141 research outputs found

    Effect of Polyplex Size on Penetration into Tumor Spheroids

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    Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal gynecological cancers in the world. In recent years, nucleic acid (NA)-based formulations have been shown to be promising treatments for ovarian cancer, including tumor nodules. However, gene therapy is not that far advanced in clinical reality due to unfavorable physicochemical properties of the NAs, such as high molecular weight, poor cellular uptake, rapid degradation by nucleases, etc. One of the strategies used to overcome these drawbacks is the complexation of anionic NAs via electrostatic interactions with cationic polymers, resulting in the formation of so-called polyplexes. In this work, the role of the size of pDNA and siRNA polyplexes on their penetration into ovarian-cancer-based tumor spheroids was investigated. For this, a methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (mPEG-pDMAEMA) diblock copolymer was synthesized as a polymeric carrier for NA binding and condensation with either plasmid DNA (pDNA) or short interfering RNA (siRNA). When prepared in HEPES buffer (10 mM, pH 7.4) at a nitrogen/phosphate (N/P) charge ratio of 5 and pDNA polyplexes were formed with a size of 162 +/- 11 nm, while siRNA-based polyplexes displayed a size of 25 +/- 2 nm. The polyplexes had a slightly positive zeta potential of +7-8 mV in the same buffer. SiRNA and pDNA polyplexes were tracked in vitro into tumor spheroids, resembling in vivo avascular ovarian tumor nodules. For this purpose, reproducible spheroids were obtained by coculturing ovarian carcinoma cells with primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts in different ratios (5:2, 1:1, and 2:5). Penetration studies revealed that after 24 h of incubation, siRNA polyplexes were able to penetrate deeper into the homospheroids (composed of only cancer cells) and heterospheroids (cancer cells cocultured with fibroblasts) compared to pDNA polyplexes which were mainly located in the rim. The penetration of the polyplexes was slowed when increasing the fraction of fibroblasts present in the spheroids. Furthermore, in the presence of serum siRNA polyplexes encoding for luciferase showed a high cellular uptake in 2D cells resulting in similar to 50% silencing of luciferase expression. Taken together, these findings show that self-assembled small siRNA polyplexes have good potential as a platform to test ovarian tumor nodulus penetration.

    A Chemically Defined Hydrogel for Human Liver Organoid Culture

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    End-stage liver diseases are an increasing health burden, and liver transplantations are currently the only curative treatment option. Due to a lack of donor livers, alternative treatments are urgently needed. Human liver organoids are very promising for regenerative medicine; however, organoids are currently cultured in Matrigel, which is extracted from the extracellular matrix of the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm mouse sarcoma. Matrigel is poorly defined, suffers from high batch-to-batch variability and is of xenogeneic origin, which limits the clinical application of organoids. Here, a novel hydrogel based on polyisocyanopeptides (PIC) and laminin-111 is described for human liver organoid cultures. PIC is a synthetic polymer that can form a hydrogel with thermosensitive properties, making it easy to handle and very attractive for clinical applications. Organoids in an optimized PIC hydrogel proliferate at rates comparable to those observed with Matrigel; proliferation rates are stiffness-dependent, with lower stiffnesses being optimal for organoid proliferation. Moreover, organoids can be efficiently differentiated toward a hepatocyte-like phenotype with key liver functions. This proliferation and differentiation potential maintain over at least 14 passages. The results indicate that PIC is very promising for human liver organoid culture and has the potential to be used in a variety of clinical applications including cell therapy and tissue engineering

    Modulation of functional pendant chains within poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels for refined control of protein release

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    Hydrogels are highly attractive delivery vehicles for therapeutic proteins. Their innate biocompatibility, hydrophilicity and aqueous permeability allow stable encapsulation and release of proteins. The release rates also can be controlled simply by altering the crosslinking density of the polymeric network. However, the crosslinking density also influences the mechanical properties of hydrogels, generally opposite to the permeability. In addition, the release of larger proteins may be hindered below critically diminished porosity determined by the crosslinking density. Herein, the physical properties of the hydrogels are tuned by presenting functional pendant chains, independent of crosslinking density. Heterobifunctional poly(ethylene glycol) monomethacrylate (PEGMA) with various end functional groups is synthesized and copolymerized with PEG dimethacrylate (PEGDA) to engineer PEG hydrogels with pendant PEG chains. The pendant chains of the PEG hydrogels consisting of sulfonate, trimethylammonium chloride, and phenyl groups are utilized to provide negative charge, positive charge and hydrophobicity, respectively, to the hydrogels. The release rates of proteins with different isoelectric points are controlled in a wide range by the type and the density of functional pendant chains via electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions

    Hypothermic and cryogenic preservation of cardiac tissue-engineered constructs

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    Cardiac tissue engineering (cTE) has already advanced towards the first clinical trials, investigating safety and feasibility of cTE construct transplantation in failing hearts. However, the lack of well-established preservation methods poses a hindrance to further scalability, commercialization, and transportation, thereby reducing their clinical implementation. In this study, hypothermic preservation (4 °C) and two methods for cryopreservation ( i.e., a slow and fast cooling approach to -196 °C and -150 °C, respectively) were investigated as potential solutions to extend the cTE construct implantation window. The cTE model used consisted of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes and human cardiac fibroblasts embedded in a natural-derived hydrogel and supported by a polymeric melt electrowritten hexagonal scaffold. Constructs, composed of cardiomyocytes of different maturity, were preserved for three days, using several commercially available preservation protocols and solutions. Cardiomyocyte viability, function (beat rate and calcium handling), and metabolic activity were investigated after rewarming. Our observations show that cardiomyocytes' age did not influence post-rewarming viability, however, it influenced construct function. Hypothermic preservation with HypoThermosolŸ ensured cardiomyocyte viability and function. Furthermore, fast freezing outperformed slow freezing, but both viability and function were severely reduced after rewarming. In conclusion, whereas long-term preservation remains a challenge, hypothermic preservation with HypoThermosolŸ represents a promising solution for cTE construct short-term preservation and potential transportation, aiding in off-the-shelf availability, ultimately increasing their clinical applicability

