6 research outputs found

    Theoretical and Numerical Analyses of Thermal-Load Behavior of Steel- Concrete and Steel-Fiber-Concrete Slabs.

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    The increase in the volume of using concrete and structural changes in operating conditions requires continuous improvement of concrete structures that is the effective combination of concrete, steel and other components. To have a wide application of these structures in the construction practices it is necessary to improve methods of their calculation, in particular at thermal power influences. This article deals with the features of the work and determination of the limits of fire resistance steel-concrete slabs at thermal power influences and hinged support. Various ways of supporting a slab have been considered, but only using force action. Along with the use of structures with external sheet reinforcement it is effective to add various additives into the concrete in the form of fibers. Using fiber can significantly improve the performance of the structure under force action. The article deals with steel, basalt and polypropylene fibers, which were selected on the basis of rational parameters of early experimental studies. During the literature analysis it was found out that there is no practical data on the strength of fiber-reinforced concrete at thermal power influences. This stimulates new experimental and theoretical studies of fiber-reinforced concrete in case of fire. The article also describes the program Tens. Pas, which helps to carry out the calculation of hinged steel-concrete-slabs on the thermal power influences

    Substantiation of concrete core rational parameters for bending composite structures

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    In order to provide bending structures rationalization for reducing the materials consumption, labor and power inputs, construction or renovation terms, the authors considered the possibility of utilizing the structures with external steel sheet reinforcement and concrete layer made from fibers of different types. Experimental researches of various authors, both domestic and overseas, have been analyzed during the preliminary investigations. As a result, the steel and basalt fibers were selected for further inquiry, proved their rational sizes, percentage to concrete mass in structures worked under thermal and force impacts. It was developed the algorithm and software, helps to determine the stress-strain state and carrying capacity of composite floor slabs with different end and load conditions. It was concluded the necessity of physical-mechanical and thermal physic properties clarification of heated fibrous concrete. The experiment planning was performed to obtain the temperature dependences of strength and modulus of deformation, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of fibrous concrete mix

    Formation of the Japanese foreign policy in the 1950\u2019s and 1960\u2019s

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    Tato práce se zabývá formováním a vývojem japonské zahraniční politiky v padesátých a šedesátých letech. Zkoumá faktory, které jí ovlivnily a jednotlivými body, které byly pro dané období důležité. Analyzuje zahraniční politiku Japonska v několika hladinách a poskytuje přehled jejich klíčových aspektů. Celý vývoj ve zkoumaných dvou desetiletích se často nazývá japonským zázrakem. Japonsku se podařilo za pouhých dvacet let dohnat rozvinuté země a postavit se mezi tři nejvíce rozvinuté v celém světě. Podařilo se mu získat si členství v mezinárodních organizacích a určité politické uznání, normalizovat vztahy se světem a tak projít obrovským a pozoruhodným vývojem.This thesis disserts on the formation and development of the Japanese foreign policy in the 1950's and 1960's. It covers factors that have influenced it and also deals with concrete moments that were significant for the particular period. It analyzes Japanese foreign policy from various points of view and provides a review of its key aspects. The whole development of the two examined decades is often called The Japanese Miracle. Japan succeeded in catching up with developed countries in only twenty years and managed to range itself among the three most developed countries in the world. Japan became a member of many international organisations and has won a solid political credit to be able to standardize relations with the world and that way to go through a massive and remarkable development

    Marketing of start-ups

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    This diploma thesis is dedicated to marketing of start-ups and the most frequent mistakes they make in this field. The goal of this thesis is to propose recommendations for start-up founders which could help them avoid mistakes while building their business. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part defines the concept of start-ups, explores their history and introduces the main issues start-ups have to deal with in the field of marketing. The second part contains interviews with start-up founders, employers and investors. The third part identifies the main problematic areas of start-ups' marketing and introduces recommendations and best practices for start-up founders, which is supposed to increase their chances to build a successful company

    Marketing of start-ups

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá marketingem start-upů a jejich nejčastějšími chybami v této oblasti. Klade si za cíl vypracování doporučení pro zakladatelé start-upů, které jim pomůžou předejít chybným krokům při budování podniku. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První část se věnuje definici slova start-up, historii těchto podniků a představuje úvod do problematiky marketingu ve start-upech. Druhá část je postavena na rozhovorech s představiteli české start-upové scény. Třetí část identifikuje hlavní problematické oblasti v marketingu start-upů a představuje souhrn doporučení a nejvhodnějších postupů pro zakladatele start-upů pro vybudování úspěšné společnosti.This diploma thesis is dedicated to marketing of start-ups and the most frequent mistakes they make in this field. The goal of this thesis is to propose recommendations for start-up founders which could help them avoid mistakes while building their business. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part defines the concept of start-ups, explores their history and introduces the main issues start-ups have to deal with in the field of marketing. The second part contains interviews with start-up founders, employers and investors. The third part identifies the main problematic areas of start-ups' marketing and introduces recommendations and best practices for start-up founders, which is supposed to increase their chances to build a successful company

    Formation of the Japanese foreign policy in the 1950’s and 1960’s

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    This thesis disserts on the formation and development of the Japanese foreign policy in the 1950's and 1960's. It covers factors that have influenced it and also deals with concrete moments that were significant for the particular period. It analyzes Japanese foreign policy from various points of view and provides a review of its key aspects. The whole development of the two examined decades is often called The Japanese Miracle. Japan succeeded in catching up with developed countries in only twenty years and managed to range itself among the three most developed countries in the world. Japan became a member of many international organisations and has won a solid political credit to be able to standardize relations with the world and that way to go through a massive and remarkable development