985 research outputs found

    Listeria monocytogenesにおける代替シグマ因子Hの特異な役割

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    この博士論文は内容の要約のみの公開(または一部非公開)になっています筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Calidad de la administración del aprendizaje en la modalidad presencial del nivel superior en la UAEM, con el apoyo de un LMS

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    Una de las perspectivas para balancear los indicadores en pro de la medición de la calidad en un Balanced Scorecard según Robert Kaplan y David Norton es la perspectiva clientes que trasladándolo a los términos del ámbito educativo es el usuario estudiante. En este sentido, un indicador relacionado es la satisfacción del estudiante con respecto a su evaluación del aprendizaje. Tiene que ver con la necesidad de disponer en cualquier momento y lugar con información tal como programación, contenido de actividades de aprendizaje y criterios de evaluación a realizar así como su retroalimentación personalizada. Además de disponer de las evidencias entregadas por el estudiante y calificaciones para tener claridad durante todo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje e ir conformando la evaluación sin tener lugar a duda sobre las entregas y evaluación. En este trabajo de corte cualitativo refleja la perspectiva del estudiante que hace uso de un Sistema administrador del aprendizaje (LMS) como una herramienta de apoyo a la modalidad presencial en el nivel superior. Tal análisis se basa en las respuestas de los estudiantes al aplicarles una encuesta que previamente se revisó su confiabilidad, validez y objetividad

    The Use of Body Percussion in Contemporary Choral Music

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    Since the 20th century the body and the movement are at the center of music education thanks to the studies of pedagogists such as Dalcroze, Orff and to the philosopher Merleau-Ponty's study about perception, where music is no longer seen as a purely intellectual phenomenon, but a bodily experience. We see a growing interest in the body in composition as well: due to the timbre exploration that body percussion offers (as in VinkoGlobokar), and to a new ethnographic interest (as in Steve Reich). Aim of this research is to analyze the use of body percussion in contemporary classical choral music, and then to examine every composition in detail. The research compares different composers (TadejaVulc, Eric Whitacre, Ko Matsushita, LozjeLebič) relating to their place of birth, to the type of body percussion chosen, to the different expressive aim; considering the spreading interest in the moving body in choral live performances’ dramatization, the research shows the importance of body percussion in choral education, as well as in timbre exploration looking for more traditional sounds. The purpose of this study is also to give a foundation for future researches since this ground seems to be unexplored and in great development

    Parameter Selection for Analyzing Conversations with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex, challenging task as it depends on the analysis of interactional behaviors by psychologists rather than the use of biochemical diagnostics. In this paper, we present a modeling approach to ASD diagnosis by analyzing acoustic/prosodic and linguistic features extracted from diagnostic conversations between a psychologist and children who either are typically developing (TD) or have ASD. We compare the contributions of different features across a range of conversation tasks. We focus on finding a minimal set of parameters that characterize conversational behaviors of children with ASD. Because ASD is diagnosed through conversational interaction, in addition to analyzing the behavior of the children, we also investigate whether the psychologist's conversational behaviors vary across diagnostic groups. Our results can facilitate fine-grained analysis of conversation data for children with ASD to support diagnosis and intervention.Comment: 5 pages, 4 tables, Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 202

    Integrating the affective domain when interpreting understanding in Mathematics: an operational approach

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    We present here an integrative proposal allowing to interpret the different systems of the affective domain and its relationship with understanding when performing mathematical activity. A conceptualisation of the affective domain is advanced based on the emotional system, which serves as a central point of reference, and a functional perspective of understanding relating to the uses given to mathematical knowledge. We also provide a specific interpretive method and exemplify it with a practical case of a preservice elementary teacher engaged in solving a flat surface measurement task. To conclude, by incorporating affective phenomena into the interpretation, we found complementary reasons that accounted for the student’s mathematical understanding.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Supervised Feature Compression based on Counterfactual Analysis

