863 research outputs found
Evaluation of 3D image-treatment algorithms applied to optical-sectioning microscopy
La información extraída de especimenes biológicos es inherentemente tridimensional. Los datos tridimensionales (3D) permiten un mejor entendimiento de las estructuras y los eventos biológicos, comparados con sus proyecciones bidimensionales (2D), aunque a veces son más difíciles de manejar. Esto explica porqué actualmente se están investigando y mejorando las técnicas de seccionamiento óptico. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la relevancia de algoritmos de tratamiento de imágenes, los cuales incluyen métodos de preprocesamiento (tales como promediación de imágenes, corrección de background y normalización de intensidades) y procesamiento (desconvolución de desborroneo y de restauración). Esto se realizó mediante la implementación de un algoritmo de cuantificación basado en el Laplaciano y un detector de puntos brillantes. Los algoritmos se aplicaron a un modelo 3D de adhesión celular en piel, basado en un espécimen comúnmente utilizado por nuestro grupo de investigación. Los resultados indican que ciertos métodos de preprocesamiento son requeridos para mejorar el rendimiento de los algoritmos de procesamiento, mientras que otros no deben ser aplicados para asegurar una adecuada y precisa cuantificación.Information extracted from biological specimens is inherently three-dimensional. Though it is sometimes hard to handle, three-dimensional (3D) data provides greater understanding of biological structures and events than its bidimensional (2D) projections. This explains why optical-sectioning techniques are currently being explored and enhanced. The main objective of the present work was to evaluate the relevance of image-treatment algorithms, which included preprocessing (such as image-averaging, background correction and normalization of intensities) and processing (deblurring and restoration deconvolution) methods. This was done by implementing a quantification algorithm based on the Laplacian and a bright-point detector. Algorithms were applied to a 3D cell-adhesion skin model, based upon a specimen commonly used by our research group. Results indicated that certain preprocessing methods are required to enhance the performance of processing algorithms, while others must not be applied in order to ensure an adequate and precise quantification.IV Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
Classical collision complexes in the D+H2(v=0, j=0)→HD(v′, j′)+H reaction
Detailed quasiclassical trajectory calculations of the D+H2(v=0, j=0)→HD(v′=0, j′)+H have been carried out in the range of collision energy from 0.35 to 1.25 eV. The calculated v′j′ state resolved differential cross sections and opacity functions show analogous structures to the ones obtained by accurate quantum mechanical results, that is, a peak along a line in the E−θ (or E−J) plane, that was attributed to broad resonances. Analysis of present results in terms of the duration of the collision indicates that those trajectories pertaining to these peaks proceed through the formation of short lived collision complexes with lifetimes of 15–35 fs. © American Institute of PhysicsPartly financed by the CICYT of Spain under Grant No. PB890041.Peer Reviewe
Enhancement of an automatic algorithm for deconvolution and quantification of three-dimensional microscopy images
En trabajos previos hemos diseñado y desarrollado un software para la optimización del procesamiento de imágenes multidimensionales, el cual consiste de un algoritmo automático de desconvolución de restauración (desconvolución con restricción de positividad) y tres indicadores de restauración de la imágenes (Ancho Total a la Mitad del Máximo, Relación Contraste-Ruido y Relación Señal-Ruido) usados para evaluar cuantitativamente la calidad de restauración. Dado que el diseño del algoritmo se implementó en módulos desacoplados, hemos podido incorporar dos nuevos parámetros para evaluar la restauración de imágenes (indicadores tridimensionales basados en la función de Tenegrad) sin realizar cambios significativos en el código. La versión mejorada del algoritmo se utilizó para procesar imágenes tridimensionales utilizando diversas Funciones de Esparcimiento Puntual experimentales; las imágenes se obtuvieron mediante microscopia de campo amplio de fluorescencia del patrón de expresión de E-caderina en la piel de embriones de Rhinella arenarum y de microesferas fluorescentes. Se compararon los indicadores de restauración y el rendimiento de las versiones previa y mejorada del algoritmo. Los resultados indican que los indicadores basados en la función de Tenegrad coinciden con los evaluados previamente y que los nuevos módulos no incrementan significativamente el tiempo de procesamiento.In previous works we designed and developed a software tool for the optimization of multidimensional-image processing, which consisted of an automatic restoration deconvolution method (positive constrained deconvolution) and three image-restoration indicators (Full-Width at Half-Maximum, Contrast-to-Noise Ratio and Signal-to-Noise Ratio) used to assess the quality of restoration qualitatively. Since the algorithm’s design was implemented in uncoupled modules, we were able to introduce two new image-restoration parameters (two three-dimensional Tenegrad-based indicators) without mayor modifications to the script. The enhanced version of the algorithm was used to process raw three-dimensional images using several experimental Point Spread Functions; raw images were obtained by fluorescence wide-field microscopy of epidermal E-cadherin expression in Rhinella arenarum embryos and fluorescent microspheres. The image-restoration indicators and the performance of the previous and enhanced versions of the algorithm were compared. Results show that Tenengrad-based indicators concur with the previously used ones and that the new modules do not increase processing time significantly.Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
