412 research outputs found

    Is it Time to Start Using Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number as an Indicator of Health and Diseases?

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    The author discusses whether the medical community should seriously investigate the numerical relation of mitochondrial DNA copy number as a health indicator

    A Furnace with Uniform Temperature Region for a Horizontal X-Ray Diffractometer

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    Synthesis of some biologically active 2,4’-bipyridine-5-carbonitriles carrying the 4-hydroxyphenylthio moiety

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    A series of new 4-aryl-2’-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)thio]-6oxo-1,6-dihydro-2,4’-bipyridine-5-carbonitriles (3a–k) and 6-amino-4aryl-2’-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)thio]-2,4’-bipyridine-5-carbonitriles (4a–h) were synthesized from 4-hydroxythiophenol (1). The reaction of 4-hydroxythiophenol with 4-acetyl-2-chloropyridine yielded 1-{2-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)thio]pyridin-4-yl}ethanone (2). Further treatment of 2 with ethyl cyanoacetate in the presence of ammonium acetate with various aromatic aldehydes furnished the compounds 3a–k. On the other hand, condensation of 2 with aromatic aldehydes in the presence of alcoholic malononitrile in ammonium acetate gave compounds 4a–h. The structures of the newly synthesized compounds were established on the basis of their elemental analysis, as well as their IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR and mass spectral data. All the title compounds were subjected to in vitro antibacterial testing against two strains and antifungal screening against two fungi. Some of the compounds showed promising activity

    Feasibility and accuracy of fetal echocardiography at routine 11 to 13 weeks 6 days ultrasound performed on unselected obstetric population in a tertiary maternity centre with high patient turnover

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    Background: Congenital heart defects (CHD) remain the most prevalent congenital malformations, with an estimated prevalence of 6-8 per 1000 live births. Routinely, fetal echo is performed around 18-22 weeks among high risk cases. A dedicated early fetal echo (EFEC) performed by experts between 11-16 weeks is emerging as an excellent screening tool among high risk cases. However, feasibility of obtaining such cardiac views during routine Nuchal Translucency scan by trained obstetricians, is yet to be known as there is limited time available with high patient turn over. Present study aimed to know the feasibility and accuracy of EFEC in unselected obstetric population in a tertiary maternity centre with high patient turnover.Methods: This was an observational cohort study from March 2015 to April 2017 at a tertiary maternity referral hospital. Singleton pregnant women undergoing routine 11-13+6 weeks scanning (NT scan) were recruited in the study including both high and low risk pregnancies. Possibility of obtaining 4 basic cardiac views within this limited time was assessed.Results: A total of 180 early fetal ECHO’s were performed during the course of this study. The 4-chamber view (79.44%) of the heart was the easiest parameter to visualize. RVOT (28.88%) was the most difficult view to be obtained. Complete visualization of all the cardiac views was possible in only 34 women (18.88%). The visualization rates of the cardiac views improved as the gestational age increased. TVS was essential to obtain cardiac views in 5 cases out of 138 (3.6%) in 12-13+6 scans. Whereas, TVS was essential to visualize cardiac views in 34 cases out of 42 (80.95%) between 11 weeks to 11 weeks 6 days. A total of 7 cardiac anomalies were detected during this study. There were 3 major and 4 minor cardiac malformations. Out of the 3 major anomalies, 2 were AVSDs which were diagnosed by EFEC. Minor defects were undetected.Conclusions: It is feasible to get the basic cardiac views in the limited time available to perform NT scan among unselected obstetric population in a tertiary maternity centre with a high turnover. Gestational age of 12 weeks and above seems to increase the accuracy. TVS is a useful adjunct throughout 11-14 weeks scan

    Pancreas: Do All Roads Lead to Mitochondria?

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    Over several millions of years of evolution, mitochondria have transformed into specialized organelles. Today, they cannot live outside the cell nor can the host cell live without them, resulting in a symbiotic relationship. Richard Altmann, in 1894, documented them as cell organelles and called them “bioblasts”. Later, the term “mitochondria” itself was coined by Carl Benda in 1898. Ever since these findings, we in the field of medicine have learned a lot about this tiny organelle, but numerous aspects continue to be discovered. In this article, we will review the significance of this organelle in terms of pancreatic dysfunctions

    The study of risk factors and prognostic indicators in patients with bacteremia due to ESBL producing organisms

