85 research outputs found

    Karakteristike antigena utiču na efekte stresa na humoralni imunski odgovor u pacova

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    The objective of the present study was to explore whether the suppressive effect of electric stress (ES) on the immune response in rats was limited to the particular antigen given concomitantly with ES. Therefore, the influence of simultaneous exposure to stress and immunization with an unrelated antigen (keyhole limpet hemocyanin, KLH) on the humoral immune response to bovine serum albumin (BSA) was investigated. Specific anti-KLH antibody levels were also determined in rats exposed to ES and concomitantly immunized with BSA. Five daily sessions of ES or immunization with KLH 2 weeks prior to immunization with BSA did not influence the secondary humoral immune response to BSA, but concomitant exposure to ES and immunization with KLH significantly decreased it. Conversely, the primary humoral immune response to KLH was suppressed by exposure of the animals to ES at the time of immunization with KLH, as well as at the time of the immunization with BSA 2 weeks later. It is suggested that the suppressive effect of ES on the humoral immune response is not specific for a certain antigen. However, the chemical and immunological characteristics of the antigens shaped the profile of stress-induced immune changes with respect to the sensitivity of the primary and secondary immune response and the duration of the effect.Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi da li je supresivni efekat električnog stresa (ES) na imunski odgovor specifičan za antigen kojim su pacovi imunizovani u vreme izlaganja ES. Ispitivan je uticaj istovremene primene stresa i imunizacije sa nesrodnim antigenom (keyhole limpet hemocyanin, KLH) na humoralni imunski odgovor prema goveđem serum albuminu (GSA). Takođe su određivana i specifična anti-KLH antitela u serumima pacova koji su bili istovremeno izloženi stresu i imunizovani sa GSA. Rezultati su pokazali da ni petodnevni ES, ni imunizacija sa KLH dve nedelje pre imunizacije sa GSA nisu uticali na nivo anti- GSA antitela, za razliku od istovremenog izlaganja ES i imunizacije sa GSA koji su značajno suprimirali sekundarni humoralni imunski odgovor prema GSA. Nasuprot tome, primarni humoralni imunski odgovor prema KLH je bio suprimiran u pacova koji su bili izloženi stresu tokom imunizacije sa KLH, ali i kod onih koji su bili izloženi stresu dve nedelje kasnije odnosno tokom imunizacije sa GSA. NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da supresivni efekat stresa na imunski odgovor nije specifičan za određen antigen, kao i da hemijske i imunoloÅ”ke osobine antigena značajno utiču na kvalitet promena izazvanih stresom u pogledu osetljivosti primarnog i sekundarnog imunskog odgovora na stres i trajanja efekata stresa


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    In this study the seroprevalence of anti-Borrelia burgdorferi IgG antibodies in populations of naturally exposed dogs in the Belgrade area was determined. Serum samples of 215 dogs were tested with in-house made indirect immunofluorescent-antibody assay (IFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Western blot assay (WB). Sera were from 34 pet dogs suspected of having Lyme borreliosis, 41 hunting dogs, 125 shelter dogs, and 15 clinically healthy pet dogs. Results of WB were used as a standard against which the performances of ELISA and IFA were evaluated. ELISA was significantly more sensitive than IFA (84.8 vs 67.9%), whereas the specificities of these tests were just slightly different (94.4% vs 92.6 %). Borrelia burgdorferi seroprevalence of 24.7% among tested dogs was recorded by WB test. The highest seroprevalence of 31.2% was found in the group of shelter dogs, while hunting and pet dogs showed lower seroprevalence of 19.5% and 17.6%, but the difference was statistically insignificant. These results are the first report on the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to B. burgdorferi in dogs in the Belgrade area and could be of importance in the assessment of the risk of infection with B. burgdorferi in human population

    PreimplantoloÅ”ka priprema ekstrakcione alveole deproteinizovanom goveđom kosti i kalcijum-sulfatom

