578 research outputs found

    Vito Levi: il richiamo della radio

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    Nel contesto dell’articolato percorso didattico e critico di Vito Levi spicca anche una rilevante produzione radiofonica, tra cui una Serie di 30 lezioni di Storia della musica tenute in forma dialogata alla Radio (1946-47), accanto a un’ulteriore Serie di 30 conversazioni di argomento musicale tenute alla Radio di Trieste (1953-54): due raccolte che rappresentano un’indagine a tutto campo attorno al mondo dei suoni, dalle origini ai giorni nostri, testimonianza della particolare capacità sintetica dell’autore nel tratteggiare e illuminare vividamente epoche, problematiche ed espressioni musicali

    Investigation on the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of an alloy 718 prepared by laser powder bed fusion assessed by microcapillary method

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    openThe study focused on evaluating the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behaviour of alloy 718 processed by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), also called selective laser melting (SLM), with different laser powers, in a solution containing chloride, using the microcapillary method under constant tensile load. An analysis of the surface defects, hardness, and microstructure of the samples under examination was carried out and a correlation was sought between these results and those obtained by electrochemical investigations. The polished surface of the samples was observed under the optical microscope, as was the electro-etched surface. Vickers hardness measurements were carried out. Electrochemical polarization tests were used to evaluate the resistance of the passive layer on the surface of the material. Potentiodynamic and galvanostatic polarization tests were performed. The tests were carried out on as-printed samples and samples under tensile load. The results were compared with conventionally produced counterparts. The microstructure and stress corrosion cracks were observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The 115W laser power produced samples with a lower defect density; therefore, the highest resistance to localized corrosion was found. L-PBF samples under tensile load showed corrosion and SCC resistance superior to that of conventional material. In the L-PBF samples, submicronic cracks were detected adjacent to the boundaries of the subgrain, and the mechanisms that led to their appearance were explained as a synergistic effect of various microstructural factors, specifically, the greater corrosion resistance of the subgrain boundary and the high concentration of dislocations in the adjacent area. The fine microstructure of the L-PBF samples generated much smaller cracks than those observed on the conventional material, which explains the increased resistance to SCC observed in electrochemical tests.The study focused on evaluating the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behaviour of alloy 718 processed by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), also called selective laser melting (SLM), with different laser powers, in a solution containing chloride, using the microcapillary method under constant tensile load. An analysis of the surface defects, hardness, and microstructure of the samples under examination was carried out and a correlation was sought between these results and those obtained by electrochemical investigations. The polished surface of the samples was observed under the optical microscope, as was the electro-etched surface. Vickers hardness measurements were carried out. Electrochemical polarization tests were used to evaluate the resistance of the passive layer on the surface of the material. Potentiodynamic and galvanostatic polarization tests were performed. The tests were carried out on as-printed samples and samples under tensile load. The results were compared with conventionally produced counterparts. The microstructure and stress corrosion cracks were observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The 115W laser power produced samples with a lower defect density; therefore, the highest resistance to localized corrosion was found. L-PBF samples under tensile load showed corrosion and SCC resistance superior to that of conventional material. In the L-PBF samples, submicronic cracks were detected adjacent to the boundaries of the subgrain, and the mechanisms that led to their appearance were explained as a synergistic effect of various microstructural factors, specifically, the greater corrosion resistance of the subgrain boundary and the high concentration of dislocations in the adjacent area. The fine microstructure of the L-PBF samples generated much smaller cracks than those observed on the conventional material, which explains the increased resistance to SCC observed in electrochemical tests

    Conversazioni. Dalla «Rassegna Musicale», Radio Trieste 1945-1946

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    Storia della musica. Dalla «Serie di 30 lezioni in forma dialogata», Radio Trieste 1946-1947

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    Vito Levi. Conversazioni e dialoghi musicali. Radio Trieste 1945-1954

