2 research outputs found

    Effect of Bio-Organic Alternatives in the Agronomic Response of Onion on Los Angeles Farm

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    Context: Onion (Allium cepa L.) is an edible bulb that ranks, as a green vegetable, third in terms of harvested area. In general terms, world production of this crop is made intensively, with a broad application of agrochemicals, which threatens agricultural sustainability, health, and protection of the environment. Aim: To evaluate the effect of bio-organic alternatives in the agronomic response of onion. Methods: A randomized block experimental design with seven treatments was used (absolute control and samples with natural liquid humus, improved liquid humus, fortified liquid humus, fortified liquid humus, plus Phosphoric inducer BayFolan Forte, FitoMas E), and four repetitions. The treatments were made every seven days, starting seven days after the plantation of bulbs. Plant height, pseudostem thickness, leaf number, bulb diameter, and crop yield were the indicators evaluated. The main economic indicators of each treatment were determined. Costs, income, profit, and economic effect were calculated. Results: The results show the positive effect of the morphophysiological and yield indicators related to the application of different bio-organic alternatives. The study produced greater profits than the control. Conclusions: The application of bio-organic alternatives showed a positive effect on the morphophysiological and yield indicators evaluated. The fortified liquid humus plus the phosphoric inducer showed the best results, producing the highest profits in the financial assessment

    Efecto de alternativas bioorgánicas en la respuesta agronómica del cultivo de la cebolla en la finca Los Ángeles

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    Background: The onion (Allium cepa L.) is an edible bulb that occupies, as a vegetable, the third place in terms of harvested area, in general, the global agricultural productions of this crop are carried out intensively, with large applications of agrochemicals which puts agricultural sustainability, health and environmental care at risk. Objective: With the objective of evaluating the effect of bioorganic alternatives on the agronomic response of onion cultivation. Methods: An experimental design of a randomized block with seven treatments was used (absolute control and samples with application of Natural Liquid Humus, Improved Liquid Humus, Fortified Liquid Humus, Fortified Liquid Humus plus Phosphoric Inductor, BayFolan Forte, FitoMas E) and four replicas They were carried out with a frequency of seven days from the seven days after the sowing of the bulbs, the indicators being evaluated the height of the plant, thickness of the pseudo total, number of leaves, diameter of the bulb, and agricultural yield. The fundamental economic indicators in each of the treatments were determined. Calculating expenses, income, profit and economic effect Results: The results show in the morphophysiological and performance indicators the positive effect of the application of different bioorganic alternatives. As well as greater economic gains with respect to the witness. Conclusions: The application of bioorganic alternatives showed a positive effect on the morphophysiological and performance indicators evaluated. The strengthened liquid humus plus phosphoric inducer achieved the best results, this being the one with the highest gain in the economic valuation.Contexto: La cebolla (Allium cepa L.) es un bulbo comestible que ocupa, como hortaliza, el tercer lugar en términos de superficie cosechada, de manera general, las producciones agrícolas mundiales de este cultivo se realizan de forma intensiva, con grandes aplicaciones de agroquímicos lo cual pone en riesgo la sostenibilidad agrícola, la salud y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Objetivo: Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de alternativas bioorgánicas en la respuesta agronómica del cultivo de la cebolla. Métodos: Se utilizó un diseño experimental de un bloque al azar con siete tratamientos (testigo absoluto y muestras con aplicación de Humus Líquido Natural, Humus Líquido Mejorado, Humus Líquido Fortificado, Humus Líquido Fortificado más Inductor Fosfórico, BayFolan Forte, FitoMas E) y cuatro réplicas. Se realizaron con una frecuencia de siete días a partir de los sietes días posteriores a la siembra de los bulbillos, siendo los indicadores evaluados la altura de la planta, grosor del pseudotallo, número de hojas, diámetro del bulbo, y rendimiento agrícola. Se determinaron los indicadores económicos fundamentales en cada uno de los tratamientos. Calculando los gastos, los ingresos, ganancia y el efecto económico Resultados: Los resultados muestran en los indicadores morfofisiológicos y de rendimiento el efecto positivo de la aplicación de diferentes alternativas bioorgánicas. Así como mayores ganancias económicas con respecto al testigo. Conclusiones: La aplicación de alternativas bioorgánicas mostró un efecto positivo en los indicadores morfofisiológicos y de rendimiento evaluados. El humus líquido fortalecido más inductor fosfórico alcanzó los mejores resultados, siendo este el de mayor ganancia en la valoración económica