53 research outputs found


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    Derajat kesehatan ibu dapat dinilai salah satunya dengan angka kematian ibu. Angka kematian ibu adalah kematian wanita yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan sampai dengan 42 hari setelah berakhirnya kehamilan. Angka kematian ibu bisa dipicu oleh penanganan persalinan yang dilakukan oleh penolong persalinan. Oleh sebab itu, ibu hamil harus memilih penolong persalinan yang tepat demi mencegah kematian ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengambilan keputusan memilih penolong persalinan pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lhoknga Aceh Besar tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan desain cross sectional study. Jumlah populasi 367 orang, pengambilan sampel dengan metode stratified random sampling pada 86 orang responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tanggal 3 Februari 2014 dengan menggunakan kuesioner berupa 51 pernyataan dalam bentuk dikotomi dan check list. Metode analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian: tidak ada hubungan antara sosial budaya dengan pengambilan keputusan memilih penolong persalinan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lhoknga Aceh Besar tahun 2014 (p-value 0,437), pengetahuan (p-value 1,000), dukungan keluarga (p-value 0,699) dan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan (p-value 0,236), namun ada hubungan sikap dengan pengambilan keputusan memilih penolong persalinan (p-value 0,055). Disarankan kepada ibu hamil agar dapat mencari informasi mengenai persalinan sehingga dapat memilih tindakan tepat terkait persalinan agar keselamatan serta kesehatan ibu dan bayi terjamin.Banda Ace


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    MAT-SALLEH, K., MAHYUNI, R., SUSATYA, A. & VELDKAMP, J. F. 2010. Rafflesia lawangensis (Rafflesiaceae), a new species from Bukit Lawang, Gunung Leuser National Park, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 13(2): 159-165. - Rafflesia lawangensis (Rafflesiaceae), a new species from Bukit Lawang, Gunung Leuser National Park, North Sumatra is described. The species was previously recorded as either R. arnoldi or R. atjehensis, but it is distinguished by the absence of windows, the large undulating exterior annulus, the short pubescence on the upper surface of perigone lobes, and the very wide of diaphragm opening. A key to species of Sumatran Raffesia is provided

    THONNER's analytical key to the families of flowering plants

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    For the identification of a flowering plant the first step usually is to discover to which family it belongs. With some experience, the families commonly encountered in one’s area of interest are soon known, but when dealing with specimens from other places, notably those from the vast and rich subtropics and tropics, there is much less certainty. The pertinent literature is often not readily available as it is often found only in expensive, rare or obscure books, or journals, present only in a few specialized institutes. Basically only a few keys to the families of flowering plants of the world have ever been produced, the best known of which at present is Hutchinson’s Key to the families of flowering plants (1973); less well-known are LemĂ©e’s Tableau analytique des genres monocotylĂ©dones (1941) (incl. Gymnosperms) and his Tableau analytique des genres dicotylĂ©dones (1943), and Hansen and Rahn’s Determination of Angiosperm families by means of a punched-card system (Dansk Bot. Ark. 26, 1969, with additions and corrections in Bot. Tidsskr. 67, 1972, 152-153, and Ibid. 74 1979, 177-178). Of note also are Davies and Cullen’s The identification of flowering plant families, 2nd ed. (1979), which, however, deals only with the families native or cultivated in North Temperate regions, and Joly’s Chaves de identifição das famĂ­lias de plantas vasculares que ocorrem no Brasil, 3rd ed. (1977), which may be useful in other tropical areas too. There are a number of excellent keys prepared by an Austrian, Franz Thonner (1863-1928), which deal either with European genera (1901, 1903, 1918), or African ones (1908, 1913, 1915), or with all families of the world (1891, 1895, 1917). Some of these have apparently been completely overlooked, others have been known only to a few, and then sometimes served as a base for keys of their own, thereby again influencing keys by others (see Derived works)

    AcĂșmulo de carbono em Latossolo adubado com dejeto lĂ­quido de suĂ­nos e cultivado em plantio direto

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar taxas de acĂșmulo de C orgĂąnico em Latossolo Vermelho adubado com adubo solĂșvel e dejeto lĂ­quido de suĂ­no e cultivado em plantio direto. O experimento foi conduzido em Campos Novos, SC, e os seguintes tratamentos foram aplicados anualmente: sem adubação; adubo solĂșvel; 25 m3 ha-1 de dejeto lĂ­quido + adubo solĂșvel; e doses de 25, 50, 100 e 200 m3 ha-1 de dejeto lĂ­quido. Foram determinados: os estoques de C orgĂąnico (CO) na camada de 0-20 cm do solo; a adição de C pela fitomassa dos cultivos e pelo dejeto lĂ­quido de suĂ­no; as taxas anuais de fixação de C; e os coeficientes de humificação (k1) e de mineralização (k2) de CO do solo. As taxas de fixação de C real e aparente aumentaram de acordo com as doses de dejeto, tendo variado de 0,6 a 1,7 e de 0,05 a 1,0 Mg ha-1 por ano, respectivamente. Os coeficientes k1 e k2 foram 0,17 e 0,011, respectivamente, enquanto o aporte de C requerido para manter o estoque inicial de CO do solo Ă© de 4,14 Mg ha-1 por ano. O dejeto lĂ­quido de suĂ­no aplicado anualmente em Latossolo Vermelho cultivado com a sucessĂŁo milho-aveia-preta em plantio direto aumenta o CO do solo em doses de atĂ© 200 m3 ha-1

    Bio-analytical Assay Methods used in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiretroviral Drugs-A Review

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    VELDKAMP, J. F. 2017. Poa opinata (Gramineae), a new species from G. Binaiya, Ceram, Moluccas, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 16 (2): 73–75. — Poa species is described from Ceram, Moluccas and compared to Poa languidior from New Guinea

    The correct citation of Setaria palmifolia var. blepharoneuron (Gramineae)

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    When I made the combination Setaria palmifolia (Koenig) Stapf var. blepharoneuron (in Saw et al., 1988), I attributed the basionym S. neurodes Schult var. blepharoneuron to Andersson (1861). After all he stated ‘Varietates mihi sunt:’ Dr. H. Scholz (B) has now pointed out that Andersson’s whole discussion is a verbatim copy of the annotations made previously by A. Braun (1856). Fortunately this does not invalidate the combination, as it may be regarded as a bibliographical error covered by Art. 33.2 (cf. Example 5), and only the bracketed author has to change. The correct citation therefore is


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    AKIYAMA, H. 1990. Taxonomic studies of mosses of Seram and Ambon (Moluccas, East Indonesia) collected by Indonesian-Japanese Botanical Expeditions II. J. Fac. Sc., Univ. Tokyo, III, 14: 385-413, illus.—Dicranaceae (14 genera, 25 species), Calomniaceae (1/1), Daltoniaceae (1/1); 3 new species. AKIYAMA, H. 1990. Taxonomic studies of mosses of Seram and Ambon (Moluccas, East Malesia) collected by Indonesian-Japanese Botanical Expedition. III. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 41: 129-142, illus. — Rhizogoniaceae (4 genera/6 species.), Racopilaceae (2/4,1 new), Pterobryaceae (6/8), Trachylomataceae (1/1), Garovagliaceae (1/8)
