307 research outputs found

    Función de la sumoilación en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso central de vertebrados

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    La formacion del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC) y la diferenciacion de neuronas, celulas gliales y otros tipos celulares que lo conforman, son procesos esenciales que implican un gran número de eventos celulares que tienen lugar durante el desarrollo en los eucariotas superiores. Estos eventos incluyen la activacion de varias rutas de senalizacion o el control transcripcional de un gran número de genes, siendo todos ellos mecanismos que tienen que ser regulados de una forma muy precisa en la celula. Muchos son los procesos celulares en los que la modificacion post-traduccional por SUMO se ha visto implicada, pero todavia no se ha establecido una funcion clara de la SUMOilacion en el desarrollo neural, constituyendo el establecimiento de esta funcion el objetivo principal de esta tesis.Morphogenesis of the Central Nervous System (CNS), as well as differentiation of the neurons, glia and other cell types that comprise it, is an essential process involving a great number of cellular events that take place during development of higher eukaryotes. These events include activation of a variety of signalling pathways and the transcriptional control of several genes, all comprising mechanisms that need to be tightly regulated in the cell. Many are the cellular processes regulated by the post-translational modification of proteins by SUMO, but a role for SUMOylation in neuronal development remains unestablished and, therefore, constitutes the aim of this thesis

    Dermatomiositis luego de implante mamario de silicona

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    El primer caso de enfermedad reumática asociada a implante mamario de silicona fue reportado en 1982. Desde esa fecha, los estudios epidemiológicos no han demostrado una asociación estadística entre estas dos entidades. La exposición a la silicona se ha asociado a la patogénesis de enfermedades autoinmunes. Un nuevo síndrome fue descripto y llamado “ASIA” (auto-inflammatory Syndrom Induced by Adyuvant) por Agmon-Levin y Shoeneld Y . Este síndrome abarca síntomas que aparecen luego de una exposición crónica a silicona, tetrametilpentadecano, pristaine, aluminio y otros adyuvantes. Este caso describe a una mujer que desarrolla dermatomiositis luego de seis meses de un implante mamario de silicona con anticuerpos antiosfolipídicos

    Analyse des préférences de paysage urbain dans les voitures compacter et des zones postindustrielles à Vitoria-Gasteiz. Implications pour la planification urbaine

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    The urban characteristics of postindustrial urban expansions developed in recent decades in many Spanish cities have notable differences with preexisting central and pericentral more compact neighborhoods. In order to study how these urban differences are perceived by the citizens of Vitoria- Gasteiz, 250 residents in compact neighborhoods of the city were surveyed on their preferences among the urban landscape of their neighborhood and that of the post-industrial neighborhoods. It was noted that the vast majority of respondents preferred their compact neighborhood in aspects of sociability, accessibility to services and overall welfare. The results were compared with those of a previous study in which a similar survey was conducted to residents of a postindustrial neighborhood. The implications of the results are discussed to develop a more sustainable town planning that integrates the perception of the users if the city.Las características urbanísticas de las expansiones urbanas postindustriales desarrolladas en las últimas décadas en numerosas ciudades españolas presentan diferencias notables con las de barrios centrales y pericentrales más compactos preexistentes. Con el fin de estudiar cómo son percibidas por los ciudadanos de Vitoria-Gasteiz dichas diferencias urbanísticas, se realizaron 250 encuestas a residentes en los barrios compactos de la ciudad sobre sus preferencias entre el paisaje urbano de su barrio y el de los barrios postindustriales. Se observó que la gran mayoría de los encuestados prefirieron su compacto barrio en aspectos de sociabilidad, accesibilidad a servicios y bienestar global. Los resultados obtenidos se contrastaron con los de un estudio previo en el que una encuesta similar fue realizada a residentes en un barrio postindustrial. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados para desarrollar una práctica urbanística más sostenible y que integre la percepción de los usuarios de la ciudad.Les caractéristiques urbaines d'expansions urbaines postindustrielles développés au cours des dernières décennies dans de nombreuses villes espagnoles ont des différences notables provenant des installations existantes et les quartiers plus compacts pericentrales. Afin d'étudier la façon dont ils sont perçus par les citoyens de Vitoria-Gasteiz ces différences urbaines, 250 résidents ont été interrogés dans les quartiers compacts de la ville sur leurs préférences entre le paysage urbain du quartier et des quartiers post-industriels. Il a été noté que la grande majorité des répondants préféraient leurs aspects de voisinage compact de la sociabilité, l'accessibilité et l'ensemble des services de bien-être. Les résultats ont été comparés avec ceux d'une étude précédente dans laquelle une enquête similaire a été menée sur un postindustrielles résidents du quartier. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutés à développer un plus durable urbanisme qui intègre l'utilisateur la perception de la ville

