1,083 research outputs found

    Extraction and Partial Characterization of Proteolytic Activities from the Cell Surface of Lactobacillus helveticus Zuc2

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    Abstract Proteolytic activities were extracted from a dairy Lactobacillus helveticus strain and partially characterized. A first cell envelope proteinase (CEP) was extracted using a high ionic strength buffer, both in the presence and in the absence of Ca 2+ . Moreover, cell treatment by 5 M LiCl allowed for the selective removal of the S-layer protein and CEP, suggesting an enzyme ionic linkage to the cell envelope similar to that observed for the Slayer structure. The enzyme specificity against α s1 -CN (f1–23) showed unusual activity on the Lys 3 -His 4 bond compared with other proteinases of the same species. A second proteinase appeared to be linked to the cell membrane because it was extractable only after membrane disgregation by detergents. Its specificity against CN fractions and α s1 -CN (f1–23) was different from that of the first CEP; moreover, the measured activity was lower than that of CEP

    Comparison of tensile strength and fracture toughness of co-bonded and cold-bonded carbon fiber laminate-aluminum adhesive joints

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    The purpose of this work is to compare the co-bonding vs. cold-bonding route on the adhesive joint performance of a CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) laminate–aluminum connection. In particular, the overlap shear, tensile strength and Mode I and Mode II fracture toughness will be evaluated. The adhesives for co-bonding and cold-bonding are, respectively, a thermosetting modified epoxy, unsupported structural film and a two-component epoxy adhesive, chosen as representative of applications in the high-performance/race car field. The emerging trend is that, in tensile e Mode I fracture tests, the failure path is predominantly in the composite. Mode II fracture tests instead resulted in a cohesive fracture, meaning that, under pure shear loading, the weakest link may not be the composite. The lap-shear tests are placed midway (cohesive failure for co-bonding and composite delamination for cold-bonding, respectively), probably due to the different peel stress values related to the different adhesive Young’s modulus. The exploitation of the full capacity of the adhesive joint, hence the possibility of highlighting better, different performances of co-bonding vs. cold-bonding, would require consistent improvement of the out-of-plane strength of the CFRP laminate and/or to someway redistribute the peel stress on the bondline

    Magnetic-buoyancy-induced mixing in AGB stars: Fluorine nucleosynthesis at different metallicities

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    DV and SC acknowledge S. Bagnulo for fruitful discussions. DV acknowledges financial support from the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF No. I-1500-303.7/2019). CA acknowledges financial support from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through the FEDER founds projects PGC2018-095317-B-C2.Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are considered to be among the most significant contributors to the fluorine budget in our Galaxy. While observations and theory agree at close-to-solar metallicity, stellar models at lower metallicities overestimate the fluorine production with respect to that of heavy elements. We present F-19 nucleosynthesis results for a set of AGB models with different masses and metallicities in which magnetic buoyancy acts as the driving process for the formation of the C-13 neutron source (the so-called C-13 pocket). We find that F-19 is mainly produced as a result of nucleosynthesis involving secondary N-14 during convective thermal pulses, with a negligible contribution from the N-14 present in the C-13 pocket region. A large F-19 production is thus prevented, resulting in lower fluorine surface abundances. As a consequence, AGB stellar models with mixing induced by magnetic buoyancy at the base of the convective envelope agree well with available fluorine spectroscopic measurements at low and close-to-solar metallicity.German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development I-1500-303.7/2019Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through the FEDER founds projects PGC2018-095317-B-C

    Magnetic Structure Of R 2 Coga 8 (r = Gd, Tb, And Dy): Structural Tuning Of Magnetic Properties In Layered Ga-based Intermetallic Compounds

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    In this work we have determined the magnetic structure of R2CoGa8 (R= Gd, Tb, and Dy) intermetallic compounds using x-ray resonant magnetic scattering in order to study the evolution of the anisotropic magnetic properties along the series for R= Gd-Tm. The three compounds have a commensurate antiferromagnetic spin structure with a magnetic propagation vector τâ- = (12,12,12) and a Néel temperature of approximately 20, 28.5, and 15.2 K for R= Gd, Tb, and Dy, respectively. The critical exponent β obtained from the temperature dependence of the magnetic peaks suggest a three-dimensional universality class for the three compounds. Comparing the simulated and integrated intensities we conclude that the magnetic moment direction is in the ab plane for the Gd2CoGa8 compound and parallel to the c axis for the Tb2CoGa8 and Dy2CoGa8 compounds. The evolution of the magnetic properties of the R2CoGa8 series for R= Gd-Tm is discussed taking into account the indirect Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida interaction and crystalline-electric field effects. The comparison between the reported magnetic properties of the Ga-based compounds with those for the In-based isostructural family reveals differences in their exchange couplings that contribute to the understanding of the role of the f-electron magnetism in these classes of materials. © 2014 American Physical Society.8911Thompson, J., Fisk, Z., (2012) J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 81, p. 011002. , JUPSAU 0031-9015 10.1143/JPSJ.81.011002Movshovich, R., Jaime, M., Thompson, J.D., Petrovic, C., Fisk, Z., Pagliuso, P.G., Sarrao, J.L., (2001) Phys. Rev. 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    Black soldier fly as a New chitin source: Extraction, purification and molecular/structural characterization

