1,077 research outputs found

    One-loop conformal anomaly in an implicit momentum space regularization framework

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    In this paper we consider matter fields in a gravitational background in order to compute the breaking of the conformal current at one-loop order. Standard perturbative calculations of conformal symmetry breaking expressed by the non-zero trace of the energy-momentum tensor have shown that some violating terms are regularization dependent, which may suggest the existence of spurious breaking terms in the anomaly. Therefore, we perform the calculation in a momentum space regularization framework in which regularization dependent terms are judiciously parametrized. We compare our results with those obtained in the literature and conclude that there is an unavoidable arbitrariness in the anomalous term â–¡R\Box R.Comment: in European Physical Journal C, 201

    The FuGas 2.5 updated for the effects of surface turbulence on the transfer velocity of gases at the atmosphere–ocean interface

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    Accurately estimating air–water gas exchanges requires considering other factors besides wind speed. These are particularly useful for coastal ocean applications, where the sea-state varies at fine spatial and temporal resolutions. We upgrade FuGas 2.5 with improved formulations of the gas transfer velocity parametrized based on friction velocity, kinetic energy dissipation, roughness length, air-flow conditions, drift current and wave field. We then test the algorithm with field survey data collected in the Baltic Sea during spring–summer of 2014 and 2015. Collapsing turbulence was observed when gravity waves were the roughness elements on the sea-surface, travelling at a speed identical to the wind. In such cases, the turbulence driven transfer velocities (from surface renewal and micro-scale wave breaking) could be reduced from 20 cm h1 to 5 cm h1. However, when peak gravity waves were too flat, they were presumably replaced by capillary-gravity waves as roughness elements. Then, a substantial increase in the turbulence and roughness length was observed, despite the low and moderate winds, leading to transfer velocities up to twice as large as those predicted by empirical u10-based formulations.FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through project LARSyS: FCT Pluriannual funding 2020-2023 UIDB/EEA/50009/2020; FCT: DL57/2016/CP [1361]/CT[0008].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An overview of geological originated materials as a trend for adsorption in wastewater treatment

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    Adsorption is a unit operation widely used for the tertiary treatment of the most diverse effluents, whose mechanism is based on removing recalcitrant compounds from the organic and inorganic origin. In this process, choosing a suitable adsorbent is a fundamental point. This review article focuses on the adsorbents with natural geological origin: minerals, clays, geopolymers, and even wastes resulted from mining activity. Therefore, over 450 articles and research papers were explored. These materials' main sources are described, and their characteristics, composition, and intrinsic properties are related to adsorption. Herein, we discuss the effects of several process parameters, such as pH, temperature, pollutant, and adsorbent concentration. Furthermore, equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamic aspects are also addressed, and relevant regeneration prospects and final disposal. Finally, some suggestions and perspectives on applying these adsorbents in wastewater treatment are presented as future trends

    Potential Post-Fire Impacts on a Water Supply Reservoir: An Integrated Watershed-Reservoir Approach

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    Wildfires are an increasing threat in the Mediterranean region, causing frequent losses of goods and human lives. Not only are wildfires a concern due to their immediate effects on vegetation and soil, but they can also have substantial impacts on surface water quality. Approximately one-third of the world’s largest cities obtain their drinking water from forest catchments. The removal of vegetation and consequent runoff increase with a high concentration of ash and sediment often leads to increased nutrient and contaminant loads to downstream reservoirs, damaging the aquatic ecosystem and threatening human health. This study focused on the post-fire degradation of surface water in Castelo de Bode reservoir, a strategic freshwater supply for Lisbon’s metropolitan area (2,000,000 inhabitants), Portugal. Output data from the catchment model Soil and Water Assessment Tool were used as inputs to the CE-QUAL-W2 reservoir model. CE-QUAL-W2 was then calibrated for water level, temperature, nutrients, total suspended solids, chlorophyll-a, and dissolved oxygen. The post-fire impacts were assessed by adjusting land use features (curve number, crop vegetation management factor), and soil properties (soil erodibility) in the catchment model, considering the different impacts of fire (low, medium, and high severity). The reservoir model was able to perform temperature seasonality and stratification while a weak performance was found for chlorophyll-a probably for having considered only a group of algae. Simulations showed a deterioration of water quality at the dam wall during the first year after the forest fire. Nevertheless, contamination did not appear worrisome with regards to water quality standards likely due to the capability of the reservoir to attenuate inflow concentrations

    Molecular diversity within the genus Laeonereis (Annelida, Nereididae) along the west Atlantic coast: paving the way for integrative taxonomy

