140 research outputs found

    Improved central nervous system symptoms in people with HIV without objective neuropsychiatric complaints switching from Efavirenz to Rilpivirine containing cART

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    Objective: Occult central nervous system (CNS) symptoms not recognized by people living with HIV (PLWH) receiving efavirenz or their clinicians could occur and impact people’s quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine whether CNS parameters improve in PLWH when switching from efavirenz to rilpivirine. Methods: PLWH receiving tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, efavirenz (Atripla™) with undetectable HIV RNA, and no CNS symptoms were switched cART to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, rilpivirine (Eviplera™). CNS parameters including sleep, anxiety, and depressive symptoms were evaluated using patient-reported outcome measures at baseline, 4, 12, and 24 weeks after switching therapy. A median CNS score was derived from the sum of CNS toxicities of all the grades collected in the study questionnaires. Cognitive function was assessed using a computerized test battery. Results: Of 41 participants, median age was 47 years, Interquartile range (IQR) 31, 92% were male and 80% were of white ethnicity. A significant reduction in total CNS score (10 to 7) was observed at 4 weeks (p = 0.028), but not thereafter. Significant improvements in sleep and anxiety were observed 4, 12 and 24 weeks after switching therapy (p < 0.05). No significant change in global cognitive scores was observed. Conclusions: Switching from efavirenz to rilpivirine based regimens in virologically suppressed PLWH without perceived CNS symptoms was well tolerated and slightly improved overall CNS symptoms

    Resección abdominoperineal por cáncer de recto: presentación de caso y revisión bibliográfica

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    Presentamos el caso de un paciente con adenocarcinoma indiferenciado de recto; es tratado agresivamente con una resección abdóminoperineal y excéresis ganglionar evolucionando favorablemente; actualmente recibe tratamiento quimioterapéutico y radioterapia. El tratamiento más importante en este tipo de neoplasias sigue siendo la resección quirúrgica amplia, con esta oportunidad exponemos una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema

    Mamas supernumerarias: presentación de caso y revisión bibliográfica

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    Presentamos el caso de una paciente con mamas supernumerarias bilaterales funcionantes, dolorosas, extirpadas sin complicaciones en su totalidad (mama, piel y pezón) de forma estética (siguiendo el pliegue): este tratamiento conservador da los mejores resultados, siempre que se encuentren “masas nodulares” tumorales hay que realizar cortes por congelación para descartar malignidad

    CARGO: a web portal to integrate customized biological information

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    There is a huge quantity of information generated in Life Sciences, and it is dispersed in many databases and repositories. Despite the broad availability of the information, there is a great demand for methods that are able to look for, gather and display distributed data in a standardized and friendly way. CARGO (Cancer And Related Genes Online) is a configurable biological web portal designed as a tool to facilitate, integrate and visualize results from Internet resources, independently of their native format or access method. Through the use of small agents, called widgets, supported by a Rich Internet Application (RIA) paradigm based on AJAX, CARGO provides pieces of minimal, relevant and descriptive biological information. The tool is designed to be used by experimental biologists with no training in bioinformatics. In the current state, the system presents a list of human cancer genes. Available at http://cargo.bioinfo.cnio.e

    Pain in people living with HIV and its association with healthcare resource use, well-being and functional status

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    Objective: We describe the prevalence of pain and its associations with healthcare resource utilisation and quality-of-life. Design: The POPPY Study recruited three cohorts: older PLWH (≥50 years, n = 699), younger demographically/lifestyle similar PLWH (<50 years, n = 374) and older demographically/lifestyle similar HIV-negative (≥50 years, n = 304) people from April 2013-February 2016. Methods: Current pain and pain-related healthcare use was collected via a self-reported questionnaire. Logistic regression assessed between-group differences in the prevalence of pain in the past month and current pain after controlling for potential confounders. Associations between current pain and healthcare resource use, reported joint problems, depressive symptoms, quality-of-life and functional status were assessed in PLWH using Mann-Whitney U and Chi-squared tests. Results: Pain in the past month was reported by 473/676 (70.0%) older PLWH, 224/357 (62.7%) younger PLWH and 188/295 (63.7%) older HIV-negative controls (p = 0.03), with current pain reported in 330 (48.8%), 134 (37.5%) and 116 (39.3%), respectively (p = 0.0007). Older PLWH were more likely to experience current pain, even after adjustment for confounders. Of those with pain in the past month, 56/412 (13.6%) had missed days of work or study due to pain, and 520 (59%) had seen a doctor about their pain. PLWH experiencing current painhad more depressive symptoms, poorer quality-of-life on all domains, and greater functional impairment, regardless of age group. Conclusions: Even in the effective ART era, pain remains common in PLWH and has a major impact on quality-of-life and associated healthcare and societal costs. Interventions are required to assist clinicians and PLWH to proactively manage pain

