47 research outputs found

    Metabolic Health in Adult Life

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    Several noncommunicable diseases have their origins in early developmental phases. One factor possibly explaining the association between early growth and later health could be adipocyte function. The objective of this study was to assess the association between the adipocytokine chemerin and early growth and later health. 1074 participants from Helsinki Birth Cohort Study born 1934-1944 with information on prenatal and childhood growth participated. Metabolic outcomes include glucose tolerance, adiposity, and chemerin concentration. Mean chemerin concentrations were 5.0 ng/mL higher in women than in men (95% CI 2.7 to 7.2, < 0.001). The strongest correlate of chemerin concentration was adult waist circumference and body fat percentage ( = 0.22, < 0.001 and = 0.21, < 0.001, resp.). After adjustment for body fat percentage, chemerin concentration was 5.4 ng/mL lower in subjects with type 2 diabetes than in those with normal glucose tolerance (−0.2 to 10.9, = 0.06). It was 3.0 ng/mL higher in those with metabolic syndrome than in those without (0.6 to 5.3, = 0.01). No measure of early growth was associated with chemerin concentration. Our findings do not support a role for chemerin in linking early growth with later metabolic health

    Improved Aerobic Capacity and Adipokine Profile Together with Weight Loss Improve Glycemic Control without Changes in Skeletal Muscle GLUT-4 Gene Expression in Middle-Aged Subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance

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    (1) Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the role of adipokines in the regulation of glucose metabolism in middle-aged obese subjects with impaired glucose tolerance in response to a long-term exercise and dietary intervention. (2) Methods: Skeletal muscle, plasma and serum samples were examined in 22 subjects from an exercise-diet intervention study aiming to prevent type 2 diabetes. The subjects were further divided into two subgroups (non-responders n = 9 and responders n = 13) based on their achievement in losing at least 3 kg. (3) Results: The two-year exercise-diet intervention reduced leptin levels and increased adiponectin levels in responders; the changes in leptin levels were significantly associated with changes in their weights (r = 0.662, p 2peak) (r = 0.831, p p 2peak and oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle improved in responders, but not in non-responders. However, there were no changes between the two groups in expressions of the glucose transporter protein-4 (GLUT-4) gene or of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-alpha 1 or AMPK-alpha 2 proteins. (4) Conclusions: The exercise-diet intervention decreased serum leptin and increased serum adiponectin concentrations, improved glucose control without affecting GLUT-4 gene expression in the skeletal muscle in responders.</p

    Humanin skeletal muscle protein levels increase after resistance training in men with impaired glucose metabolism

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    Humanin (HN) is a mitochondrially encoded and secreted peptide linked to glucose metabolism and tissue protecting mechanisms. Whether skeletal muscle HN gene or protein expression is influenced by exercise remains unknown. In this intervention study we show, for the first time, that HN protein levels increase in human skeletal muscle following 12 weeks of resistance training in persons with prediabetes. Male subjects (n = 55) with impaired glucose regulation (IGR) were recruited and randomly assigned to resistance training, Nordic walking or a control group. The exercise interventions were performed three times per week for 12 weeks with progressively increased intensity during the intervention period. Biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle and venous blood samples were taken before and after the intervention. Skeletal muscle and serum protein levels of HN were analyzed as well as skeletal muscle gene expression of the mitochondrially encoded gene MT-RNR2, containing the open reading frame for HN. To elucidate mitochondrial training adaptation, mtDNA, and nuclear DNA as well as Citrate synthase were measured. Skeletal muscle HN protein levels increased by 35% after 12 weeks of resistance training. No change in humanin protein levels was seen in serum in any of the intervention groups. There was a significant correlation between humanin levels in serum and the improvements in the 2 h glucose loading test in the resistance training group. The increase in HN protein levels in skeletal muscle after regular resistance training in prediabetic males may suggest a role for HN in the regulation of glucose metabolism. Given the preventative effect of exercise on diabetes type 2, the role of HN as a mitochondrially derived peptide and an exercise-responsive mitokine warrants further investigation.</p

