72 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Processor

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    Future NASA missions will depend on radiation-hardened, power-efficient processing systems-on-a-chip (SOCs) that consist of a range of processor cores custom tailored for space applications. Aries Design Automation, LLC, has developed a processing SOC that is optimized for software-defined radio (SDR) uses. The innovation implements the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) RazorII voltage management technique, a microarchitectural mechanism that allows processor cores to self-monitor, self-analyze, and selfheal after timing errors, regardless of their cause (e.g., radiation; chip aging; variations in the voltage, frequency, temperature, or manufacturing process). This highly automated SOC can also execute legacy PowerPC 750 binary code instruction set architecture (ISA), which is used in the flight-control computers of many previous NASA space missions. In developing this innovation, Aries Design Automation has made significant contributions to the fields of formal verification of complex pipelined microprocessors and Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and has developed highly efficient electronic design automation tools that hold promise for future developments

    Processor Verification Using Efficient Reductions of the Logic of Uninterpreted Functions to Propositional Logic

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    The logic of equality with uninterpreted functions (EUF) provides a means of abstracting the manipulation of data by a processor when verifying the correctness of its control logic. By reducing formulas in this logic to propositional formulas, we can apply Boolean methods such as Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and Boolean satisfiability checkers to perform the verification. We can exploit characteristics of the formulas describing the verification conditions to greatly simplify the propositional formulas generated. In particular, we exploit the property that many equations appear only in positive form. We can therefore reduce the set of interpretations of the function symbols that must be considered to prove that a formula is universally valid to those that are ``maximally diverse.'' We present experimental results demonstrating the efficiency of this approach when verifying pipelined processors using the method proposed by Burch and Dill.Comment: 46 page

    Automatic formal verification of liveness for pipelined processors with multicycle functional units

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    Abstract. Presented is a highly automatic approach for proving bounded liveness of pipelined processors with multicycle functional units, without the need for the user to set up an inductive argument. Multicycle functional units are abstracted with a placeholder that is suitable for proving both safety and liveness. Abstracting the branch targets and directions with arbitrary terms and formulas, respectively, that are associated with each instruction, made the branch targets and directions independent of the data operands. The observation that the term variables abstracting branch targets of newly fetched instructions can be considered to be in the same equivalence class, allowed the use of a dedicated fresh term variable for all such branch targets and the abstraction of the Instruction Memory with a generator of arbitrary values. To further improve the scaling, the multicycle ALU was abstracted with a placeholder without feedback loops. Also, the equality comparison between the terms written to the PC and the dedicated fresh term variable for branch targets of new instructions was implemented as part of the circuit, thus avoiding the need to apply the abstraction function along the specification side of the commutative diagram for liveness. This approach resulted in 4 orders of magnitude speedup for a 5-stage pipelined DLX processor with a 32-cycle ALU, compared to a previous method for indirect proof of bounded liveness, and scaled for a 5-stage pipelined DLX with a 2048-cycle ALU. Introduction Previous work on microprocessor formal verification has almost exclusively addressed the proof of safety-that if a processor does something during a step, it will do it correctly-as also observed in In the current paper, the implementation and specification are described in the highlevel hardware description language HD

    Using Rewriting Rules and Positive Equality to Formally Verify Wide-Issue Out-Of-Order Microprocessors with a Reorder Buffer

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    Rewriting rules and Positive Equality [4] are combined in an automatic way in order to formally verify out-of-order processors that have a Reorder Buffer, and can issue/retire multiple instructions per clock cycle. Only register-register instructions are implemented, and can be executed out-of-order, as soon as their data operands can be either read from the Register File, or forwarded as results of instructions ahead in program order in the Reorder Buffer. The verification is based on the Burch and Dill correctness criterion [6]. Rewriting rules are used to prove the correct execution of instructions that are initially in the Reorder Buffer, and to remove them from the correctness formula. Positive Equality is then employed to prove the correct execution of newly fetched instructions. The rewriting rules resulted in up to 5 orders of magnitude speedup, compared to using Positive Equality alone. That made it possible to formally verify processors with up to 1,500 instructions in the Reorder Buffer, and issue/retire widths of up to 128 instructions per clock cycle

    Efficient Modeling of Memory Arrays in Symbolic Ternary Simulation

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    Abstract. This paper enables symbolic ternary simulation of systems with large embedded memories. Each memory array is replaced with a behavioral model, where the number of symbolic variables used to characterize the initial state of the memory is proportional to the number of distinct symbolic memory locations accessed. The behavioral model provides a conservative approximation of the replaced memory array, while allowing the address and control inputs of the memory to accept symbolic ternary values. Memory state is represented by a list of entries encoding the sequence of updates of symbolic addresses with symbolic data. The list interacts with the rest of the circuit by means of a software interface developed as part of the symbolic simulation engine. This memory model was incorporated into our verification tool based on Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation. Experimental results show that the new model significantly outperforms the transistor level memory model when verifying a simple pipelined data path.

    Effective Use of Boolean Satisfiability Procedures in the Formal Verification of Superscalar and VLIW Microprocessors

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    We compare SAT-checkers and decision diagrams on the evaluation of Boolean formulas produced in the formal verification of both correct and buggy versions of superscalar and VLIW microprocessors. We identify one SAT-checker that significantly outperforms the rest. We evaluate ways to enhance its performance by variations in the generation of the Boolean correctness formulas. We reassess optimizations previously used to speed up the formal verification and probe future challenges