6 research outputs found

    Afecciones laríngeas en trabajadores de la enseñanza

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    Se realizó un estudio observacional y descriptivo, de corte transversal, basado en profesores del Instituto Preuniversitario "Rafael María de Mendive" de Santiago de Cuba para determinar la morbilidad por afecciones laríngeas. Se precisó la existencia o no de enfermedades mediante el interrogatorio y examen clínico, que incluyó la laringoscopia indirecta. Se analizaron factores de riesgo asociados, tales como: edad, sexo, somatotipo, hábitos tóxicos, carga docente y antecedentes patológicos personales, dados por infecciones en las vías respiratorias altas y cavidad bucal, trastornos emocionales, así como presencia de polvo ambiental y ruido. Resultó significativa la asociación entre las afecciones laríngeas y la sobrecarga docente, los trastornos emocionales, los antecedentes patológicos personales y la convergencia de más de 3 factores de riesgo.We conducted an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of morbidity from laryungeal diseases in teachers who work at "Rafael María de Mendive" high school in Santiago de Cuba province. Through questioning and clinical examination including indirect laryngoscopy, we detected the presence or absence of such disease. Associated risk factors were analyzed such as age, sex, somatotype, toxic habits, teaching responsibilities, individual pathologic histories given by infections in upper respiratory tracts and oral cavity; emotional dosorders, and enviromental dust and noise. There was a significant linking between laryngeal diseases and teaching excessive work, emotional disorders, individual pathologic histories and over 3 converging risk factors

    Economic threshold for Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) in clementine mandarins Citrus clementina

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    Tetranychus urticae is a key pest of citrus in Spain, especially of clementine mandarin trees. The effects of this mite on fruit production were assessed in 24 clementine trees for three consecutive years. Trees were visited weekly and spider mite and phytoseiid mite populations and leaf flush patterns were estimated. At the end of the season, mandarins were harvested, weighed, and mite damage (scarring on the fruit) characterized. Negative relationships between spider mite density and yield (kg/tree) and fruit damage (% scarred fruit rind) were found. The multivariate regressions highlighted the key role of phytoseiid mites and leaf flush patterns, which were negatively related to fruit damage. The shortest sampling period that satisfactorily predicted fruit damage at harvest, extended from August to mid-October. For IPM purposes, an action threshold of 31.1 mites m(-2) of symptomatic leaf was estimated. Taking into account spider mite dynamics, the economic threshold ranged from 10 to 15 mites m(-2) of symptomatic leaf. When this threshold is exceeded growers would have a 1-week window to apply the control technologies against T. urticae of their choice

    Palmprotect,an European applied research action devoted to palm borer pests

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    Palm Protect is an EU-funded program (2012-14) entitled: “Strategies for eradication and containment of invasive palm borers, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus and Paysandisia archon. The project aims at throwing light on aspects of the pest biology in Europe, which are unknown and preclude efficient control, validating new and reliable methods for detection and control, and implementing them into strategies for eradication of the palm borers both at the points of entry in the EU and in the infested areas. The project also aims at providing with an economic analysis to value palm services and management options and to disseminate the findings to the stakeholders. Palm Protect associates 12 research organisations, 1 SME, UK, France, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Israel and Egypt. It is based on 6 actions: Management, Biology, Detection, Control, Economics and Dissemination. France contributes by INRA (Versailles et Sophia Antipolis) and CIRAD, which are particularly involved to provide new fundamentals about adult mobility, semiochemicals and parasitoids. The results will make it possible to improve European regulation and its efficacy from a consolidated scientific background in compliance with the standards in force for pest controlPalm Protect est un programme financé par l’UE (2012-14) intitulé ‘Stratégies pour l'éradication et le confinement des ravageurs invasifs des palmiers P. archon et R. ferrugineus’. Il a pour objectifs d’éclairer les éléments inconnus de la biologie en Europe de ces espèces qui limitent l’efficacité de la lutte, de valider des méthodes et des stratégies fiables et nouvelles pour leur détection, leur gestion et leur éradication tant aux points d’entrée que dans les zones contaminées. Palm Protect diffusera le fruit de ces travaux à tous les acteurs de la filière ‘palmiers’. Le programme associe 12 organismes de recherche, une PME, le Royaume-Uni, l’Espagne, la France, la Grèce, l’Italie, la Slovénie, Israël et L’Egypte. Il comprend 6 actions : Coordination, Biologie, Détection et surveillance, Lutte, Economie et Diffusion des acquis. La France contribue par l'INRA (Versailles et Sophia Antipolis) et le CIRAD, et s’implique fortement dans l’acquisition de connaissances nouvelles sur le déplacement des adultes, les médiateurs chimiques et les parasitoïdes. Les résultats serviront de base pour améliorer la réglementation européenne et son efficacité à partir de données scientifiques en application des règles générales en vigueur pour le contrôle des bio-agresseur