198 research outputs found

    Energy of eigen-modes in magnetohydrodynamic flows of ideal fluids

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    Analytical expression for energy of eigen-modes in magnetohydrodynamic flows of ideal fluids is obtained. It is shown that the energy of unstable modes is zero, while the energy of stable oscillatory modes (waves) can assume both positive and negative values. Negative energy waves always correspond to non-symmetric eigen-modes -- modes that have a component of wave-vector along the equilibrium velocity. These results suggest that all non-symmetric instabilities in ideal MHD systems with flows are associated with coupling of positive and negative energy waves. As an example the energy of eigen-modes is calculated for incompressible conducting fluid rotating in axial magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetorotational Instability in Liquid Metal Couette Flow

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    Despite the importance of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) as a fundamental mechanism for angular momentum transport in magnetized accretion disks, it has yet to be demonstrated in the laboratory. A liquid sodium alpha-omega dynamo experiment at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology provides an ideal environment to study the MRI in a rotating metal annulus (Couette flow). A local stability analysis is performed as a function of shear, magnetic field strength, magnetic Reynolds number, and turbulent Prandtl number. The later takes into account the minimum turbulence induced by the formation of an Ekman layer against the rigidly rotating end walls of a cylindrical vessel. Stability conditions are presented and unstable conditions for the sodium experiment are compared with another proposed MRI experiment with liquid gallium. Due to the relatively large magnetic Reynolds number achievable in the sodium experiment, it should be possible to observe the excitation of the MRI for a wide range of wavenumbers and further to observe the transition to the turbulent state.Comment: 12 pages, 22 figures, 1 table. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Nonaxisymmetric linear instability of cylindrical magnetohydrodynamic Taylor-Couette flow

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    We consider the nonaxisymmetric modes of instability present in Taylor-Couette flow under the application of helical magnetic fields, mainly for magnetic Prandtl numbers close to the inductionless limit, and conduct a full examination of marginal stability in the resulting parameter space. We allow for the azimuthal magnetic field to be generated by a combination of currents in the inner cylinder and fluid itself and introduce a parameter governing the relation between the strength of these currents. A set of governing eigenvalue equations for the nonaxisymmetric modes of instability are derived and solved by spectral collocation with Chebyshev polynomials over the relevant parameter space, with the resulting instabilities examined in detail. We find that by altering the azimuthal magnetic field profiles the azimuthal magnetorotational instability, nonaxisymmetric helical magnetorotational instability, and Tayler instability yield interesting dynamics, such as different preferred mode types and modes with azimuthal wave number m>1 . Finally, a comparison is given to the recent WKB analysis performed by Kirillov et al. [Kirillov, Stefani, and Fukumoto, J. Fluid Mech. 760, 591 (2014)] and its validity in the linear regime

    Alfvenic Heating of Protostellar Accretion Disks

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    We investigate the effects of heating generated by damping of Alfven waves on protostellar accretion disks. Two mechanisms of damping are investigated, nonlinear and turbulent, which were previously studied in stellar winds (Jatenco-Pereira & Opher 1989a, b). For the nominal values studied, f=delta v/v_{A}=0.002 and F=varpi/Omega_{i}=0.1, where delta v, v_{A} and varpi are the amplitude, velocity and average frequency of the Alfven wave, respectively, and Omega_{i} is the ion cyclotron frequency, we find that viscous heating is more important than Alfven heating for small radii. When the radius is greater than 0.5 AU, Alfvenic heating is more important than viscous heating. Thus, even for the relatively small value of f=0.002, Alfvenic heating can be an important source of energy for ionizing protostellar disks, enabling angular momentum transport to occur by the Balbus-Hawley instability.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Magnetized Ekman Layer and Stewartson Layer in a Magnetized Taylor-Couette Flow

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    In this paper we present axisymmetric nonlinear simulations of magnetized Ekman and Stewartson layers in a magnetized Taylor-Couette flow with a centrifugally stable angular-momemtum profile and with a magnetic Reynolds number below the threshold of magnetorotational instability. The magnetic field is found to inhibit the Ekman suction. The width of the Ekman layer is reduced with increased magnetic field normal to the end plate. A uniformly-rotating region forms near the outer cylinder. A strong magnetic field leads to a steady Stewartson layer emanating from the junction between differentially rotating rings at the endcaps. The Stewartson layer becomes thinner with larger Reynolds number and penetrates deeper into the bulk flow with stronger magnetic field and larger Reynolds number. However, at Reynolds number larger than a critical value 600\sim 600, axisymmetric, and perhaps also nonaxisymmetric, instabilities occur and result in a less prominent Stewartson layer that extends less far from the boundary.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, accepted by PRE, revision according to referee

