325 research outputs found

    Suitable methods for landscape evaluation and valorization: the third dimension in landscape metrics

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    Landscape metrics have been widely developed over the last two decades. One of the major recent developments in landscape metrics analysis was the integration of the third dimension. Topography has an extremely important role in ecosystems function and structure, even though the common analysis in landscape ecology only considers a planimetric surface, which leads to some erroneous results particularly in mountain areas. In this study we tested landscape metrics behaviour in 13 sample areas of 10,000 m2 each in several topographical conditions of Central Alentejo, Portugal. The significance analysis of the results achieved in planimetric and three-dimensional environments is presented

    The Algarve climatophilous vegetation series – Portugal: a base document to the planning, management and nature conservation Les séries de végètation climatophiles de l’Algarve - Portugal: un document de base pour la planification, gestion et conservation de la nature

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    This work was developed as part of PhD research devoted to the flora and vegetation of the Caldeirão and Monchique mountains that aims to identify the vegetation climatophilous series and use them as an environmental diagnosis of Algarve administrative province phyto-ecological subregions. Biogeographic and bioclimatic considerations are presented, as well as the study area pedological and lithological characterization. For each of the seven climatophilous series the dynamic and catenal behaviours, as well as the main characteristic plants that constitute the successional stages, are given. The corresponding patrimonial value is studied

    A new Erica lusitanica Rudolphi heathland association to the Iberian south-west

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    As result of several field trips following doctoral research in Marianic-Monchiquensean Sector, we describe a new heathland named Lavandulo viridis-Ericetum lusitanici ass nova hoc loco (Genistion micrantho-anglicae, Rivas- Martínez 1979) as a thermomediterranean to lower mesomediterranean, upper dry to humid, schistose association. The analysis of 11 relevés, following Braun-Blanquet methodology shows the floristic identity of this new association as well as the chorological segregation of its area of occurrence. Finally, despite these communities already being relatively well known and although they are poor in species number, such heathlands show floristic singularity and own sinecology, with a large and distinct geographical area of distribution, so we emphasized its integration within Atlantic wet heaths priority habitat (⁄4020 – Annex B-I from Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992)

    Molecular modeling and simulation of pH effects in lipid bilayers

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    Tese de doutoramento, Bioquímica (Bioquímica Teórica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015Biological membranes are the first barrier between cell and the extracellular environment, and also their first via of interaction. These biological structures are complex and diverse but share a common feature: they are all supported by a lipid bilayer. This bilayer is often negative and sensitive to pH and ionic strength. Computational / theoretical methods have been used to understand how these two properties inuence the bilayer structure. However, the methods available at the beginning of our work had two significant bottlenecks that we attempted to get rid of. First, none of the available Poisson{Boltzmann (PB) solvers were able to deal with both periodicity and pKa calculations. The first project was developed to overcome this technical limitation: we used an available PB solver in a new approach to perform pKa calculations taking into account the system periodicity. Secondly, to simulate highly charged membranes, a proper treatment of the ionic strength is crucial and a full neutralization of the system is probably too rough an approximation. Hence, we developed a PB-based method to determine the number of ions that should be added to the simulations. With these two problems solved, we developed a new constant-pH molecular dynamics method to deal with charged lipid bilayers (CpHMD-L). This method allows a proper treatment of the periodicity and ionic strength in model membranes. Finally, we applied our methods to three model systems to illustrate the importance of taking into account protonation / conformation coupling in molecular dynamics simulations, in particular when looking at pH dependent phenomena. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only available method that can deal simultaneously with pH considering the protonation / conformation coupling, periodic boundary conditions in protonation free energy calculations, and a careful treatment of ionic strength. This represents a significant improvement in simulations of model biological membranes. It is now possible to move a step forward in the direction of biological membranes since we are now able to simulate a lipid mixture with several different lipids

    Current state of the Prunetalia spinosae communities in the centre and south of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal)

