494 research outputs found

    Development of novel procedures for the preservation of archaeological irons and mural paintings

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    281 p.El objetivo principal de la tesis es desarrollar metodologías innovadoras para caracterizar y conservar el patrimonio cultural. Siguiendo un enfoque interdisciplinar, el desarrollo de dichas tecnologías responde a la necesidad de minimizar/controlar algunos de los procesos de degradación detectados durante el estudio analítico de dos diferentes tipologías de patrimonio; restos arqueológicos de naturaleza metálica y pinturas murales. En ambos casos, el protocolo analítico empleado consta de 3 fases distintas. En primera estancia, se ha realizado una evaluación química in situ mediante el uso complementario de técnicas analíticas no destructivas (XRF, LIBS, FTIR y Raman). Posteriormente, se aplicaron instrumentación de laboratorio (Raman, FTIR, XRD y SEM) y técnicas de cuantificación de sales solubles (cromatografía iónica, ICP-MS) para el estudio de micro-muestras con el fin de esclarecer los principales procesos de degradación. Basándose en el conocimiento adquirido en las dos primeras fases fue finalmente llevado a cabo el desarrollo de nuevos métodos y protocolos de conservación.En el caso de las piezas metálicas se ha desarrollado un nuevo método para semi-cuantificar las fases de hierro que más comunmente afectan a los hierros arqueológicos. Además, se ha optimizado la capacidad extractiva del método de desalinización (baño de NaOH) más empleado para la conservación de hierros afectados por infiltración de cloruros. En el caso de las pinturas murales, ha sido evaluado el posible uso de aceites esenciales como productos ecológico para inhibir el crecimiento de patinas biológicas.Este trabajo subraya el rol de la química analítica como herramienta indispensable para el desarrollo de metodologías innovadoras que faciliten la comprensión y el tratamiento de las patologías del patrimonio cultural


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    This study makes an effort to contrast word derivation in English and Albanian. English is a versatile and highly productive language. Because it is universal, it may incorporate new words and go through a variety of word formation processes to expand its lexicon. Derivation is one of several procedures for word development. The fundamental processes by which words are formed in the English and Albanian languages are quite similar. There are conversions for prefix, suffix, and affixes in the English language. Prefix, suffix, prefix-suffix, and non-affix derivations are all present in the Albanian language.Keywords: word, word-formation, derivation, lexemes, conversion, etc


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    Task-based assessment is timely, because issues of critical thinking and lifelong learning have come to the fore in discussions of the national educational reform. TBA is of increasing interest to teachers and educators, because of its emphasis on active, transferable learning, its potential for motivating students to develop problem-solving skills and in becoming effective collaborators. TBA has been widely explored and studied by many researchers in the field of English language teaching. However, there are few or no official studies that specifically deal with task-based assessment and its implementation in the Albanian context. In addition, due to insufficient data, these studies fail in providing a well-documented account of the present situation in Albania with regard to Task- based assessment model and its utilization in EFL classrooms. This paper aims to lay out firstly a general overview of this model of learning, and secondly it explores some attempts of how to situate it within the Albanian context. It’s a long and challenging undertaking, but we (teachers) should move forward and try these new experiences out, however demanding they appear

    Being patient provides peace

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    When I was still young, my parents used to tell us how our family had been deported by the government from Ruhengeri to Nyamata in 1959, when massacres based on ethnic conflicts happened for the first time in Rwanda. My father also told us that the whole region of Bugesera had been a forest and that there were many animals there. Most of my relatives who had been forced into the forest by the government at that time died due to a sleeping sickness caused by tsetse flies. In 1965, six years after my family had been displaced and forced to live in what is currently known as Bugesera District, I was born


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    Task-based assessment is timely, because issues of critical thinking and lifelong learning have come to the fore in discussions of the national educational reform. TBA is of increasing interest to teachers and educators, because of its emphasis on active, transferable learning, its potential for motivating students to develop problem-solving skills and in becoming effective collaborators. TBA has been widely explored and studied by many researchers in the field of English language teaching. However, there are few or no official studies that specifically deal with task-based assessment and its implementation in the Albanian context. In addition, due to insufficient data, these studies fail in providing a well-documented account of the present situation in Albania with regard to Task- based assessment model and its utilization in EFL classrooms. This paper aims to lay out firstly a general overview of this model of learning, and secondly it explores some attempts of how to situate it within the Albanian context. It’s a long and challenging undertaking, but we (teachers) should move forward and try these new experiences out, however demanding they appear

    Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah Anggota dan Jumlah Penyaluran Kredit terhadap Jumlah Simpanan Masyarakat melalui Cu di Kalimantan Barat

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    This study aims to identify and analyze the influence between the number of membersand the distribution towards the amount of savings in Credit Union, West Kalimantan. The research of method is using descriptive method. From the analysis it can be concluded that the independent variables such as the number of membersand the distribution, significantly influence on the amount of savings in West Kalimantan.The pattern of the relationship between the number of members, with the amount of savings is positive, the distribution of the savings with the amount of deposits is positively correlated. Moreover, the Hausman test results with Fixed Effect of each variable has a good value, so that, it can be concluded that the amount of savings at Credit Union (CU) in West Kalimantan is greatly influenced by the independent variables that appears in this natural research. Keywords : The Number of Members, Distribution, The Amount of Savings and Credit Unio