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    Counterfactual Explanations are becoming a de-facto standard in post-hoc interpretable machine learning. For a given classifier and an instance classified in an undesired class, its counterfactual explanation corresponds to small perturbations of that instance that allows changing the classification outcome. This work aims to leverage Counterfactual Explanations to detect the important decision boundaries of a pre-trained black-box model. This information is used to build a supervised discretization of the features in the dataset with a tunable granularity. Using the discretized dataset, a smaller, therefore more interpretable Decision Tree can be trained, which, in addition, enhances the stability and robustness of the baseline Decision Tree. Numerical results on real-world datasets show the effectiveness of the approach in terms of accuracy and sparsity compared to the baseline Decision Tree.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Mechanisms of Horizontal Gene Transfer

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    Horizontal gene transfer plays important roles in the evolution of S. aureus, and indeed, a variety of virulence factors and antibiotic resistance genes are embedded in a series of mobile genetic elements. In this chapter, we review the mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer, including recent findings on the natural genetic competence. Then, we consider the transfer of two important antibiotic resistance genes: the methicillin resistance gene, mecA (in Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome) and the linezolid resistance gene, cfr (in plasmid). In either case, distinct mechanisms driving the gene dissemination support the prominent evolutionary ability of this important human pathogen

    Propuesta de mejora para incrementar la calidad del servicio administrativo brindado a estudiantes en una Institución Pública de Educación Superior

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    Resumen: Conocer el estado de calidad de servicios que los alumnos perciben, es un factor determinante para su permanencia en la institución, debido a que la atención que reciben los clientes por parte de las empresas de servicios es fundamental para que estos continúen requiriendo de sus servicios. Este estudio está enfocado a realizar propuestas de mejoras en el servicio administrativo que se ofrece en una institución pública y que, derivado del descontento de los alumnos por el servicio que se brinda, siendo que es conveniente para la universidad conocer la percepción de sus “clientes” o alumnos respecto a los servicios que les proporciona además de identificar el equipo y materiales que los alumnos requieren para mejorar la atención que se les manifiesta. Abstract: The status of quality of services that the students perceive, is a factor for their stay in the institution, since the attention they receive customers by service companies is fundamental for these continue requiring their services. This study is focused to make proposals for improvements in the administrative service offered in a public institution and that derived from the discontent of pupils for the service provided, being that it is convenient for the University to know the perception of their 'clients' or students with respect to the services provided to them in addition to identifying the equipment and materials that students require to improve care that manifests them

    Enneagram Collaborative Observations

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    The way we interact is important so that we can have successful and efficient lifestyles. The way we treat people is important. We create different environments with the interactions we choose to make, and sometimes those interactions are often confusing to understand. Human connection boils down to open communication and honesty. Does knowing somebody’s personality type make it easier to collaborate with them? This project looks at the interactions between creatives based on their Enneagram Personality type. The Enneagram is broken down into 9 interconnecting personalities. These numbers represent more apparent personality traits as well as common-ground and compatibility factors between the numbers. When it comes to collaboration, especially in a creative field, working with others is inevitable, and empathy for others is crucial. This attitude engenders a healthy relationship between people, and it allows us to think more objectively with a basic understanding of the other person’s needs. By using my peers as a foundation for my artistic expression, I had the opportunity to learn more about each number in depth, and create displays that show interactivity between enneagram numbers to support the methods in creative collaborative learning

    Propuesta para la disminución del síndrome de neurastenia en una empresa financiera en la Ciudad de Toluca

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    El síndrome de Neurastenia ha sido un padecimiento común caracterizado principalmente por cansancio emocional, despersonalización y falta de realización personal, además de otros padecimientos físicos que llevan a los empleados a mermar su actividad dentro de la organización. Este padecimiento es fácil encontrar en los profesionales que tienen específicamente contacto con los usuarios finales sin embargo no siempre es así; como puede notarse en este estudio el síndrome de Neurastenia se ve inmerso en las tareas diarias de los desarrolladores de software de un sistema financiero ubicado en la ciudad de Toluca, Estado de México