64 research outputs found

    Divisione ereditaria e nullità “urbanistiche”

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    The essay is inspired by a recent ruling by the S.U. of the Italian Court of Cassazione in the matter of hereditary division of irregular urban properties: the Court stated that these cases fall under the prohibition concerning the legal circulation of the urban real estate. Provided that the division must be considered an inter vivos deed, the Court overruled its settled case-law holding that the division of inheritance is of constitutive nature and has not merely declaratory value, according to modern approaches. The article also examines some particular issues: the judicial division, the partial division and the regime of disposal acts carried out in communion.Il lavoro trae spunto da una recente sentenza delle S.U. della Corte di cassazione in tema di divisione ereditaria di immobili urbanisticamente irregolari: la Corte decide che tali fattispecie ricadono sotto le preclusioni che le norme urbanistiche impongono alla circolazione giuridica dell’immobile. Premesso che la divisione deve considerarsi alla stregua di un atto inter vivos e non mortis causa, la Corte innova il proprio precedente consolidato orientamento ad attribuire alla divisione ereditaria efficacia dichiarativa, e aderisce ai più moderni orientamenti che le attribuiscono natura costitutiva-traslativa, senza, peraltro, adeguatamente considerare il ruolo di essa nella più ampia vicenda successoria di cui costituisce l’elemento terminale; si conclude, quindi, che se di tale aspetto si fosse tenuto conto, la soluzione del caso concreto avrebbe potuto essere diversa. Sono oggetto di rapido esame anche alcuni profili particolari: la divisione giudiziale, quella parziale e il regime degli atti di disposizione compiuti manente communione

    Storytelling as a tool for internal branding and knowledge management : ein Feldexperiment im Dienstleistungssektor über die Wirksamkeit von Storytelling

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    Geschichten sind eine natürliche und instinktive Form der Weitergabe von Wissen, welche an den Grundprinzipien der Informationsverarbeitung des Gehirns ansetzt. Im Marketing-Kontext werden Geschichten eingesetzt, um Konsumenten gleichzeitig Informationen und Emotionen zielgerichtet zu vermitteln. Während Storytelling im Konsumentenbereich bereits breit erforscht ist, sind die Potentiale im Internal Branding bisweilen ungeklärt. Deshalb untersucht diese Arbeit, ob Storytelling in der internen Kommunikation eine valide Methode darstellt, um Mitarbeitende zu einem gewünschten (Denk-)Verhalten zu bewegen. Zu diesem Zweck wird in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Praxispartner aus dem Dienstleistungssektor ein Feldexperiment durchgeführt. Die Mitarbeitenden durchlaufen eine real-gestaltete Online-Produkteschulung, welche experimentell manipuliert ist. Die Schulung wird entweder als PDF-Dokument oder als Video präsentiert und die Experimentalgruppen erhalten zusätzlich eine produktbezogene Geschichte. Der anschliessende Fragebogen erfasst die Transportation – das geistige Eintauchen in die Inhalte – und die davon abhängigen performance-relevanten Variablen. Insgesamt werden 159 Datensätze interferenzstatistisch mit dem Bootstrap-Verfahren ausgewertet

    Propiedades estructurales y magnéticas de nanomateriales basados en carbono

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    Tesis (Doctor en Física)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación, 2019.En este trabajo estudiamos diferentes materiales basados en carbono. Primero estudiamos los efectos de irradiación en grafito pirolítico altamente orientado, producidos mediante iones H + y electrones, desde un punto de vista estructural y topográfico. Contribuimos al entendimiento de la separación de la banda D del espectro Raman, asociada a los defectos estructurales. Luego, estudiamos un material híbrido compuesto por diferentes grafitos y nanopartículas de magnetita. Caracterizamos estas nuevas estructuras mediante diferentes métodos. Los resultados muestran que los híbridos presentan una alta densidad de nanopartículas de magnetita inmobilizadas en sus superficies, y su cantidad está relacionada al tamaño del sustrato y al tipo de defectos presentes en el mismo. El último sistema bajo estudio es un compuesto de láminas de grafito y nanopartículas de Ni. Medimos las propiedades electromagnéticas de este nuevo material en el rango de frecuencias 0,1 – 0,3 Ghz, con el objetivo de evaluar la aplicabilidad de este compuesto para utilizarlo como blindaje de microondas.In this work we have studied different carbon-based materials. First, we asess irradiation effects in highly oriented pyrolitic graphite produced by H + ions and electrons, from a structural and topographic perspective. We contribute to the understanding of the splitting of the defect-associated D band in Raman spectroscopy. Then, we evaluate a hybrid material composed by different graphite powders and magnetite nanoparticles. These new structures are characterized by several methods. The results show that the hybrids present a high density of magnetite nanoparticles inmobilized at the surfaces, and its number is related with the size and kind of defect present in the different graphite substrates. The last system under study is a compound of graphite flakes and Ni nanoparticles. The electromagnetic properties of this material in the microwave frecuency range 0.1– 3.0 GHz are measured in order to test this new material for microwave shielding purposes

