5,183 research outputs found

    Landscape ecological Decision & Evaluation Support System LEDESS : users guide

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    To understand the basic strategies in nature development, it is necessary to examine existing plans and schemes in order to reveal and clarify underlying concepts. Two questions are crucial here: what is the ecological objective, and what is the spatial strategy? The first question is related to the level of the ecosystem. With different types of nature management, different ecosystems can develop at the same site. Nature policy decides which system is to be developed. The second question is related to the landscape as a whole, the spatial pattern of ecosystems. It is taken into account that other activities, such as farming, recreation, water supply and quarrying, also require space. Nature development cannot be considered independently from those activities. Therefore, a spatial strategy is required to combine all land use functions. To find an optimal balance between the two questions, different nature development scenarios are developed

    Товарная структура внешней торговли с Украиной как фактор формирования отрицательного торгового сальдо

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    Торгово-экономические связи между Республикой Болгарией и Украиной развиваются динамично, но объемы экспорта и импорта ниже экономических возможностей двух стран. Существенный вклад в развитие торговых отношений между Республикой Болгарией и Украиной вносят заключенные двухсторонние соглашения, увязанные с внешнеторговым режимом стран, соблюдение общих принципов международной торговли и членство стран в Организации черноморского экономического сотрудничества.Торговельно-економічні зв’язки між Республікою Болгарією і Україною розвиваються динамічно, але об’єми експорту і імпорту нижче економічних можливостей двох країн. Істотний внесок в розвиток торгових відносин між Республікою Болгарією і Україною вносять укладені двосторонні угоди, пов’язані із зовнішньоторговельним режимом країн, дотримання загальних принципів міжнародної торгівлі і членство країн до Організацій чорноморського економічного співробітництва.Trade and economic connections between Republic it is developed Bulgaria and Ukraine dynamically, but volumes of export and import below of economic feasibilities of two countries. Substantial contribution to development of pointof-sale relations between Republic Bulgaria and Ukraine is bring in the celled reciprocal contracts, tied up with the foreign trade mode of countries, observance of general principles of international trade and membership of countries in Organizations of black sea economic collaboration

    Production of defect-poor nanostructured ceramics of yttria-zirconia

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    For the production of nanostructured ceramics of yttria-zirconia four powders differing in agglomerate strength, agglomerate size and crystallite size are compared. An ultra-fine-grained ceramic with a final density of 98% and a grain size of 0.18 μm could be produced from a hydrothermally crystallized ethanol-washed powder. The remaining porosity is caused by some residual defects which are present due to the irregular shape of the agglomerates and which cause improper die filling. A commercially available powder was also investigated. This powder consists of homogeneous porous, spherical, weak agglomerates. The resulting ceramic has a high density (≥ 99%) but cannot be obtained with ultra-fine grain size (minimum grain size is 0.3 μm). The air-crystallized ethanol-washed powder resulted, after sintering, in larger porosities. In this case the powder consists of weak and some strong agglomerates and a few defect clusters are found in the sintered ceramic which limit the maximum attainable density to 92%. The air-crystallized water-washed powder consists of agglomerates which are too strong to be fractured during compaction. The sintered ceramics contain a large amount of porosity (20%) which is attributed to the presence of inter-agglomerate pores.\u

    Увага! Kорисна інформація

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    Знаковою для геологічної спільноти України стала 71 конференція Європейської асоціації геовчених та інженерів (EAGE), що відбулася в червні 2009 р. в Амстердамі – Королівство Нідерланди

    Experiences of carriers of multidrug-resistant organisms: a systematic review

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    Contains fulltext : 202240.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)OBJECTIVES: A comprehensive overview of the ways control measures directed at carriers of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) affect daily life of carriers is lacking. In this systematic literature review, we sought to explore how carriers experience being a carrier and how they experience being subjected to control measures by looking at the impact on basic capabilities. METHODS: We searched Medline, Embase and PsychINFO until 26 May 2016 for studies addressing experiences of MDRO carriers. Twenty-seven studies were included, addressing experiences with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (n = 21), ESBL (n = 1), multiple MDRO (n = 4) and other (n = 1, not specified). We categorized reported experiences according to Nussbaum's capability approach. RESULTS: Carriage and control measures were found to interfere with quality of care, cause negative emotions, limit interactions with loved ones, cause stigmatization, limit recreational activities and create financial and professional insecurity. Further, carriers have difficulties with full comprehension of the problem of antimicrobial resistance, thus affecting six out of ten basic capabilities. CONCLUSIONS: Applying Nussbaum's capability approach visualizes an array of unintended consequences of control measures. Carriers experience stigmatization, especially in healthcare settings, and have limited understanding of their situation and the complexities of antimicrobial resistance

    Fast Ramping Superconducting Magnet Design Issues for Future Injector Upgrades at CERN

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    An upgrade of the LHC injection chain, and especially the sequence of PS and SPS, up to an extraction energy of 1 TeV, is one of the steps considered to improve the performance of the whole accelerator complex. The magnets for this upgrade require central magnetic field from 2 T (for a PS upgrade) to 4.5 T (for an SPS upgrade), for which superconducting magnets are a candidate. Due to the fast field sweep rate of the magnets (from about 1.5 T/s to 2.5 T/s), internal heating from eddy and persistent current effects (AC loss) must be minimized. In this paper we discuss a rationale for the design and optimization of fast ramped superconducting accelerator magnets, specifically aimed at the LHC injectors. We introduce a design parameter, the product of bore field and field ramp-rate, providing a measure of the magnet performance, and we apply it to choose the design range for a technology demonstration magnet. We finally discuss the dependence of key design parameters on the bore field and the bore diameter, to provide an approximate scaling and guidelines for critical R&D

    A Multistage Stochastic Programming Approach to the Dynamic and Stochastic VRPTW - Extended version

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    We consider a dynamic vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic customers (DS-VRPTW), such that customers may request for services as vehicles have already started their tours. To solve this problem, the goal is to provide a decision rule for choosing, at each time step, the next action to perform in light of known requests and probabilistic knowledge on requests likelihood. We introduce a new decision rule, called Global Stochastic Assessment (GSA) rule for the DS-VRPTW, and we compare it with existing decision rules, such as MSA. In particular, we show that GSA fully integrates nonanticipativity constraints so that it leads to better decisions in our stochastic context. We describe a new heuristic approach for efficiently approximating our GSA rule. We introduce a new waiting strategy. Experiments on dynamic and stochastic benchmarks, which include instances of different degrees of dynamism, show that not only our approach is competitive with state-of-the-art methods, but also enables to compute meaningful offline solutions to fully dynamic problems where absolutely no a priori customer request is provided.Comment: Extended version of the same-name study submitted for publication in conference CPAIOR201

    Metachronous bladder metastases from renal cell carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    INTRODUCTION: adrenal gland, parotid gland, pharynx, eye and bladder are rare localizations of metastases of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We report a case of metachronous RCC metastases to the bladder in a patient with a medical history of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: a case study and review of the relevant literature are presented. RESULTS: during a follow-up cystoscopy examination following treatment of TCC, a single 5-mm lesion was detected and endoscopically resected. The histology of the resected sample was confirmed to be RCC, comparable to a primary kidney cancer and not recurrent TCC. CONCLUSION: the patient had a probability of metastases three years after nephrectomy of 62.9%. Survival rates following single metastasectomy are 60% and 38% at three and five years, respectively; metachronous diagnosis has a better prognosis than synchronous. During RCC follow-up, each lesion should be considered as a possible metastasis of RCC