    Exercise training with dietary counselling increases mitochondrial chaperone expression in middle-aged subjects with impaired glucose tolerance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insulin resistance and diabetes are associated with increased oxidative stress and impairment of cellular defence systems. Our purpose was to investigate the interaction between glucose metabolism, antioxidative capacity and heat shock protein (HSP) defence in different skeletal muscle phenotypes among middle-aged obese subjects during a long-term exercise and dietary intervention. As a sub-study of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS), 22 persons with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) taking part in the intervention volunteered to give samples from the <it>vastus lateralis </it>muscle. Subjects were divided into two sub-groups (IGTslow and IGTfast) on the basis of their baseline myosin heavy chain profile. Glucose metabolism, oxidative stress and HSP expressions were measured before and after the 2-year intervention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Exercise training, combined with dietary counselling, increased the expression of mitochondrial chaperones HSP60 and glucose-regulated protein 75 (GRP75) in the <it>vastus lateralis </it>muscle in the IGTslow group and that of HSP60 in the IGTfast group. In cytoplasmic chaperones HSP72 or HSP90 no changes took place. In the IGTslow group, a significant positive correlation between the increased muscle content of HSP60 and the oxygen radical absorbing capacity values and, in the IGTfast group, between the improved VO<sub>2max </sub>value and the increased protein expression of GRP75 were found. Serum uric acid concentrations decreased in both sub-groups and serum protein carbonyl concentrations decreased in the IGTfast group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The 2-year intervention up-regulated mitochondrial HSP expressions in middle-aged subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. These improvements, however, were not correlated directly with enhanced glucose tolerance.</p

    Exercise Improves Insulin Sensitivity in the Absence of Changes in Cytokines.

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    PURPOSE: The benefits of aerobic exercise training on insulin sensitivity in subjects with the metabolic syndrome (MetS) are, at least in part, associated with changes in cytokines. Recent studies identified novel cytokines (e.g. fractalkine, omentin and osteopontin) that are strongly involved in glucose homeostasis and therefore potentially contribute in the exercise-induced changes in insulin sensitivity. Therefore, we aim to examine changes in skeletal muscle RNA expression and plasma levels of novel cytokines after exercise training, and correlate these changes to the exercise-induced changes in insulin sensitivity. METHODS: Women with the metabolic syndrome (MetS, n=11) and healthy women (n=10) participated in a 6-month aerobic exercise training intervention (3/week, 45min per session at 65%-85% of individual heart rate reserve). Before and after training, we examined insulin sensitivity (M-value during hyperinsulinemic euglycaemic clamp), circulating blood levels of cytokines (venous blood sample; leptin, adiponectin, omentin, fraktalkin, osteopontin). Skeletal muscle RNA-expression of these cytokines (muscle biopsy) was examined in two subgroups (MetS n=6; healthy women n=6). RESULTS: At baseline, plasma levels of omentin (85.8±26.2ng/ml) and adiponectin (5.0±1.7μg/ml) levels were significantly higher in controls compared to MetS (51.1±27.1; 3.6±1.1 respectively), and leptin levels were lower in controls (18.7±11.5ng/ml vs 53.0±23.5). M-value was significantly higher in controls (8.1±1.9mg/kg/min) than in MetS (4.0±1.7). Exercise training significantly improved M-values in both groups (P0.05). CONCLUSION: Whilst exercise training successfully improves insulin sensitivity in MetS and healthy women, we found no change in plasma and mRNA expression levels of novel cytokines

