25 research outputs found

    Characterization and reproducibility of canoe slalom simulated races: physiological, technical and performance analysis

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    The aims of this study were to characterise and test the reproducibility of canoe slalom race simulations performed on two different days, analysing the physiological, technical and performance responses characteristic of the sport. Six high-performance male canoe slalom K1 athletes (age 17±2yrs) underwent two race simulations with an interval of 72 hours. The artificial course consisted of twelve gates. Each simulation was analysed the runtime, distance travelled, mean velocity; images were captured by the digital camera (JVC) and determined quantitative variables. Heart monitors (Polar, RS800x model) were used to record heart rate during race simulations and recovery; data were stored every 5 s, to determine the blood lactate concentration ([Lac]), blood samples were collected from the earlobe at rest and after 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 min of race simulation (recovery). Tests of normality (Shapiro Wilk) and variance (Levene) were applied. The variables were compared using paired t-tests. Intraclass coefficient correlation (ICC) and Pearson product moment were used for relationship. In all cases, the level of significance was pre-fixed at 5%. Differences between the first and second simulations could not be noticed. Another important indicator was the high correlation found between the runtime (ICC=0.71), distance travelled (ICC=0.77), mean velocity (ICC=0.80) and total number of paddles (ICC=0.79). The lactate levels on minutes 3, 5, 7 and 9 also pointed towards strong correlations (ICC=0.88, ICC=0.90, ICC=0.95 and ICC=0.90 respectively), which may indicate that the adopted simulation model seems to be practicable and of great value to canoe slalom evaluations.We would like to thank FAPESP and CNPq for providing financial support


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    The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is a small and docile rodent that is increasingly popularity as a pet. Therefore, their presence in specialized clinical care and the identification of new diseases, including neoplasms, is growing. Cytology, associated with other complementary tests, is one of the most frequently used tools in the diagnosis of neoplasms in veterinary medicine. A guinea pig was assisted at the Veterinary Hospital Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso (HVSBC) presenting a mammary nodule 5 months ago. In the cytology, the findings were suggestive of mammary adenoma. This report demonstrates the relevance of cytological diagnosis as a low-cost, low-invasiveness tool to presumptively identify a mammary adenoma in this species and thus contribute to a better clinical case management and appropriate treatment.O porquinho-da-índia (Cavia porcellus) é um roedor de temperamento dócil e de porte pequeno que está ganhando espaço como pet. Por isso, torna-se cada vez maior a sua presença em atendimento clínico especializado e a identificação de novas afecções, incluindo neoplasias. A citologia, associada a outros exames complementares, é uma das ferramentas mais frequentemente utilizadas no diagnóstico de neoplasias na medicina veterinária. Um porquinho-da-índia foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso (HVSBC) apresentando um nódulo mamário há 5 meses. Na citologia, os achados foram sugestivos de adenoma mamário. O relato demonstra a relevância do diagnóstico citológico como uma ferramenta de baixo custo e pouca invasividade para identificar presuntivamente um adenoma mamário nessa espécie e dessa forma contribuir para um melhor direcionamento do caso clínico e tratamento adequado

    Uma breve revisão literária sobre herpes zoster na faixa pediátrica com ênfase para as manifestações em imunossuprimidos / A brief literary review on herpes zoster in the pediatric range with emphasis for manifestations in immunosuppressed patients

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    Os herpesvírus humano apresentam transmissão por contato direto ou indireto de fluidos corporais contaminados. A varicela e o herpes zoster representam duas manifestações clínicas da infecção pelo vírus varicela zoster ou herpes zoster vírus. O herpes zoster resulta de reativação do vírus varicela zoster, o qual permanece latente em gânglios da raiz dorsal de nervos sensoriais ou de nervos cranianos após a infecção primária pela varicela, vivendo, normalmente, em uma relação harmoniosa com o organismo. O herpes zoster é raro na idade pediátrica, sendo sua incidência aumentada com o avançar da idade e em estados de imunossupressão, sendo menos grave do que em indivíduos adultos