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    Background. Different materials are used to prevent the resorption of alveolar bone. The aim of this report was to show the radiographical and histological results prior to implant insertion, when a deproteinized bovine bone mineral (BioOss) and calcium-sulphate were placed into the extraction socket immediately after the tooth removal. Case report. A 22-year-old woman was scheduled for the removal of the second lower molar when the extraction socket was filled with BioOss covered with calcium-sulphate as a resorbable membrane. Primary closure of the surgical site was performed. Radiography was done 4 and 12 months later. One year after the surgery, when the implant was inserted, a biopsy of the new regenerated bone was obtained for the histological evaluation. The lamellar bone was evident using both materials. The resorption of BioOss was slow and the connective tissue was observed. Conclusion. Both materials had biocompatible and oseoconductive properties. One year after the grafting procedure, we observed the lamellar bone and partial resorption of BioOss, while calciumsulphate showed no significant effect as a resorbable membrane.Uvod. Primenom različitih materijala sprečava se resorpcija koÅ”tanog tkiva na mestu izvađenog zuba. Cilj rada je bio da se prikažu rezultati radiografske i histoloÅ”ke analize posle kombinovane primene deproteinizovane goveđe kosti (BioOss) i kalcijum-sulfata postavljenih u alveolu neposredno posle vađenja zuba, a radi planirane ugradnje endosealnog implantata. Prikaz bolesnika. Posle vađenja donjeg drugog molara, kod bolesnice stare 22 godine, u alveolu je postavljen BioOss prekriven kalcijum-sulfatom u funkciji resorptivne membrane. Operativna regija je primarno uÅ”ivena. Kontrolni radiografski snimci urađeni su posle četvrtog i dvanaestog meseca. Godinu dana kasnije, neposredno pre ugradnje implantata, uzet je isečak novoformiranog koÅ”tanog tkiva za histoloÅ”ku analizu. Uočeno je stvaranje zrele lamelarne kosti, pri čemu je resorpcija BioOss bila usporena. Takođe, uočeno je i prisustvo vezivnog tkiva. Zaključak. Oba materijala su pokazala biokompatibilnost i oseokonduktivni efekat, stvaranje lamelarne kosti i delimičnu resorpciju BioOss-a godinu dana posle njihove primene. Prisutno vezivno tkivo je pokazalo da kalcijum-sulfat nije ispunio u potpunosti zahteve resorptivne membrane


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    Osteohondrodisplazije velika su skupina rijetkih genskih bolesti karakterizirana poremećajem rasta i razvoja hrskavice i kosti. Često su povezane s malformacijama drugih organskih sustava. Mogu se podijeliti na letalne i neletalne skeletne displazije. Tanatoforična displazija jedna je od najčeŔćih letalnih skeletnih displazija s učestaloŔću pojavljivanja od 0,69 na 10.000 porođaja, dok je heterozigotna ahondrodisplazija među najčeŔćim neletalnim displazijama s učestaloŔću od 0,15 na 10.000 porođaja. Prikazat ćemo dva novorođenčeta s osteohondrodisplazijom. Prvi je prikaz letalne osteohondrodisplazije kod novorođenčeta 41-godiÅ”nje viÅ”erotkinje koja je u 33. tjednu nekontrolirane trudnoće doÅ”la u naÅ”u Kliniku zbog započetog porođaja. Drugi je prikaz neletalne osteohondrodisplazije u novorođenčeta 31-godiÅ”nje viÅ”erotkinje kod kojeg se od 30. tjedna trudnoće prate kraće kosti udova.Osteochondrodysplasias comprise a large, genetically heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormalities of cartilage and bone growth. They are often associated with abnormalities in other organ systems. They are classified as lethal or non-lethal skeletal dysplasias. Thanatophoric dysplasia is the most common form of lethal skeletal dysplasia with an incidence of 0.69 per 10.000 births. Heterozygous achondroplasia is the most common non-lethal dysplasia with an incidence of 0.15 per 10.000 births. We will present two cases of skeletal dysplasia. The first case is the case of lethal osteochondrodysplasia in the fetus of a 41-year-old multiparous woman, who came to our hospital in active preterm labor, in the 33th week of uncontrolled pregnancy. The second case is the case of non-lethal osteochondrodysplasia in the fetus of a 31-year-old multiparous woman. The fetal short femur length was detected in the 30th week of pregnancy

