218 research outputs found

    Sublinear equations and Schur's test for integral operators

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    We study weighted norm inequalities of (p,r)(p,r)-type, βˆ₯G(f dΟƒ)βˆ₯Lr(Ξ©,dΟƒ)≀Cβˆ₯fβˆ₯Lp(Ξ©,Οƒ),βˆ€β€‰f∈Lp(Οƒ), \Vert \mathbf{G} (f \, d \sigma) \Vert_{L^r(\Omega, d\sigma)} \le C \Vert f \Vert_{L^p(\Omega, \sigma)}, \quad \forall \, f \in L^p(\sigma), for 010 1, where G(fdΟƒ)(x)=∫ΩG(x,y)f(y)dΟƒ(y)\mathbf{G}(f d \sigma)(x)=\int_\Omega G(x, y) f(y) d \sigma(y) is an integral operator associated with a nonnegative kernel GG on Ω×Ω\Omega\times \Omega, and Οƒ\sigma is a locally finite positive measure in Ξ©\Omega. We show that this embedding holds if and only if ∫Ω(GΟƒ)prpβˆ’rdΟƒ<+∞,\int_\Omega (\mathbf{G} \sigma)^{\frac{pr}{p-r}} d \sigma<+\infty, provided GG is a quasi-symmetric kernel which satisfies the weak maximum principle. In the case p=rqp=\frac{r}{q}, where 0<q<10<q<1, we prove that this condition characterizes the existence of a non-trivial solution (or supersolution) u∈Lr(Ξ©,Οƒ)u \in L^r(\Omega, \sigma), for r>qr>q, to the the sublinear integral equation uβˆ’G(uq dΟƒ)=0,uβ‰₯0. u - \mathbf{G}(u^q \, d \sigma) = 0, \quad u \ge 0. We also give some counterexamples in the end-point case p=1p=1, which corresponds to solutions u∈Lq(Ξ©,Οƒ)u \in L^q (\Omega, \sigma) of this integral equation. These problems appear in the investigation of weak solutions to the sublinear equation involving the (fractional) Laplacian, (βˆ’Ξ”)Ξ±uβˆ’Οƒβ€‰uq=0,uβ‰₯0,(-\Delta)^{\alpha} u - \sigma \, u^q = 0, \quad u \ge 0, for 0<q<10<q<1 and 0<Ξ±<n20 < \alpha < \frac{n}{2} in domains Ξ©βŠ†Rn\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n with a positive Green function

    Radial fractional Laplace operators and Hessian inequalities

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    In this paper we deduce a formula for the fractional Laplace operator (βˆ’Ξ”)s(-\Delta)^{s} on radially symmetric functions useful for some applications. We give a criterion of subharmonicity associated with (βˆ’Ξ”)s(-\Delta)^{s}, and apply it to a problem related to the Hessian inequality of Sobolev type: ∫Rn∣(βˆ’Ξ”)kk+1u∣k+1dx≀C∫Rnβˆ’u Fk[u] dx,\int_{\mathbb{R}^n}|(-\Delta)^{\frac{k}{k+1}} u|^{k+1} dx \le C \int_{\mathbb{R}^n} - u \, F_k[u] \, dx, where FkF_k is the kk-Hessian operator on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, 1≀k<n21\le k < \frac{n}{2}, under some restrictions on a kk-convex function uu. In particular, we show that the class of uu for which the above inequality was established in \cite{FFV} contains the extremal functions for the Hessian Sobolev inequality of X.-J. Wang \cite{W1}. This is proved using logarithmic convexity of the Gaussian ratio of hypergeometric functions which might be of independent interest
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