5 research outputs found

    Geographical Data and Metadata on Land Administration in Spain

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    [EN] Spain has a tax-oriented cadastre with legal data about properties (ownership, rights, liens, charges, and restrictions) recorded in a separate property rights registry (henceforth called land registry). This paper describes the Spanish cadastre and land registry by focusing on the new coordination system set by Law 13/2015. Since Law 13/2015 came into force in Spain, cadastral cartography is the basis for knowing where land registry units are located. The new coordination system sets a procedure to update the cadastral parcel boundary of a property when it does not match with reality. In these cases, the free-profession land surveyor sends the new property boundary through the Internet in order to update the corresponding cadastral parcel boundary. Currently, neither the cadastre nor the land registry has considered storing geographical metadata for each property boundary in a standardised way. As boundaries show the limits of individual properties, boundary metadata denote the accuracy with which such ownership rights are indicated. We propose that, for these boundary update cases, the Spanish cadastre also allows the upload of qualitative and quantitative instances of the data quality class of the Spanish Metadata Core standard, and this information be available for users, for example in an XML file. These metadata provide justified information about how the boundary has been obtained and its accuracy. Software has been developed to manage this metadata of each property boundary, in order to allow us to evaluate whether or not this information is useful. We present the conclusions about some real-life tests of property delimitations.This work was partially supported by the research projects: `The land registry as the basic tool for organising spatial information; INSPIRE Directive, spatial data and metadata', DER201123321/JURI; and `Current situation and future developments of land registry information: towards a new land administration model', DER2014-52262-P. Both projects were financed by the Spanish government.Mora Navarro, JG.; Femenia-Ribera, C.; Velilla Torres, JM.; Martínez Llario, JC. (2022). Geographical Data and Metadata on Land Administration in Spain. Land. 11(7):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/land1107110711911

    Agricultural land values using Geographic Information Systems: design location model and tools for information available by geoportal. Application to a Spanish Agricultural Area

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    [EN] Quantifying the effect of location on land values can be done by designing a location factor which considers the most relevant aspects that may influence this value such as proximity to large cities, the population living around the parcel or land to be valued, the distance from it to markets or logistic centres, or the existence of places of environmental or landscape interest. Considering these variables can be complicated by having to process large amounts of distinct data (distances, no. of inhabitants or population size, protected areas, etc.), which have to be processed and interpreted to be able to define the factor that summarises them, and can affect the land value from income, such as productive assets, to correct its value. The main proposal put forward in this research is to study the various location aspects that affect land values, and the possibilities that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offer to design with free software tools that allow simple calculations of a location correction factor and, consequently, land values. Calculations were made for all the rural cadastral parcels (2.3 million) in the Valencian Region. Results can be integrated into a new online GIS portal and make these available to users in soil valuation studies.Marqués Pérez, I.; Mora Navarro, JG.; Pérez-Salas Sagreras, JL.; Velilla-Torres, JM.; Femenia-Ribera, C. (2018). Agricultural land values using Geographic Information Systems: design location model and tools for information available by geoportal. Application to a Spanish Agricultural Area. Survey Review (Online). 50(363):545-554. doi:10.1080/00396265.2017.13503425455545036

    The georreferenced alternative graphic representation in the cadastre-land registry coordination in Spain. Implementation study of the ISO-19152 (LADM) at the international level