    Resilience Scale Psychometric Study. Adaptation to the Spanish Population in Nursing Students

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    Nursing students and professionals are exposed to highly stressful clinical situations. However, when confronted with stress, which is exacerbated by academic and professional situations, there is a great disparity between those who do not know how to respond suitably to the demands from patients or teachers due to a lack of competence and personal resistance, and those who are more resilient and develop a greater range of strengths. This research aims to analyse the validity and psychometric characteristics of a questionnaire on resilience adapted to Spanish nursing bachelor's degree students. The participants were 434 undergraduate nursing students from the province of Valencia (Spain) between 17 and 54 years of age (Mean, M = 21; Standard Deviation, SD = 0.320), 104 of whom were men (24%) and 330 women (76%). A cross-sectional group evaluation was carried out in the university itself, adhering to the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki. Based on the descriptive, factorial, exploratory and confirmatory analyses, it was possible to confirm the suitability of the questionnaire and its adaptation to nursing students. The model is thus suitable for evaluating the population under study. Furthermore, there are statistically significant differences depending on age and gender. The results show that the questionnaire analysed is suited to evaluating resilience among Spanish nursing students, thereby justifying the adaptation of a scale of this nature to foster resilience among nursing students and nurses in professional life, who are exposed to critical situations with patients' suffering, deterioration or death. Our study highlights important practical implications: Spanish nursing studies involve theory and practice, but students and nurses in professional life have to confront critical situations of patients' suffering, deterioration, or death. These situations cause stress and feelings of impotence that may lead to chronic stress and even suicidal thoughts

    Isokinetic leg strength and power in elite handball players

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    Isokinetic strength evaluation of the knee flexion and extension in concentric mode of contraction is an important part of the comprehensive evaluation of athletes. The aims of this study were to evaluate the isokinetic knee peak torque in both the extension and flexion movement in the dominant and non-dominant leg, and the relationship with jumping performance. Twelve elite male handball players from the top Spanish handball division voluntary participated in the study (age 27.68 ± 4.12 years; body mass 92.89 ± 12.34 kg; body height 1.90 ± 0.05 m). The knee extensor and flexor muscle peak torque of each leg were concentrically measured at 60º/s and 180º/s with an isokinetic dynamometer. The Squat Jump and Countermovement Jump were performed on a force platform to determine power and vertical jump height. Non-significant differences were observed between legs in the isokinetic knee extension (dominant= 2.91 ± 0.53 Nm/kg vs non-dominant = 2.70 ± 0.47 Nm/kg at 60º/s; dominant = 1.90 ± 0.31 Nm/kg vs non-dominant = 1.83 ± 0.29 Nm/kg at 180º/s) and flexion peak torques (dominant = 1.76 ± 0.29 Nm/kg vs non-dominant = 1.72 ± 0.39 Nm/kg at 60º/s; dominant = 1.30 ± 0.23 Nm/kg vs non-dominant = 1.27 ± 0.35 Nm/kg at 180º/s). Low and non-significant correlation coefficients were found between the isokinetic peak torques and vertical jumping performance (SJ = 31.21 ± 4.32 cm; CMJ = 35.89 ± 4.20 cm). Similar isokinetic strength was observed between the legs; therefore, no relationship was found between the isokinetic knee flexion and extension peak torques as well as vertical jumping performance in elite handball players.Actividad Física y Deport

    The diabetes-linked transcription factor PAX4: from gene to functional consequences

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    Paired box 4 (PAX4) is a key factor in the generation of insulin producing β-cells during embryonic development. In adult islets, PAX4 expression is sequestered to a subset of β-cells that are prone to proliferation and more resistant to stress-induced apoptosis. The importance of this transcription factor for adequate pancreatic islets functionality has been manifested by the association of mutations in PAX4 with the development of diabetes, independently of its etiology. Overexpression of this factor in adult islets stimulates β-cell proliferation and increases their resistance to apoptosis. Additionally, in an experimental model of autoimmune diabetes, a novel immunomodulatory function for this factor has been suggested. Altogether these data pinpoint at PAX4 as an important target for novel regenerative therapies for diabetes treatment, aiming at the preservation of the remaining β-cells in parallel to the stimulation of their proliferation to replenish the β-cell mass lost during the progression of the disease. However, the adequate development of such therapies requires the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms controlling the expression of PAX4 as well as the downstream effectors that could account for PAX4 action.Junta de Andalucía PI-0727-2010 to B.R.G.Junta de Andalucía PI-0085-2013 to P.I.L.Junta de Andalucía Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia P10-CTS-6359 to B.R.G.Junta de Andalucía Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia P12-CTS-2064 to M.G.-