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    This paper re-examines the Rhamno-Prunetea class in the centre and south of the Iberian Peninsula, especially in Andalusia. The paper also deals with the alliances Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii Lonicero-Berberidion hispanicae in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, and Berberidion vulgaris (Berberidenion seroi) in the area of Cuenca. Our analysis of 225 relevés arranged in 22 phytosociological tables helped us to re-organize the available information and subsequently propose three associations and two subassociations: Clematido vitalbae-Rosetum micranthae nova; Berberido hispanicae- Buxetum sempervirentis nova; Roso siculae-Berberidetum hispanicae Mota nova subas. prunetosum ramburii Mota nova; Lonicero arboreae-Rhamnetum cathartici Martínez-Parras and Molero 1983 subas. prunetosum ranburii nova. As a result of the study, a total of 18 syntaxa with the rank of association and four with the rank of subassociation are proposed for the south of the Iberian Peninsula

    Analysis of the Cytisetea scopario-striati scrubs in the south-west-centre of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The statistical and phytosociological study of 255 relevés taken in the south-west of the Iberian Peninsula and made up of our own samples and previous publications reveals how close these relevés, previously ascribed to different syntaxa, really are. Our re-arrangement of the data leads us to propose for the territory the 15 associations already published and three new ones, namely: Genisto floridae-Adenocarpetum argyrophylli ass. nova hoc loco, Cytisetum bourgaei- eriocarpi nova, Lavandulo viridis-Cytisetum striati ass. nova hoc. loco. We also suggest a name correction, Adenocarpo anisochili-Cytisetum scoparii J.C. Costa et al. 2000 corr., and a status change, namely, Ulici latebracteati- Cytisetum striati (Costa et al. 2000) status novo

    Wavelet analysis of unsteady flows: Application on the determination of the Strouhal number of the transient wake behind a single cylinder

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    AbstractThis paper presents experimental results of the accelerating and decelerating flow in the wake of a cylinder obtained by means of hot wire anemometry measurements in a wind tunnel with high blockage ratio. The analysis was done in Fourier and wavelet spaces. The Strouhal number for Reynolds numbers up to 3×104 was studied in a transient flow and compared with the results obtained from steady flows at several velocities uniformly distributed from Re=1.7×103 to 3×104. Results show that the wavelet analysis is a valuable tool to deal with both transient and stationary random phenomena and that is able to capture the characteristics of the transient flow as well as the Fourier analysis can do with the steady state acquisitions

    Um modelo constitutivo para o escoamento através de um arranjo de barras de seção circular

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    The determination of the flow through a uniform array of rod bundle is made by means of the Continuum Theories of Mixtures, which gives balance equations for the system. The hypotheses of isothermal and fully developed turbulent flow are made. Constitutive equations for the resistive force are determined from Jakob's and Rowe's correlations, and its behaviour analysed for a standard case. Comparison of these equations with Bottgenbach's experiments shows good agreement of the direction of the pressure, although direct comparison between present theory and his theory is not possible. For the confirmation of the model an experiment is performed, this consisting of measuring pressure drop (Euler's Number) in the axial and transverse direction of a random array rod bundle at various angles as functions of velocity (Reynold's Number), which has good agreement, except on axial direction. At last, a sample problem is formulated with the purpose of showing the applicability of the model, this being the determination of pressure field dueto the influence of a baffle.Na determinação do escoamento através de um feixe de barras de seção circular em arranjo uniforme, é usada a Teoria das Misturas, que fornece as equações de balanço para o sistema. São feitas hipóteses de escoamento isotérmico e regime turbulento, plenamente desenvolvido. Equações constitutivas para a força resistiva são determinadas a partir das correlações de Jakob e Rowe, e seu comportamento e analisado para um caso padrão. Comparação dos resultados obtidos com estas equações com os resultados experimentais de Bottgenbach mostram boa concordãncia na direção do gradiente de pressão não sendo possível uma comparação direta entre os valores obtidos com as duas expressões. Para a confirmação do modelo foi feita uma experiência, que consistiu em medir a queda de pressão (Número de Euler) nas direções axial e transversal de feixes de varetas em arranjo aleatório e vários ângulos como funções da velocidade (Número de Reynolds) obtendo boa concordância exceto na direção axial. Por fim é formulado um exemplo prático a fim de mostrar a aplicabilidade do modelo – a determinação do campo de pressão devido à influência de uma chicana

