52 research outputs found


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    В статье характеризируется опыт работы президента Международной Макаренковской ассоциации на должности преподавателя-волонтера в двух итальянских тюрьмах и то, как он анализирует возможность перевоспитывать заключенных в парадигме итальянской конституции. Кроме того, соавторы обращают большое внимание на сходство нескольких статей итальянской Конституции, посвященных образованию и воспитанию, с некоторыми теоретическими установками А. С. Макаренко и Л. В. ВыготскогоIn the article is studied the professional experience of the president of International Makarenko Association as volunteer – teacher in two Italian jails and how he studies the possibility to re-educate prisoners in the paradigm of Italian Constitution. Moreover, coauthors pay particular attention to the analogies of some articles of Italian Constitution dedicated to education and upbringing with theoretical setups of A. S. Makarenko and L. V. Vygotsk

    Molecular structure of the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) Myf5 gene and its effect on skeletal muscle growth

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    Myogenic Regulatory Factors (MRFs), a family of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors, play important roles in regulating skeletal muscle development and growth. Myf5, the primary factor of MRFs, initiates myogenesis. Its expression pattern during somitomyogenesis in some fish has been revealed. To further study its effect on fish muscle during postembryonic growth, characterization and function analysis of myf5 cDNA were carried out in largemouth bass. The 1,093 bp cDNA sequence was identified by RT-PCR and 3′RACE, then the ORF of Myf5 cDNA was cloned into the expression vector pcDNA3.1(−)/mycHisB. The recombinant plasmid pcDNA3.1(−)/mycHisB-Myf5 was injected into the dorsal muscle of tilapias. RT-PCR and histochemical results showed that the exogenous gene was transcribed and translated in vivo. Its effect on muscle growth focused on myofiber hypertrophy in white muscle 60 days post injection. This indicated that overexpression of Myf5 can promote myogenesis during the fish muscle postembryonic growth period

    Transient up- and down-regulation of expression of myosin light chain 2 and myostatin mRNA mark the changes from stratified hyperplasia to muscle fiber hypertrophy in larvae of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)

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    Hyperplasia and hypertrophy are the two mechanisms by which muscle develops and grows. We study these two mechanisms, during the early development of white muscle in Sparus aurata, by means of histology and the expression of structural and regulatory genes. A clear stage of stratified hyperplasia was identified early in the development of gilthead sea bream but ceased by 35 dph when hypertrophy took over. Mosaic recruitment of new white fibers began as soon as 60 dph. The genes mlc2a and mlc2b were expressed at various levels during the main phases of hyperplasia and hypertrophy. The genes myog and mlc2a were significantly up-regulated during the intensive stratified formation of new fibers and their expression was significantly correlated. Expression of mstn1 and igf1 increased at 35 dph, appeared to regulate the hyperplasia-to-hypertrophy transition, and may have stimulated the expression of mlc2a, mlc2b and col1a1 at the onset of mosaic hyperplasia. The up-regulation of mstn1 at transitional phases in muscle development indicates a dual regulatory role of myostatin in fish larval muscle growth

    Language production impairments in patients with a first episode of psychosis

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    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services

    Different putative neuromodulators are present in the nerves which distribute to the teleost skeletal muscle

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    The presence of putative neuromodulators in the nerve fibres was investigated in white skeletal muscle of two teleost fish not taxonomically correlated and showing different patterns of innervation (multiple versus focal innervation). Cryostat sections of epaxial, hypaxial and adductor mandibulae (AM) muscles of Sparus aurata and Anguilla anguilla were stained histochemically for reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphorase. Other sections were used for indirect immunohistochemistry (streptavidin-biotin and rhodamine immunofluorescence methods), employing antibodies specific for putative excitatory or inhibitory peptides, including CGRP, substance P, met-enkephalin, bombesin, and VIP. In addition, ultrastructural observations were performed in order to describe the morphology of the motor endplates. A strong immunoreactivity for CGRP and substance P was found in many nerve terminals. Met-enkephalin, bombesin and VIP immunoreactivities were less frequently observed. No immunoreactivity was observed to CCK, NPY or 5-HT. NADPH-diaphorase was identified in nerve fibres of the AM complex only of A. anguilla. Electron microscopy observations evidenced more than one type of synaptic vesicle in motor endplates. Some differences in putative neuromodulator distributions were observed in the two species and muscle complexes, which may be related to the different taxonomical position as well as the different pattern of innervation of white muscle fibres