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    Background: There is a growing incidence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) infections worldwide. ESBL bacteremias have been associated with poor outcomes, higher costs and increased durations of hospital stay. The objective of the study was to identify the risk factors in these patients along with antibiotic susceptibility patterns to help identify the patients with poorer prognosis and in guiding treatment decisions more effectively.Methods: An observational case-control study conducted in a tertiary care hospital in south India over a duration of 18 months. Cases were defined as an adult in-patient who had infection with blood cultures showing growth of ESBL-producing bacteria. A total of 70 patients were included in the study group and subjected to evaluation to determine the risk factors, prognostic indicators and the antibiotic susceptibility.Results: The major risk factors for ESBL-bacteremia identified were prior admission, prior antibiotic usage, prior Foleys catheter and the presence of a vascular catheter. Pneumonia as the source of bacteremia and requirement of mechanical ventilation were identified as indicators of poor prognosis. Carbapenems, cefoperazone-sulbactam and piperacillin-tazobactam showed excellent sensitivity against ESBL-bacteremia.Conclusions: The findings of this study emphasizes the importance of recognizing ESBL-bacteremias in patients with risk factors, so that patients who are at risk to have a worse prognosis can be promptly started on a susceptible antibiotic

    Obstetric and neonatal outcome among women presenting with reduced fetal movements in third trimester

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    Background: Reduced maternal perception of fetal movements allows early identification, timely evaluation and intervention for fetuses at risk of adverse outcome. The primary objective of this study was to assess the pregnancy characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women presenting to hospital with reduced fetal movements (RFM).Methods: Prospective observational study, recruiting all women with singleton pregnancy at or beyond 28 weeks of gestation presenting with a subjective perception of RFM from April 2015 to December 2016. Maternal characteristics, antenatal risk factors, management pathways and perinatal outcome studied.Results: 47% belonged to high risk pregnancy. Among high risk women, although only 39% showed poor BPP at the first presentation, 58% were delivered irrespective of their gestational age, out of which 32.75% had poor neonatal outcome. Among low risk who had >2 episodes of RFM, 50% had poor neonatal outcome. 7% among high risk pregnancies and 18% among low risk, presented with RFM within 48 hours following steroid prophylaxis.24% of high risk women showed liquor volume abnormalities as compared to low risk (6.3%).Conclusions: Significant proportion of those with RFM belonged to high risk pregnancy. Among high risk group, there were high rates of stillbirth and poor BPP at the time of admission when compared to low risk group. Due to early approach to the hospital and timely intervention, significant women with abnormal BPP had good perinatal outcome. All those fetuses who were delivered on first episode of RFM in low risk group did not show evidence of compromise at birth, probably indicating unnecessary delivery. More than 2 episodes of RFM even among low risk group seems significant as good number of fetuses were compromised at birth. Steroids prophylaxis for the fetal lung maturity causes transient changes in BPP, hence unnecessary delivery should be avoided especially those among low risk pregnancy

    Incarcerated foreign body in the vagina of a postmenopausal lady

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    Vaginal foreign bodies retained for long duration are uncommon in present day scenario. When a female presents with recurrent foul smelling vaginal discharge, foreign body should be suspected. Here is a report of foreign body in the vagina of a postmenopausal lady

    Changes in genetic diversity parameters in unimproved and improved populations of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in Karnataka state, India

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    Teak (Tectona grandis L. f.; family Verbanaceae) is an important plantation tree species in the tropics and in India one of the first species to be prioritized for improvement. Improvement efforts for the last 50 years have essentially concentrated on augmenting quality seed production by establishing seed production areas (SPA) and clonal seed orchards (CSO). Presently, these two form the main sources of quality planting material for teak throughout the country. However, there is no information on the genetic quality of such sources nor information on the progeny used in plantation programmes. Reports of studies based on coniferous and tropical species provide conflicting results on the impact of domestication on the genetic diversity of populations (Chaisurisri and El Kassaby 1994; Rajora 1999; Moran et al. 2000; Godt et al. 2001; Icgen et al. 2006). Also the impact of domestication on the genetic diversity of progeny populations is poorly understood (Stoehr and El-Kassaby 1997; Schmitdtling and Hiplins 1998). Such studies become pertinent not only for gauging the impact of selection on reforestation stock, but also for effective genetic conservation of existing breeding populations. We therefore address two issues in the present study: (i) the change in genetic diversity with increasing levels of improvement, and (ii) the impact of the above change on genetic diversity of progeny populations