada a la capacitación de las personas directamente involucradas en la producción de cultivos de hortalizas, frutas y plantas medicinales, seguido de la realización de un curso sobre la utilización total de los alimentos y preparación de la mezcla de varios como una forma de plena utilización de los recursos alimenticios disponibles en los alimentos, y una tercera etapa caracterizada por la creación y transmisión de conocimientos como un medio para generar condiciones de empleo, ofreciendo cursos para la fabricación de productos caseros, de limpieza, de cocina - Pastas alimenticias, el procesamiento artesanal de frutas y verduras y el procesamiento artesanal de la yuca. Los resultados muestran que se lograron en calidad y variedad de comidas para los beneficiarios, se crearon las oportunidades de rentabilidad a través de la formación de una proporción significativa de los participantes, en general, permitió cambiar la realidad local a través de la acción protagonista de los participantes, lo que contribuye a la seguridad alimentaria y nutrición. El Proyecto Huerta Viva demostró ser una oportunidad para intervenir en el conocimiento de la universidad, para mejorar las condiciones de vida locales, en una perspectiva no asistencialista aliar la promoción del bienestar, la dignidad humana, la inclusión social y la ciudadanía al tiempo que permite la implementación y consolidación del conocimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios involucrados a través de su inclusión en la complejidad y la riqueza de una realidad local. Debido al éxito de este experiencia pionera, este proyecto se desplegó posteriormente en el norte de Perú y otras ciudades del estado de São Paulo.O presente trabalho trata de uma experiência de extensão universitária desenvolvida nos anos de 2001 e 2006, envolvendo estudantes universitários, tendo como objetivo principal a promoção da inclusão social de uma comunidade do município de Fernandópolis, estado de São Paulo a partir de iniciativas de capacitação, geração de trabalho e renda, além da melhoria da segurança alimentar e nutricional. Promovido pelos integrantes do Rotaract Club daquela cidade, o projeto foi desenvolvido em três fases, sendo a primeira dedicada à capacitação das pessoas diretamente envolvidas na produção vegetal de hortaliças, frutíferas e plantas medicinais; seguida pela realização de um curso sobre aproveitamento total dos alimentos e preparação da multimistura como forma de utilização integral dos recursos nutricionais disponíveis nos alimentos, e uma terceira etapa caracterizada pela criação e transmissão de habilidades como meio de gerar renda e condições de empregabilidade através da oferta de cursos de confecção de produtos caseiros de limpeza, de culinária – massas, processamento artesanal de frutas e legumes e o de processamento artesanal da mandioca. Os resultados mostram que foram obtidos ganhos na qualidade e variedade das refeições das famílias beneficiadas, que foram criadas oportunidades de obtenção de renda por meio das capacitações para expressiva parcela dos participantes e, que de modo geral, possibilitou a mudança da realidade local através da ação protagonista dos envolvidos, contribuindo adicionalmente para sua segurança alimentar e nutricional. O Projeto Horta Viva revelou-se uma oportunidade de intervenção do saber universitário para a melhoria das condições locais de vida, numa perspectiva não assistencialista aliando promoção da dignidade humana, inclusão social e exercício da cidadania possibilitando ao mesmo tempo a aplicação e consolidação de conhecimentos acadêmicos dos universitários envolvidos por meio de sua inserção na complexidade e riqueza de uma realidade local. Devido ao êxito desta experiência pioneira, este projeto foi posteriormente implantado no norte do Peru e outras cidades do interior do estado de São Paulo. ABSTRACT. The present work is a University Extension experience developed in the 2001-2006 period, involving students, having as main objective the promotion of social inclusion of a community of the