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    The polychaete genus Laeonereis (Annelida, Nereididae) occurs over a broad geographic range and extends nearly across the entire Atlantic coast of America, from the USA to Uruguay. Despite the research efforts to clarify its diversity and systematics, mostly by morphological and ecological evidence, there is still uncertainty, mainly concerning the species Laeonereis culveri, which constitutes an old and notorious case of taxonomic ambiguity. Here, we revised the molecular diversity and distribution of Laeonereis species based on a multi-locus approach, including DNA sequence analyses of partial segments of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S rRNA, and 28S rRNA genes. We examined Laeonereis specimens collected from 26 sites along the American Atlantic coast from Massachusetts (USA) to Mar del Plata (Argentina). Although no comprehensive morphological examination was performed between different populations, the COI barcodes revealed seven highly divergent MOTUs, with a mean K2P genetic distance of 16.9% (from 6.8% to 21.9%), which was confirmed through four clustering algorithms. All MOTUs were geographically segregated, except for MOTUs 6 and 7 from southeastern Brazil, which presented partially overlapping ranges between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo coast. Sequence data obtained from 16S rRNA and 28S rRNA markers supported the same MOTU delimitation and geographic segregation as those of COI, providing further evidence for the existence of seven deeply divergent lineages within the genus. The extent of genetic divergence between MOTUs observed in our study fits comfortably within the range reported for species of polychaetes, including Nereididae, thus providing a strong indication that they might constitute separate species. These results may therefore pave the way for integrative taxonomic studies, aiming to clarify the taxonomic status of the Laeonereis MOTUs herein reported.This work was supported by the FAPESP (Grants n~ 2011/50317-5, 2015/25623-6, 2017/06167-5, 2018/10313-0) and CNPq through a productivity grant to A.C.Z.A (301551/2019-7). Marcos AL Teixeira was supported by a PhD fellowship (SFRH/BD/131527/2017) from FCT. Pedro Vieira was supported by a Post-Doctoral Fellowships (BPD1/next-sea/2018, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032). Filipe Costa and the University of Minho's contribution was supported by the strategic program UID/BIA/04050/2013 POCI-010145-FEDER-007569. Victor C Seixas was supported by a Post-Doctoral Fellowship sponsored by CAPES-PNPD (88882.316714/2019-01). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Ossification sequence of skull and hyoid in embryos of Caiman yacare (Crocodylia, Alligatoridae)

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    O crânio representa uma estrutura única e complexa dos vertebrados, sendo foco relevante objeto de estudos morfológicos e sistemáticos. Embora os crocodilianos constituam um importante grupo representante dos Archosauria, nossos conhecimentos acerca de seu desenvolvimento e homologias ainda são escassos. Aqui descrevemos uma sequência detalhada de ossificação dos ossos do crânio de Caiman yacare (Daudin, 1802), objetivando contribuir com informações de foco anatômico. Coletaram-se ao acaso embriões em intervalos regulares durante todo o período de incubação, sendo estes posteriormente submetidos a protocolo de diafanização e coloração de ossos. O padrão de ossificação em C. yacare segue parâmetros gerais em répteis e outros tetrápodes. Os primeiros centros de ossificação correspondem aos ossos dérmicos, envolvidos com funções primárias como a alimentação e respiração (e.g. maxila, dentário, esplenial, angular, pterigoide, ectopterigoide e jugal, incluindo ainda os dentes). Os ossos da porção dorsal do neurocrânio se ossificam posteriormente, evidenciando uma fontanela cranial que permanece até o momento da eclosão. Os ossos parietal, frontal e opstótico possuem mais de um centro de ossificação que se fundem durante a ontogenia. O centro de ossificação do parisfenoide está ausente, e apenas um centro de ossificação está presente para o basisfenoide. A porção posterior do crânio é formada por centros de substituição do condrocrânio que se ossificam em estágios posteriores.The skull is a unique and complex structure of vertebrates and a main focus of morphological and systematic studies. Although Crocodilians represent an important component of Archosauria group, our knowledge of the development and homology are few. Herein, we describe the detailed development sequence of skull of the Caiman yacare (Daudin, 1802) in an effort to contribute to filling this anatomical gap. Embryos were sampled randomly at a regular intervals during full incubation period and morphological descriptions are based on cleared and stained and embryos. The ossification pattern of C. yacare follow general aspects for reptiles and others tetrapods. The first ossification centers occur in dermal bones involved in primary functions such as feeding and breathing, like maxillae, dentary, splenial, angular, pterygoid, ectopterygoid and jugal, including the teeth. Bones of dorsal portion of the neurocraniun ossify later, showing a cranial fontanelle that remains at the hatching. The parietal, frontal and opisthotic have more than one ossification center that fuse during ontogeny. The ossification center for parasphenoid was absent and only one ossification center is present for basisphenoid bone. The posterior portion of the skull is formed for ossification centers of chondrocranium substitution that ossify in later stages

