742 research outputs found

    SDL based validation of a node monitoring protocol

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    Mobile ad hoc network is a wireless, self-configured, infrastructureless network of mobile nodes. The nodes are highly mobile, which makes the application running on them face network related problems like node failure, link failure, network level disconnection, scarcity of resources, buffer degradation, and intermittent disconnection etc. Node failure and Network fault are need to be monitored continuously by supervising the network status. Node monitoring protocol is crucial, so it is required to test the protocol exhaustively to verify and validate the functionality and accuracy of the designed protocol. This paper presents a validation model for Node Monitoring Protocol using Specification and Description Llanguage (SDL) using both Static Agent (SA) and Mobile Agent (MA). We have verified properties of the Node Monitoring Protocol (NMP) based on the global states with no exits, deadlock states or proper termination states using reachability graph. Message Sequence Chart (MSC) gives an intuitive understanding of the described system behavior with varying node density and complex behavior etc.Comment: 16 pages, 24 figures, International Conference of Networks, Communications, Wireless and Mobile 201

    Preparation and some properties of nylon-4,2

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    An attempt was made to produce a new short-chain alphatic polyamide nylon-4,2. This polyoxamide can be prepared by polycondensation of tetramethylene diamine and diethyl oxalate. A high molecular weight polymer (ηinh = 1.9 from 0.5% solutions in 96% sulphuric acid) has been obtained by employing a two-step polycondensation method; the precondensation was carried out in solution at low temperatures (20-140°C) and the postcondensation in the solid state at high temperatures (250-300°C). The effect of solvent composition and reaction temperature on the prepolymerization and the effect of reaction time and temperature on the postcondensation was studied. We also investigated the influence of moisture during washing, storing, and the solid-state reaction on the polymerizability by the postcondensation. Nylon-4,2 is soluble only in highly polar solvents such as trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), dichloroacetic acid, and 96% sulphuric acid. Films were cast from TFA. With these films we studied the IR spectrum, WAXS pattern, water absorption, and melting behavior. Nylon-4,2 was found to melt at 388-392°C, has a crystallinity of 70%, and a low water absorption (3.1% at 50% RH). The glass transition temperature of the dry sample was found to be at ~120°C and for the wet sample at -15°C

    On Characterization and Optimization of Engineering Surfaces

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    Swedish manufacturing industry in collaboration with academia is exploring innovative ways to manufacture eco-efficient and resource efficient products. Consequently, improving manufacturing efficiency and quality has become the priority for the manufacturing sector to remain competitive in a sustainable way. To achieve this, control and optimization of manufacturing process and product’s performance are necessary. This has led to increase in demand for functional surfaces, which are engineering surfaces tailored to different applications. With new advancements in manufacturing and surface metrology, investigations are steadily progressing towards re-defining quality and meeting dynamic customer demands. In this thesis, surfaces produced by different manufacturing systems are investigated, and methods are proposed to improve specification and optimization.The definition and interpretation of surface roughness vary across the manufacturing industry and academia. It is well known that surface characterization helps to understand the manufacturing process and its influence on surface functional properties such as wear, friction, adhesivity, wettability, fluid retention and aesthetic properties such as gloss. Manufactured surfaces consist of features that are relevant and features that are not of interest. To be able to produce the intended function, it is important to identify and quantify the features of relevance. Use of surface texture parameters helps in quantifying these surface features with respect to type, region, spacing and distribution. Currently, surface parameters Ra or Sa that represent average roughness are widely used in the industry, but they may not provide adequate information on the surface. In this thesis, a general methodology, based on the standard surface parameters and statistical approach, is proposed to improve the specification for surface roughness and identify the combination of significant surface texture parameters that best describe the surface and extract valuable surface information.Surface topography generated by additive, subtractive and formative processes is investigated with the developed research approach. The roughness profile parameters and areal surface parameters defined in ISO, along with power spectral density and scale sensitive fractal analysis, are used for surface characterization and analysis. In this thesis, the application of regression statistics to identify the set of significant surface parameters that improve the specification for surface roughness is shown. These surface parameters are used to discriminate between the surfaces produced by multiple process variables at multiple levels. By analyzing the influence of process variables on the surface topography, the research methodology helps to understand the underlying physical phenomenon and enhance the domain-specific knowledge with respect to surface topography. Subsequently, it helps to interpret processing conditions for process and surface function optimization.The research methods employed in this study are valid and applicable for different manufacturing processes. This thesis can support the guidelines for manufacturing industry focusing on process and functional optimization through surface analysis. With increase in use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in automation, methodologies such as the one proposed in this thesis are vital in exploring and extracting new possibilities in functional surfaces

