65 research outputs found

    “Excellence R Us”: university research and the fetishisation of excellence

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    The rhetoric of “excellence” is pervasive across the academy. It is used to refer to research outputs as well as researchers, theory and education, individuals and organisations, from art history to zoology. But does “excellence” actually mean anything? Does this pervasive narrative of “excellence” do any good? Drawing on a range of sources we interrogate “excellence” as a concept and find that it has no intrinsic meaning in academia. Rather it functions as a linguistic interchange mechanism. To investigate whether this linguistic function is useful we examine how the rhetoric of excellence combines with narratives of scarcity and competition to show that the hypercompetition that arises from the performance of “excellence” is completely at odds with the qualities of good research. We trace the roots of issues in reproducibility, fraud, and homophily to this rhetoric. But we also show that this rhetoric is an internal, and not primarily an external, imposition. We conclude by proposing an alternative rhetoric based on soundness and capacity-building. In the final analysis, it turns out that that “excellence” is not excellent. Used in its current unqualified form it is a pernicious and dangerous rhetoric that undermines the very foundations of good research and scholarship

    Trayectorias y desafíos de la historiografía de los museos de historia natural en América Del Sur

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    Powerful tools of interchange and circulation of data and specimens, Natural History museums constituted themselves in several Latin-American countries, such as Argentine and Brazil as privileged loci of epistemic infrastructure since the nineteenth century. The museums gathered huge amounts of collections of surveys of territories and people, always proposed as comprehensive, ultimate and exhaustive endeavors, which made those institutions face the challenges of not only storing and displayng the collections and specimens but also how to order the latter in archives and catalogues that would make them intelligible. Problematizing issues already present in the nowadays consistent literature, including the Latin-American contribution, on museums, the paper discusses among other themes, the acritical identification between museums and the representation of nations and the recurrent notion of museums as place of memory. It proposes as a challenge to the new generation of scholar to ponder how to write these histories incorporating their human and non-human agents as well as the set of events and circunstances that generated their sucesses and failures.En el siglo XIX los museos de historia natural de América del Sur se constituyeron en instrumentos clave para el intercambio y la circulación de datos y especímenes y, en ese sentido, en loci privilegiados de la infraestructura de las ciencias y del saber. Almacenaron tal cantidad de objetos y colecciones que los organizadores de estas instituciones se enfrentaron al problema de cómo guardarlos y exhibirlos dándoles un orden que pudiera entenderse. Por eso, los museos no pueden separarse de la historia del papel, del archivo y de los catálogos. Este artículo repasa algunas cuestiones de la historiografía producida en las últimas décadas, discutiendo, entre otras cosas, la identificación acrítica entre museos, memoria y representación de la nación. A su vez, propone el desafío de cómo escribir la historia de los museos incorporando los agentes humanos y no humanos y el conjunto de circunstancias que sustentan sus éxitos y fracasos

    ‘Capacity for what? Capacity for whom?’ A decolonial deconstruction of research capacity development practices in the Global South and a proposal for a value-centred approach

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    Whilst North to South knowledge transfer patterns have been extensively problematised by Southern and decolonial perspectives, there is very little reflection on the practice of research capacity development (RCD), still strongly focused on technoscientific solutionism, yet largely uncritical of its underlying normative directions and power asymmetries. Without making transparent these normative and epistemological dimensions, RCD practices will continue to perpetuate approaches that are likely to be narrow, technocratic and unreflexive of colonial legacies, thus failing to achieve the aims of RCD, namely, the equitable and development-oriented production of knowledge in low- and middle-income societies. Informed by the authors’ direct experience of RCD approaches and combining insights from decolonial works and other perspectives from the margins with Science and Technology Studies, the paper undertakes a normative and epistemological deconstruction of RCD mainstream practice. Highlighting asymmetries of power and material resources in knowledge production, the paper’s decolonial lens seeks to aid the planning, implementation and evaluation of RCD interventions. Principles of cognitive justice and epistemic pluralism, accessibility enabled by systems thinking and sustainability grounded on localisation are suggested as the building blocks for more reflexive and equitable policies that promote research capacity for the purpose of creating social value and not solely for the sake of perpetuating technoscience

    International scientific migrations today : new perspectives

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    Cette étude vise à analyser un ensemble de questions liées à la "balance démographique" de différentes disciplines scientifiques en Amérique latine à partir de la perspective des mouvements de scientifiques dans diverses directions. Il tient compte des arguments passés et présents pour expliquer les flux, en mettant l'accent sur les tendances récentes. En particulier, nous étudions l'argument qui soutient qu'à mesure que les économies de nations individuelles s'imbriquent inextricablement, non seulement les flux de capitaux s'intensifient au point que certains commencent à s'inquiéter de la capacité de l'Etat-Nation à protéger les intérêts et le bien-être des citoyens, mais aussi le capital humain commence à montrer une volatilité similaire à celle de son pendant fiduciaire. La globalisation, c'est-à-dire le processus de fusion des marchés nationaux en une version planétaire du Marché, porterait en elle le déplacement inévitable du capital humain au rythme du capital financier. Ainsi, la mobilité du "capital humain" se trouve au coeur de la globalisation. Cependant, non seulement les implications de ce processus globalisateur commencent à changer la façon dont nous voyons notre société respective et la place qui lui correspond dans ce nouveau monde, mais elles imposent aussi une révision de l'image, produite par l'histoire et la sociologie de la science, de la conformation des communautés scientifiques nationales en Amérique latine et de la perception de la "fuite de talents". (Résumé d'auteur