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    To discuss patient care in the intensive care unit environment through the existing literature. Methods: This is a qualitative integrative literature review. The search for the works involved in the research was carried out in the following databases: SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF and MEDLINE, using the health sciences descriptors: "Hospital care", "Intensive care unit" and "Intensive care". The inclusion criteria were: published between 2014 and 2024, with free access to full texts, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish and related to the theme. Exclusion criteria were: duplicate articles, incomplete articles, abstracts, reviews, debates, articles published in event proceedings and unavailable in full. Results: Health professionals must analyze the degree of complexity of each patient admitted to the ICU in order to prevent complications, reduce costs and help provide quality care. Conclusion: The study showed that ICU patients need extra attention, as a number of highly complex procedures are carried out. Discutir por meio da literatura existente acerca dos cuidados ao paciente no ambiente de unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura de caráter qualitativo. A busca dos trabalhos envolvidos na pesquisa foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF e MEDLINE, a partir dos descritores em ciências da saúde: “Assistência hospitalar”, “Unidade de terapia intensiva” e “Cuidados intensivos”. Os critérios de inclusão foram: publicados no período entre 2014 e 2024, cujo acesso ao periódico era livre aos textos completos, artigos em idioma português, inglês e espanhol e relacionados a temática. Critérios de exclusão foram: artigos duplicados, incompletos, resumos, resenhas, debates, artigos publicados em anais de eventos e indisponíveis na íntegra. Resultados: O profissional de saúde deve analisar o grau de complexidade de cada paciente internado na UTI para assim realizar a prevenção de complicações, reduzir gastos, ajudar no cuidado de qualidade. Conclusão: O estudo demonstrou que os cuidados com os pacientes da UTI precisam de uma atenção redobrada, pois são realizados diversos procedimentos de alta complexidade

    Secondary dementia to traumatic brain injury in the frontotemporal region: a case report

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    Introdução: A demência caracteriza-se pela deficiência cognitiva persistente que influencia negativamente as atividades diárias do paciente, podendo ser classificada em primária ou secundária a depender da etiologia. Diante dos conflitos diagnósticos na clínica médica atual e devido aos vários subtipos demenciais existentes, descrevemos um estudo de caso sobre uma Síndrome Demencial de etiologia incerta de um paciente em faixa etária pré-senil. Métodos: Foram realizadas três consultas ambulatoriais no período de quatro meses, com a realização do Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e da Avaliação Cognitiva Montreal (MOCA), além de exames laboratoriais e de imagem para a elucidação do caso. Relato de Caso: Homem de 47 anos, com antecedentes pessoais de etilismo crônico por 35 anos, de tabagismo, de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e de traumatismo crânio encefálico (TCE) em região frontotemporal em 2006, desenvolveu transtornos neurocognitivos. Discussão: Na avaliação dessa síndrome demencial, procedemos com investigação clínica e complementar, em busca do diagnóstico e tratamento, na qual a história pregressa do paciente levou às hipóteses diagnósticas. Considerações finais: De acordo com os resultados dos exames, observou prejuízo da função cognitiva e redução volumétrica de massa encefálica após o TCE, obtendo melhora significativa após uso de Trazodona por doze meses.Introduction: Dementia is characterized by persistent cognitive impairment which negatively influences the patient’s daily activities and it can be classified as primary or secondary depending on the etiology. Given the diagnostic conflicts in the current medical clinic and due to the various existing dementia subtypes, we describe a case study about a dementia syndrome of uncertain etiology of a presenile age patient. Method: Three outpatient consultations were conducted over a period of four months, with the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA), as well as laboratory and imaging tests to elucidate the case. Case Report: A 47-year-old man with a 3-year history of chronic alcoholism, of smoking, of systemic arterial hypertension and of head trauma in the frontotemporal region in 2006, developed neurocognitive disorders. Discussion: In the evaluation of this demencial syndrome, we proceed with clinical and complementary insvestigation, in search of diagnosis and treatment, which the patient’s historic led to diagnostics hypotheses. Final Remarks: According to the exams results, it was observed impairment of cognitive function, and volumetric reduction of brain mass after the head trauma, and obtained significative improvement after taking Trazodona for 12 months