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    Nel contesto dell’articolato percorso didattico e critico di Vito Levi spicca anche una rilevante produzione radiofonica, tra cui una Serie di 30 lezioni di Storia della musica tenute in forma dialogata alla Radio (1946-47) , accanto a un’ulteriore Serie di 30 conversazioni di argomento musicale tenute alla Radio di Trieste (1953-54) : due raccolte che rappresentano un’indagine a tutto campo attorno al mondo dei suoni, dalle origini ai giorni nostri, testimonianza della particolare capacità sintetica dell’autore nel tratteggiare e illuminare vividamente epoche, problematiche ed espressioni musicali


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    AbstractWith the objective of evaluating the nutritional requirements and the effects of nutrient deprivation in developing of Jacarandá da Bahia seedlings (Dalbergia nigra (Vellozo) Freire Allemao ex Bentham), a greenhouse experiment was conducted. The experiment had fully randomized design, with 12 treatments and 8 replications. The following treatments were applied: Complete 1 (C1-fertilized with N, P, K, S, B, Cu, Zn and liming as Ca and Mg sources), complete 2 (Complete 1 – liming with CaSO4.2H2O and MgSO4.7H2O as Ca and Mg sources), C1-N, C1-P, C1-K, C1-S, C1-B, C1-Zn, C1-liming, C2-Ca, C2-Mg and control. Diameter and height were measured and plants were separated into aerial part and root system. Samples were dried, weighed and levels of nutrients in the aerial dry matter were measured. Phosphorus was the most growth limiting factor, the sequence of nutritional requirements presented by Jacarandá da Bahia seedlings in relation to the complete treatment was: P > Ca > B > K > S > Zn > Mg > N.Keywords: Missing element; Dalbergia nigra; rainforest; hardwood. ResumoCrescimento e nutrição mineral de mudas de jacarandá-da-bahia sob efeito da omissão de nutrientes. Com o objetivo de avaliar exigências nutricionais e os efeitos da omissão de nutrientes no desenvolvimento de mudas de Jacarandá da Bahia (Dalbergia nigra (Vellozo) Freire Allemao ex Bentham), conduziu-se um experimento com o uso da técnica de elemento faltante. Foram empregados 12 tratamentos, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com oito repetições. Adotaram-se os seguintes tratamentos: Completo 1 (adubado com N, P, K, S, B, Cu, Zn e calagem como fonte de Ca e Mg e corrigindo acidez do solo), completo 2 (completo 1 – calagem tendo CaSO4.2H2O e MgSO4.7H2O como fontes de Ca e Mg sem corrigir acidez do solo), C1-N, C1-P, C1-K, C1-S, C1-B, C1-Zn, C1-calagem, C2-Ca, C2-Mg e testemunha. Foram medidos diâmetro e altura das plantas e separadas em parte aérea e sistema radicular. As mudas foram secas, pesadas e foram determinados os teores de nutrientes na matéria seca da parte aérea. O fósforo foi o nutriente mais limitante ao crescimento de jacarandá da Bahia; a sequência de exigência nutricional apresentada pelas mudas de Jacarandá da Bahia em relação ao tratamento completo em ordem decrescente foi: P > Ca > B > K > S > Zn > Mg > N.Palavras-chave: Elemento faltante; Dalbergia nigra; Mata Atlântica; Madeira nobre.AbstractWith the objective of evaluating the nutritional requirements and the effects of nutrient deprivation in developing of Jacarandá da Bahia seedlings (Dalbergia nigra (Vellozo) Freire Allemao ex Bentham), a greenhouse experiment was conducted. The experiment had fully randomized design, with 12 treatments and 8 replications. The following treatments were applied: Complete 1 (C1-fertilized with N, P, K, S, B, Cu, Zn and liming as Ca and Mg sources), complete 2 (Complete 1 – liming with CaSO4.2H2O and MgSO4.7H2O as Ca and Mg sources), C1-N, C1-P, C1-K, C1-S, C1-B, C1-Zn, C1-liming, C2-Ca, C2-Mg and control. Diameter and height were measured and plants were separated into aerial part and root system. Samples were dried, weighed and levels of nutrients in the aerial dry matter were measured. Phosphorus was the most growth limiting factor, the sequence of nutritional requirements presented by Jacarandá da Bahia seedlings in relation to the complete treatment was: P > Ca > B > K > S > Zn > Mg > N.Keywords: Missing element; Dalbergia nigra; rainforest; hardwood