    On Deterministic feature-based Surface Analysis

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    Manufacturing sector is continuously identifying opportunities to streamline production, reduce waste and improve manufacturing efficiency without compromising product quality. Continuous improvement has been the primary objective to produce acceptable quality products and meet dynamic customer demands by using advanced techniques and methods. Considering the current demands from society on improving the efficiency with sustainable goals, there is considerable interest from researchers and industry to explore the potential, to optimize- and customize manufactured surfaces, as one way of improving the performance of products and processes.Every manufacturing process generate surfaces which beholds certain signature features. Engineered surfaces consist of both, features that are of interest and features that are irrelevant. These features imparted on the manufactured part vary depending on the process, materials, tooling and manufacturing process variables. Characterization and analysis of deterministic features represented by significant surface parameters helps the understanding of the process and its influence on surface functional properties such as wettability, fluid retention, friction, wear and aesthetic properties such as gloss, matte. In this thesis, a general methodology with a statistical approach is proposed to extract the robust surface parameters that provides deterministic and valuable information on manufactured surfaces.Surface features produced by turning, injection molding and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) are characterized by roughness profile parameters and areal surface parameters defined by ISO standards. Multiple regression statistics is used to resolve surfaces produced with multiple process variables and multiple levels. In addition, other statistical methods used to capture the relevant surface parameters for analysis are also discussed in this thesis. The selected significant parameters discriminate between the samples produced by different process variables and helps to identify the influence of each process variable. The discussed statistical approach provides valuable information on the surface function and further helps to interpret the surfaces for process optimization.The research methods used in this study are found to be valid and applicable for different manufacturing processes and can be used to support guidelines for the manufacturing industry focusing on process optimization through surface analysis. With recent advancement in manufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing, new methodologies like the statistical one used in this thesis is essential to explore new and future possibilities related to surface engineering

    Non-additivity of van der Waals forces on liquid surfaces

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    We present an approach for modeling nanoscale wetting and dewetting of liquid surfaces that exploits recently developed, sophisticated techniques for computing van der Waals (vdW) or (more generally) Casimir forces in arbitrary geometries. We solve the variational formulation of the Young--Laplace equation to predict the equilibrium shapes of fluid--vacuum interfaces near solid gratings and show that the non-additivity of vdW interactions can have a significant impact on the shape and wetting properties of the liquid surface, leading to very different surface profiles and wetting transitions compared to predictions based on commonly employed additive approximations, such as Hamaker or Derjaguin approximations.Comment: 5 pages (including abstract, acknowledgments, and references), 3 figure

    Fluctuational Electrodynamics in Atomic and Macroscopic Systems: van der Waals Interactions and Radiative Heat Transfer

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    We present an approach to describing fluctuational electrodynamic (FED) interactions, particularly van der Waals (vdW) interactions as well as radiative heat transfer (RHT), between material bodies of vastly different length scales, allowing for going between atomistic and continuum treatments of the response of each of these bodies as desired. Any local continuum description of electromagnetic (EM) response is compatible with our approach, while atomistic descriptions in our approach are based on effective electronic and nuclear oscillator degrees of freedom, encapsulating dissipation, short-range electronic correlations, and collective nuclear vibrations (phonons). While our previous works using this approach have focused on presenting novel results, this work focuses on the derivations underlying these methods. First, we show how the distinction between "atomic" and "macroscopic" bodies is ultimately somewhat arbitrary, as formulas for vdW free energies and RHT look very similar regardless of how the distinction is drawn. Next, we demonstrate that the atomistic description of material response in our approach yields EM interaction matrix elements which are expressed in terms of analytical formulas for compact bodies or semianalytical formulas based on Ewald summation for periodic media; we use this to compute vdW interaction free energies as well as RHT powers among small biological molecules in the presence of a metallic plate as well as between parallel graphene sheets in vacuum, showing strong deviations from conventional macroscopic theories due to the confluence of geometry, phonons, and EM retardation effects. Finally, we propose formulas for efficient computation of FED interactions among material bodies in which those that are treated atomistically as well as those treated through continuum methods may have arbitrary shapes, extending previous surface-integral techniques.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 2 appendice

    Impact of nuclear vibrations on van der Waals and Casimir interactions at zero and finite temperature

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    Van der Waals (vdW) and Casimir interactions depend crucially on material properties and geometry, especially at molecular scales, and temperature can produce noticeable relative shifts in interaction characteristics. Despite this, common treatments of these interactions ignore electromagnetic retardation, atomism, or contributions of collective mechanical vibrations (phonons) to the infrared response, which can interplay with temperature in nontrivial ways. We present a theoretical framework for computing electromagnetic interactions among molecular structures, accounting for their geometry, electronic delocalization, short-range interatomic correlations, dissipation, and phonons at atomic scales, along with long-range electromagnetic interactions among themselves or in the vicinity of continuous macroscopic bodies. We find that in carbon allotropes, particularly fullerenes, carbyne wires, and graphene sheets, phonons can couple strongly with long-range electromagnetic fields, especially at mesoscopic scales (nanometers), to create delocalized phonon polaritons that significantly modify the infrared molecular response. These polaritons especially depend on the molecular dimensionality and dissipation, and in turn affect the vdW interaction free energies of these bodies above a macroscopic gold surface, producing nonmonotonic power laws and nontrivial temperature variations at nanometer separations that are within the reach of current Casimir force experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures (3 single-column, 1 double-column), 2 appendice

    Mechanical relations between conductive and radiative heat transfer

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    We present a general nonequilibrium Green's function formalism for modeling heat transfer in systems characterized by linear response that establishes the formal algebraic relationships between phonon and radiative conduction, and reveals how upper bounds for the former can also be applied to the latter. We also propose an extension of this formalism to treat systems susceptible to the interplay of conductive and radiative heat transfer, which becomes relevant in atomic systems and at nanometric and smaller separations where theoretical descriptions which treat each phenomenon separately may be insufficient. We illustrate the need for such coupled descriptions by providing predictions for a low-dimensional system of carbyne wires in which the total heat transfer can differ from the sum of its radiative and conductive contributions. Our framework has ramifications for understanding heat transfer between large bodies that may approach direct contact with each other or that may be coupled by atomic, molecular, or interfacial film junctions.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, 2 appendice
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