308 research outputs found

    How peoples’ ratings of dental implant treatment change over time?

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    Demographics, social position, dental status and oral health-related quality of life in community-dwelling older adults

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    PURPOSE: To identify demographic, socioeconomic and dental clinical predictors of oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in elderly people. METHODS: Cross-sectional study involving 613 elderly people aged 65–74 years in Manaus, Brazil. Interviews and oral examinations were carried out to collect demographic characteristics (age and sex) and socioeconomic data (income and education), dental clinical measures (DMFT, need of upper and lower dentures) and OHRQoL (GOHAI questionnaire). Structural equation modelling was used to estimate direct and indirect pathways between the variables. RESULTS: Being older predicted lower schooling but higher income. Higher income was linked to better dental status, which was linked to better OHRQoL. There were also indirect pathways. Age and education were linked to OHRQoL, mediated by clinical dental status. Income was associated with dental clinical status via education, and income predicted OHRQoL via education and clinical measures. CONCLUSION: Our findings elucidate the complex pathways between individual, environmental factors and clinical factors that may determine OHRQoL and support the application of public health approaches to improve oral health in older people

    Longitudinal evolution of the immune suppressive glioma microenvironment in different synchronous lesions during treatment

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    The role of immune suppression in glioma progression has been clearly established.1 We and others have recently demonstrated that myeloid cells play a major role in the tumor microenvironment of glioblastoma (GBM) patients,2,3 and that not only bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) have a higher intrinsic immune suppressive ability compared to resident microglial cells (MG), but also that this ability greatly increases going from the periphery to the tumor core.3 In lower grade gliomas (grades II and III), a much lower amount of BMDM is present, devoid of immune suppressive ability.3 We present here a longitudinal analysis of the immune infiltrate in a patient with a synchronous occurrence of GBM in the left temporal lobe, and a low-grade glioma (LGG) in the right frontal lobe, with discordant isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-mutational status,4 followed by two GBM relapse

    evidence for acute stimulation of fibrinogen production by glucagon in humans

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    Fibrinogen, an acute-phase protein, and glucagon, a stress hormone, are often elevated in many conditions of physical and metabolic stress, including uncontrolled diabetes. However, the possible mechanisms for this association are poorly known. We have studied the acute effects of selective hyperglucagonemia (raised from ∼200 to ∼350 pg/ml for 3 h) on fibrinogen fractional secretion rate (FSR) in eight normal subjects during infusion of somatostatin and replacement doses of insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone. Fibrinogen FSR was evaluated by precursor-product relationships using either Phe ( n = 8) or Leu ( n = 2) tracers. Hyperglucagonemia did not change either plasma Phe or Tyr specific activity. After hyperglucagonemia, fibrinogen FSR increased by ∼65% (from 12.9 ± 3.6 to 21.5 ± 6.1% per day, P < 0.025) using plasma Phe specific activity as the precursor pool. FSR increased by ∼80% (from 16.6 ± 4.8 to 29.4 ± 8.8% per day, P < 0.025) if plasma Phe specific activity was corrected for the ketoisocaproate/Leu enrichment (or specific activity) ratio to obtain an approximate estimate of intrahepatic Phe specific activity. FSR increased by ∼60% when using plasma Tyr specific activity as precursor pool ( n = 8) ( P < 0.05), as well as when using the Leu tracer precursorproduct relationship ( n = 2). In conclusion, selective hyperglucagonemia for ∼3 h acutely stimulated fibrinogen FSR using a Phe tracer method. Thus, glucagon may be involved in the increase of fibrinogen concentration and FSR observed under stressed or pathologic conditions

    MAPKAPK2 (mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2)

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    Review on MAPKAPK2 (mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Comparative preliminary evaluation of two in-stream water treatment technologies for the agricultural reuse of drainage water in the Nile delta

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    In the Nile Delta, a complex network of canals collects drainage water from surface-irrigated fields, but also municipal wastewater. The goal of this work was to assess the technical, environmental and financial feasibility of the upgrade of a drainage canal (DC) into either an in-stream constructed wetland (ICW) or a canalized facultative lagoon (CFL), in order to produce a water re-usable in agriculture according to the Egyptian law. The model-based design of the proposed technologies was derived from field experimental data for the ICW and laboratory data for the CFL. Both technologies, integrated by a sedimentation pond and a disinfection canal, led to the attainment of the water quality standards imposed by Egyptian Law 92/2013 for the reuse of drainage water. The life cycle assessment indicated that the upgrade of an existing DC to either an ICW or a CFL results in an extremely small environmental burden, 64 0.3% of that of a traditional activated sludge process. The cost/benefit analysis (CBA) was based on the assumptions that (i) farmers currently irrigate a non-food crop (cotton) with the low-quality drainage water present in the DC, and (ii) thanks to the upgrade to a ICW or CFL, farmers will irrigate a food crop characterized by a higher market price (rice). The CBA indicated that the DC upgrade to an ICW represents an attractive investment, as it leads to a financial rate of return &gt; 10% over a wide range of cotton market prices. Conversely, the upgrade to a CFL is less attractive due to high investment costs. In conclusion, the upgrade of DCs to ICWs appears a promising option for the treatment of drainage canal water in the Nile Delta, thanks to the high pollutant removal performances, low cost and negligible environmental burden. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Geodetic Observations at the Eolian Islands (Southern Italy)