    Structural and magnetic changes induced by electron and ion irradiation on HOPG

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    Ponencia presentada en el ScienceDirect International Congress of Science and Technology of Metallurgy and Materials, SAM – CONAMET 2014In recent decades, many studies reported magnetism in carbon-based materials. This phenomenon was attributed to structural defects within the sample. Many authors showed an increase of magnetization in HOPG (Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite)induced by proton bombardment, meanwhile the effect of electronic irradiation on the magnetic behavior has been unattended till now. The aim of this work is to contribute to the understanding of defect-induced effects on the structural and magnetic properties of graphite. For this purpose, we performed experiments of irradiation on HOPG with two different impingingprojectilHV íelectrons and ions. The structural characterization of the bombarded samples was carried out by Raman spectroscopy. On both irradiated samples we identify the D band, associated to the disorder induced by bombardment, with significantly distinct contributions depending on the projectile type. In order to interpret Raman results, a theoretical model proposed by Ferrari et al. was used to classify the generated defects. The relationship between the induced damage andmagnetization was evaluated by magnetic characterization measurements with a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device). Our results suggest that electron bombardment produces a higher change in the magnetic order compared to the magnetization induced by ion bombardment.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211812815000097acceptedVersionFil: Ávila, Milagros. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Bercoff, Paula Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Bercoff, Paula Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Fil: Venosta, Lisandro Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Fil: Bajales Luna, Noelia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Física de los Materiales Condensado

    Thermopower and magnetotransport properties of Bi100−xSbx topological insulator thin films prepared by flash evaporation

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    We have measured the temperature dependence of resistance R(T), thermopower S(T), magnetoresistance (MR) and the Hall effect (HE) of Bi80Sb20, Bi85Sb15 and Bi90Sb10 topological insulator thin films. Samples were prepared by sequential flash-evaporation at room temperature and annealing at T = 350 K. The R(T) of the three investigated samples show metallic-like behavior at temperatures less than T = 75 K, while at higher temperatures, R(T) curves show a semiconducting-like behavior. The thermopower S(T) of the three investigated samples is negative in the entire temperature range measured in this work, with a linear behavior from 5 K up to ≈100 K. The magnetoresistance of all samples is positive with a small temperature dependence. The highest MR(B = 7 T) was observed in Bi85Sb15 with a ≈600% and ≈125% change at 5 K and 300 K, respectively. Clear evidence of weak antilocalization contribution to the MR was observed only in sample Bi85Sb15 at temperatures T < 75 K. Quantum oscillations in the MR originating from the Fermi surface, which has a clear two-dimensional character, were observed in sample Bi85Sb15 up to ≈21 K. Carrier mobility information of sample Bi85Sb15 was extracted from low field HE data, showing a remarkably high value of μ ≈ 2.8 × 104 cm2/Vs at 5 K, with a small decrease for increasing temperature.Fil: Osmic, E.. Universitat Leipzig. Felix Bloch Institut Fur Festkorperphysik.; AlemaniaFil: Barzola Quiquia, Jose Luis. Universitat Leipzig. Felix Bloch Institut Fur Festkorperphysik.; AlemaniaFil: Böhlmann, W.. Universitat Leipzig. Felix Bloch Institut Fur Festkorperphysik.; AlemaniaFil: Bercoff, Paula Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; ArgentinaFil: Venosta, Lisandro Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; ArgentinaFil: Häussler, P.. Chemnitz University Of Technology; Alemani

    Forme telematiche e precetto di trasparenza

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    Inizio dell'esecuzione e conclusione dei contratti formali: gli artt. 1327 c.c. e 2, comma 2\ub0, della legge sulla subfornitura.

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    Si esamina il problema, se i contratti soggetti al requisito della forma scritta ad substantiam possano essere conclusi secondo il procedimento descritto dagli artt. 1327 c.c. e 2 l. subf, e cio\ue8 mediante l'inizio della lorom esecuzione. Il lavoro costituisce occasione anche per esaminare, comparativamente, le rationes delle due norme ed il modo in cui esse funzionano. Si conclude che l'inizio dell'esecuzione ha alla fine, pur esso, una peculiare rilevanza come forma consentite (in certi casi, addirittura prescritta) per la conclusione del contratto, di modo che per i contratti soggetto al requisito della forma scritta tale requisito si considera rispettato se \ue8 scritta la proposta contrattuale, mentre per l'accettazione vale l'inizio dell'esecuzione

    Commento agli artt. 713-736 cod. civ.

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    Si tratta del commento agli artt. 713-736 cod. civ. in tema di divisione ereditaria