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    ,QWURGXFWLRQ The timing closure is one of the most challenging issues in the design of today's integrated circuits [1,2] because of timing uncertainties due to: the lack of routing information during the early stages of a design flow, the lack of accurate timing models for logic components and interconnects and the effect of process variations on propagation delays In general, special test structures (TEGs) are used to measure and characterize device parameters, while timing models for library cells are obtained from electrical-level simulations annotated with layout-extracted parameters 2QFKLS GHOD\ PHDVXUHV The typical test structure used for delay measures is a delay chain, i.e., a chain composed of several cascaded copies of the cell under test. The reason for using a delay chain instead of a single cell is time resolution: the propagation delay of a single cell is often shorter than the time resolution of the measurement equipment, and it is typically shorter than local wiring delay. Cascading 1 cells with minimum interconnects has the effect of amplifying the delay of interest, that can then be obtained by dividing by 1 the measured delay. The result is the average pin-to-pin propagation delay computed over the 1 instances of the library cell of interest. The inherent average computation is the main limitation of delay chains, that make it impossible to measure single-cell contributions. Hence, they are suitable for typical-case characterization, but they do not provide enough information about corner cases. Moreover, if the cell of interest implements an inverting function, the signal that 0-7695-1881-8/03 $17.0

    Histochemical study of glycoconjugate secretions in the gut of Anguilla anguilla L

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    Conventional histochemical methods as well as lectin-binding techniques were used to study glycoconjugates that are present in the alimentary canal of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Specimens from pharynx, oesophagus, stomach and intestine were collected from adult ("silver eel" stage) females. Alcian Blue pH 2.5/PAS and High Iron Diamine/Alcian Blue pH 2.5 reactions were performed to stain neutral and acidic glycoconjugates. In addition, lectin histochemistry was applied to identify acidic glycoconjugates containing O-acylated sialic acids. Finally, the presence of sugar residues in the oligosaccharide side chains of glycoconjugates were investigated by using biotinylated lectins. Acidic and neutral glycoconjugates were found to be secreted throughout the alimentary canal, the acidic glycoconjugates appeared to be either sialylated or sulphated. Sialylated glycoconjugates were identified to contain sialic acid substituted at carbon in position 7 (C7). Sulphated glycoconjugates were particularly abundant in the distal intestine and were not present in the secretory products of the gastric mucosa, which contained a variety of sugar residues (D-N-acetyl-galactosamine, beta-D-galactose, alpha-D-mannose, alpha-L-fucose, D-N-acetyl-glucosamine). Lectin binding was observed in mucous cells of pharynx, oesophagus and intestine, and particularly some monosaccharides (D-N-acetyl-galactosamine and beta-D-galactose) were abundantly present

    Random Sampling for On-Chip Characterization of Standard-Cell Propagation Delay

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    We present a methodology for on-chip characterization of the pin-to-pin propagation delay of single standard cells. A periodic waveform is provided to an input pin of the standard cell under characterization, while keeping all other inputs at non-controlling logic values. Simultaneous random sampling is then applied to input and output periodic waveforms, and propagation delay measures are obtained from the joint signal probabilities of the samples. The proposed technique is suitable for on-chip implementation because it is simple and it doesn't require timing-accurate control signals. On the other hand, on-chip measurements can be applied to a large number of cells working in different operating conditions, providing valuable information for characterizing and validating timing models. A test chip has been realized in a 0.18mum embedded NVM CMOS technology, and used to monitor the sub-nanosecond timing behavior of a standard cell library during process development