333 research outputs found

    Nucleotide degradation and production of hypoxanthine in some Indian marine and freshwater fishes

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    Changes in nucleotides and production of hypoxanthine in rohu (Labeo rohita), mrigal (Cihhrina mrigala) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) during storage at 2-4°C were examined. Differences were observed between common carp and others. Production of hypoxanthine in pomfret (Stromateus argenteus), cat fish (Arius macronotacanthus), shark (Scoliodon spp.), seer fish (Scomberomorus guttatus), ray fish (Dasyatis imbricata) and prawns (Parapenaeopsis stylifera) was examined during storage at 2-4°C and -28°C. At 2-4°C hypoxanthine increased regularly but at -28°C there was no increase during storage over 28 weeks

    The opportunities and challenges posed by the new generation of deep learning-based protein structure predictors

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    The function of proteins can often be inferred from their three-dimensional structures. Experimental structural biologists spent decades studying these structures, but the accelerated pace of protein sequencing continuously increases the gaps between sequences and structures. The early 2020s saw the advent of a new generation of deep learning-based protein structure prediction tools that offer the potential to predict structures based on any number of protein sequences. In this review, we give an overview of the impact of this new generation of structure prediction tools, with examples of the impacted field in the life sciences. We discuss the novel opportunities and new scientific and technical challenges these tools present to the broader scientific community. Finally, we highlight some potential directions for the future of computational protein structure prediction

    Opening of DNA double strands by helicases. Active versus passive opening

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    Helicase opening of double-stranded nucleic acids may be "active" (the helicase directly destabilizes the dsNA to promote opening) or "passive" (the helicase binds ssNA available due to a thermal fluctuation which opens part of the dsNA). We describe helicase opening of dsNA, based on helicases which bind single NA strands and move towards the double-stranded region, using a discrete ``hopping'' model. The interaction between the helicase and the junction where the double strand opens is characterized by an interaction potential. The form of the potential determines whether the opening is active or passive. We calculate the rate of passive opening for the helicase PcrA, and show that the rate increases when the opening is active. Finally, we examine how to choose the interaction potential to optimize the rate of strand separation. One important result is our finding that active opening can increase the unwinding rate by 7 fold compared to passive opening.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    HMMER web server: interactive sequence similarity searching

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    HMMER is a software suite for protein sequence similarity searches using probabilistic methods. Previously, HMMER has mainly been available only as a computationally intensive UNIX command-line tool, restricting its use. Recent advances in the software, HMMER3, have resulted in a 100-fold speed gain relative to previous versions. It is now feasible to make efficient profile hidden Markov model (profile HMM) searches via the web. A HMMER web server (http://hmmer.janelia.org) has been designed and implemented such that most protein database searches return within a few seconds. Methods are available for searching either a single protein sequence, multiple protein sequence alignment or profile HMM against a target sequence database, and for searching a protein sequence against Pfam. The web server is designed to cater to a range of different user expertise and accepts batch uploading of multiple queries at once. All search methods are also available as RESTful web services, thereby allowing them to be readily integrated as remotely executed tasks in locally scripted workflows. We have focused on minimizing search times and the ability to rapidly display tabular results, regardless of the number of matches found, developing graphical summaries of the search results to provide quick, intuitive appraisement of them


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    Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) is caused by Bovine herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1), an infectious diseasecausing huge economic loss in dairy cattle. To keep dairy farming healthy and highly productive, there should be an IBR surveillance programme in dairy cattle, hence a study on the seroprevalence of IBR was undertaken in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands where the density of livestock population was more. A total of 418 cattle serum samples during 2019-20 from 11 villages of two districts of Andaman and Nicobar Islands were screened for IBR antibodies using ICAR-NIVEDI Avidin Biotin ELISA, of which 107 were found positive revealing 25.60% of seropositivity. HF crossbred and Jersey breed showed seropositivity of 24.06% and 33.33% respectively. Cattle of 5-6 years of age showed high seropositivity of 27.65- 38.98%. Hence, it is recommended to test raw fresh semen/frozen semen straws, dairy animals regularly for IBR antigen/ antibodies to avoid the spread of infection