Dynamic behavior of masonry chimney with different reinforcement schemes
Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.This paper presents a structural analysis of a masonry chimney built in the 1950’s, which is currently being catalogued as local interest heritage. These structures exhibit insufficient tensile strength to resist the seismic action because the masonry is not reinforced. For this reason, the aim of this work is to analyze different structural reinforcement schemes so the chimney is capable of withstanding seismic actions. Ten numerical models, for nine reinforcement configurations, have been defined using Ansys software. A glass fiber reinforced cement composite was always used as reinforcement. For each model, a modal analysis and time history analyses were made. Five different synthetic accelerograms were used for the structural analysis, according to NCSE02 Spanish standard. The final reinforcement, capable of resisting the seismic action, consisted of a helicoid wrap and eight
longitudinal stripes along the shaft, and the inner and outer reinforcement of all masonry walls of the base
The Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a technique of optimization used for water distribution networks design. This work has been made with a modified pseudo genetic algorithm (PGA), whose main variation with a classical GA is a change in the codification of the chromosomes, which is made of numerical form instead of the binary codification. This variation entails a series of special characteristics in the codification and in the definition of the operations of mutation and crossover. Initially, the work displays the results of the PGA on a water network studied in the literature. The results show the kindness of the method. Also is made a statistical analysis of the obtained solutions. This analysis allows verifying the values of mutation and crossing probability more suitable for the proposed method. Finally, in the study of the analyzed water supply networks the concept of reliability in introduced. This concept is essential to understand the validity of the obtained results. The second part, starting with values optimized for the probability of crossing and mutation, the influence of the population size is analyzed in the final solutions on the network of Hanoi, widely studied in the bibliography. The aim is to find the most suitable configuration of the problem, so that good solutions are obtained in the less time
The D+H2(v=1,j)→HD(v′,j′)+H reaction. A detailed quasiclassical trajectory study
Thorough quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) calculations have been carried out for the D+H2(v =1,j) exchange reaction. These calculations include integral and differential cross sections, rate constants, reaction probabilities as a function of total energy, opacity functions, and distributions of internal states of the HD product in the range of collision energies from the reaction threshold to 1.5 eV and initial j values from 0 to 12. An overall good agreement with some discrepancies is found between the present QCT results and those from experiments and accurate quantum-mechanical calculations. © 1994 American Institute of Physics.German-Spanish scientific exchange program >Acciones Integradas HispanoAlemanas,> under Project No. HA-063. Financial support by the DGICYT under Project No. PB92-0219-C03.Peer Reviewe
Desarrollo de aplicaciones interactivas para la docencia de estructuras en Ingeniería Civil
Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza permiten la visualización de fenómenos físicos y su relación con la base matemática utilizada en la modelización de los mismos. En este trabajo se ha utilizado el programa Mathematica para realizar una aplicación ilustrativa del oscilador con un grado de libertad en funcionamiento libre, amortiguado y forzado armónicamente. El oscilador de 1 GL forma parte del conocimiento de base en el análisis de estructuras bajo cargas dinámicas (sismos), y la comprensión de sus fundamentos teóricos, así como la influencia de los parámetros implicados, deben ser objetivo didáctico prioritario en las asignaturas relacionadas con el cálculo avanzado de estructuras. En la aplicación desarrollada se pueden variar las características intrínsecas del oscilador (rigidez, constante de amortiguación y masa) y la fuerza aplicada (amplitud y frecuencia). El resultado se visualiza en forma de gráfico animado del movimiento permanente resultante. Las ecuaciones resultantes y los parámetros característicos (frecuencia natural, coeficiente de amortiguamiento, razón de frecuencias, factor de amplificación dinámica, ángulo de desfase…) también están disponibles de una forma interactiva. Las constantes de integración que definen las condiciones iniciales, y la ventana de tiempos mostrada pueden variarse asimismo. La aplicación puede ejecutarse desde cualquier navegador
Guiding criteria for instrument design at long-pulse neutron sources
6 págs.; 3 figs.; 7th Meeting of the Spanish Neutron Scattering Association (SETN); Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 3.0We introduce and describe general criteria which characterize long-pulse neutron sources, with a view to guiding and facilitating subsequent instrument design and optimization for specific applications. The ensuing analysis shows that a long-pulse neutron source allows for the possibility of a wide range of flexible instrument concepts with variable resolution and dynamic range, tasks which invariably require the implementation of pulse-modulation techniques in the time domain, particularly for high-resolution applications. We also consider in some detail yet-to-be-tapped opportunities in the use of shorter proton pulses, characterised by a duration commensurate with typical moderation times at spallation sources.This work would not have been possible without the support of the computing infrastructure of the i2BASQUE Academic
Network and the support of the ESS-DMSC Computing Centre.Peer Reviewe
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