    Rhizopus arrhizus ucp1295 como fonte econômica para produção de biopolímeros funcionais quitina e quitosana utilizando substratos renováveis / Rhizopus arrhizus ucp1295 as economic source for production of functional biopolymers chitin and chitosan using renewable substrates

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    Neste trabalho foi investigada a produção de quitina e quitosana por Rhizopus arrhizus UCP 1295 isolado do solo da Caatinga do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, utilizando o efluente industrial de doces e milhocina como substratos de baixo custo, considerando a versatilidade de aplicação das biomoléculas. O micro-organismo foi cultivado em diferentes concentrações dos substratos efluente da indústria de doces e milhocina (CSL) em diferentes valores de pH, de acordo com um planejamento fatorial completo 23. Após 96 h de fermentação, a biomassa produzida foi liofilizada e submetida ao tratamento com álcali- ácido-. Os polissacarídeos extraídos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) na região do infravermelho. A maior produção de biomassa (14,11 g/L) foi obtida na condição 6 (8% de efluente industrial de doces, 5% de milhocina e pH 5), enquanto os maiores rendimentos de quitina (169,3 mg/g) e quitosana (239,1 mg/g) foram obtidos em meio contendo 4% de efluente da indústria de doces, sem milhocina, nas condições 3 (pH 7) e 1 (pH 5), respectivamente. A quitina apresentou grau de acetilação de 71,4% e a quitosana de 86,0%, de desacetilação, respectivamente. Além disso, foi demonstrado que o efluente industrial de balas e milhocina são substratos renováveis e alternativos na formulação de novos meios de produção de quitina e quitosana. A versatilidade das biomoléculas deve-se as suas propriedades bioquímicas únicas, como biocompatibilidade, biodegradabilidade, não toxicidade, capacidade de formar filmes e aplicações industriais promissoras

    Gene expression profiling of Trypanosoma cruzi in the presence of heme points to glycosomal metabolic adaptation of epimastigotes inside the vector

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    Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a potentially life-threatening illness caused by the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, and is transmitted by triatomine insects during its blood meal. Proliferative epimastigotes forms thrive inside the insects in the presence of heme (iron protoporphyrin IX), an abundant product of blood digestion, however little is known about the metabolic outcome of this signaling molecule in the parasite. Trypanosomatids exhibit unusual gene transcription employing a polycistronic transcription mechanism through trans-splicing that regulates its life cycle. Using the Deep Seq transcriptome sequencing we characterized the heme induced transcriptome of epimastigotes and determined that most of the upregulated genes were related to glucose metabolism inside the glycosomes. These results were supported by the upregulation of glycosomal isoforms of PEPCK and fumarate reductase of heme-treated parasites, implying that the fermentation process was favored. Moreover, the downregulation of mitochondrial gene enzymes in the presence of heme also supported the hypothesis that heme shifts the parasite glycosomal glucose metabolism towards aerobic fermentation. These results are examples of the environmental metabolic plasticity inside the vector supporting ATP production, promoting epimastigotes proliferation and survival

    How oogenesis analysis combined with dna barcode can help to elucidate taxonomic ambiguities: A polychaete study-based approach