municipality of Fernandópolis, São Paulo State, Brazil, from capacity building initiatives, generation of jobs and income, in addition to improving food and nutritional security. Promoted by members of the Rotaract Club of that city, the project was developed in three phases, the first being dedicated to the empowerment of people directly involved in the production of vegetables, fruit trees and medicinal plants; followed by offering a course on total utilization of food and preparation of nutrients as a form of full use of nutritional resources available in foods, and a third stage characterized by the creation and transmission of skills as a means of generating income and employment conditions by offering cooking courses of homemade products, cleaners-cooking pastacraft of processing fruits and vegetables and the small-scale processing of cassava. The results show that were achieved gains in quality and variety of meals of households, that have been created opportunities to obtain income by means of trainings for expressive portion of participants and, in general, led to the change of the local reality of the protagonist through the action involved, contributing in addition to their food and nutritional security. The Horta Viva Project proved an opportunity for intervention of the University for the improvement of knowing local conditions of life, in a perspective not paternalistic combining promotion of human dignity, social inclusion and citizenship while enabling the implementation and consolidation of academic knowledge of academics involved through their insertion in the complexity and richness of a local reality. Due to the success of this pioneer experience, this project was subsequently deployed in Northern Peru and other cities in the São Paulo State, Brazil. RESUMEN. El presente trabajo es una experiencia de extensión universitaria desarrollada en 2001 y 2006, la participación de los estudiantes universitarios, que tiene como objetivo principal la promoción de la inclusión social de una comunidad en el municipio de Fernandópolis, estado de São Paulo a partir de iniciativas de creación de capacidad, la generación de empleo e ingresos, además de mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición. Promovido por los miembros del Club Rotaract de la ciudad, el proyecto se desarrolló en tres fases, la primera dedicada a la capacitación de las personas directamente involucradas en la producción de cultivos de hortalizas, frutas y plantas medicinales, seguido de la realización de un curso sobre la utilización total de los alimentos y preparación de la mezcla de varios como una forma de la plena utilización de los recursos alimenticios disponibles en los alimentos, y una tercera etapa caracterizada por la creación y transmisión de conocimientos como un medio para generar ingresos y condiciones de empleo, ofreciendo cursos de toma de productos caseros de limpieza, de cocina - Pastas alimenticias, el procesamiento artesanal de frutas y verduras y el procesamiento artesanal de la yuca. Los resultados muestran que se lograron en calidad y variedad de comidas de los beneficiarios, que se crearon las oportunidades de ingresos a través de la formación de una proporción significativa de los participantes, y que en cambio en general, posible de la realidad local a través de la acción protagonista de los involucrados, lo que contribuye a la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición. El Proyecto Horta Viva demostro ser una oportunidad para intervenir en el conocimiento de la universidad para mejorar las condiciones de vida locales en la promoción del bienestar no la combinación de la dignidad humana, la inclusión social y la ciudadanía al tiempo que permite la implementación y consolidación del conocimiento académico los estudiantes universitarios involucrados a través de su inclusión en la complejidad y la riqueza de una realidad local. Debido al éxito de este experimento pionero, este proyecto se desplegó posteriormente en el norte de Perú y otras ciudades del estado de São Paulo. 

