166 research outputs found

    Rheological Behavior of Coal-Water Slurries

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    The rheological behavior of coal-water slurries was stud ied, using a Brookfield Rheolog viscometer with a thermosel system to maintain constant temperature. The coal used for making up the slurries was Sarpy Creek subbituminous coal from Montana. The effect of particle size, slurry concen tration and hot water drying process on the rheology was in vestigated. The particle size used ranged from 0.223 mm to 0.044 mm mean particle diameter, and the solids concentra tion in the slurry varied from 15 to 70 weight %. Tempera ture was maintained at 28 C (82 F). Coal-water slurries exhibited a pseudoplastic behavior. The behavior of coal-water slurries was described accurately by a power law model of the form t = a(R)b where 1t \u27 is the shear stress, \u27R\u27 is the shear rate and \u27a\u27 and \u27b\u27 are experimentally determined constants. It was seen that apparent viscosity increased with an increase in solids concentration. It was also observed that the coeffi cient \u27a\u27 increased with an increase in solids concentra tion, while the exponent ’b\u27 did not show any definite pat tern in its variation. The moisture content of the hot water dried coal was de termined to be 13%, as compared to 25% for the unprocessed coal (as received coal). The slurry made with hot water dried coal showed a pseudoplastic or shear thinning behav ior, and it was seen that the apparent viscosity of hot wa ter dried coal-water slurries was lower than the apparent viscosity of unprocessed coal-water slurries. Sedimentation characteristics of coal-water slurries were also studied by using a specially designed sedimentation ap paratus. The settling rates of coal particles were found to vary inversely with increase in slurry concentration, and directly with particle size. The particle sizes used were the same as those used for obtaining the rheology data. Hot water dried coal-water slurries exhibited negligible set tling

    Object Detection using Deep Learning with Hierarchical Multi Swarm Optimization

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    Till now there is a huge research had in the field of visual information retrieval, but with the growth of data and with less processing speed we are not meeting the needs of current problem. The main focus of this paper is to identify the objects with salient features and object highlighting. Till now object identification is done with the pixel based or with the region based. Different methodologies are compared in this work and they will be processed with the learning work. Multi scale contrast is one of the pixel based technology where object borders are identified but not the object. This can be done with the histogram contrast. Still it is not covering all the features of the object and it is not clear in identifying the objects at high contrast regions. To solve this issue region based contrasting method is used which is the better solution for all this object identification. After extracting the features and identifying the object, now auto classification or identification of the object should be done. The other part of the work mainly concentrates on the learning system which uses most popular neural network algorithms. Identifying the drawbacks of neural network algorithms and proposing the new methodology identify the objects is done in this paper

    Secondary Flow and Heat Transfer of Two Incompressible Immiscible Fluids Between Two Parallel Plates in a Rotating System

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    When a straight channel formed by two parallel plates, through which two immiscible fluids are flowing under constant pressure gradients is rotated about an axis perpendicular to the plates, secondary motion is set up. The secondary motion is analysed in detail for constant angular velocity ohm', lambda the ratio of their viscosities. The associated heat transfer problems, when the plate temperatures are equal and different, have also been studied


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    Fourier Transform Raman (3500-100 \wn) and Fourier Transform infrared spectra (4000-400 \wn) were measured for Pentabromophenol (PBP) and Pentaflurophenol (PFP). UV-Visible (200-400 nm) spectrum, along with 1H and 13C NMR spectra were also recorded, for PBP. Torsional potentials, optimized structure parameters, barrier height to internal rotation, harmonic vibrational frequencies, general valance force field, potential energy distribution (PED), along with infrared and Raman intensities were evaluated, for PBP and PFP. DFT was used in conjunction with B3LYP functional with 6-311++G(d,p) basis set, for the computations. Scaling process was employed to get a better fit between the measured and computed frequencies. The rms error between them was 9.7 and 7.0 \wn, for PBP and PFP, respectively. Unambiguous vibrational assignments were arrived at by using PED and eigenvectors. In order to understand the nature of intermolecular hydrogen bond in these molecules geometry optimization was made for dimers of PBP and PFP. Further, using Gauge Independent Atomic orbital (GIAO) approach 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts were evaluated and compared with corresponding experimentally measured shifts for PBP. In the same way, Time-dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) was used to simulate UV-Visible spectrum of PBP and compared with its experimental spectrum. HOMO and LUMO energies along with associated electronic parameters were generated. In order to find reactive sites in PBP and PFP molecular electrostatic surface potential (MESP) diagrams were drawn. The values of dipole moment, polarizability and hyperpolarizability of these molecules were computed to determine their NLO behavior. To understand the stability of the molecules (PBP and PFP) caused by charge delocalization, natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis was made for both PBP and PFP. Thermodynamic parameters were also evaluated for both the molecules. \\ Key words: Pentabromophenol, Pentaflurophenol, Vibrational spectra, Intermolecular hydrogen bond, DFT, Hyperpolarizability \# A part of this work appeared in J. Mol. Struct. 1180 (2019) 665-675 \

    Weight Function Approach for Semi Elliptical Crack at Blade Mounting Locations in Steam Turbine Rotor System