    Risk factors and impact of patterns of co-occurring comorbidities in people living with HIV

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    Aims: To assess associations of comorbidity patterns observed in people living with HIV (PLWH) with risk factors and health outcomes. Methods: Common patters of comorbidities in PLWH participating in the Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Observations in People Over Fifty study were determined using principal component analysis and a severity score for each pattern was derived. Associations between each pattern's severity score and risk factors were assessed using median regression. The independent associations of patterns’ severity scores with self-reported physical and mental health (SF-36 summary scores) were assessed using linear regression, with functional impairment (Lawton IADL < 8) and hospitalization in last year using logistic regression and with number of general practitioner visits using Poisson regression. Results: A total of 1073 PLWH were analysed: 85.2% male, median (interquartile range) age 52 (47–59) years, 98% on therapy. Duration of HIV was associated with higher severity in 4/6 of patterns: cardiovascular diseases, mental health problems, metabolic disorders and chest/other infections (all P ≤ 0.001). Prior AIDS was associated with higher severity scores for the same patterns and for the pattern of cancers (P < 0.001). The pattern of cardiovascular diseases was associated with poorer physical health (P = 0.02), higher risk of functional impairment (P = 0.02) and hospitalization (P < 0.001) and with higher number of general practitioner visits (P < 0.001). Severity of mental health (all P < 0.001) and of chest/other infections patterns negatively affected all the five health outcomes. Conclusion: Common patterns of comorbidities seen in PLWH appear to have different risk factors and to differently affect health outcomes. These findings may assist the development of targeted intervention to prevent, treat and manage the increasingly prevalent multimorbidity in PLWH

    Differences in ex-vivo Chemosensitivity to Anthracyclines in First Line Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Induction schedules in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are based on combinations of cytarabine and anthracyclines. The choice of the anthracycline employed has been widely studied in multiple clinical trials showing similar complete remission rates. Using an ex vivo test we have analyzed if a subset of AML patients may respond differently to cytarabine combined with idarubicin, daunorubicin or mitoxantrone. Bone marrow (BM) samples of 198 AML patients were incubated for 48 hours in 96 well plates, each well containing different drugs or drug combinations at different concentrations. Ex vivo drug sensitivity analysis was made using the PharmaFlow platform maintaining the BM microenvironment. Drug response was evaluated as depletion of AML blast cells in each well after incubation. Annexin V-FITC was used to quantify the ability of the drugs to induce apoptosis, and pharmacological responses were calculated using pharmacokinetic population models. Similar dose-respond graphs were generated for the three anthracyclines, with a slight decrease in EC with idarubicin (p=1.462E-06), whereas the interpatient variability of either drug was large. To identify those cases of selective sensitivity to anthracyclines, potency was compared, in terms of area under the curve. Differences in anthracycline monotherapy potency greater than 30% from 3 pairwise comparisons were identified in 28.3% of samples. Furthermore, different sensitivity was detected in 8.2% of patients comparing combinations of cytarabine and anthracyclines. A third of the patients could benefit from the use of this test in the first line induction therapy selection, although it should be confirmed in a clinical trial specifically designed

    A sweetpotato gene index established by de novo assembly of pyrosequencing and Sanger sequences and mining for gene-based microsatellite markers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sweetpotato (<it>Ipomoea batatas </it>(L.) Lam.), a hexaploid outcrossing crop, is an important staple and food security crop in developing countries in Africa and Asia. The availability of genomic resources for sweetpotato is in striking contrast to its importance for human nutrition. Previously existing sequence data were restricted to around 22,000 expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences and ~ 1,500 GenBank sequences. We have used 454 pyrosequencing to augment the available gene sequence information to enhance functional genomics and marker design for this plant species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two quarter 454 pyrosequencing runs used two normalized cDNA collections from stems and leaves from drought-stressed sweetpotato clone <it>Tanzania </it>and yielded 524,209 reads, which were assembled together with 22,094 publically available expressed sequence tags into 31,685 sets of overlapping DNA segments and 34,733 unassembled sequences. Blastx comparisons with the UniRef100 database allowed annotation of 23,957 contigs and 15,342 singletons resulting in 24,657 putatively unique genes. Further, 27,119 sequences had no match to protein sequences of UniRef100database. On the basis of this gene index, we have identified 1,661 gene-based microsatellite sequences, of which 223 were selected for testing and 195 were successfully amplified in a test panel of 6 hexaploid (<it>I. batatas</it>) and 2 diploid (<it>I. trifida</it>) accessions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The sweetpotato gene index is a useful source for functionally annotated sweetpotato gene sequences that contains three times more gene sequence information for sweetpotato than previous EST assemblies. A searchable version of the gene index, including a blastn function, is available at <url>http://www.cipotato.org/sweetpotato_gene_index</url>.</p

