700 research outputs found

    Free spontaneous version in disciplinary matters (law 734/2002 and special arrangements law 836/2003 FFMM and 1015/2006 National Police

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    Frente al tema del derecho disciplinario sancionatorio entraremos a revisar como en Colombia se aborda en específico el tema de la versión libre y espontánea, teniendo en cuenta su historia, el concepto fundamental de versión libre y espontánea, si se ha respetado como derecho o sigue siendo tomada como deber, pues si bien es cierto vemos como en muchas coordinaciones jurídicas militares, los operadores utilizan este medio de defensa erróneamente, enfocándolo y usándolo como prueba, causando traumatología y dando como resultado nulidades procesales, pues cuando los presupuestos facticos son dados así, los abogados defensores invocan violación de derechos y principios fundamentales, por ende haremos una fundamentación jurisprudencial colombiana y un análisis comparativo a nivel internacional sobre la aplicación y manejo del tema disciplinario en otro país, para determinar el manejo al derecho disciplinario, que ley lo rige, y que aportes se dan, no es debido que el versionado sea llamado dentro de un proceso, su derecho de versión libre y espontánea se le da al comienzo del proceso disciplinario en concordancia con la norma facultativa, es por esto que se debe dejar fundamentado que la versión libre y espontánea es un Derecho y no un deber y su aplicación debe ser como tal.Address the issue of disciplinary law sanctioning enter to revise and Colombia is addressed in particular the issue of free and spontaneous version, taking into account its history, the fundamental concept of free and spontaneous version, if it is respected as a right or remains taken as a duty, because if it is true we see in many legal coordinations military, operators use this means of defense wrongly, focusing and using it as evidence, causing trauma and resulting procedural nullity, because when the factual circumstances are given as well, defense lawyers invoked violation of fundamental rights and principles, therefore we will make a jurisprudential foundation Colombian and a comparative analysis at the international level on the implementation and management of the disciplinary issue in another country, to determine the handling disciplinary law, which law governs, and contributions are given, not because the versioning be called within a process, the right to free version and spontaneous is given at the beginning of the disciplinary process in accordance with the voluntary standard, which is why it should be left grounded that the free and spontaneous version is a right and not a duty and their application should be as such

    Study of fare integration of bicing in the STI system

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    Urban mobility has recently become one of the main issues of local administrations and transport authorities. The public transport market has notice a clear increase in the mobility volume, since people’s tendency is to move to more complex and diverse daily trips. As a result, the demand of an extensive, intensive, flexible and integrated public transport system is becoming one of the main priorities for city halls and transport authorities. New flexible systems such as public bike sharing (PBS) appeared in many European cities as a solution to provide a complementary mode to cover l ast-step of trips inside congested areas. Between 2001 and 2011, above 400 schemes were implemented in the west part of Europe (European Commission, 2011). One of the keys of its success is its proper integration with other modes, which can be differentia ted in three different levels: • Physical integration, which responds to allocation of stations near each other to make easier transfers. • Integrated information, providing information about possible transfers between modes • Fare integration, referred to provide a global fare system for different modes. This project aims to study the particular case of Bicing, the large public bike sharing scheme launched in Barcelona in 2007. Defined as flexible, practical and sustainable way to travel, Bicing is known as one of the most popular schemes in Europe. The system is properly integrated with the other modes operating in the city, since its stations are located close to principal hubs in the city and clear information about the scheme is provided. However, no fare integration has been achieved, since the access to the bike sharing is only available to residents and through an electronical card. As a main point of this project, the possibility to fare integrate Bicing under the already consolidated fare integrated system (STI) in Barcelona will be studied. The main motivation is the recently forecast to launch an electronical card called T-Mobilitat that will supply the existing transport tickets in Barcelona, and could delete all access barriers with Bicing. The document will be separated in three parts, in order to firstly organize all available data and as a result of its analysis, study the possibility of fare integrate the scheme. On the one hand, Bicing data will be collected in order to analyze its demand, supply and financial patterns. On the other hand, the already consolidated performance of the STI system will be analysed, so its financial characteristics can be understood and particularized for each of the integrated modes. As a result, the potential demand and the range of competitiveness of Bicing scheme will be deduced as well as the possibility or not to integrate the scheme into the STI. Different scenarios to study the impact will be exposed, subject to the available data

    High-Temperature Mineral Formation after Firing Clay Materials Associated with Mined Coal in Teruel (Spain)

