446 research outputs found

    Regulating Sin Across Cultures

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    Using text analysis, this study compares the alcohol advertising strategy in Ukraine and the United States within the context of regulatory, historical, cultural, and economic factors. Results showed that Ukrainian magazine ads contained a larger number of violations than the American ads, which complied with the letter of the law, if not the spirit. The message strategies also told different cultural stories that reflect the different ideologies for the two countries, which means that specialized advertising approaches are needed for each country. American ads situate alcohol as part of normal life, whereas Ukrainian ads demonstrate conspicuous consumption and celebrate the change to a market economy. They must not only sell the product but also teach Ukrainians how to be part of the consumer culture

    Selling Sin in a Hostile Environment: A Comparison of Ukrainian and American Tobacco Advertising Strategies in Magazines

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    Given that “sin” products must navigate different regulatory environments, it is important to compare cigarette advertising across cultures. Using text analysis, this study examined the message strategies and the ideological beliefs in cigarette advertising in American and Ukrainian magazines within the context of their different regulatory environments. The messages across the two countries differed in their use of creative appeals to ego, social needs, and sensory pleasure as well as their adherence to regulation. Many of the Ukrainian campaigns were reminiscent of earlier American campaigns and offer unique comparisons of cultures that are at different places historically, economically, and ideologically

    The interaction of law and morality in the society

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    Morality and law are the main regulators of human behavior. The interaction of law and morality in the society is a process characterized by the variety of forms. The impact of law on morality causes the opposite effect of morality on law. Law and morality in the society complement each other as a means of social regulation. In reality, law and morality are inseparable. In the process of interaction, realizing their social purpose, law and moral consistently and purposefully form the new social relations. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3493

    The Mennonites’ ‘Great Trek’ from the Occupied Regions of Ukraine to Warthegau in 1943–4

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    The German troops’ large-scale retreat on the Eastern Front was accompanied by a substantial population outflow from the occupied regions of the USSR. The German Mennonites (approx. 35,000 people) preferred to obey the occupiers’ order and evacuate to the west in the autumn of 1943. Several thousands of them were transported in echelons directly to Warthegau and the region of Danzig. The remaining part of deportees had to sustain a difficult and dramatic route in the convoys. The Nazi leadership planned to use them as settlers or labour force on the annexed Western Polish lands. After the end of the Second World War, most of the Mennonites were forcibly repatriated to the USSR; others succeeded in emigrating to Canada or Latin America

    Application of molecular markers for plant breeding and variety investigation and diversifcation

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    On the studied material there was confrmed the previously shown presence of statistically signifcant associations of allelic state revealed by microsatellite loci with the expressiveness of a number of parameters of agronomical and morphological traits. There was determined the hereditary nature of some associations found in previous years

    The order of duplication of human aldh encoding gene

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    Human aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) causes oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate. Humans have 18 genes encoding the ALDH enzymes. The order of duplication of human ALDH encoding gene was not completely detected. In this work ALDH encoding gene was analyzed by phylogenetic methods. Genetic distances of paralogs and order of duplication of human ALDH encoding gene were detected

    Molecular-genetic polymorphism of glycinin encoding genes in Ukrainian and Serbian soybean varieties

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    As results, all studied varieties have Gy1, Gy2, Gy3, Gy4, Gy5 gene alleles that were found to be similar to the soybean variety from the USA. The results of the conducted research are indicating that during the breeding of the studied varieties there were used the same origin samples

    Electrophoretic separation and molecular size evaluation of hyaluronic acid

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is polysaccharide, which is consisting of remainders of glucuronic acid and n-acetylglucoseamine, connected by β 1.3’ – bonds. HA is used for treatment of bones, conjunctivitis, infertility, and also it is widely applied in cosmetology etc. HA has anti-adhesive, antiinflammatory, and lubricating properties, so could potentially be useful for spinal pain. HA administered epidurally had a therapeutic effect on the allodynia and hyperalgesia induced by chronic compression of the dorsal root ganglion

    Black-Box Analysis of Wi-Fi Stacks Security

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    Zariadenia, na ktoré sa každodenne spoliehame, sú stále zložitejšie a využívajú zložitejšie protokoly. Jedným z týchto protokolov je Wi-Fi. S rastúcou zložitosťou sa zvyšuje aj potenciál pre implementačné chyby. Táto práca skúma Wi-Fi protokol a použitie fuzz testingu pre generovanie semi-validných vstupov, ktoré by mohli odhaliť zraniteľné miesta v zariadeniach. Špeciálna pozornosť bola venovaná testovaniu Wi-Fi v systéme ESP32 a ESP32-S2. Výsledkom práce je fuzzer vhodný pre testovanie akéhokoľvek Wi-Fi zariadenia, monitorovací nástroj špeciálne pre ESP32 a sada testovacích programov pre ESP32. Nástroj neodhalil žiadne potenciálne zraniteľnosti.The devices on which we rely in our day-to-day lives use complicated protocols. One of the heavily used protocols is Wi-Fi. The growing complexity also increases the room for error during implementation. This thesis studies the Wi-Fi protocol and the use of fuzz testing to generate semi-valid frames, which could reveal vulnerabilities when sent to the tested device. Special attention was devoted to testing the Wi-Fi stack in the ESP32 and ESP32-2S systems. The output of the thesis is a fuzzer capable of testing any Wi-Fi device, a special ESP32 monitoring tool and a set of ESP32 test programs. The tools did not find any potential vulnerabilities.