    The Latin American experience of allografting patients with severe aplastic anaemia: real-world data on the impact of stem cell source and ATG administration in HLA-identical sibling transplants

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    We studied 298 patients with severe aplastic anaemia (SAA) allografted in four Latin American countries. The source of cells was bone marrow (BM) in 94 patients and PBSCs in 204 patients. Engraftment failed in 8.1% of recipients with no difference between BM and PBSCs (P = 0.08). Incidence of acute GvHD (aGvHD) for BM and PBSCs was 30% vs 32% (P = 0.18), and for grades III–IV was 2.6% vs 11.6% (P = 0.01). Chronic GvHD (cGvHD) between BM and PBSCs was 37% vs 59% (P = 0.002) and extensive 5% vs 23.6% (P = 0.01). OS was 74% vs 76% for BM vs PBSCs (P = 0.95). Event-free survival was superior in patients conditioned with anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG)-based regimens compared with other regimens (79% vs 61%, P = 0.001) as excessive secondary graft failure was seen with other regimens (10% vs 26%, P = 0.005) respectively. In multivariate analysis, aGvHD II–IV (hazard ratio (HR) 2.50, confidence interval (CI) 1.1–5.6, P = 0.02) and aGvHD III–IV (HR 8.3 CI 3.4–20.2, Po0.001) proved to be independent negative predictors of survival. In conclusion, BM as a source of cells and ATG-based regimens should be standard because of higher GvHD incidence with PBSCs, although the latter combining with ATG in the conditioning regimen could be an option in selected high-risk patient

    Consenso del Comité Respiratorio Sociedad Latinoamericana Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica: Manejo SARS-CoV-2 pediátrico. (SLACIP): COVID-19 Pediátrico

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    Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic generated many controversies in the management of critically ill pediatric patients. The main ones were about ventilatory support, phenotypic differences between adults and children, and acute and subacute clinical forms. For this reason, the Respiratory Committee (RC) of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Intensive Care (SLACIP) generated a document to summarize the recommendations with the best evidence. The objective of these recommendations is to provide an update on issues related to pediatric COVID-19. Methods and Materials The Respiratory Committee created a group composed of 19 pediatric kinesiologists/physiotherapists and intensivists from 8 Latin American countries and defined on 3/27/20 the 15 most relevant topics, assigning 3 referents and 2 reviewers for each. The manuscripts went through 4 stages until their final version. The complete document was freely distributed on 22/05/20 and updated twice (07/08/20 and 02/09/21). For the current version there were 3 special collaborators. Result The material consists of a complete 94-page document and an executive summary. The topics included are case definition, epidemiology, clinical classification, subacute inflammatory syndrome, personal protective equipment, aerosolization situations (intubation, extubation, suctioning, sampling, filter replacement, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, early mobilization), high flow cannula support, invasive, non-invasive and high frequency mechanical ventilation, pharmacological treatment, laboratory and imaging. Conclusion The purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for nurses, kinesiologists/physiotherapists and physicians in the management of critically ill pediatric patients with COVID-19.Introducción La pandemia por COVID-19 generó muchas controversias en el manejo de los pacientes pediátricos críticos. Las principales fueron sobre el soporte ventilatorio, las diferencias fenotípicas entre adultos y niños y las formas clínicas aguda y subaguda.Por esa razón el Comité Respiratorio (CR) de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (SLACIP) generó un documento para resumir las recomendaciones con mayor evidencia. El objetivo de estas recomendaciones es brindar una actualización de temas relacionados a COVID-19 pediátrico.Métodos y Materiales El Comité Respiratorio creó un grupo compuesto por 19 kinesiólogos/fisioterapeutas y médicos intensivistas pediátricos de 8 países de Latinoamérica y definió el 27/03/20 los 15 temas más relevantes, asignando 3 referentes y 2 revisores por cada uno. Los manuscritos pasaron por 4 etapas hasta su versión final. El documento completo se distribuyó libremente el 22/05/20, actualizándose en dos oportunidades (07/08/20 y el 02/09/21). Para la versión actual se contó con 3 colaboradores especiales.Resultado El material se compone de un documento completo de 94 páginas y un resumen ejecutivo. Los temas incluidos son definición de caso, epidemiología, clasificación clínica, síndrome inflamatorio subagudo, equipos de protección personal, situaciones de aerosolización (intubación, extubación, aspiración, toma de muestras, recambio de filtros, reanimación cardiopulmonar, movilización temprana), soporte con cánula de alto flujo, ventilación mecánica invasiva, no invasiva y de alta frecuencia, tratamiento farmacológico, laboratorio e imágenes.Conclusión La elaboración de este documento ha tenido como fin servir de guía para enfermeros, kinesiólogos/fisioterapeutas y médicos en el manejo de pacientes pediátricos en estado crítico por COVID-19