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    The production of porcelain stoneware has experienced a considerable increase. Therefore, it was necessary to undertake an investigation that would allow knowing the mineralogical evolution that porcelain stoneware undergoes during the firing process, as well as establishing the influence of the formation of mullite and other mineral or vitreous phases and their quantification. The firing transformations of mine spoils associated with mined coal in the Utrillas-Escucha-Estercuel and Ariño-Andorra areas are studied in this paper. The mineralogical composition of the bulk mine spoils is kaolinite, illite, chlorite, and smectites (in traces), with quartz and feldspar, and minor hematite, calcite, and dolomite. The main objective is to understand the generation of high-temperature mineral phases after firing, and their quantification. The formation of mullite and other high-temperature phases are studied from samples that include variable proportions of illite. Samples with a high content of illite generate mullite at 995 °C. Cristobalite was not detected as a high-temperature phase. Mullite is the most abundant mineral. The hercynite content is higher at low temperatures (995 °C), and hematite content is higher at 1150 °C. The vitreous phase represents about 50% of fired bodies. Despite observing a porous microstructure, the non-porous areas are well sintered

    Avaliação clinica, da hiperreatividade bronquica e de um marcador da inflamação no tratamento da asma

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    Orientador: Nelson A. Rosario FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Ciencias da SaudeResumo: A proteina cationica eosinofilica (ECP) tem sido considerada nos ultimos anos um marcador util da ativacao eosinofilica em pacientes asmaticos. Comparou-se a variacao do numero de eosinofilos e dos valores de ECP em criancas com asma atopica moderada pre e pos-tratamento com corticosteroide inalatorio ( Flunisolida 1000 mcg/dia) e com Fenoterol 800 mcg/dia. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 58 criancas com asma atopica moderada, com idades entre 7 e 16 anos. Elas foram divididas em 2 grupos homogeneos, sendo que concluiram o estudo 52 pacientes. Vinte e dois pacientes receberam 3 meses de tratamento broncodilatador (Fenoterol spray) e 30 receberam tratamento antiinflamatorio (Flunisolida spray). Todos foram submetidos a avaliacoes clinicas e espirometricas mensais, prova de broncoprovocacao com Metacolina antes e apos o tratamento, e receberam um diario para anotacao dos sintomas e PFE . Dos paramentros analisados, houve correlacao significativa entre o VEFi e a broncoprovocacao com Metacolina (PC2o). A diminuicao dos niveis de ECP com o tratamento por corticoide inalatorio foi significativa, bem como a reducao no numero de eosinofilos. No entanto, o tratamento com Fenoterol tambem reduziu os valores de ECP mas nao o numero de eosinofilos. Embora os niveis de ECP fossem elevados nestes asmaticos antes do tratamento, eles nao se mostraram fieis para expressar a inflamacao, pois mesmo com o P2 agonista tambem houve reducao de seus niveis. Neste grupo de pacientes, discordante com alguns dados de literatura, a ECP nao demonstrou ser um marcador util da inflamacao das V.A., por nao ter refletido a atividade da doenca nem ter apresentado correlacao com parametros espirometricos objetivos.Abstract: The Eosinophilic Cationic Protein (ECP) has been considered in the past few years as an useful marker of disease activity in asthma. We compared the variation of the number of eosinophils and ECP levels in atopic asthmatic children before and after treatment with inhaled corticosteroid (Flunisolide 1000 mcg/day) and Fenoterol 800 mcg/day. Fifty eight asthmatic children aged 7 to 16 years were divided into two treatment groups, 52 concluded the study. Twenty two patients were treated with Fenoterol and 31 with Flunisolide for 3 months. They were submitted to clinical and spirometric monthly evaluations, and received a diary for symptom score and peak-flow measurements (morning and evening). Among the analyzed parameters, we noted a significant correlation between the FEVi and the PC20 The decrease in ECP levels with corticosteroid treatment was significant, as was the decrease in eosinophil absolute number, although Fenoterol treatment also reduced the ECP levels without affecting the eosinophil number. Even thought the ECP levels were elevated in these patients before treatment, they didn't appeared to be useful to express the airway inflammation, once brondilator treatment (Fenoterol) reduced its levels. In this group of asthmatic patients, discording to some literature data, the ECP level wasn't an useful marker of airway inflammation, neither reflecting disease activity nor presenting any correlation with spirometric parameters

