269 research outputs found

    Unirationality of moduli spaces of special cubic fourfolds and K3 surfaces

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    We provide explicit descriptions of the generic members of Hassett's divisors Cd\mathcal C_d for relevant 18≤d≤3818\leq d\leq 38 and for d=44d=44. In doing so, we prove that Cd\mathcal C_d is unirational for 18≤d≤38,d=4418\leq d\leq 38,d=44. As a corollary, we prove that the moduli space Nd\mathcal N_{d} of polarized K3 surfaces of degree dd is unirational for d=14,26,38d=14,26,38. The case d=26d=26 is entirely new, while the other two cases have been previously proven by Mukai.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables. Script for the computer calculations used are provided on the author's websit


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    Development of the self-modulation instability of a relativistic proton bunch in plasma

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    Self-modulation is a beam-plasma instability that is useful to drive large-amplitude wakefields with bunches much longer than the plasma skin depth. We present experimental results showing that, when increasing the ratio between the initial transverse size of the bunch and the plasma skin depth, the instability occurs later along the bunch, or not at all, over a fixed plasma length, because the amplitude of the initial wakefields decreases. We show cases for which self-modulation does not develop and we introduce a simple model discussing the conditions for which it would not occur after any plasma length. Changing bunch size and plasma electron density also changes the growth rate of the instability. We discuss the impact of these results on the design of a particle accelerator based on the self-modulation instability seeded by a relativistic ionization front, such as the future upgrade of the AWAKE experiment

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Dengan Perilaku Ibu Hamil Trimester III Dalam Persiapan Persalinan

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    Latar Belakang : Persiapan persalinan yang direncanakan bersama bidan diharapkan dapat mengurangi ketidaksiapan ibu saat persalinan dan meningkatkan ibu akan menerima asuhan yang optimal. Tujuan : penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan perilaku ibu hamil trimester III dalam persiapan persalinan. Metode : penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan Cross Sectional. Populasi adalah semua ibu hamil trimester III berjumlah 57 ibu hamil, Sampel penelitian adalah total populasi yaitu 57 ibu hamil. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square. Hasil : penelitian menunjukkan pengetahuan ibu hamil sebagian besar memiliki pengetahuan baik sebanyak 31 (54,4%) dan perilaku ibu hamil dalam persiapan persalinan sebagian besar perilaku positif sebanyak 44 (77,2%) hasil uji statistik X² tabel sebesar 5.591 dan X² hitung sebesar 11.339, artinya nilai X² hitung lebih besar dari nilai X² tabel dan nilai p value = 0,003 atau lebih kecil dari α = 0,05 dengan convidance interval sebesar 95%. Kesimpulan: ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan perilaku ibu hamil trimester III dalam persiapan persalinan di Puskesmas Danowudu Kota Bitung. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Perilaku, Persiapan Persalina

    Reliability of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory and stability of the MPI classification system in chronic back pain

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    Contains fulltext : 109346.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: This cross validation study examined the reliability of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI) and the stability of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory Classification System of the empirically derived subgroup classification obtained by cluster analysis in chronic musculoskeletal pain. Reliability of the German Multidimensional Pain Inventory was only examined once in the past in a small sample. Previous international studies mainly involving fibromyalgia patients showed that retest resulted in 33-38% of patients being assigned to a different Multidimensional Pain Inventory subgroup classification. METHODS: Participants were 204 persons with chronic musculoskeletal pain (82% chronic non-specific back pain). Subgroup classification was conducted by cluster analysis at 4 weeks before entry (=test) and at entry into the pain management program (=retest) using Multidimensional Pain Inventory scale scores. No therapeutic interventions in this period were conducted. Reliability was quantified by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and stability by kappa coefficients (kappa). RESULTS: Reliability of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory scales was least with ICC = 0.57 for the scale life control and further ranged from ICC = 0.72 (negative mood) to 0.87 (solicitous responses) in the other scales. At retest, 82% of the patients in the Multidimensional Pain Inventory cluster interpersonally distressed (kappa = 0.69), 80% of the adaptive copers (kappa = 0.58), and 75% of the dysfunctional patients (kappa = 0.70) did not change classification. In total, 22% of the patients changed Multidimensional Pain Inventory cluster group, mainly into the adaptive copers subgroup. CONCLUSION: Test-retest reliability of the German Multidimensional Pain Inventory was moderate to good and comparable to other language versions. Multidimensional Pain Inventory subgroup classification is substantially stable in chronic back pain patients when compared to other diagnostic groups and other examiner-based subgroup Classification Systems. The MPI Classification System can be recommended for reliable and stable specification of subgroups in observational and interventional studies in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain

    Application Of Activity Based Costing AS The Basis For Determination Of Tariff In Patient Hospital In Prof.dr.r D. Kandou Manado

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    The viability of the institution of which is determined by a variety of strategies implemented by ABC, an accounting information system to identify kinds of activities undertaken and collect fees on the basis of existing nature of the activity. Prof. Kandou general hospital Manado becomes the object of study, located in the city of Manado. The study was conducted by calculating the room rates of hospitalization on the basis of unit cost separately for each type of class hospitalization. The aim of this research is to find out the ABC application as a basis for setting rates of inpatient services at the hospital Prof. Kandou Manado. The research is descriptive, namely from the calculation of rates of hospitalization by using the ABC system. When compared with hospitalization rates that are used by hospitals today, it appears that the rate of hospitalization for class I, II, III gives smaller yield, with a difference of Rp. 190,546.5 VVIP class, class VIP 94241.3, class I -65,086.4 class II Rp Rp Rp -208,605.9 -161,232.5 class III. While VVIP, VIP, providing greater results. The management of Prof. Kandou hospital should consider the implementation of hospitalization rates by using the ABC because this system will obtain information of hospitalization costs more accurately. Keywords: fee based activities, tariff

    Curves on Heisenberg invariant quartic surfaces in projective 3-space

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    This paper is about the family of smooth quartic surfaces X⊂P3X \subset \mathbb{P}^3 that are invariant under the Heisenberg group H2,2H_{2,2}. For a very general such surface XX, we show that the Picard number of XX is 16 and determine its Picard group. It turns out that the general Heisenberg invariant quartic contains 320 smooth conics and that in the very general case, this collection of conics generates the Picard group.Comment: Updated references, corrected typo

    Syzygies of torsion bundles and the geometry of the level l modular variety over M_g

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    We formulate, and in some cases prove, three statements concerning the purity or, more generally the naturality of the resolution of various rings one can attach to a generic curve of genus g and a torsion point of order l in its Jacobian. These statements can be viewed an analogues of Green's Conjecture and we verify them computationally for bounded genus. We then compute the cohomology class of the corresponding non-vanishing locus in the moduli space R_{g,l} of twisted level l curves of genus g and use this to derive results about the birational geometry of R_{g, l}. For instance, we prove that R_{g,3} is a variety of general type when g>11 and the Kodaira dimension of R_{11,3} is greater than or equal to 19. In the last section we explain probabilistically the unexpected failure of the Prym-Green conjecture in genus 8 and level 2.Comment: 35 pages, appeared in Invent Math. We correct an inaccuracy in the statement of Prop 2.
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