    Determination of dust aerosol particle size at Gale Crater using REMS UVS and Mastcam measurements

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    We calculate the seasonal and interannual variation in dust aerosol particle size above Gale Crater during the first 1413 Martian solar days (sols = 24.6 h) of the Mars Science Laboratory mission. Measurements of UV radiation made by the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station in combination with atmospheric opacities retrieved from the Mastcam instrument are used for the calculations. Our results indicate that the dust effective radius varies significantly with season, ranging from ~0.6 μm during the low opacity season (Ls = 60°â 140°) to ~2 μm during the high opacity season (Ls = 180°â 360°). Our results suggest that Gale Crater is affected by dust events of high aerosol content originated at various distances from it. Our results improve the accuracy of estimations of ultraviolet radiation fluxes at the Martian surface. Moreover, our results have important implications because the lifetime of suspended dust and its ability to nucleate clouds are affected by particle size.Plain Language SummaryThe Martian atmosphere transports large amounts of dust, which interacts strongly with solar and infrared radiation. The large spatial and temporal variability in atmospheric dust load creates complex feedbacks connecting dust lifting with the evolving atmospheric circulations. The size of suspended aerosols affects the surface and atmospheric heating rates, influencing the Martian climate. In this work, we have calculated the dust aerosol particle size above Gale Crater during the first 1413 sols of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission using measurements of UV radiation made for the first time from the surface of Mars. Our results indicate that the dust effective radius varies significantly with season, ranging from ~0.6 μm during the clear season to ~2 μm during the dusty season. Our results suggest that Gale Crater is affected by dust events of high aerosol content originated at various distances from it. Our results are important because the lifetime of suspended dust and its ability to nucleate clouds are affected by the particle size.Key PointsWe have developed a novel methodology to retrieve dust aerosol particle size at Gale Crater using Mars Science Laboratory dataThe retrieved dust effective radii range from 0.6 μm during the clear aphelion season to 2 μm during the dusty perihelion seasonOur results improve the estimation of ultraviolet radiation fluxes at the Martian surfacePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137189/1/grl55782-sup-0001-2017GL072589-SI.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137189/2/grl55782_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137189/3/grl55782.pd

    Control contable y fiscal de las reservas de saneamiento en las cajas de crédito reguladas por FEDECREDITO.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, surge a raíz de la problemática que enfrentan las Cajas de Crédito de la Zona Nor-central, de llevar un control contable y fiscal de las reservas de saneamiento de créditos y de activos extraordinarios. Las Cajas de Crédito forman parte del sistema cooperativo establecido como “SISTEMA FEDECRÉDITO”, regulado por la Ley de Bancos Cooperativos y Sociedades de Ahorro y Crédito. La Federación de Cajas de Crédito y Bancos de los Trabajadores, Sociedad Cooperativa de Responsabilidad Limitada, de Capital Variable que puede abreviarse FEDECRÉDITO de C.V., aglutina a cuarenta y ocho Cajas de Crédito, siete Bancos Cooperativos y su Federación; instituciones financieras de capital privado que dentro de sus actividades principales están el otorgamiento de créditos y la captación de ahorro, entre otros. Los resultados de la investigación indican que las Cajas de Crédito de la Zona Nor-central si bien es cierto mantienen controles contables sobre las reservas de saneamiento de los créditos, carecen de un registro de control fiscal de acuerdo con lo establecido por las disposiciones fiscales, para el control de las reservas de saneamiento que sirva de base para elaborar la declaración anual del Impuesto sobre la Renta. ii El objetivo del trabajo de investigación, es la implementación de una herramienta; según los requerimientos establecidos en la normativa tributaria de cumplimiento formales y sustantivos y la normativas técnicas, que permita llevar el control adecuado de las reservas de saneamiento de los créditos, que servirá de apoyo a los contadores o responsables de llevar dichos registro, y que suministrará información fidedigna para elaborar la declaración de Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Cajas de Crédito. La metodología utilizada en la ejecución de la investigación, consistió en el método hipotético deductivo con un enfoque cualitativo, conteniendo los procedimientos para alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación, que radicó en la delimitación espacial y temporal, la unidad de análisis, técnica y procedimientos para la recopilación de la información, procesamiento y análisis de la información y los resultados de la investigación, que permitió establecer el diagnóstico de la investigación. Finalmente se describen las conclusiones y recomendaciones, relativas a la investigación