2,203 research outputs found

    Unemployment and Inflation Persistence in Spain: Are There Phillips Trade-Offs?

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    This paper studies the dynamic behavior of inflation and unemployment in Spain during the period 1964?1997. In particular, we analyze the implications of high persistence in both unemployment and inflation dynamics for inference regarding the size of Phillips trade-offs and sacrifice ratios in the Spanish economy, in response to a demand shock. To do so we use a Stuctural VAR approach with several identification outlines which give rise to alternative interpretations of the joint unemployment-inflation dynamics. When using a bivariate VAR we cannot reject the existence of a permanent output loss of one-half of one percentage point for each percentage point of permanent disinflation. However, when the VAR is augmented with a third variable, in order to disentangle monetary from non-monetary shocks within the demand class, the evidence favours a lower and marginally permanent trade-off with an output loss of about one-fourth of one percentage point.Publicad

    About the first English translation of Francisco de los Santos Descripción breve of El Escorial. “Lately consumed by fire” (1671), written by a servant of The Earl of Sandwich

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    Este artículo analiza algunos aspectos de la primera traducción al inglés de un texto español de contenido artístico: la Descripción breve de El Escorial del monje jerónimo fray Francisco de los Santos. El texto, patrocinado por el Conde de Sandwich y publicado en Londres en 1671, poco después del fatídico incendio del monasterio, constituye un documento excepcional del interés constante suscitado por el monumento de Felipe II así como de la trascendencia internacional adquirida por el libro del Padre Santos: primera “guía” histórico-artística de un monumento y sus colecciones.This paper analyzes some of the aspects of the first English translation of a Spanish art text: Francisco de los Santos Descripción breve of El Escorial. Translated by “a servant” of the first Earl of Sandwich and published in London 1671, soon after the fatidical fire that affected the Monastery. It represents an exceptional testimony of the continuous interest aroused by the monument of Felipe II and the international transcendency of Santos book, the first historical and artistic “guide” of a monument and its collections

    Futura consideranda sunt. Memory and Rhetoric in El Escorial, sixteenth-seventeenth centuries

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    Reflexiones y consideraciones acerca de las implicaciones de la memoria como parte de la retórica en el desarrollo de la idea e imagen literaria de El Escorial en los siglos XVI y XVII, centrándonos en el papel ejercido por las descripciones jerónimas de fray José de Sigüenza y fray Francisco de los Santos.Reflections and considerations about the implications of the memory as a part of the rhetoric method in the development of the idea and image of El Escorial in sixteenth-seventeenth centuries, focusing in the descriptions of fray José de Sigüenza and fray Francisco de los Santos

    Potential Role of the Mitochondria for the Dermatological Treatment of Papillon-Lefèvre

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    The Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome (PLS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the Cathepsin C (CTSC) gene, characterized by periodontitis and palmoplantar hyperkeratosis. The main inflammatory deficiencies include oxidative stress and autophagic dysfunction. Mitochondria are the main source of reactive oxygen species; their impaired function is related to skin diseases and periodontitis. The mitochondrial function has been evaluated in PLS and mitochondria have been targeted as a possible treatment for PLS. We show for the first time an important mitochondrial dysfunction associated with increased oxidative damage of mtDNA, reduced CoQ10 and mitochondrial mass and aberrant morphologies of the mitochondria in PLS patients. Mitochondrial dysfunction, determined by oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in PLS fibroblasts, was treated with CoQ10 supplementation, which determined an improvement in OCR and a remission of skin damage in a patient receiving a topical administration of a cream enriched with CoQ10 0.1%. We provide the first evidence of the role of mitochondrial dysfunction and CoQ10 deficiency in the pathophysiology of PLS and a future therapeutic option for PLS.Andalusian regional government (Grupo de Investigación Junta de Andalucía) CTS11

    Las facetas de la gobernabilidad: eficiencia política y administrativa del Estado

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    Una problemática de los nacientes gobiernos democráticos, en los ámbitos nacional y local, es consolidar la democracia política o electoral, y después asegurar la capacidad requerida ¿arreglos formales¿ para demostrar una eficiencia, capacidad y coherencia para gobernar con mecanismos democráticos. El débil rendimiento de los gobiernos democráticos ofrece las condiciones para que los empresarios o los partidos políticos aíslen o focalicen los bienes públicos al grueso de la sociedad. Así, la gobernanza se nutre de libertades positivas y las dignifica; sin embargo, se requiere de un gobierno como instancia de conducción social que amalgame al capital social y limite las libertades negativas.Una problemática de los nacientes gobiernos democráticos, en los ámbitos nacional y local, es consolidar la democracia política o electoral, y después asegurar la capacidad requerida ¿arreglos formales¿ para demostrar una eficiencia, capacidad y coherencia para gobernar con mecanismos democráticos. El débil rendimiento de los gobiernos democráticos ofrece las condiciones para que los empresarios o los partidos políticos aíslen o focalicen los bienes públicos al grueso de la sociedad. Así, la gobernanza se nutre de libertades positivas y las dignifica; sin embargo, se requiere de un gobierno como instancia de conducción social que amalgame al capital social y limite las libertades negativas