    São Paulo urban heat islands have a higher incidence of dengue than other urban areas

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    Urban heat islands are characterized by high land surface temperature, low humidity, and poor vegetation, and considered to favor the transmission of the mosquito-borne dengue fever that is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. We analyzed the recorded dengue incidence in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, in 2010–2011, in terms of multiple environmental and socioeconomic variables. Geographical information systems, thermal remote sensing images, and census data were used to classify city areas according to land surface temperature, vegetation cover, population density, socioeconomic status, and housing standards. Of the 7415 dengue cases, a majority (93.1%) mapped to areas with land surface temperature >28 °C. The dengue incidence rate (cases per 100,000 inhabitants) was low (3.2 cases) in high vegetation cover areas, but high (72.3 cases) in low vegetation cover areas where the land surface temperature was 29 ± 2 °C. Interestingly, a multiple cluster analysis phenogram showed more dengue cases clustered in areas of land surface temperature >32 °C, than in areas characterized as low socioeconomic zones, high population density areas, or slum-like areas. In laboratory experiments, A. aegypti mosquito larval development, blood feeding, and oviposition associated positively with temperatures of 28–32 °C, indicating these temperatures to be favorable for dengue transmission. Thus, among all the variables studied, dengue incidence was most affected by the temperature. Keywords: Urban heat islands, Land surface temperature, Vegetation cover, Dengue, Aedes aegypt

    Pain, physiological alterations and analgesia in patients submitted to medium-sized surgeries

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate pain intensity in postoperative patients, identify associations between physiological alterations and the presence of pain, and describe the analgesia used. This qualitative, longitudinal study was performed in a public teaching hospital by evaluating pain, physiological alterations and analgesic scheme of 351 patients in three postoperative moments following medium-sized surgeries. Descriptive analysis of the absolute and percentile frequencies was performed. The Chi-squared and Bonferroni’s tests were used to verify associations and variances. The occurrence of pain reduced with time in the postoperative period. Mild pain prevailed. The physiological alterations declined and were associated with pain in every moment of the studied period. Regarding analgesia, the fixed time scheme combined with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, simple analgesics and opioids were the most used. In conclusion, this type of analgesia helps to manage pain, which is associated with the presence of physiological alterations. Descriptors: Pain, Postoperative; Pain Measurement; Analgesia; Pain Management; Nursing Care