    Lotto as a game and modelling and simulation of its sales

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    Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on ollut ensisijaisesti tutkia Loton pelaamiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä matemaattisten mallinnosten avulla sekä muodostaa simulaattorimalli, jonka avulla on pyritty tutkimaan Loton odotusarvoisia vuositason myyntejä sekä niiden vaihteluita. Simulaattorimallin avulla pyrittiin myös tutkimaan, millaisin edellytyksin Lotossa voitaisiin erilaisia potteja tarjota (pottitarjoama) pelaajille. Edellä mainittujen lisäksi työssä on tehty lyhyt katsaus niin Loton lakitekniseen perustaan, rahapelirakenteeseen kuin Loton sekä lottopelien historiaan yleisesti. Työssä on myös lyhyt katsaus julkaisuihin, joissa on käsitelty lottopelien pelaamisen mallintamista matemaattisin menetelmin. Pelaamisen mallintamista tutkittiin muodostamalla usean selittäjän regressiomallit Loton eri kestojen (1, 2, 3, 5, 10 viikkoa) myynneille. Regressiomallit toteutettiin sekä tavanomaisina usean selittäjän regressiomalleina, että logistiseen regressioon pohjautuvina malleina. Kahdella eri lähestymistavalla haluttiin pääasiassa parantaa tulosten luotettavuutta. Loton pelaamisen havaittiin riippuvan erittäin monesta tekijästä, joita kaikkia ei voitu regressiomalleihin sisällyttää (esim. markkinointipanostukset ja säätila). Pelaamisen merkittävimmäksi selittäjäksi havaittiin Loton potti ja sen suuruus. Loton potin vaikutus pelaamisen on sitä voimakkaampaa, mitä lyhyemmästä kestosta on kyse ja sen vaikutuksen huomattiin olevan selkeästi epälineaarista kertapelien (yhden viikon kestot) osalta. Muita merkittäviä selittäjiä pelaamiselle olivat muun muassa se, monta kertaa Loton potti on jäänyt tarkasteluhetkellä jakamatta sekä vuodenaika. Myyntien mallintamisessa onnistuttiin selkeästi parhaiten kertapelien osalta, yleisesti voidaan sanoa, että tulokset olivat sitä luotettavampia, mitä lyhyemmästä kestosta oli kyse. Simulaattorin avulla Loton pelaamisesta havaittiin, että vuositasolla Loton myynti vaihtelee kymmeniä miljoonia euroja (suuruusluokka 10 % vuositason myynnistä) riippuen siitä, millaisia potteja vuoden ajalle sattuu osumaan. Tätä havaintoa voidaan pitää ehdottomasti yhtenä tämän työn mielenkiintoisimmista tuloksista. Sattuman vaikutuksen lisäksi havaittiin, että vuositason pelaamiseen vaikuttaa hyvin voimakkaasti myös se, millaista pottitarjoamaa Lotossa käytetään. Myyntien mallintamisen ja simulointien avulla saatuja tuloksia voidaan pääsääntöisesti pitää luotettavina. Niitä tulkittaessa tulee kuitenkin huomata, että osaa selittäjistä ei malleihin kyetty sisällyttämään ja toisaalta osa selittäjäkandidaateista huomattiin vasta, kun tulokset oli jo laadittu. Vaikka Loton pelaamisen vaikuttavien selittäjien voidaan olettaa muuttuvan suhteellisen hitaasti ajassa, saattaisi olla mielenkiintoista tutkia, kuinka tulokset muuttuisivat, jos niissä huomioitaisiin myös uudistuneen Loton pelikierrokset.The purpose of this thesis has primarily been to investigate factors affecting gaming of Lotto by mathematical models and to create a simulation model which can be used to study the expected yearly sales of Lotto and its variance. With the simulation model it was also studied what kind of Jackpot accumulation cycles would be feasible for Lotto. The law aspect, mathematical structure and the history of Finnish Lotto and lotto games in general are also briefly discussed. There is also a short review at the studies made about mathematical modelling of lotto games. Mathematical modelling was conducted by forming linear multiple regression models for different durations of Lotto (1, 2, 3, 5, 10 weeks). The regression models were done by regular linear multiple regression models as well as logistic regression models. Modelling was done with two different approaches to increase the validity of the results. Lotto gaming was found to depend on many factors, all of which could not be included in the regression models (e.g. marketing investments and weather). Most important factor proved to be the jackpot of Lotto and its size. The effect of jackpot proved to be greater with shorter durations and it was perceived to clearly be non-linear for one week games. Other significant predictors were for example season of the year and the count how many times the jackpot has rolled over. Mathematical models for the sales were most successful for one week durations, in general it can be said that the shorter the duration the better the mathematical model performed. With the simulation models it was discovered that on a yearly basis Lotto sales varies tens of millions of euros ( magnitude 10% of yearly sales) depending on which kind of jackpots happen to occur in a given calendar year. This was one of the most important results of this thesis. It was also discovered that the conditional jackpot offerings greatly affect the yearly sales. The results achieved by mathematical models and simulations can be as a rule, considered to be reliable. When interpreting the results it has to be remembered that all the factors affecting the gaming of Lotto could not be included in the models and some of the factors were discovered after the completion of this study. Although the factors affecting gaming of Lotto can be expected to change only slowly in time, it might be interesting to study how the results would change if the data of new Lotto game would be added to analysis