    Digestible lysine requirements of male broilers from 1 to 42 days of age reassessed

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    Three experiments were conducted separately to estimate the digestible Lys (dig. Lys) requirements of Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers using different statistical models. For each experiment, 1,200 chicks were housed in 48 floor pens in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 8 replicates. Broilers were fed diets with increasing dig. Lys levels from 1 to 12 d (Exp. 1), from 12 to 28 d (Exp. 2), and 28 to 42 d (Exp. 3). Increasing dig. Lys levels were equally spaced from 0.97 to 1.37% in Exp. 1, 0.77 to 1.17% in Exp. 2, and 0.68 to 1.07% in Exp. 3. The lowest dig. Lys diets were not supplemented with L-Lysine and all other essential AA met or exceeded recommendations. In Exp. 3, six birds per pen were randomly selected from each replication to evaluate carcass and breast yields. Digestible Lys requirements were estimated by quadratic polynomial (QP), linear broken-line (LBL), quadratic broken-line (QBL), and exponential asymptotic (EA) models. Overall, dig. Lys requirements varied among response variables and statistical models. Increasing dietary dig. Lys had a positive effect on BW, carcass and breast yields. Levels of dig. Lys that optimized performance using QP, LBL, QBL, and EA models were 1.207, 1.036, 1.113, and 1.204% for BWG and 1.190, 1.027, 1.100, and 1.172% for FCR in Exp. 1; 1.019, 0.853, 0.944; 1.025% for BWG and 1.050, 0.879, 1.032, and 1.167% for FCR in Exp. 2; and 0.960, 0.835, 0.933, and 1.077% for BWG, 0.981, 0.857, 0.963, and 1.146% for FCR in Exp. 3. The QP, LBL, QBL, and EA also estimated dig. Lys requirements as 0.941, 0.846, 0.925, and 1.070% for breast meat yield in Exp. 3. In conclusion, Lys requirements vary greatly according to the statistical analysis utilized; therefore, the origin of requirement estimation must be taken into account in order to allow adequate comparisons between references

    Eficiência técnica dos Institutos Federais por meio da análise envoltória de dados (DEA) / Technical efficiency of the Federal Institutes through the data envelopment analysis (DEA)

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    Este trabalho apresenta a temática de eficiência técnica da educação, em especial nos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IF’s), pertencentes à Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica (RFEPCT). O objetivo é identificar a eficiência técnica dos IF's no Brasil.Trata-se de uma pesquisa empírica, que utilizou a Teoria do Capital Humano como teoria de base.Quanto à metodologia é classificada como quantitativa, descritiva e documental. Tratou uma amostra não probabilística de 19 unidades, de uma população de 38 IF’s. Os procedimentos de coleta e tratamento foram apresentados em detalhes, para possibilitar futuras replicações. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da Análise Envoltória de Dados(DEA).Ao final do estudo foi identificada a fronteira de eficiência técnica dos IF's e elaborado um ranking, identificando os que servem de benchmark, que totalizaram 47,36% (09 DMU’s). A variação dos mais eficientes foi muito pequena no período. As conclusões remetem à eficiência dos IF's e sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento da educação no Brasil

    Management of the Class III malocclusion treated with maxillary expansion, facemask therapy and corrective orthodontic. A 15-year follow-up

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    The facial growth of Class III malocclusion worsens with age, in this case, the early orthopedic treatment, providing facial balance, modifying the maxillofacial growth and development. A 7.6-year old boy presented with Class III malocclusion associated with anterior crossbite; the mandible was shifted to the right and the maxilla had a transversal deficiency. Rapid maxillary expansion followed by facemask therapy was performed, to correct the anteroposterior relationship and improve the facial profile. The patient was followed for a 15-year period, after completion of the treatment, and stability was observed. Growing patients should be monitored following their treatment, so as to prevent malocclusion relapse

    Progressive in vivo detection of wooden breast in broilers as affected by dietary energy and protein

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    Wooden breast (WB) myopathy was investigated in broilers fed varying energy and protein at early ages. Correlation analyses were conducted between echogenicity of ultrasound images (US) of breast muscle from live birds and WB after slaughter. A total of 1,000 Cobb 500 one-day-old male chicks were fed on five dietary programs with eight replicates of 25 birds each, in a completely randomized design. Control feeds (commercially used ME and ideally balanced amino acids) or low-density feeds (low EP, with reductions of 50 kcal/kg ME and 0.20% dig. Lys compared to the control) were formulated. Feeds were provided in different periods: 1 to 7 d, 8 to 14 d, 15 to 21 d or 22 to 28 d. All broilers were fed a common basal diet thereafter until 49 d. Images using US were obtained once a week from all individuals and WB scored from one slaughtered bird per replication (0, normal; 1, mild hardening in the upper breast muscle; 2; moderate hardening in the upper and/or lower breast muscle; 3, severe hardening; 4, severe hardening with hemorrhagic lesions and yellow fluid). Blood was collected for enzyme investigation from the weekly slaughtered bird. Broilers had lower BWG and higher FCR when fed low EP feeds, regardless of the period fed when compared to the control (P < 0.001). Growth compensation, however, occurred afterwards such that all birds presented similar performance at the end. At 14, 21, and 28 d, broilers previously fed low EP feeds had lower WB scores (P < 0.001) compared to birds fed the control; however, both groups presented increased WB scores after 28 d. Wooden breast was positively correlated with breast echogenicity at 21 d (r = 0.31), 28 d (r = 0.43), 35 d (r = 0.21) and 42 d (r = 0.39). In conclusion, dietary energy and protein affected the development of WB scores in broilers and breast US images can be used as an early predictor of WB

