337 research outputs found

    Is the Donnan effect sufficient to explain swelling in brain tissue slices?

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    Brain tissue swelling is a dangerous consequence of traumatic injury and is associated with raised intracranial pressure and restricted blood flow. We consider the mechanical effects that drive swelling of brain tissue slices in an ionic solution bath, motivated by recent experimental results that showed that the volume change of tissue slices depends on the ionic concentration of the bathing solution. This result was attributed to the presence of large charged molecules that induce ion concentration gradients to ensure electroneutrality (the Donnan effect), leading to osmotic pressures and water accumulation. We use a mathematical triphasic model for soft tissue to characterize the underlying processes that could lead to the volume changes observed experimentally. We suggest that swelling is caused by an osmotic pressure increase driven by both non-permeating solutes released by necrotic cells, in addition to the Donnan effect. Both effects are necessary to explain the dependence of the tissue slice volume on the ionic bath concentration that was observed experimentally

    Wrinkling, creasing, and folding in fiber-reinforced soft tissues

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    Many biological tissues develop elaborate folds during growth and development. The onset of this folding is often understood in relation to the creasing and wrinkling of a thin elastic layer that grows whilst attached to a large elastic foundation. In reality, many biological tissues are reinforced by fibres and so are intrinsically anisotropic. However, the correlation between the fiber directions and the pattern formed during growth is not well understood. Here, we consider the stability of a two-layer tissue composed of a thin hyperelastic strip adhered to an elastic half-space in which are embedded elastic fibers. The combined object is subject to a uniform compression and, at a critical value of this compression, buckles out of the plane — it wrinkles. We characterize the wrinkle wavelength at onset as a function of the fiber orientation both computationally and analytically and show that the onset of surface instability can be either promoted or inhibited as the fiber stiffness increases, depending on the fibre angle. However, we find that the structure of the resulting folds is approximately independent of the fiber orientation. We also explore numerically the formation of large creases in fiber-reinforced tissue in the post-buckling regime

    Increasing the effectiveness of coach education: evidence of a parallel process

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    The purpose of this study was to use the results of an exploratory case study to discuss the design and delivery of formal coach education pathways. Nine coaches completed qualitative and quantitative feedback on a formal transformational leadership training program. The theme that was consistently being presented by coaches was the need for learning to be situated within practical demonstrations and discussions where the coach learner and coach educator work collaboratively to facilitate understanding of the applications of program content to coaching practice. These results have been discussed in the light of the parallel processes that are evident in coach education. The relationship dynamics between athlete and coach are paralleled in the relationship between coach learner and coach educator. Formalising the parallel process in coach education is put forward as a conceptually sound approach to facilitate reflection in coaching practitioners through the use of practical demonstrations

    Patients' lived experiences of cytotoxic medications prescribed for the management of malignant solid tumours: a systematic review.

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    The aim of the systematic review is to critically appraise, synthesise and present the available evidence of patients' lived experiences of cytotoxic medications prescribed for the management of malignant solid tumours. In relation to the patients pharmacological treatment journey for the management of malignant solid tumours: What are the patients' lived experience? What is the medication related burden? What are the medication related beliefs? What is the medication taking practice? What is the relationship between the lived experience and medication related burden, medication related beliefs and medication taking practice

    Patients' lived experiences with antineoplastic medicines for the management of malignant solid tumours: a systematic review.

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    Background: Antineoplastic medicines affect the patients’ physical and psychosocial well-being posing challenges for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals. However, little is known about the patients’ lived experience with medicines (PLEM) for antineoplastic treatment. It is the lived experience that gives meaning to each individual’s perception of a particular phenomenon which is influenced by internal and external factors relevant to the individual. Objectives: To critically appraise, synthesise and present the available evidence of patients’ lived experience with antineoplastic medicines prescribed for the management of malignant solid tumours. Method: A systematic literature search was conducted in six electronic databases for articles published in English with no date restrictions. The search terms were related to beliefs, practice and burden in relation to patient, antineoplastic medicines, tumours and lived experience. Study selection, quality assessment and data extraction were performed independently by 2 reviewers. Research findings were analysed using narrative and meta-synthesis approaches. Results: The search retrieved 31,004 articles with only 10 studies satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. These studies were published between 2005 and 2016 in Europe (n=6), America (n=3) and Asia (n=1). Nine themes were identified to contribute to the patients’ lived experience with antineoplastic medicines. These were (a) influence from family members, healthcare professionals, media and culture, (b) general attitude towards medicine, (c) accepting medicine, (d) modifying or altering medicine regimen or dose, (e) medicine characteristics, (f) medicine routine, (g) medicine adverse events, (h) medicine and social burden and (i) healthcare associated medicine burden. Patients tend to undergo a continuous process of reinterpretations of their experience with medicines throughout their treatment journey. Conclusion: The use of antineoplastic medicines has a profound effect on the patients’ lives. Further longitudinal in-depth studies are required to provide deeper insight into PLEM and support patients in their treatment journey

    Exploring perspectives of significant others on patients' experiences of cancer services.