    Energia solar no Brasil: geração distribuída nos setores comercial e industrial

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    A preocupação com questões ambientais e com o desenvolvimento sustentável tem ocupado cada vez mais lugar nas discussões acerca de temas como planejamento econômico, industrial e energético. No que se refere à geração de energia, as fontes comumente utilizadas são os combustíveis fósseis (carvão mineral, petróleo e gás natural), energia nuclear e as hidrelétricas. Com o tempo o uso de painéis fotovoltaicos se difundiu para outras áreas e foi ganhando espaço como uma alternativa sustentável de geração de energia em residências, comércios, indústrias e nos mais diversos estabelecimentos. Este analisa o cenário geral de Geração Distribuída no Brasil com foco em energia solar fotovoltaica. O principal questionamento foi sobre quais seriam os possíveis impactos econômicos para o país com a tendência de aumento da geração distribuída de energia solar em estabelecimentos comerciais e/ou industriais. Para se chegar a essa discussão, no entanto, se fez necessário passar pelo cenário mundial de geração de energia solar, analisar a regulação específica para geração distribuída vigente no Brasil e compreender a atual participação do comércio e a indústria na geração de energia solar

    Technological behaviour and leaching tests in ceramic tile bodies obtained by recycling of copper slag and MSW fly ash wastes

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    The substitution of standard clays to residues, in this case copper smelter slag and fly ashes coming from the incineration process of MSW in traditional ceramics manufacturing, could suppose cost savings due to the use of recycling by-products as raw materials and reduce firing temperatures. However, these residues are considered a factor of air, soil and water contamination when its stabilization is not viable. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of adding this residue in manufacturing of ceramic bricks, as well as tested the immobilization of Pb and As in ceramic tile bodies obtained. Water absorption, linear contraction, and bending strength have been accomplished. The decrease in water absorption with the increase of waste added was tested. The incorporation of these wastes gives rise to an increase in strength. The results showed the viability of replacing up to 40% of clay with these residues, with an improvement in the resistance of pieces compared to ceramics made without adding residues. The immobilization of As and Pb was also observed in the ceramic bodies obtained. Leaching tests show that immobilization of both elements (As and Pb) improves with increasing firing temperature

    Prevalence of haemosporidians in a Neotropical endemic bird area

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    ABSTRACT: Haemosporidians are vector-transmitted intracellular parasites that occur in many bird species worldwide and may have important implications for wild bird populations. Surveys of haemosporidians have traditionally focused on Europe and North America, and only recently have they been carried out in the Neotropics, where the prevalence and impacts of the disease have been less studied and are not well understood. In this study we carried out a survey in the endemic bird area of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM), an isolated coastal massif in northern Colombia that contains a large number of biomes and that is experiencing high rates of habitat loss. We sampled birds from 25 species at 2 different altitudes (1640 and 2100 m asl) and determined avian haemosporidian infection by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing a portion of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of the parasite. From the sampled birds, 32.1% were infected by at least 1 of 12 unique cyt b lineages of haemosporidian genera: Plasmodium, Leucocytozoon, Haemoproteus, and subgenus Parahaemoproteus. We found a higher prevalence of avian haemosporidians at low altitudes (1640 m asl). All endemic bird species we sampled had at least one individual infected with avian haemosporidians. We also found evidence of higher overall prevalence among endemic rather than nonendemic birds, suggesting higher susceptibility in endemic birds. Overall, our findings suggest a high haemosporidian species richness in the bird community of the SNSM. Considering the rate of habitat loss that this area is experiencing, it is important to understand how avian haemosporidians affect bird populations; furthermore, more exhaustive sampling is required to fully comprehend the extent of avian haemosporidian infection in the area

    Assessment of the adhesive capacity of asphalt binders in the aggregate-binder bonds by means of new methodology

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    The main goal of this study is to present a new methodology to characterize the adhesive capacity (cohesion and adhesion capacity) of asphalt binders by means of new mechanical parameters. This methodology is based on the Fenix test, a test recently developed in Spain. This method assesses the cracking resistance of the asphalt mixtures, and it has been adapted to characterize the bonding power of asphalt binders. The main parameters achieved with this procedure are related to the energy dissipated during the breaking between the asphalt binder and the aggregate, when these materials are subjected to tensile stress; essential parameters related to the adhesive capacity of asphalt binders. The results of an experimental stage are presented in this research, in which the proposed methodology has been applied to analyse the behaviour of the binder in the aggregate-binder matrix according to temperature variation and the effect of water and ageing; taking into account aggregates of the same origin and with a different shape pattern. The results show that the parameters achieved from this new methodology allows characterizing the adhesive capacity of asphalt binders in the different conditions assessed.Postprint (published version