    E-MSD: an integrated data resource for bioinformatics

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    The Macromolecular Structure Database (MSD) group (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd/) continues to enhance the quality and consistency of macromolecular structure data in the worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) and to work towards the integration of various bioinformatics data resources. One of the major obstacles to the improved integration of structural databases such as MSD and sequence databases like UniProt is the absence of up to date and well-maintained mapping between corresponding entries. We have worked closely with the UniProt group at the EBI to clean up the taxonomy and sequence cross-reference information in the MSD and UniProt databases. This information is vital for the reliable integration of the sequence family databases such as Pfam and Interpro with the structure-oriented databases of SCOP and CATH. This information has been made available to the eFamily group (http://www.efamily.org.uk/) and now forms the basis of the regular interchange of information between the member databases (MSD, UniProt, Pfam, Interpro, SCOP and CATH). This exchange of annotation information has enriched the structural information in the MSD database with annotation from wider sequence-oriented resources. This work was carried out under the ‘Structure Integration with Function, Taxonomy and Sequences (SIFTS)’ initiative (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/docs/sifts) in the MSD group

    SOAP-based services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute

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    SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) () based Web Services technology () has gained much attention as an open standard enabling interoperability among applications across heterogeneous architectures and different networks. The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) is using this technology to provide robust data retrieval and data analysis mechanisms to the scientific community and to enhance utilization of the biological resources it already provides [N. Harte, V. Silventoinen, E. Quevillon, S. Robinson, K. Kallio, X. Fustero, P. Patel, P. Jokinen and R. Lopez (2004) Nucleic Acids Res., 32, 3–9]. These services are available free to all users from

    E-MSD: improving data deposition and structure quality

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    The Macromolecular Structure Database (MSD) () [H. Boutselakis, D. Dimitropoulos, J. Fillon, A. Golovin, K. Henrick, A. Hussain, J. Ionides, M. John, P. A. Keller, E. Krissinel et al. (2003) E-MSD: the European Bioinformatics Institute Macromolecular Structure Database. Nucleic Acids Res., 31, 458–462.] group is one of the three partners in the worldwide Protein DataBank (wwPDB), the consortium entrusted with the collation, maintenance and distribution of the global repository of macromolecular structure data [H. Berman, K. Henrick and H. Nakamura (2003) Announcing the worldwide Protein Data Bank. Nature Struct. Biol., 10, 980.]. Since its inception, the MSD group has worked with partners around the world to improve the quality of PDB data, through a clean up programme that addresses inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the legacy archive. The improvements in data quality in the legacy archive have been achieved largely through the creation of a unified data archive, in the form of a relational database that stores all of the data in the wwPDB. The three partners are working towards improving the tools and methods for the deposition of new data by the community at large. The implementation of the MSD database, together with the parallel development of improved tools and methodologies for data harvesting, validation and archival, has lead to significant improvements in the quality of data that enters the archive. Through this and related projects in the NMR and EM realms the MSD continues to improve the quality of publicly available structural data

    Monomeric PcrA helicase processively unwinds plasmid lengths of DNA in the presence of the initiator protein RepD

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    The helicase PcrA unwinds DNA during asymmetric replication of plasmids, acting with an initiator protein, in our case RepD. Detailed kinetics of PcrA activity were measured using bulk solution and a single-molecule imaging technique to investigate the oligomeric state of the active helicase complex, its processivity and the mechanism of unwinding. By tethering either DNA or PcrA to a microscope coverslip surface, unwinding of both linear and natural circular plasmid DNA by PcrA/RepD was followed in real-time using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Visualization was achieved using a fluorescent single-stranded DNA-binding protein. The single-molecule data show that PcrA, in combination with RepD, can unwind plasmid lengths of DNA in a single run, and that PcrA is active as a monomer. Although the average rate of unwinding was similar in single-molecule and bulk solution assays, the single-molecule experiments revealed a wide distribution of unwinding speeds by different molecules. The average rate of unwinding was several-fold slower than the PcrA translocation rate on single-stranded DNA, suggesting that DNA unwinding may proceed via a partially passive mechanism. However, the fastest dsDNA unwinding rates measured in the single-molecule unwinding assays approached the PcrA translocation speed measured on ssDNA