171 research outputs found

    Projekt EDUKA – vzgajati k različnosti

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    Projekt EDUKA – vzgajati k različnost

    The homing flight method to assess the effect of sublethal doses of plant protection products on the honey bee in field conditions: results of the ring tests

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    The evaluation of the potential effects of plants protection products on honeybee behavior is considered as part of the risk assessment according to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and the EFSA Guidance document (EFSA 2013). But no standardized and validated method is still available. With current revisions of plant protection product risk assessment on the honeybee, a European ring test is conducted since 2015 with 11 voluntary laboratories to test a methodology assessing the effects of sublethal doses of a plant protection product administered in controlled conditions on the homing capacity of forager bees in the field. Homing success is measured by monitoring free-ranging honey bees with radio-frequency identification (RFID) tagging technology

    Colegio y familia: Trabajo en equipo para la educación

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    Los dos agentes fundamentales e irreemplazables en la educación de la persona son la familia y la escuela. La familia es una comunidad relacional que históricamente ha pasado por varias etapas, pero siempre ha tenido un papel principal en la educación, adaptándose a las circunstancias de la sociedad de la época. Una estrecha relación entre familia y escuela ha demostrado una mejora de los resultados académicos y una mayor estabilidad emocional de los alumnos. La herramienta fundamental que facilita esa relación es la acción tutorial, llevada a cabo por el tutor. El colegio debe reconocer en la figura del tutor una pieza clave de la institución educativa y establecer unas condiciones adecuadas para el desarrollo de esta labor. Además de la tutoría individual, se ha encontrado que las escuelas de padres y tutorías familiares contribuyen a compartir los elementos que cada familia encuentra más útiles para la formación de sus hijos.The two essential and irreplaceable agents in the education of the individual are the family and the school. The family is a relational community that has historically gone through several stages, but has always played a major role in education, adapting to the circumstances of the society of the time. A close relationship between family and school has demonstrated improved academic results and greater emotional stability in pupils. The fundamental tool that facilitates this relationship is tutorial action, carried out by the tutor. The school must recognise the figure of the tutor as a key part of the educational institution and establish appropriate conditions for the progress his work. In addition to individual tutoring, it has been found that parent schools and family tutorials contribute to sharing the elements that each family finds most useful for the education of their children

    Impact of controlled neonicotinoid exposure on bumblebees in a realistic field setting

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    1. Pesticide exposure has been implicated as a contributor to insect pollinator declines. In social bees, which are crucial pollination service providers, the effect of low-level chronic exposure is typically non-lethal leading researchers to consider whether exposure induces sub-lethal effects on behaviour and whether such impairment can affect colony development. 2. Studies under laboratory conditions can control levels of pesticide exposure and elucidate causative effects, but are often criticised for being unrealistic. In contrast, field studies can monitor bee responses under a more realistic pesticide exposure landscape; yet typically such findings are limited to correlative results, and can lack true controls or sufficient replication. We attempt to bridge this gap by exposing bumblebees to known amounts of pesticides when colonies are placed in the field. 3. Using 20 bumblebee colonies, we assess the consequences of exposure to the neonicotinoid clothianidin, provided in sucrose at a concentration of five parts per billion, over five weeks. We monitored foraging patterns and pollen collecting performance from 3282 bouts using either a non-invasive photographic assessment, or by extracting the pollen from returning foragers. We also conducted a full colony census at the beginning and end of the experiment. 4. In contrast to studies on other neonicotinoids, showing clear impairment to foraging behaviours, we detected only subtle changes to patterns of foraging activity and pollen foraging during the course of the experiment. However, our colony census measures showed a more pronounced effect of exposure, with fewer adult workers and sexuals in treated colonies after five weeks. 5. Synthesis and applications. Pesticide induced impairments on colony development and foraging could impact on the pollination service that bees provide. Therefore our findings, that bees show subtle changes in foraging behaviour and reductions in colony size after exposure to a common pesticide, has important implications and helps to inform the debate over whether the benefits of systemic pesticide application to flowering crops outweigh the costs. We propose that our methodology is an important advance to previous semi-field methods and should be considered when considering improvements to current ecotoxicological guidelines for pesticide risk assessment

    Parasite-insecticide interactions: a case study of Nosema ceranae and fipronil synergy on honeybee

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    In ecosystems, a variety of biological, chemical and physical stressors may act in combination to induce illness in populations of living organisms. While recent surveys reported that parasite-insecticide interactions can synergistically and negatively affect honeybee survival, the importance of sequence in exposure to stressors has hardly received any attention. In this work, Western honeybees (Apis mellifera) were sequentially or simultaneously infected by the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae and chronically exposed to a sublethal dose of the insecticide fipronil, respectively chosen as biological and chemical stressors. Interestingly, every combination tested led to a synergistic effect on honeybee survival, with the most significant impacts when stressors were applied at the emergence of honeybees. Our study presents significant outcomes on beekeeping management but also points out the potential risks incurred by any living organism frequently exposed to both pathogens and insecticides in their habitat

    Fabry Nephropathy: An Evidence-Based Narrative Review.

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    Fabry disease (FD) is a rare, X-linked disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene encoding the enzyme α-galactosidase A. Complete or partial deficiency in this enzyme leads to intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) and other glycosphingolipids in many cell types throughout the body, including the kidney. Progressive accumulation of Gb3 in podocytes, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and tubular cells contribute to the renal symptoms of FD, which manifest as proteinuria and reduced glomerular filtration rate leading to renal insufficiency. A correct diagnosis of FD, although challenging, has considerable implications regarding treatment, management, and counseling. The diagnosis may be confirmed by demonstrating the enzyme deficiency in males and by identifying the specific GLA gene mutation in male and female patients. Treatment with enzyme replacement therapy, as part of the therapeutic strategy to prevent complications of the disease, may be beneficial in stabilizing renal function or slowing its decline, particularly in the early stages of the disease. Emergent treatments for FD include the recently approved chaperone molecule migalastat for patients with amenable mutations. The objective of this report is to provide an updated overview on Fabry nephropathy, with a focus on the most relevant aspects of its epidemiology, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment options.S