    Otimizando sorrisos utilizando laminados cerâmicos, minimamente invasivos

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Hércules AlmilhatiMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Curso de Especialização em Prótese DentáriaInclui referênciasResumo : A Técnica de reabilitação estética por meio de laminados cerâmicos é recente, porém, devido ao avanço de técnicas e materiais, os resultados estéticos tem sido cada vez mais naturais e com intervenções conservadoras. Esses elementos restauradores são extremamente atrativos em função da sua estética, biocompatibilidade e propriedades físicas e mecânicas apropriadas. A crescente pressão social e mediática, enfatizando a perfeição na arte de sorrir, acreditando que dentes claros e alinhados significam sucesso, saúde e bem-estar. Este caso clínico tem como objetivo, demonstrar clinicamente o uso de laminados com a realização de desgaste mínimo dental, enfatizando que laminados cerâmicos podem se tornar tratamento de primeira eleição para um sorriso perfeito

    Psychiatric Disorders and lncRNAs: A Synaptic Match

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    Psychiatric disorders represent a heterogeneous class of multifactorial mental diseases whose origin entails a pathogenic integration of genetic and environmental influences. Incidence of these pathologies is dangerously high, as more than 20% of the Western population is affected. Despite the diverse origins of specific molecular dysfunctions, these pathologies entail disruption of fine synaptic regulation, which is fundamental to behavioral adaptation to the environment. The synapses, as functional units of cognition, represent major evolutionary targets. Consistently, fine synaptic tuning occurs at several levels, involving a novel class of molecular regulators known as long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Non-coding RNAs operate mainly in mammals as epigenetic modifiers and enhancers of proteome diversity. The prominent evolutionary expansion of the gene number of lncRNAs in mammals, particularly in primates and humans, and their preferential neuronal expression does represent a driving force that enhanced the layering of synaptic control mechanisms. In the last few years, remarkable alterations of the expression of lncRNAs have been reported in psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, autism, and depression, suggesting unprecedented mechanistic insights into disruption of fine synaptic tuning underlying severe behavioral manifestations of psychosis. In this review, we integrate literature data from rodent pathological models and human evidence that proposes the biology of lncRNAs as a promising field of neuropsychiatric investigation

    A reestruturação econômica e social da indústria têxtil no Vale do Rio Itapocu-SC, pós-1980

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, Florianópolis, 2016.A formação econômica da Região do Vale do Rio Itapocu ocorreu de forma a gerar uma grande diferenciação de classes sociais, semelhante a ocorrida em todos os Vales Litorâneos de Santa Catarina. A gênese da indústria têxtil da região ocorreu concomitantemente à industrialização brasileira, sendo que a sua ampliação e consolidação no mercado nacional ocorreu após o período pós-guerras. Entretanto, a partir da aplicação da política neoliberal no país, a indústria têxtil viu a necessidade de se reestruturar. Esta reestruturação está sendo representada na região pela terceirização dos processos de confecção das peças de roupas produzidas nas indústrias locais. As empresas que prestam serviço de forma terceirizada para as indústrias, o fazem por valores irrisórios, e, em muitos casos, informalmente, sem a regularização trabalhista dos funcionários e sem a sua devida visibilidade social. Além das costureiras que prestam serviços dentro das chamadas facções, há aquelas que buscam as peças e trabalham dentro de suas próprias casas, para poderem conciliar os serviços domésticos com a complementação da renda familiar.Abstract : The economic formation of Rio Itapocu Valley Region occurred in order to generate a large differentiation of social classes, like occurred in all Coastal Valleys of Santa Catarina. The genesis of the textile industry in the region occurred at the same time the Brazilian industrialization, and its expansion and consolidation in the domestic market occurred after the post-war period. However, from the application of neoliberal policies in the country, the textile industry saw the need to restructure. This restructuring is being represented in the region by outsourcing the manufacturing processes of the clothing items produced in local industries. Companies providing outsourced services for industries do for small change, and in many cases, informally, without the labor regularization of employees without their due social visibility. Beyond the seamstresses who provide services within the so-called factions, there are those who seek the pieces and work within their own homes, to reconcile domestic services to supplement the family income