    La incógnita semejanza

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    En el presente trabajo se abordará la posición kierkegaardiana respecto de la libertad y el pecado, contrastada con la visión de Tomás de Aquino, de modo de que queden expuestos sus limitaciones precisas a partir de la luz que arrojan ciertos pasajes bíblicos. La categoría de la belleza será establecida como la prueba fenomenológica y el fundamento óntico del bien, en una hermenéutica del ser que procura develar en la verdad inmanente del ser el misterio de su trascendencia originaria. Desde esta perspectiva, el hombre alcanza el culmen de su substancia personal, histórica y trascendente en su posibilidad creadora, esclarecida en los relatos bíblicos referidos a través de la figura del “niño”, contrastando la figura de “Siervo” en donde Kierkegaard reduce la significación y el valor de la Encarnación del Verbo

    Prospección de lectinas en especies de Labiadas colombianas. Un enfoque sistemático-ecológico - III. Principalmente especies exóticas cultivadas o naturalizadas

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    This is the third study of lectin and mucilage detection in Labiatae nutlets from Colombia. It was carried out on 30 taxa; 15 of them belonging to 14 genera in which no previous studies have been carried out in this fi eld, the other 15 belonging to previously studied genera. A differential response was observed in the group of genera and species studied in terms of mucilage presence as well as lectin activity which consistently increased after extract treatment with Pectinex. Lectin activity was detected in 26 species, being important (more than 60% activity) in at least 75% of them. Genera such as Aegiphila, Agastache, Ballota, Mentha and Origanum, whilst not presenting mucilage, did present lectin activity, with high activity in most cases. This is the fi rst time that a lectin has been reported in these genera. Salvia (in all but Salvia sections studied) presented mucilage and important lectin activity.Peer reviewe

    Sensibilidad de una tarea de tiempo de reacción al procesamiento automático de estímulos neutros enmascarados

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de este experimento era estudiar si los estímulos neutros reciben procesamiento automático cuando son presentados eficazmente enmascarados en un paradigma de priming. Los primes consistían en las letras "o", "e", o "u". Las mismas letras "o" y "e" fueron utilizadas como target, dando lugar a tres condiciones de enmascaramiento, cada una de ellas con dos combinaciones prime/target (congruente: e/e y %; incongruente: o/e y e/o; neutra: u/e y u/o). Además, el target fue considerado como un estímulo imperativo para una tarea de tiempo de reacción (TR). Treinta y seis sujetos fueron expuestos a 20 ensayos de cada condición de enmascaramiento con una asincronía del estímulos de 23 milisegundos. Los resultados demuestran que la presentación eficazmente enmascarada de un estímulo neutro produce facilitación o interferencia con la tarea de TR, dependiendo de si el target es un estímulo congruente o incongruente con el prime.[Abstract] Sensitivity of a reaction time task to automatic processing of neutral masked stimu1i The purpose of this experiment was to study if the neutral stimuli receive automatic processing when presented effective1y masked in a priming paradigm. The primes consisted of the "o", "e", or "u" 1etters. The same "o" and "e" 1etters were used as target, giving three masking conditions, each with two prime/target combinations (congruent -e/e and 0/0-; incongruent -o/e and e/o-; neutral -u/e and u/o-). Furthennore, the target was considered an imperative stimu1us for a reaction time (RT) task. Thirty-six subjects were exposed to 20 tria1s of each masking conditions with a stimu1us- onset asynchrony of 23 milliseconds. The results demonstrate that an effective masking presentation of a neutral stimulus produces either facilitation or interference with the RT task, depending on whether the target is a congruent or an incongruent stimu1us with the prim

    An LRP6 mutation (Arg360His) associated with low bone mineral density but not cardiovascular events in a caucasian family

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    We present a family with a rare mutation of the LRP6 gene and for the first time provide evidence for its association with low bone mineral density. Introduction: The Wnt pathway plays a critical role in bone homeostasis. Pathogenic variants of the Wnt co-receptor LRP6 have been associated with abnormal skeletal phenotypes or increased risk of cardiovascular events. Patient and methods: Here we report an index premenopausal patient and her family carrying a rare missense LRP6 pathogenic variant (rs141212743; 0.0002 frequency among Europeans). This variant has been previously associated with metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis, in the presence of normal bone mineral density. However, the LRP6 variant was associated with low bone mineral density in this family, without evidence for association with serum lipid levels or cardiovascular events. Conclusion: Thus, this novel association shows that LRP6 pathogenic variants may be involved in some cases of early-onset osteoporosis, but the predominant effect, either skeletal or cardiovascular, may vary depending on the genetic background or other acquired factors.Funding: Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Natur