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    The aim of this research is to explore the perspectives of significant others regarding cancer care experiences of patients receiving antineoplastic medicines for colorectal cancer. Globally, there has been growing concern that patients are not receiving appropriate cancer care based on their needs. Efforts were made towards better quality of care to meet patients' needs and expectations. Despite this, healthcare systems are required to operate with decreasing resources as a consequence of the overall economic context. This poster was selected for the Poster Discussion Forum Session at the conference (PDF 2.10) and was the Winner of this category

    Associations between sports participation, adiposity and obesity-related health behaviors in Australian adolescents

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    Background The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organized sports participation, weight status, physical activity, screen time, and important food habits in a large nationally representative sample of Australian adolescents. Methods Nationally representative cross-sectional study of 12,188 adolescents from 238 secondary schools aged between 12 and 17 years (14.47 ± 1.25 y, 53% male, 23% overweight/obese). Participation in organized sports, compliance with national physical activity, screen time, and fruit and vegetable consumption guidelines, and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and high-fat foods were self-reported. Weight status and adiposity (BMI, waist circumference) were measured. Results Organized sports participation was higher among males and those residing in rural/remote areas. Underweight adolescents reported the lowest levels of participation. Higher levels of participation were associated with an increased likelihood of complying with national physical activity (OR = 2.07 [1.67-2.58]), screen time (OR = 1.48 [1.19-1.84]), and fruit and vegetable consumption guidelines (OR = 1.32 [1.05-1.67]). There was no association between organized sport participation and weight status, adiposity, consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages or high-fat foods. Conclusions Participation in organized sports was associated with a greater likelihood to engage in a cluster of health behaviors, including meeting physical activity guidelines, electronic screen time recommendations, and fruit and vegetable consumption guidelines. However, participation in organized sports was not associated with unhealthy dietary behaviors including the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and high-fat foods. There is no association between participation in organized sports and likelihood to be overweight or obese. The role of sports in promoting healthy weight and energy balance is unclear

    Instructional strategies to promote incremental beliefs in youth sport

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    Implicit beliefs about the nature of human abilities have significant motivational, behavioral, and affective consequences. The purpose of this article was to review the application of implicit beliefs to the youth sport context and to provide theoretically derived and evidence-based instructional strategies to promote adaptive implicit beliefs about human abilities within this context. A narrative overview of theory and a review of research pertaining to implicit beliefs in education, sport, and physical activity are undertaken. Theoretically derived and evidence-based instructional strategies are outlined, and specific coaching behaviors are suggested. Six instructional strategies to promote adaptive implicit beliefs in these contexts are suggested: focusing on effort and persistence, facilitating challenge, promoting the value of failure, defining success as effort, the promotion of learning, and providing high expectations. It is concluded that instructional strategies may be used to facilitate positive motivational, behavioral, and affective outcomes for young people within a sport context

    Clutch Performance in Sport and Exercise: A Systematic Review

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    Improved performance under pressure in sport and exercise has been termed clutch performance. The aim of this study was to systematically review, synthesise, and evaluate existing research on clutch performance. Specifically, this review explored: (i) research designs used to examine clutch performance; (ii) definitions of clutch performance; (iii) theoretical frameworks underlying clutch performance; (iv) how clutch performance has been measured; (v) the level of supporting evidence for clutch performance; and, (vi) evidence regarding how clutch performances occur. Ten electronic databases were searched in October 2019, with 27 studies found to meet the eligibility criteria included in the review. The results indicate that there is considerable definitional, conceptual, and measurement heterogeneity in the field of clutch performance. Multiple, conflicting definitions of clutch performance were identified in the literature, which consequently led to the adoption of two distinct approaches to examining clutch performance as: (i) an ability; or, (ii) an isolated episode of performance. These differing approaches have resulted in disparate measurement strategies, and accordingly, there was mixed evidence for the concept of clutch performance and how it occurs. In response to these issues, we propose four principles to help guide future research towards refined explanations of clutch performance
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