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    Dentro del Plan de Desarrollo Estatal de Tabasco 2013-2018, se contempla el Programa Escuelas de Calidad (PEC), el cual inició en el ciclo Escolar 2001-2002, el PEC pretende establecer en la escuela pública, un nuevo modelo de autogestión, con base en los principios de libertad en la toma de decisiones, liderazgo compartido, trabajo en equipo, prácticas docentes flexibles, acordes a la diversidad de los educandos, planeación participativa, evaluación para la mejora continua, participación social responsable y rendición de cuentas. El PEC es financiado con recursos públicos (Federal y Estatal), y en cada ciclo escolar se destina una inversión variable para la operación de este, sin embargo es los últimos 4 ciclos escolares, se observa que el PEC no ha podido cumplir con todos su objetivos por diversas razones y entre ellas se encuentra la inversión, ya que esta tiene un impacto directo en el cumplimiento del PEC; por esta razón se busca determinar a través de las Técnicas de análisis regional, específicamente calculando el coeficiente de variación con respecto a la inversión que se ha hecho en los últimos 4 ciclos escolares para determinar si ha ido aumentando, disminuyendo o ha permanecido igual. Para este caso se encontró que la inversión disminuyó en el ciclo escolar 2015-2016, a pesar de que fueron 61 escuelas beneficiadas menos que en el ciclo anterior, y esto ha generado que no se cumplan los objetivos en forma y en el tiempo planeado

    Biologia e dinâmica populacional do percevejo-do-bronzeamento, Thaumastocoris peregrinus

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    RESUMO   O percevejo-­‐do-­‐bronzeamento, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, é  uma praga do  eucalipto recente em Portugal, com impacte reconhecido a nível mundial, mas ainda insuficientemente conhecida.  Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo de alguns aspetos da biologia e ecologia de T. peregrinus, no sentido de melhorar o conhecimento sobre a espécie.   Neste contexto realizou‐se um estudo que consistiu em três partes: criação de T. peregrinus em laboratório; ensaio laboratorial de preferência (alimentação e oviposição) por três hospedeiros (Eucalyptus globulus, E. camaldulensis e híbrido E. grandis x E. viminalis); e monitorização da dinâmica populacional de T. peregrinus em campo relacionando-­‐a com variáveis climáticas (temperatura, humidade relativa e precipitação).   Foi otimizado um método de criação do percevejo que permitiu estabelecer populações laboratoriais estáveis.  Os insetos aceitaram alimentar-­‐se dos três materiais genéticos testados em ensaio mas houve diferenças quanto à oviposição, sendo E. camaldulensis a espécie preferida e E. globulus a espécie onde colocaram menos ovos.  O percevejo foi monitorizado em campo com armadilhas cromotrópicas amarelas tendo-­‐se verificado que o pico populacional da praga ocorreu no período mais quente e seco do ano.  Confirmou-­‐se ainda que E. globulus não deverá ser um hospedeiro preferencial em campo à imagem do que se verificou em laboratório.     Palavras-­‐chave:   Thaumastocoris  peregrinus,   eucalipto,  dinâmica  populacional,   preferência  pelo  hospedeiro,  criação  em  laboratório     ABSTRACT   The  bronze  bug   Thaumastocoris  peregrinus   is  a  eucalypt  pest  recently  found  in   Portugal,  worldwide  acknowledged  impact  but  insufficiently  known.  The  present  work   aims  to  study  aspects  of  the  bronze  bug’s  biology  and  ecology,  in  order  to  improve   knowledge  on  the  species.   In  this  context,  a  three  part  study  was  performed  consisting  of:  laboratory  rearing  of   T.  peregrinus;  laboratory  trials  on  preference  (feeding  and  oviposition)  for  three  hosts   (Eucalyptus  globulus,  E.  camaldulensis  and  E.  grandis  x  E.  viminalis  hybrid);and  field   monitoring  of  the  bronze  bug’s  population  dynamics,  which  was  linked  with  climate   variables  (temperature,  relative  humidity,  and  rainfall).   A  rearing  method  for  the  bronze  bug  was  optimized  which  allowed  for  the   establishment  of  stable  laboratory  populations.   The  insects  accepted  to  feed  on  the  three  genetic  materials  tested  in  laboratory  trials,   but  differences  were  found  regarding  oviposition.  Eucalyptus  camaldulensis  was  the   preferred  species  for  oviposition  whereas  the  least  eggs  were  laid  on  E.  globulus.   Yellow  sticky  traps  were  used  to  monitor  field  populations  of  T.  peregrinus  and  its   population  peak  was  found  to  occur  during  the  warmest  and  driest  period.  Similarly  to   what  was  found  through  laboratory  trials,  E.  globulus  was  not  a  preferred  host  under   field  conditions.         Keywords:   Thaumastocoris  peregrinus,   eucalypt,  population  dynamics,  host   preference,  laboratory  rearing