    Modeling the Parker instability in a rotating plasma screw pinch

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    We analytically and numerically study the analogue of the Parker (magnetic buoyancy) instability in a uniformly rotating plasma screw pinch confined in a cylinder. Uniform plasma rotation is imposed to create a centrifugal acceleration, which mimics the gravity required for the classical Parker instability. The goal of this study is to determine how the Parker instability could be unambiguously identified in a weakly magnetized, rapidly rotating screw pinch, in which the rotation provides an effective gravity and a radially varying azimuthal field is controlled to give conditions for which the plasma is magnetically buoyant to inward motion. We show that an axial magnetic field is also required to circumvent conventional current driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities such as the sausage and kink modes that would obscure the Parker instability. These conditions can be realized in the Madison Plasma Couette Experiment (MPCX). Simulations are performed using the extended MHD code NIMROD for an isothermal compressible plasma model. Both linear and nonlinear regimes of the instability are studied, and the results obtained for the linear regime are compared with analytical results from a slab geometry. Based on this comparison, it is found that in a cylindrical pinch the magnetic buoyancy mechanism dominates at relatively large Mach numbers (M>5), while at low Mach numbers (M<1) the instability is due to the curvature of magnetic field lines. At intermediate values of Mach number (1<M<5) the Coriolis force has a strong stabilizing effect on the plasma. A possible scenario for experimental demonstration of the Parker instability in MPCX is discussed

    Vorticity Budget of Weak Thermal Convection in Keplerian disks

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    By employing the equations of mean-square vorticity (enstrophy) fluctuations in strong shear flows, we demonstrate that unlike energy production of turbulent vorticity in nonrotating shear flows, the turbulent vorticity of weak convection in Keplerian disks cannot gain energy from vortex stretching/tilting by background shear unless the asscoiated Reynolds stresses are negative. This is because the epicyclic motion is an energy sink of the radial component of mean-square turbulent vorticity in Keplerian disks when Reynolds stresses are positive. Consequently, weak convection cannot be self-sustained in Keplerian flows. This agrees with the results implied from the equations of mean-square velocity fluctuations in strong shear flows. Our analysis also sheds light on the explanation of the simulation result in which positive kinetic helicity is produced by the Balbus-Hawley instability in a vertically stratified Keplerian disk. We also comment on the possibility of outward angular momentum transport by strong convection based on azimuthal pressure perturbations and directions of energy cascade.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, emulateapj.sty, revised version in response to referee's comments, accepted by Ap

    Compressibility and local instabilities of differentially rotating magnetized gas

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    We study the stability of compressible cylindrical differentially rotating flow in the presence of the magnetic field, and show that compressibility alters qualitatively the stability properties of flows. Apart from the well-known magnetorotational instability that can occur even in incompressible flow, there exist a new instability caused by compressibility. The necessary condition of the newly found instability can easily be satisfied in various flows in laboratory and astrophysical conditions and reads BsBϕΩ0B_{s} B_{\phi} \Omega' \neq 0 where BsB_{s} and BϕB_{\phi} are the radial and azimuthal magnetic fields, Ω=dΩ/ds\Omega' =d \Omega/ds with ss being the cylindrical radius. Contrary to the magnetorotational instability that occurs only if Ω\Omega decreases with ss, the newly found instability operates at any sign of Ω\Omega'. The considered instability can arise even in a very strong magnetic field that suppresses the magnetorotational instability.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Hydromagnetic Instability in Differentially Rotating Flows

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    We study the stability of a compressible differentially rotating flows in the presence of the magnetic field, and we show that the compressibility profoundly alters the previous results for a magnetized incompressible flow. The necessary condition of newly found instability can be easily satisfied in various flows in laboratory and astrophysical conditions and reads BsBϕΩ0B_{s} B_{\phi} \Omega' \neq 0 where BsB_{s} and BϕB_{\phi} are the radial and azimuthal components of the magnetic field, Ω=dΩ/ds\Omega' = d \Omega/ds with ss being the cylindrical radius. Contrary to the well-known magnetorotational instability that occurs only if Ω\Omega decreases with ss, the instability considered in this paper may occur at any sign of Ω\Omega'. The instability can operate even in a very strong magnetic field which entirely suppresses the standard magnetorotational instability. The growth time of instability can be as short as few rotation periods.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Metamorphosis of helical magnetorotational instability in the presence of axial electric current

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    This paper presents numerical linear stability analysis of a cylindrical Taylor-Couette flow of liquid metal carrying axial electric current in a generally helical external magnetic field. Axially symmetric disturbances are considered in the inductionless approximation corresponding to zero magnetic Prandtl number. Axial symmetry allows us to reveal an entirely new electromagnetic instability. First, we show that the electric current passing through the liquid can extend the range of helical magnetorotational instability (HMRI) indefinitely by transforming it into a purely electromagnetic instability. Two different electromagnetic instability mechanisms are identified. The first is an internal pinch-type instability, which is due to the interaction of the electric current with its own magnetic field. Axisymmetric mode of this instability requires a free-space component of the azimuthal magnetic field. When the azimuthal component of the magnetic field is purely rotational and the axial component is nonzero, a new kind of electromagnetic instability emerges. The latter driven by the interaction of electric current with a weak collinear magnetic field in a quiescent fluid gives rise to a steady meridional circulation coupled with azimuthal rotation.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, final versio