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    In order to investigate the dynamic processes actually in progress in the Aeolian Islands a volcanic area in Southern Italy, high precision geodetic observations are employed. the knowledge of the kinematic field (vertical and horizontal displacements) and of the time-space gravity variations is an important constrain for any model describing the geodynamic processes involving the investigated area. Gravimetric (absolute, relative and gradiometric), photogrammetric, altimetric and GPS surveys are periodically carried out on networks spanning over the whole aeolian archipelagus. Recently a GPS network has been designed and surveyed to obtain a more complete knowledge of the kinematic field taking place in the area. This will improve the understanding of the tectonic processes acting in the area. The result of the interdisplinary approach are presented and discussed.Published33-501.3. TTC - Sorveglianza geodetica delle aree vulcaniche attivereserve


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    The recent introduction of new technologies such as augmented reality, machine learning and the worldwide spread of mobile devices provided with imaging, navigation sensors and high computational power can be exploited in order to drammatically change the museum visit experience. Differently from the traditional use of museum docents or audio guides, the introduction of digital technologies already proved to be useful in order to improve the interest of the visitor thanks to the increased interaction and involvement, reached also by means of visual effects and animations. Actually, the availability of 3D representations, augmented reality and navigation abilities directly on the visitor’s device can lead to a personalized visit, enabling the visitor to have an experience tailored on his/her needs. In this framework, this paper aims at investigating the potentialities of smartphone stereo-vision to improve the geometric information about the artworks available on the visitor’s device. More specifically, in this work smartphone stereo-vision will used as a 3D model generation tool in a 3D artwork recognition system based on a neural network classifier

    Targeting of immunosuppressive myeloid cells from glioblastoma patients by modulation of size and surface charge of lipid nanocapsules

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    Background: Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are two of the major players involved in the inhibition of anti-tumor immune response in cancer patients, leading to poor prognosis. Selective targeting of myeloid cells has therefore become an attractive therapeutic strategy to relieve immunosuppression and, in this frame, we previously demonstrated that lipid nanocapsules (LNCs) loaded with lauroyl-modified gemcitabine efficiently target monocytic MDSCs in melanoma patients. In this study, we investigated the impact of the physico-chemical characteristics of LNCs, namely size and surface potential, towards immunosuppressive cell targeting. We exploited myeloid cells isolated from glioblastoma patients, which play a relevant role in the immunosuppression, to demonstrate that tailored nanosystems can target not only tumor cells but also tumor-promoting cells, thus constituting an efficient system that could be used to inhibit their function. Results: The incorporation of different LNC formulations with a size of 100 nm, carrying overall positive, neutral or negative charge, was evaluated on leukocytes and tumor-infiltrating cells freshly isolated from glioblastoma patients. We observed that the maximum LNC uptake was obtained in monocytes with neutral 100 nm LNCs, while positively charged 100 nm LNCs were more effective on macrophages and tumor cells, maintaining at low level the incorporation by T cells. The mechanism of uptake was elucidated, demonstrating that LNCs are incorporated mainly by caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Conclusions: We demonstrated that LNCs can be directed towards immunosuppressive cells by simply modulating their size and charge thus providing a novel approach to exploit nanosystems for anticancer treatment in the frame of immunotherapy.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Strain Rate Effects on Fracture Behavior of Austempered Ductile Irons

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    In this work, the mechanical behavior of the austempered ductile iron (ADI) JS/1050-6 was investigated, with particular attention to the strain rate effects on the material ductility. Tensile tests at different strain rates (up to 103 s(-1)) and temperatures (ranging from 213 to 343 K) were performed. Samples with different geometries, smooth and round notched bars, were used to evaluate the effect of the stress triaxiality level on the strain at fracture. For each configuration, the evolution paths of stress and strain were extracted in the point where failure is expected performing numerical analyses at the continuum scale. Stress histories were used as input in a micromechanics analysis aimed to analyze the heterogeneous state of stress, determined by the presence of the graphite nuclei, under the different loading conditions obtained in the experiments. The main result is that, under dynamic conditions, the stress field redistribution, due to the adiabatic condition, postpones the failure occurrence, regardless temperature and strain rate effects on the matrix ductility
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