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    This paper presents analysis of stress intensity factors at blade mounting locations of steam turbine rotor system. General expressions for the stresses induced in a rotating disc are derived and these equations are applied to steam turbine rotor disc. It is observed that the radial stress increases instantly at blade mounting location which indicates the probability of crack initiation and growth. A semi elliptical crack is considered at that location and weight function approach is used to determine the stress intensity factors. The results are validated with the influence coefficient approach. The differences of present approach with influence coefficient approach are less than 3 %. Hence the present approach is suitable for determination of stress intensity factors in a semi elliptical crack at blade mounting locations of a steam turbine rotor disc

    Personal concept of chronic illness in rural population-identifying myths and beliefs

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    Background: The morbidity of Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is not only physical but also psychological and social. The study aimed at identifying whether there was any mythological belief in being afflicted with such a chronic illness and the personal concept of a chronic illness. Therefore patients with chronic renal failure were selected for the study.  Methods: The study includes two different groups of patients, 25 per group examined at two different places at two different points of time. The two groups attended different hospitals in their local areas. Patients who were suffering from chronic renal failure were examined and selected for the study. In both groups results were obtained based on questions designed to get information on four themes: their economic status, their status of work, their dependency status and their personal concept of the illness. All the patients belong to rural areas and have had less than formal education or no education at all.Results: The most important finding in this study was a belief expressed in five patients (Two males and three female). They believed that indulging in sex in their marital life itself was a cause of the illness. One other female patient who had a bad obstetric history felt that her illness was due to the number of abortions she had.Conclusion: In a country like India especially in rural India where people believe in alternative medicine, magico-religious methods of native healers, it is difficult to convince people to go for a counselling service. They have to be provided such a service after the initial physical treatments have been started. It is essential that a service of such kind is provided free of cost at any level, even in a primary health centre. Where possible it is necessary to use diagnostic tools to designate severity of the problem. Otherwise personal ideas about illness that marital life has caused the disease can reflect adversely on the harmony and quality of life of patients. This study has enough potential to conduct more such studies to identify outcomes of chronic illnesses and design interventions accordingly.


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    Objective: To develop a novel, accurate, precise and linear reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method for simultaneous quantitative estimation of ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel in Atamra-CV tablet and validate as per international conference on harmonization (ICH) guidelines and to perform the force degradation studies using the developed method.Methods: In the present work, the good chromatographic separation was achieved isocratically using a shim-pack HPLC Kromasil 150 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 m. m. And mobile phase consisting of 0.05 M potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate pH 3 adjusted with orthophosphoric acid and acetonitrile in the ratio (52:48), at flow rate 1 ml/min and column temperature (30 °C). The effluents obtained were monitored at 210 nm with the UV-visible detector.Results: The retention time of ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel was found to be 2.893 min, 5.012 min and 6.102 min respectively. The linearity of ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel was found in the range of 25-150 % and the correlation coefficient for ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel were>0.999. The high recovery values (98%-101%) indicate a satisfactory accuracy. The low percent relative standard deviation (% RSD) values in the precision study reveals that the method is precise. The three-drug samples were subjected to stress conditions of acidic and alkaline hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis and thermal degradation. The proposed method proved to be stability-indicating by resolution of the analytes from their forced-degradation products.Conclusion: The developed method is novel, simple, precise, rapid, accurate and reproducible for simultaneous estimation of ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel tablet dosage form. Hence the proposed method may find practical applications as a quality-control tool in the simultaneous analysis of the three drugs in combined dosage forms in quality-control laboratories. The proposed method was made use of photodiode array (PDA) as a tool for peak identification and purity confirmation

    Unorthodox superficial palmar arch observed in a South Indian cadaver: a case report

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    Variations in formation of the superficial palmar arch are common. A classic superficial palmar arch is defined as direct continuity between the superficial branch of the ulnar artery and superficial palmar branch of the radial artery. During routine dissection classes to undergraduate medical students we have observed formation of superficial palmar arch solely by superficial branch of ulnar artery without any contribution from the radial artery or median artery. Knowledge of the anatomical variations of the arterial pattern of the hand is crucial for safe and successful hand surgery

    Soret and Dufour effects on MHD flow with heat and mass transfer past a permeable stretching sheet in presence of thermal radiation

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    An analysis has been carried out to study the combined effects of the magnetic field, Joule heating, thermal radiation absorption, viscous dissipation, Buoyancy forces, thermal-diffusion and diffusion-thermion the convective heat and mass transfer flow of an electrically conducting fluid over a permeable vertically stretching sheet. The boundary layer equations for the fluid flow, heat and mass flux under consideration have been obtained and reduced into a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations by using appropriate similarity transformation. Using shooting method coupled with the fourth order Runge-Kutta integration scheme, the numerically solutions have been obtained and presented graphically. The effects of various embedded thermo-physical parameters on the fluid velocity, temperature, skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number have been determined and discussed quantitatively. A comparison of a special case of our results with the one previously reported in the literature shows a very good agreement. An increase in values of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation, suction/injection coefficient and chemical reaction results in the increase of velocity, temperature and heat-mass transfer rates. It is further noted that the velocity, temperature and heat-mass transfer rates reduces on the boundary layer of a permeable vertical stretching sheet due to increase in the values of Soret or decrease in values of Dufour. Further, this work leads to study different flows of electrically conducting fluid over a permeable vertical stretching sheet problem that includes the two dimensional non-linear boundary equations
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