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to identify and analyze the influence between the number of membersand the distribution towards the amount of savings in Credit Union, West Kalimantan. The research of method is using descriptive method. From the analysis it can be concluded that the independent variables such as the number of membersand the distribution, significantly influence on the amount of savings in West Kalimantan.The pattern of the relationship between the number of members, with the amount of savings is positive, the distribution of the savings with the amount of deposits is positively correlated. Moreover, the Hausman test results with Fixed Effect of each variable has a good value, so that, it can be concluded  that the amount of savings at Credit Union (CU) in West Kalimantan is greatly influenced by the independent variables that appears in this natural research. Keywords : The Number of Members, Distribution, The Amount of Savings and Credit Unio

    Alien Registration- Sanford, Veneranda D. (Richmond, Sagadahoc County)

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    Fostering Learner’s Critical Thinking Skills in EFL: Some Practical Activities

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    Developing student’s critical skills is one of the major concerns of foreign language teachers. Professional teachers and novice ones try to find ways to motivate their students. Developing communicative competence requires students to develop learning strategies and focus on language function and context. In every course assignments, learners understand and realize better that communication is not an easy thing. Developing accuracy and fluency in foreign language classes enhance students critical thinking too. However, What is critical thinking? What is the perception of learners about it? What communicative activities can foreign language teachers use in the classroom to enhance student’s critical thinking? These are some research questions that this paper brings in focus, from theory to practice. The study is based on observations in EFL classes. From observations, it was found that developing critical thinking skills help learners to enhance their communication, enlarge their vocabulary, and help them to learn how to use language for different purposes in a variety of contexts. Foreign language teachers can help learners develop critical thinking skills. In this paper, some suggestions for foreign language teachers to use practical activities to foster critical thinking will be presented. Thus, in English language learning and teaching contexts, critical thinking becomes more dynamic


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    Neonatal jaundice or icterus is one of the health problems occured in newborns. Roughly 60% of infants born mature and 80% of infants born prematurely developed jaundice in the first week of their life. Neonatal jaundice is a condition caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in mucouse membrane and skin of the newborn with a discoloration of the skin and sclera as the symptoms. This issue is due to high levels of circulating bilirubin which is also known as hyperbilirubinemia. One of etiology of jaundice is the incompatibility of the blood types of the mother and child. Until now, studies related to maternal blood group incompatibility and the occurrence of jaundice in infants still give contradictory results. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between ABO blood group incompatibility and the incidence of jaundice in neonates. This study used a cross-sectional design. The subject selection used non-probability sampling, and data from medical records of 110 newborns collected from December 2020 to December 2021. The inclusion criteria of this study were all infants born aterm at Budhi Asih Hospital, and the exclusion criteria were all infants, with asphyxia, hypoxia as well as mothers with preeclampsia. It was found that 82% of infants were diagnosed with neonatal jaundice and had blood group incompatibility. The chi-square test results showed a significant relationship between ABO blood group incompatibility and the incidence of neonatal jaundice (p = 0,002). There is a statistically significant relationship between ABO blood group incompatibility and the incidence of jaundice in neonates.Penyakit bayi kuning atau neonatal jaundice atau ikterus adalah satu dari beberapa kelainan yang paling sering terjadi pada bayi baru lahir. Sekitar 60% dari bayi lahir cukup umur atau aterm dan 80% dari bayi lahir prematur mengalami jaundice di minggu pertama kehidupannya. Neonatal jaundice merupakan keadaan dimana terjadi akumulasi bilirubin pada kulit dan membran mukosa bayi baru lahir sehingga terjadi perubahan warna kulit dan sklera. Hal ini disebabkan karena tingginya kadar bilirubin di sirkulasi yang disebut juga hiperbilirubinemia. Keadaan ini dapat disebabkan antara lain oleh inkompatibilitas golongan darah ibu dan anak. Sampai saat ini penelitian berkaitan inkompatibilitas golongan darah ibu dan terjadinya ikterus pada bayi masih memberikan hasil yang kontradiktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara inkompatibilitas golongan darah ABO dengan kejadian jaundice pada neonatus. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan analitik observasional dengan desain potong-lintang. Sampel diambil secara consecutive non-random sampling dengan menggunakan data rekam medis bayi baru lahir sebanyak 110 sampel yang diambil dari periode Desember 2020 sampai Desember 2021. Pemilihan responden didasarkan pada kriteria inklusi yakni bayi yang lahir cukup bulan di RS Budhi Asih, dan kriteria eksklusi yaitu bayi yang mengalami asfiksia, hipoksia serta ibu yang mengalami preeklamsia. Didapatkan sebanyak 82% bayi terdiagnosis neonatal jaundice dan terdapat inkompatibilitas golongan darah ABO. Analisis bivariat dengan uji chi square antara inkompatibilitas golongan darah ABO dan kejadian jaundice pada neonatus didapatkan p = 0,002. Didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna inkompatibilitas golongan darah ABO dan kejadian jaundice pada neonatus