    The lumbal spine burden of brewers

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    Uvidom u zdravstvenu dokumentaciju utvrđena je učestalost lumbalnog sindroma u dvije skupine radnika ā€žZagrebačke pivovareā€œ. Od 23 radnika varionice devet (39,1%) imalo je prve tegobe u srednjoj dobi od 34 godine i nakon prosječne izloženosti od 12 godina. U pogonu vrenja dok su 24 (72,7%) od 33 radnika do sada liječena zbog lumbalnog sindroma, i to u srednjoj dobi od 31 godine i nakon prosječne izloženosti od devet godina. Razlika je statistički značajna (c2-7,664, P0,05) niti u dobi niti u stažu između te dvije skupine radnika. Analizom radnih mjesta utvrđeno je svakodnevno dinamičko opterećenje lumbalne kralježnice ispitivanih radnika, posebice radnika vrenja te su nužna ergonomska rjeÅ”enja da bi se olakÅ”ao rad i smanjio pobol.The appearance of lumbal syndrome was analysed in two groups of workers in the Ā»Zagrebacka pivovaraĀ« brewery. In a group of 23 workers whose mean age was 34 years and mean length of service 12 years, nine (39.1%) suffered from lumbal syndrome. In another group of 33 workers, with the mean age of 31 years and the mean length of service of nine years there were 24 (72.7%) suffering from the syndrome. According to Student\u27s t-test the differences in age and length of service between the two groups were not significant (P>0.05), but the diference in the number of ill was significant (P<0.05). Analysis of the workplace showed that a heavy burden of the lumbal spine was involved, especially with the workers from the second group, and that ergonomie solutions were necessary

    Preparation of NdFeB Magnetic Nanoparticles by Surfactant-Assisted High Energy Ball Milling

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    Improved permanent magnets are essential for emergent applications in electronic and electric devices. Different attempts have been made to produce nanoscale anisotropic rare-earth magnetic powder based on Nd-Fe-B material. Recently, high energy surfactant assisted ball milling has been proven to be an effective technique to produce anisotropic hard magnetic Nd-Fe-B nanoparticles. In this paper we are presenting our experimental results on high energy ball milling in planetary mill "Puverisette 7 premium line" from "Fritsch". Except milling material, there are several variables which influence the milling process for the selected mill type. They are: mechanical properties of the milling media material (bowls, balls, etc.), ball-to-powder ratio (BPR), extent of filling of the milling bowl, milling atmosphere, milling speed and duration, and type of solution and surfactant for wet milling. We are going to give influence of all these parameters on obtained NdFeB magnetic materials with nanosized dimensions starting from Nd2Fe14B HDD (Hydrogenated Disproportionated Desorbed) material. Acknowledgements: This work is funded by FP7 project MAG-DRIVE: "New permanent magnets for electric-vehicle drive applications", grant agreement no: 605348

    Isoflavones - from biotechnology to functional foods

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    Isoflavones are isolated from about 300 plant species and belong to the group of phytoestrogens. Having structural similarity with estrogens, they are related to the estrogen receptors, and may exhibit estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. They are present in many plant nutrients (including soy, alfalfa, flax seed). The main sources of isoflavones are legumes and there are known commercial preparations of isoflavones, which are natural, safe and alternative materials that can provide an effect similar to estrogen. These compounds have effects on the health status, production characteristics of the animals (poultry, pigs), and the characteristics of the final product ingredients