    Chemical Restraining and Electroejaculation Protocols for Semen Collection in White-Lipped Peccary (Tayassu pecari)

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    Background: In order to reverse the White-lipped peccary decline, besides protecting its habitat and controlling hunting, it is necessary a captive breeding program. There are reports, however, on the low fertility of white-lipped peccary, making it difficult its reproduction in captivity, making artificial insemination one of the main tools to prevent the loss of genetic diversity of species kept in captivity. Information on safe methods of anesthesia and the collection of semen should be investigated. Therefore, we aimed to compare the effects of the anesthetic protocols acepromazine/ketamine and xylazine/ketamine, as well as electroejaculation protocols, for semen collection in white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari).Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve adult male white-lipped peccaries were submitted both to the xylazine/ketamine and acepromazine/ketamine anesthetic protocols. The anesthetic induction time and duration, the degree of muscle relaxation, the time for anesthetic recovery and the quality of the animals’ recovery were evaluated. Additionally, the quality of the sedation was evaluated based on the animal’s behavior. We also evaluated the effect of drugs on erectile functions as well as the efficiency of three electroejaculation protocols with increasing or fixed voltages (2 to 4 V; 5 to 12 V; 12 V). The acepromazine/ketamine combination promotes shorter induction time, duration and recovery from anesthesia than the xylazine/ketamine association. There were no differences, however, between the tested anesthetic protocols in relation to heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature. Ejaculate was obtained from only 2 animals when using the xylazine/ketamine protocol and adoption of stimuli between 5 and 12 V, with 10 stimuli at each voltage. In turn, ejaculate was obtained from four animals submitted to the acepromazine/ketamine protocol, three of them with the adoption of stimuli between 5 and 12 V and one with the adoption of fixed 12 V stimuli, with 45 stimuli at this single voltage.Discussion: The animals presented less deep anesthesia and, consequently, worse indicators of well-being during and after the collection procedures when submitted to the xylazine/ketamine protocol compared to the acepromazine/ketamine protocol. When submitted to the acepromazine/ketamine protocol, the animals allowed the observer to approach and handle them, facilitating handling and collection of semen, in addition to promoting better indicators of animal welfare. Also, with this aforementioned protocol, the animals showed better anesthetic return. For both anesthetic protocols, the protocol of increasing stimuli from 5 to 12 V, with 10 stimuli at each voltage, resulted in penile erection and in obtaining ejaculate in a greater number of animals in relation to the other electroejaculation protocols. In turn, the use of the growing protocol 2 V to 4 V did not even cause an erection in any of the 12 animals. From the ejaculates collected from the white-lipped peccary, volumes (0.2 to 1.0 mL) and average sperm concentration (379.1 x 106 sperm/mL) were comparatively higher than those from Pecari tajacu. The white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) is considered an aggressive animal, and this characteristic can explain the relatively low success in obtaining ejaculates, as aggressiveness is directly related to stress, which is an antagonist of ejaculation. Thus, we proposed to test chemical restraint with the aid of a blowgun in future studies
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