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    Polychaetes are common in coastal and estuarine environments worldwide and constitute one of the most complex groups of marine invertebrates. The morpho-physiology of the female reproductive system (FRS) can be understood by using histological tools to describe reproductive cycle and gametogenesis paths and, among other purposes, aiming to identify and differentiate polychaete species. However, this histology-based approach is rarely combined with molecular tools, which is known to accurately delimitate species. In the same way, the description and understanding of oogenesis and vitellogenesis paths within polychaetes are lacking for most families, narrowing the range of its utility. Therefore, the present study aims to describe the oogenesis in three polychaete species common and abundant on the South American Atlantic coast (Laeonereis culveri, Scolelepis goodbodyi and Capitella biota) and investigate the utility of reproductive features and gametogenesis as a relevant associate knowledge to discriminate species, particularly useful for putative cryptic species, integrated with morphological and molecular data. In a first attempt, the results obtained herein allow the authors to describe two new subtypes of oogenesis, dividing it in extraovarian oogenesis type I and II and intraovarian type I and II. The results also demonstrate that the following histological characters of the FRS can be relevant for the separation of related species: a) oogenesis type, b) occurrence or absence of a true ovary, c) ovary tissue organization, d) type of accessory cells present, and e) oocyte morphology. Additionally, these histological features of FRS, when compared with correlated species studied under this scope, converge with the genetic data. The analysis of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) barcode sequences differentiates between North and South American Atlantic populations of L. culveri (16.78% genetic distance), while in S. goodbodyi and C. biota it discriminates them from their congeneric species. These results highlight theOs poliquetas são comuns em ambientes costeiros e estuarinos em todo o mundo e constituem um dos grupos mais complexos de invertebrados marinhos. A morfo-fisiologia do sistema reprodutor feminino (FRS) pode ser compreendida por meio de ferramentas histológicas para identificar e diferenciar estes anelídeos. No entanto, essa abordagem histológica raramente é combinada com ferramentas moleculares, amplamente conhecidas por delimitar espécies congenéricas ou crípticas com maior precisão. Do mesmo modo, a descrição e o entendimento da oogênese e vitelogênese dentre os poliquetas, para a maioria das famílias, é ainda limitado. Portanto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever a oogênese em três espécies de poliquetas comuns e abundantes na costa sul-americana (Laeonereis culveri, Scolelepis goodbodyi e Capitella biota) e investigar a utilidade das características reprodutivas e da gametogênese como um conhecimento associado relevante para discriminar espécies, particularmente útil para espécies crípticas putativas, integradas a dados morfológicos e moleculares. Os resultados aqui obtidos permitiram descrever dois novos subtipos de oogênese, dividindo-a em oogênese extra-ovariana dos tipos I e II e intra-ovariana dos tipos I e II. Os resultados também demonstram que os seguintes caracteres histológicos do FRS podem ser relevantes para a separação de espécies relacionadas: a) tipo de oogênese, b) presença ou ausência de um ovário verdadeiro, c) organização tissular ovariana, d) tipo de células acessórias presentes e, e) morfologia do ovócito. Além disso, essas características histológicas do FRS, quando comparadas às espécies correlatas estudadas sob esse escopo, convergem com os dados genéticos separando espécies putativas e congenéricas. As análises com DNA barcode demonstraram que em L. culveri é possível diferenciar as populações atlânticas Norte e Sul-americanas (16,78% de distância genética), enquanto para S. goodbodyi e C. biota fica evidente sua distinção com espécies congenéricas. Esses resultados destacam a importância da abordagem com múltiplas ferramentas e mostram que tanto a histologia quanto a histo-fisiologia do FRS e o DNA barcode podem ser usados para identificar e discriminar espécies crípticas e potencialmente crípticas, o que geralmente não é possível quando se utilizam apenas caracteres morfológicos. Além disso, esses caracteres também podem ser úteis na diferenciação de espécies relacionadas e / ou populações geograficamente distintas desses poliquetas.The authors would like to thank IB/UNICAMP, IO/USP and CEBIMar/USP for providing logistic support. In addition, the authors would like to thank the CBMA and the IB-S for the technical support. This work was supported by the FAPESP (Grants no 2011/50317-5, 2015/25623-6, 2017/06167-5) and CNPq through a productivity grant to A.C.Z.A (306534/2015-0). M.A.L.T was supported by a PhD fellowship (SFRH/BD/131527/2017) from FCT. P.E.V. was supported by a Post-Doctoral Fellowships (BPD1/next-sea/2018, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032). F.O.C. and the University of Minho contribution was supported by the strategic programme UID/BIA/04050/2013 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569

    Naturalness and theoretical constraints on the Higgs boson mass

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    Arbitrary regularization dependent parameters in Quantum Field Theory are usually fixed on symmetry or phenomenology grounds. We verify that the quadratically divergent behavior responsible for the lack of naturalness in the Standard Model (SM) is intrinsically arbitrary and regularization dependent. While quadratic divergences are welcome for instance in effective models of low energy QCD, they pose a problem in the SM treated as an effective theory in the Higgs sector. Being the very existence of quadratic divergences a matter of debate, a plausible scenario is to search for a symmetry requirement that could fix the arbitrary coefficient of the leading quadratic behavior to the Higgs boson mass to zero. We show that this is possible employing consistency of scale symmetry breaking by quantum corrections. Besides eliminating a fine-tuning problem and restoring validity of perturbation theory, this requirement allows to construct bounds for the Higgs boson mass in terms of δm2/mH2\delta m^2/m^2_H (where mHm_H is the renormalized Higgs mass and δm2\delta m^2 is the 1-loop Higgs mass correction). Whereas δm2/mH2<1\delta m^2/m^2_H<1 (perturbative regime) in this scenario allows the Higgs boson mass around the current accepted value, the inclusion of the quadratic divergence demands δm2/mH2\delta m^2/m^2_H arbitrarily large to reach that experimental value.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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