    Stridulivelia tersa

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    <i>Stridulivelia tersa</i> (Drake & Harris, 1941) <p>Fig. 55C, F</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Body length 4.7–5.0 mm; pronotal humeral angles not spinose; middle tarsus with narrow, falcate claws and setae-like arolia; first four or five visible abdominal segments with transverse lateral sulci; male hind trochanter unarmed or armed with small spinules (Floriano <i>et al.</i> 2017).</p> <p> <b>New records.</b> BRAZIL — <b>Espírito Santo</b> • Pancas, sandy stream; alt. 153 m; −19.0989, −40.8129; 24. VI.2022; JC Santos, JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, N Nery, CL Rodrigues leg.; 1 male, CEIOC 82249 • Pinheiros, Reserva Biológica do Córrego do Veado, Santo Antônio River, in front of the headquarter; alt. 55 m; –18.3713, –40.1417; 10. II.2009; FF Salles leg.; 1 female, UFVB • Pinheiros, Reserva Biológica Córrego do Veado, stream with a small waterfall; alt. 82 m; -18.3678, -40.1398; 24. IV.2023; JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, FFF Moreira, IS Medeiros, CL Rodrigues leg.; 7 males, 15 females, CEIOC 82901 • Pinheiros, Reserva Biológica Córrego do Veado, muddy stream; alt. 98 m; -18.3612, -40.1665; 24. IV.2023; JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, FFF Moreira, IS Medeiros, CL Rodrigues leg.; 10 male, 19 females, CEIOC 82902 • Sooretama, Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, Cupido Stream; [−19.07, −40.13]; 15.VII.2018; 1 female, UFVB • Same except Quirininho Stream; alt. 62 m; –19.0453, –40.1779; 30. IV.2009; FFF Moreira leg.; 1 male, UFVB • Same except 14. VII.2008; 1 male, UFVB • Same except Paraisópolis Stream; −18.9842, −40.2423; 15. VII.2008; 1 male, UFVB • Sooretama; 14–15.VII.2008; 1 male, UFVB • Same except Rodrigues Stream; −19.0269, −40.2276; 23. IV.2015; FFF Moreira, IRS Cordeiro, A Khila, S Viala leg.; 2 males, 2 females, CEIOC 21236 • Same except Cupido Stream; −19.0722, −40.1301; 22. IV.2015; FFF Moreira, IRS Cordeiro, A Khila, S Viala leg.; 3 males, 2 females, CEIOC 21237 • Same except alt. 61 m; −19.0259, −40.2354; 27. VI.2022; JC Santos, JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, N Nery, CL Rodrigues leg.; 1 female, CEIOC 82250 • Same except Córrego Cupido; alt. 50 m; between −19.0712, −40.1236 and −19.0637, −40.1113; 26. VI.2022; 5 males, 4 females, CEIOC 82251 • Same except stream; alt. 88 m; −19.0452, −40.1779; 27. VI.2022; 19 males, 11 females, CEIOC 82252.</p> <p> <b>Distribution in Brazil.</b> AL, AM, ES, MA, MG, MT, PA, SE.</p>Published as part of <i>Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, pp. 1-86 in Zootaxa 5393 (1)</i> on pages 77-78, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5393.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10437804">http://zenodo.org/record/10437804</a&gt

    Rheumatobates crassifemur subsp. crassifemur Esaki 1926

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    <i>Rheumatobates crassifemur crassifemur</i> Esaki, 1926 <p>Figs. 18C, 19B</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Body length 2.0– 3.6 mm; male antennomere IV with fairly uniform row of strong setae dorsolaterally; male hind leg strongly modified; male hind trochanter incrassate, inserted beyond base of hind femur, densely margined by long setae ventrally, without long basal spur; male hind femur without dense tuft of bristles extending forward from basal end, without T-shaped or anchor-shaped structure mesally (Hungerford 1954).</p> <p> <b>New records.</b> BRAZIL — <b>Espírito Santo</b> • Aracruz, do Norte River; alt. 35 m; −19.5857, −40.2131; 28. VI.2022; JC Santos, JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, N Nery, CL Rodrigues leg.; 4 males, 7 females, CEIOC 82190 • Barra de São Francisco, Cricaré River; alt. 162 m; −18.6997, −40.8681; 20. IV.2023; JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, FFF Moreira, IS Medeiros, CL Rodrigues leg.; 5 males, 20 females, CEIOC 82885 • Colatina, Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Colatina, Lento Stream, ponto ES05; −19.4943, −40.7627; 27. III.2009; FFF Moreira leg.; 1 male, 1 female, UFVB • Ecoporanga, swamp; alt. 438 m; −18.3444, −40.8792; 21. IV.2023; JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, FFF Moreira, IS Medeiros, CL Rodrigues leg.; 1 female; CEIOC 82887 • Linhares, Floresta Nacional de Goytacazes, puddle next to the BR-101 highway; alt. 16 m; −19.4235, −40.0784; 28. VI.2022; JC Santos, JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, N Nery, CL Rodrigues leg.; 7 males, 7 females, CEIOC 82191 • Pinheiros, weir; alt. 174 m; −18.2864, −40.4366; 22. IV.2023; JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, FFF Moreira, IS Medeiros, CL Rodrigues leg.; 7 males, 7 females, CEIOC 82886 • São Mateus, river, muddy shore trampled by cattle; alt. 77 m; −18.6405, −40.2596; 23. IV.2023; JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, FFF Moreira, IS Medeiros, CL Rodrigues leg.; 6 males, 7 females, CEIOC 82884 • São Mateus, Preto River, below the bridge; −18.7356, −39.7964; 29. IV.2009; FF Salles leg.; 1 male, UFVB • São Mateus, puddle; −18.7743, −39.7783; 13. III.2008; FF Salles leg.; 1 male, UFVB • Same except UFES lagoon; [−18.678, −39.875]; 11.XI.2008; JA Rúdio leg.; 22 males, 2 females, UFVB • Sooretama, Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, São José River; [−19.16, −40.21]; 11.IX.2014; R Paresque leg.; 2 males, 21 females, UFVB.— <b>Minas Gerais</b> • Viçosa, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, lake on fruticulture sector; −20.757, −42.8689; 01.X.2014; AM Novais leg.; 6 males, 4 females, CEIOC 76996.— <b>Rio de Janeiro</b> • Cachoeiras de Macacu, Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu, light trap; −22.4527, −42.7712; 07.XII.2016; D Rédei, Q Xie, Y Wang, FFF Moreira, RC Silva leg.; 1 male, CEIOC 76994 • Nova Iguaçu; −22.6707, −43.4244; 18.II.2018; PB Oliveira leg.; 1 male, 5 females, CEIOC 76995.</p> <p> <b>Distribution in Brazil.</b> ES, MG, MS, MT, PA, RJ, RS, SP.</p>Published as part of <i>Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, pp. 1-86 in Zootaxa 5393 (1)</i> on pages 28-29, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5393.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10437804">http://zenodo.org/record/10437804</a&gt