    Influência do tempo de acesso e quantidade de redes sociais utilizadas na insatisfação com a imagem corporal, no comportamento alimentar e na autoestima de adolescentes

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    As redes sociais digitais estão cada vez mais presentes na vida da população mundial, entretanto alguns impactos negativos do seu uso têm sido observados, como aumento da insatisfação com o corpo e maior risco de transtornos alimentares. A insatisfação com a imagem corporal está fortemente ligada à autoestima. Objetivo: avaliar os níveis de insatisfação com a imagem corporal, o comportamento alimentar e a autoestima de adolescentes usuários de redes sociais digitais. Método: estudo transversal com adolescentes entre 12 e 18 anos de ambos os sexos que utilizam pelo menos uma rede social virtual. A coleta foi realizada virtualmente com a inclusão dos questionários para avaliação da imagem corporal, autoestima e comportamento alimentar - Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg e Questionário Holandês, respectivamente - e a coleta de dados relacionados aos hábitos nas redes sociais (tempo, frequência, conteúdos e redes mais acessadas), prática de exercício e para análise do Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC) (peso e estatura). Resultados: os dados parciais do estudo referem-se a 12 participantes (53,3% sexo feminino), com média de idade de 14,9 ± 2,0 anos. Todos os participantes encontravam-se eutróficos e eram fisicamente ativos. As redes sociais virtuais mais utilizadas por eles foram Instagram e Whats APP e a média de tempo de acesso diário foi de 4h12min (2h-10h). O comportamento alimentar predominante foi de alimentação emocional, porém sem correlações com as demais variáveis. Mais da metade da amostra não apresentou insatisfação com a imagem corporal (66,6%) e 74% possuia autoestima elevada ou média (41% e 33%, respectivamente). Não puderam ser observadas correlações entre a quantidade de redes sociais acessadas nem do tempo de acesso com comportamento alimentar, insatisfação com a imagem corporal e autoestima (p>0,05). Houve correlação negativa e associação significativa entre os escores de autoestima e insatisfação com a imagem corporal (quanto maior a insatisfação, maior o escore do BSQ; r = -0,6, p = 0,028), porém este já era um dado esperado. Considerações finais: os níveis de insatisfação com a imagem corporal encontrados foram baixos, o comportamento alimentar predominante foi de alimentação emocional e a autoestima foi alta na maioria da amostra. Não foram encontradas correlações entre o número de redes sociais digitais acessadas, nem do tempo de acesso com as variáveis estudadas.Social media is increasingly present in the lives of the world population, however some negative impacts of its use have been observed, such as increased body dissatisfaction and higher risk of eating disorders. Dissatisfaction with body image is strongly connected to self-esteem. Objective: evaluate the levels of dissatisfaction with body image, eating behavior and self- esteem of teenagers who use digital social networks. Method: cross-sectional study with adolescents between 12 and 18 years old of both sexes who use at least one virtual social network. The data was collected online via questionnaires to evaluate body image, self-esteem and eating behavior - Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Dutch Questionnaire, respectively - and the data collected related to social media habits (time, frequency, content and most accessed platforms), exercise practice and for Body Mass Index (BMI) analysis (weight and stature). Results: the partial data of the study refer to 12 participants (58,3% female), with the age average being 14 .9 ± 2.0 years. All participants were eutrophic and physically active. The most used platforms were Instagram and Whats APP, and the daily average time spent was 4h12min (2h-10h). The predominant eating behavior was emotional eating, but without correlations with the other variables. More than half of the sample did not show dissatisfaction with their body image (66.6%) and 74% had high self-esteem or average (41% and 33%, respectively). No correlations could be observed between the quantity of platforms used or the time of use with eating behavior, dissatisfaction with body image and self-esteem (p>0.05). There was a negative correlation and significant association between the scores of self-esteems and dissatisfaction with body image (the greater the dissatisfaction, the higher the BSQ score; r = -0.6, p = 0.028), but this was an expected data. Final considerations: the levels of dissatisfaction with body image found were low, the predominant eating behavior was emotional eating and self-esteem was high in most of the sample. No correlations were found between the number of social media platform used, nor the time of use with the variables studied