    Applying low-molecular weight supramolecular gelators in an environmental setting – self-assembled gels as smart materials for pollutant removal

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    This review explores supramolecular gels as materials for environmental remediation. These soft materials are formed by self-assembling low-molecular-weight building blocks, which can be programmed with molecular-scale information by simple organic synthesis. The resulting gels often have nanoscale ‘solid-like’ networks which are sample-spanning within a ‘liquid-like’ solvent phase. There is intimate contact between the solvent and the gel nanostructure, which has a very high effective surface area as a result of its dimensions. As such, these materials have the ability to bring a solid-like phase into contact with liquids in an environmental setting. Such materials can therefore remediate unwanted pollutants from the environment including: immobilisation of oil spills, removal of dyes, extraction of heavy metals or toxic anions, and the detection or removal of chemical weapons. Controlling the interactions between the gel nanofibres and pollutants can lead to selective uptake and extraction. Furthermore, if suitably designed, such materials can be recyclable and environmentally benign, while the responsive and tunable nature of the self-assembled network offers significant advantages over other materials solutions to problems caused by pollution in an environmental setting

    Design of bio-nanosystems for oral delivery of functional compounds

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    Nanotechnology has been referred to as one of the most interesting topics in food technology due to the potentialities of its use by food industry. This calls for studying the behavior of nanosystems as carriers of biological and functional compounds aiming at their utilization for delivery, controlled release and protection of such compounds during food processing and oral ingestion. This review highlights the principles of design and production of bio-nanosystems for oral delivery and their behavior within the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract, while providing an insight into the application of reverse engineering approach to the design of those bio-nanosystems. Nanocapsules, nanohydrogels, lipid-based and multilayer nanosystems are discussed (in terms of their main ingredients, production techniques, predominant forces and properties) and some examples of possible food applications are given. Phenomena occurring in in vitro digestion models are presented, mainly using examples related to the utilization of lipid-based nanosystems and their physicochemical behavior throughout the GI tract. Furthermore, it is shown how a reverse engineering approach, through two main steps, can be used to design bio-nanosystems for food applications, and finally a last section is presented to discuss future trends and consumer perception on food nanotechnology.Miguel A. Cerqueira, Ana C. Pinheiro, Helder D. Silva, Philippe E. Ramos, Ana I. Bourbon, Oscar L. Ramos (SFRH/BPD/72753/2010, SFRH/BD/48120/2008, SFRH/BD/81288/2011, SFRH/BD/80800/2011, SFRH/BD/73178/2010 and SFRH/BPD/80766/2011, respectively) are the recipients of a fellowship from the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE Portugal). Maria L. Flores-Lopez thanks Mexican Science and Technology Council (CONACYT, Mexico) for PhD fellowship support (CONACYT Grant number: 215499/310847). The support of EU Cost Actions FA0904 and FA1001 is gratefully acknowledged

    The ecological role of ponds in a changing world

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    The fifth conference of the European Pond Conservation Network (Luxembourg, June 2012) brought together researchers, environmental managers, and other stakeholders with the aim to share stateof-the-art knowledge on the ecology, management, and conservation of ponds in the context of the many challenges facing the wider water environment. Although well-known ecological patterns apply to most ponds in Europe and elsewhere, recent data highlight that part of the environmental variables governing pond biodiversity remain specific to climatic/ biogeographic regions and to elevation ranges, suggesting that, in addition to common practice, management plans should include range-specific measures. Beyond the contribution of individual ponds to the aquatic and terrestrial life, connected networks of ponds are vital in the provision of new climate space as a response to global climate change, by allowing the observed northward and/or upward movements of species. In terms of services, ponds offer sustainable solutions to key issues of water management and climate change such as nutrient retention, rainfall interception, or carbon sequestration. While the ecological role of ponds is now well established, authoritative research-based advice remains needed to inform future direction in the conservation of small water bodies and to further bridge the gap between science and practice

    The ecological role of ponds in a changing world

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    The fifth conference of the European Pond Conservation Network (Luxembourg, June 2012) brought together researchers, environmental managers, and other stakeholders with the aim to share stateof-the-art knowledge on the ecology, management, and conservation of ponds in the context of the many challenges facing the wider water environment. Although well-known ecological patterns apply to most ponds in Europe and elsewhere, recent data highlight that part of the environmental variables governing pond biodiversity remain specific to climatic/ biogeographic regions and to elevation ranges, suggesting that, in addition to common practice, management plans should include range-specific measures. Beyond the contribution of individual ponds to the aquatic and terrestrial life, connected networks of ponds are vital in the provision of new climate space as a response to global climate change, by allowing the observed northward and/or upward movements of species. In terms of services, ponds offer sustainable solutions to key issues of water management and climate change such as nutrient retention, rainfall interception, or carbon sequestration. While the ecological role of ponds is now well established, authoritative research-based advice remains needed to inform future direction in the conservation of small water bodies and to further bridge the gap between science and practice