    Prirodna mikobiota i prisustvo aflatoksina B1 u polenu prikupljenom u Srbiji

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    Total fungal count, incidence of fungi and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) concentration were studied in 33 samples of bee pollen randomly collected from beekeepers in Serbia. The total number of fungi was determined by dilution method whereas AFB1 was detected using the Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA). The mycological estimation showed the presence of nine genera of fungi as followed: Acremonium, AlternarĆ­a, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Epiccocum, Fusarium, Mucor, PĆ©nicillium and Rhizopus, with total number ranging from 1 x 103 to 1 x 105 CFU g-1. The results have shown the predominance of the fungi from the genera Aspergillus and Alternaria. Among Aspergillus species it was observed that the most frequent species was A. flavus with incidence of 27.27 %. Mycotoxin AFB1 was detected as 100% positive in all samples (100%) with an average concentration of 8.61 Ī¼g kg-1. The obtained results indicated that honey bee pollen must be strictly controlled during its manipulation in the harvesting and manufacturing. Therefore, the implementation of good manufacturing (beekeeping) practice to define procedures for honeybee products could be crucial to reduce the risk of possible contamination and provide natural and safety product without risk on the human health.Ukupan broj gljiva, učestalost (incidenca) gljiva i koncentracija aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) ispitivani su u 33 uzoraka polena sakupljenih od pčelara iz različitih regiona u Srbiji. Ukupan broj gljiva određen je primenom metode razređenja a AFB1 je određen primenom imunoadsorpcione enzimske metode (ELISA). MikoloÅ”kim ispitivanjima identifikovano je devet rodova gljiva: Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Epiccocum, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillium i Rhizopus, sa ukupnim brojem od 1 x 103 to 1 x 105 CFU g-1. Najučestalije vrste gljiva su u rodovima Aspergillus i Alternaria. Među Aspergillus vrstama najučestalija je vrsta A. flavus sa incidencom od 27,27%. AFB1 je detektovan u svim uzorcima sa prosečnom koncentracijom od 8,61 Ī¼g kg-1. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da pčelarski polen mora biti strogo kontrolisan tokom prikupljanja i njegove dalje prerade. Zbog toga, sprovođenje dobre proizvođačke (pčelarske) prakse podrazumeva definisanje procedura za pčelarske proizvode Å”to bi moglo biti presudno za smanjenje rizika od moguće kontaminacije i dobijanje prirodnih i bezbednih proizvoda bez rizika po zdravlje ljudi

    Reinforcement of the pressure sensor diaphragm by etching in 25%tmah water solution

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    Primenom maskless tehnike, koja se bazira na vlažnom hemijskom nagrizanju u vodenom rastvoru TMAH koncentracije 25 tež. %. na temperaturi od 80 0 C, na Si pločice uspeÅ”no su napravljene dijafragme sa ojačanjem. Ojačanje je projektovano za ravne kvadratne dijafragme debljine 30 Ī¼m i povrÅ”ine 2040 Ī¼m x 2040 Ī¼m, čiji je nominalni opseg rada 1 bar. Vrednost pritiska na kojoj neojačana dijafragma puca je 12 bar. Eksperimentalno je pokazano da je ojačanje povećalo pritisak na kojem puca dijafragma 1.8 puta za dijafragmu sa ojačanjem Å”irine 90 Ī¼m, odnosno 2.5 puta za dijafragmu sa ojačanjem Å”irine 40 Ī¼m. Ovo poboljÅ”anje pokazuje da je u okviru samog senzora moguće MEMS tehnologijama povećati vrednost pritiska na kojem dolazi do pucanja dijafragme i njenog nepopravljivog oÅ”tećenja.Reinforcements of a pressure sensor diaphragm have been designed and fabricated on the Si wafers by maskless wet etching technique. Maskless wet etching technique has been performed in the 25% TMAH water solution at the temperature of 800. Reinforcements are designed for the 30 Ī¼m thick and flat square diaphragm. Area of the diaphragm is 2040 Ī¼m x 2040 Ī¼m. Operation pressure range of the flat diagrapham is 1 bar. Measured burst pressure of the flat diaphragm is 12 bar. For the samples of the diaphragm with the 90 Ī¼m wide reinforcement measured burst pressures are 1.8 times higher than for the flat one. For the samples of the diaphragm with the 40 Ī¼m wide reinforcement measured burst pressures are 2.5 times higher than for the flat one. Higher measured burst pressures of the diaphragms with reinforcements show that the improvement is possible on the sensor level by using maskless wet etching technique
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