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    Black Soldier Fly (BSF) represents a potential chitin source that has not been fully explored in terms of characterization, extraction, and purification. In this study, different chemical and enzymatic protocols with or without pre-treatment (ultrasonication and mechanochemical milling) for chitin extraction were tested. Chitin was then accurately quantified and characterized from a molecular and structural point of view by UPLC-MS, XRD, and ESEM, and compared with chitin from shrimp shells. BSF chitin was more recalcitrant than shrimp chitin during extraction and purification, due to the strong binding of chitin to proteins. Indeed, the purity of shrimp chitin was 88.3g/100g of extract, while BSF chitin purity was 47.6–79.9g/100g. Furthermore, the chitin-bound proteins had a defined amino acid composition; their binding was also confirmed by structural characterization. Therefore, the efficiency of each step of the extraction process needs to be critically evaluated to adapt the methods used for crustaceans to insect biomass

    Radiography registration for mosaic tomography

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    CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQA hybrid method of stitching X-ray computed tomography (CT) datasets is proposed and the feasibility to apply the scheme in a synchrotron tomography beamline with micrometre resolution is shown. The proposed method enables the field of view of the system to be extended while spatial resolution and experimental setup remain unchanged. The approach relies on taking full tomographic datasets at different positions in a mosaic array and registering the frames using Fourier phase correlation and a residue-based correlation. To ensure correlation correctness, the limits for the shifts are determined from the experimental motor position readouts. The masked correlation image is then minimized to obtain the correct shift. The partial datasets are blended in the sinogram space to be compatible with common CT reconstructors. The feasibility to use the algorithm to blend the partial datasets in projection space is also shown, creating a new single dataset, and standard reconstruction algorithms are used to restore high-resolution slices even with a small number ofprojections.A hybrid method of stitching X-ray computed tomography (CT) datasets is proposed and the feasibility to apply the scheme in a synchrotron tomography beamline with micrometre resolution is shown. The proposed method enables the field of view of the system to be extended while spatial resolution and experimental setup remain unchanged. The approach relies on taking full tomographic datasets at different positions in a mosaic array and registering the frames using Fourier phase correlation and a residue-based correlation. To ensure correlation correctness, the limits for the shifts are determined from the experimental motor position readouts. The masked correlation image is then minimized to obtain the correct shift. The partial datasets are blended in the sinogram space to be compatible with common CT reconstructors. The feasibility to use the algorithm to blend the partial datasets in projection space is also shown, creating a new single dataset, and standard reconstruction algorithms are used to restore high-resolution slices even with a small number of projections.243686694CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQSem informaçã

    comparative investigation of mode i and ii fracture toughness of directly cured cfrp and co cured bonded cfrp joints

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    Abstract Adhesive bonding is the elective joining system between Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) parts because, with respect to fastening, it allows a large connection area, no additional parts (hence weight saving) and no need to drill holes into the composite, that is always detrimental for the strength due to the possibility of developing damage. However, the choice of bonding CFRP should be evaluated as alternative to direct curing in terms of strength and durability, compared to cost and manufacturing time and complexity. In this work, a comparison between directly cured and co-cured, bonded CFRP is done with respect to mode I and mode II fracture toughness, in order to understand whether bonding guarantees the same performance of a co-cured composite part

    influence of material and manufacturing technology on the failure behavior of composite laminate bonded joints

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    Abstract The purpose of this work is to evaluate the influence of co-lamination vs. co-bonding on the failure behavior, and namely the fracture toughness, of carbon fibre reinforced (CFR) composite laminate joints in order to assess comparatively their performance. Since the strength of the laminate and ply texture are parameters affecting the strength of the joint, the comparison is extended to two different types of CFR pre-preg fibers, a satin T1100 with 2573 Nanoalloy® epoxy resin supplied by Toray and a twill T700 with ER450 toughened epoxy resin supplied by CIT, Toray group, representative of two different fields of application, racing and automotive, respectively

    NIKEL_AMC: Readout electronics for the NIKA2 experiment

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    The New Iram Kid Arrays-2 (NIKA2) instrument has recently been installed at the IRAM 30 m telescope. NIKA2 is a state-of-art instrument dedicated to mm-wave astronomy using microwave kinetic inductance detectors (KID) as sensors. The three arrays installed in the camera, two at 1.25 mm and one at 2.05 mm, feature a total of 3300 KIDs. To instrument these large array of detectors, a specifically designed electronics, composed of 20 readout boards and hosted in three microTCA crates, has been developed. The implemented solution and the achieved performances are presented in this paper. We find that multiplexing factors of up to 400 detectors per board can be achieved with homogeneous performance across boards in real observing conditions, and a factor of more than 3 decrease in volume with respect to previous generations.Comment: 21 pages; 16 figure

    Histopathological determinants of autofluorescence patterns in oral carcinoma

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    Biological tissues (including oral mucosa) can absorb and re-emit specific light wavelengths, detectable through spectrophotometric devices. Such a phenomenon is known as \u201cautofluorescence\u201d (AF). Several devices evaluating tissue AF have been developed and commercialized in the last two decades. Among these, the VELscope\uae system has been proposed as a visual diagnostic aid for potentially malignant disorders and malignant lesions of the oral mucosa. In the present pilot study, we investigated which are the main histopathological features possibly related to variations in AF patterns in a set of 20 oral squamous cell verrucous carcinoma. Among all the histological features investigated, only the mean width of keratin was significantly different between hypofluorescent and hyperfluorescent carcinomas. The results of the present study demonstrate that AF features of oral malignant lesions are significantly associated with the width of their keratin layer
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