    Rhagovelia itatiaiana Drake 1953

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    <i>Rhagovelia itatiaiana</i> Drake, 1953 <p>Fig. 38C, F</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Member of the <i>itatiaiana</i> group (Polhemus 1997). Body length 3.1–3.4 mm; mesonotum orange or yellowish at least on central portion; main row of spines on male hind femur with one large spine followed by spines gradually decreasing in length; male abdominal sternum VII with median tuft of brown setae (Magalhães <i>et al.</i> 2023).</p> <p> <b>New records.</b> BRAZIL — <b>Espírito Santo</b> • Santa Teresa, Reserva Biológica Augusto Ruschi, Piraquê-Açu River; alt. 810 m; −19.8929, −40.5451; 22. VI.2022; JC Santos, JMS Rodrigues, NO Paiva, N Nery, CL Rodrigues leg.; 6 males, 6 females, CEIOC 82235 • Same except alt. 808 m; −19.8805, −40.5405; 22. VI.2022; 8 males, 11 females, CEIOC 82236.— <b>Rio de Janeiro</b> • Rio de Janeiro, Parque Nacional da Tijuca; −22.9571, −43.2928; 06.XII.2016; FFF Moreira, Y Wang leg.; 2 males, 5 females, CEIOC 81876 • Rio de Janeiro, Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Tijuca River basin; −22.9488, −43.2861; 03.XII.2014; FFF Moreira, JMS Rodrigues, FS Motta leg.; 7 males, 2 females, CEIOC 21268, 21283 • Rio de Janeiro, Jacarepaguá, Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca, Pau da Fome, Grande River; −22.9339, −43.4450; 03.XI.2014; FFF Moreira, JMS Rodrigues, IRS Cordeiro leg.; 1 male, CEIOC 21271 • Same except Camorim, waterfall; −22.9675, −43.4453; 10.XI.2014; 5 males, 4 females, CEIOC 21275.— <b>São Paulo</b> • São José do Barreiro, Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina, stream tributary to Mambucaba River; −22.7363, −44.6159; 07. II.2015; FFF Moreira, IRS Cordeiro, FS Motta, B Clarkson leg.; 1 male, 72 females, CEIOC 21299.</p> <p> <b>Distribution in Brazil.</b> ES, RJ, SP*.</p>Published as part of <i>Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, pp. 1-86 in Zootaxa 5393 (1)</i> on page 56, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5393.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10437804">http://zenodo.org/record/10437804</a&gt