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    [EN] In Spain, the new Law 13/2015, dated June 24, modifying the Mortgage Law and the Cadastre Law in the search for its coordination, introduce the obligation to obtain georeferenced mapping and update the Cadastre in many cases. It is necessary to provide the graphic representation of the farms in case of: segregation, division, grouping and aggregation, and in the case of the operations of parceling, reparcelling, land consolidation, segregation, division, grouping or aggregation, forced expropriation or demarcation which determine a reordering of the land. It also requires the geographical delimitation of the area occupied by buildings declared within a farm. In all of these cases, if there is no coincidence of the farm in the field with the descriptive cadastral certification and the graphic of the farm, an alternative georeferenced graphical representation, duly accredited, is necessary, and where the adventurers are quoted to express or not their Conformity. This thesis aims to investigate an international level with the possibility of collaborating in the current developments, especially applying the ISO 19152 (On the Land Administration Domain Model) to the Spanish case and national level, applying the new Reforms of the Mortgage Law and the Cadastre Law. Performing georeferenced graphical maps, in the cases in which the law forces it. To develop GIS software for the automation of information creation, as well as, the new formats creation used to Spanish Cadastre updating. The software will be tested in the real cases that will be performed.[ES] En España, la nueva Ley 13/2015, de 24 de junio, que modifica la Ley Hipotecaria y la Ley del Catastro en la búsqueda de su coordinación introduce la obligatoriedad de obtener cartografía georeferenciada y actualizar el Catastro en muchos casos. Es necesario aportar la representación gráfica de las fincas en caso de: segregación, división, agrupación y agregación, y en caso de que se realicen operaciones de parcelación, reparcelación, concentración parcelaria, segregación, división, agrupación o agregación, expropiación forzosa o deslinde que determinen una reordenación de los terrenos. También exige la delimitación geográfica de la superficie ocupada por las construcciones que se declaren dentro de una finca. En todos estos supuestos, si no hay coincidencia de la finca en el terreno con la certificación catastral descriptiva y gráfica de la finca, es necesaria una representación gráfica georreferenciada alternativa, debidamente acreditada, y donde se cita a los colindantes para que expresen o no su conformidad. En esta tesis se pretende investigar a nivel internacional con la posibilidad de colaborar en los desarrollos actuales, sobre todo aplicando la norma ISO 19152 (Sobre Land Administration Domain Model) al caso español y a nivel nacional, aplicando las nuevas reformas de la Ley Hipotecaria y la Ley del Catastro. Realizando representaciones gráficas georreferenciadas alternativas en casos en los que la ley obliga. Desarrollar aplicaciones SIG para la automatización y generación de la información y de los nuevos formatos necesarios para la actualización del Catastro español, aplicándolo a los casos prácticos que se realicen.Velilla-Torres, JM.; Mora Navarro, JG.; Femenia-Ribera, C.; Martínez Llario, JC. (2017). La representación gráfica georreferenciada alternativa en la coordinación catastro-registro en España. Estudio de la implantación de la norma ISO-19152 (LADM) a nivel internacional. En Primer Congreso en Ingeniería Geomática. Libro de actas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 69-76. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIGeo2017.2017.6592OCS697

    Geographical Data and Metadata on Land Administration in Spain

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    Spain has a tax-oriented cadastre with legal data about properties (ownership, rights, liens, charges, and restrictions) recorded in a separate property rights registry (henceforth called land registry). This paper describes the Spanish cadastre and land registry by focusing on the new coordination system set by Law 13/2015. Since Law 13/2015 came into force in Spain, cadastral cartography is the basis for knowing where land registry units are located. The new coordination system sets a procedure to update the cadastral parcel boundary of a property when it does not match with reality. In these cases, the free-profession land surveyor sends the new property boundary through the Internet in order to update the corresponding cadastral parcel boundary. Currently, neither the cadastre nor the land registry has considered storing geographical metadata for each property boundary in a standardised way. As boundaries show the limits of individual properties, boundary metadata denote the accuracy with which such ownership rights are indicated. We propose that, for these boundary update cases, the Spanish cadastre also allows the upload of qualitative and quantitative instances of the data quality class of the Spanish Metadata Core standard, and this information be available for users, for example in an XML file. These metadata provide justified information about how the boundary has been obtained and its accuracy. Software has been developed to manage this metadata of each property boundary, in order to allow us to evaluate whether or not this information is useful. We present the conclusions about some real-life tests of property delimitations

    Competencia mediática: investigación sobre el grado de competencia de la ciudadanía en España

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    Producción CientíficaLa educación mediática no ha tenido un papel importante en los currículos escolares, en los planes de estudios universitarios, en los medios de comunicación y en la propia sociedad, a pesar de la fuerte presencia de la comunicación mediática en todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida personal y social. Este abandono de la educación mediática implica una ausencia de definiciones y de evaluaciones sobre el grado de competencia mediática de las personas. Un primer paso para la definición del concepto de competencia mediática se dio mediante el diseño del documento «Competencias en Comunicación Audiovisual», auspiciado por el CAC) y consensuado por un grupo de expertos españoles. El documento define los ámbitos de incidencia de esta competencia y las dimensiones que debe cumplir: el lenguaje, la tecnología, los procesos de producción y programación, la ideología y los valores, la recepción y las audiencias, y la dimensión estética.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad