73 research outputs found

    Public preferences regarding data linkage for research: a discrete choice experiment comparing Scotland and Sweden

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2019-06-25, accepted 2020-05-28, registration 2020-05-29, pub-electronic 2020-06-16, online 2020-06-16, collection 2020-12Publication status: PublishedFunder: The Farr Institute; Grant(s): MR/K006665/1Abstract: Background: There are increasing examples of linking data on healthcare resource use and patient outcomes from different sectors of health and social care systems. Linked data are generally anonymised, meaning in most jurisdictions there are no legal restrictions to their use in research conducted by public or private organisations. Secondary use of anonymised linked data is contentious in some jurisdictions but other jurisdictions are known for their use of linked data. The publics’ perceptions of the acceptability of using linked data is likely to depend on a number of factors. This study aimed to quantify the preferences of the public to understand the factors that affected views about types of linked data and its use in two jurisdictions. Method: An online discrete choice experiment (DCE) previously conducted in Scotland was adapted and replicated in Sweden. The DCE was designed, comprising five attributes, to elicit the preferences from a representative sample of the public in both jurisdictions. The five attributes (number of levels) were: type of researcher using linked data (four); type of data being linked (four); purpose of the research (three); use of profit from using linked data (four); who oversees the research (four). Each DCE contained 6 choice-sets asking respondents to select their preferred option from two scenarios or state neither were acceptable. Background questions included socio-demographics. DCE data were analysed using conditional and heteroskedastic conditional logit models to create forecasts of acceptability. Results: The study sample comprised members of the public living in Scotland (n = 1004) and Sweden (n = 974). All five attributes were important in driving respondents’ choices. Swedish and Scottish preferences were mostly homogenous with the exception of ‘who oversees the research using linked data’, which had relatively less impact on the choices observed from Scotland. For a defined ‘typical’ linked data scenario, the probability (on average) of acceptance was 85.7% in Sweden and 82.4% in Scotland. Conclusion: This study suggests that the public living in Scotland and Sweden are open to using anonymised linked data in certain scenarios for research purposes but some caution is advisable if the anonymised linked data joins health to non-health data

    Education, training, and experience in public health ethics and law within the UK public health workforce.

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    BACKGROUND: Public health ethics and law (PHEL) is a core professional competency for the public health workforce. However, few data are available describing the extent to which UK public health workforce members experience ethical and legal issues or have sufficient educational and/or training background to adequately deal with such issues. METHODS: An anonymous online survey was developed for dissemination via member mailing lists of the: Faculty of Public Health, Royal Society of Public Health, and UK Public Health Register. Public Health England also included a link to the survey in their newsletter. The survey included questions about education, training, and experience in relation to PHEL. The survey was deployed from October 2017 to January 2018. RESULTS: The survey was completed by a diverse sample of five hundred and sixty-two individuals. The majority of respondents reported: (i) regularly encountering ethical issues, (ii) resolving ethical issues through personal reflection, (iii) having little or no education and training in PHEL, and (iv) questioning whether they have dealt with ethical issues encountered in practice in the best way. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that there is a need to develop and support wider PHEL capacity within the UK public health workforce through the provision of PHEL education, training, guidance, and mentoring

    Utilising Patient and Public Involvement in Stated Preference Research in Health: Learning from the Existing Literature and a Case Study

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: registration 2020-07-17, online 2020-08-04, pub-electronic 2020-08-04, pub-print 2021-07Publication status: PublishedFunder: Programme Grants for Applied Research; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100007602; Grant(s): RP-PG-1211-20011Abstract: Publications reporting discrete choice experiments of healthcare interventions rarely discuss whether patient and public involvement (PPI) activities have been conducted. This paper presents examples from the existing literature and a detailed case study from the National Institute for Health Research-funded PATHWAY programme that comprehensively included PPI activities at multiple stages of preference research. Reflecting on these examples, as well as the wider PPI literature, we describe the different stages at which it is possible to effectively incorporate PPI across preference research, including the design, recruitment and dissemination of projects. Benefits of PPI activities include gaining practical insights from a wider perspective, which can positively impact experiment design as well as survey materials. Further benefits included advice around recruitment and reaching a greater audience with dissemination activities, amongst others. There are challenges associated with PPI activities; examples include time, cost and outlining expectations. Overall, although we acknowledge practical difficulties associated with PPI, this work highlights that it is possible for preference researchers to implement PPI across preference research. Further research systematically comparing methods related to PPI in preference research and their associated impact on the methods and results of studies would strengthen the literature

    Genomic epidemiology of third-generation cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli from Argentinian pig and dairy farms reveals animal-specific patterns of co-resistance and resistance mechanisms

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    Control measures are being introduced globally to reduce the prevalence of antibiotic resistance (ABR) in bacteria on farms. However, little is known about the current prevalence and molecular ecology of ABR in bacterial species with the potential to be key opportunistic human pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, on South American farms. Working with 30 dairy cattle farms and 40 pig farms across two provinces in central-eastern Argentina, we report a comprehensive genomic analysis of third-generation cephalosporin-resistant (3GC-R) E. coli, which were recovered from 34.8% (cattle) and 47.8% (pigs) of samples from fecally contaminated sites. Phylogenetic analysis revealed substantial diversity suggestive of long-term horizontal and vertical transmission of 3GC-R mechanisms. CTX-M-15 and CTX-M-2 were more often produced by isolates from dairy farms, while CTX-M-8 and CMY-2 and co-carriage of amoxicillin/clavulanate resistance and florfenicol resistance were more common in isolates from pig farms. This suggests different selective pressures for antibiotic use in these two animal types. We identified the β-lactamase gene blaROB, which has previously only been reported in the family Pasteurellaceae, in 3GC-R E. coli. blaROB was found alongside a novel florfenicol resistance gene, ydhC, also mobilized from a pig pathogen as part of a new composite transposon. As the first comprehensive genomic survey of 3GC-R E. coli in Argentina, these data set a baseline from which to measure the effects of interventions aimed at reducing on-farm ABR and provide an opportunity to investigate the zoonotic transmission of resistant bacteria in this region

    Discrete choice experiment to investigate preferences for psychological intervention in cardiac rehabilitation

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    OBJECTIVE: Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is offered to people who recently experienced a cardiac event, and often comprises of exercise, education and psychological care. This stated preference study aimed to investigate preferences for attributes of a psychological therapy intervention in CR. METHODS: A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was conducted and recruited a general population sample and a trial sample. DCE attributes included the modality (group or individual), healthcare professional providing care, information provided prior to therapy, location and the cost to the National Health Service (NHS). Participants were asked to choose between two hypothetical designs of therapy, with a separate opt-out included. A mixed logit model was used to analyse preferences. Cost to the NHS was used to estimate willingness to pay (WTP) for aspects of the intervention design. RESULTS: Three hundred and four participants completed the DCE (general public sample (n=262, mean age 47, 48% female) and trial sample (n=42, mean age 66, 45% female)). A preference for receiving psychological therapy was demonstrated by both samples (general population WTP £1081; 95% CI £957 to £1206). The general population appeared to favour individual therapy (WTP £213; 95% CI £160 to £266), delivered by a CR professional (WTP £48; 9% % CI £4 to £93) and with a lower cost (β=-0.002; p<0.001). Participants preferred to avoid options where no information was received prior to starting therapy (WTP -£106; 95% CI -£153 to -£59). Results for the location attribute were variable and challenging to interpret. CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates a preference for psychological therapy as part of a programme of CR, as participants were more likely to opt-in to therapy. Results indicate that some aspects of the delivery which may be important to participants can be tailored to design a psychological therapy. Preference heterogeneity is an issue which may prevent a 'one-size-fits-all' approach to psychological therapy in CR

    Meaning making as an interactional accomplishment: a temporal analysis of intentionality and improvisation in classroom dialogue

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    In this paper we offer a significant development of Baldry and Thibault’s (2006) notion of a ‘meaning-making trajectory’ to explore the collective, and often improvisational, interactional processes of meaning making in classroom dialogue. We report a sociocultural discourse analysis (Mercer, 2004) of a series of history lessons with a class of 6-7 year-old children, which utilises the notion of ‘meaning potential’: to highlight the valuable distinction and flexible interplay between a teacher’s intended meaning-making trajectory, and the meaning-making trajectories that are instantiated in interaction with pupils through dialogic interaction. We argue that where disparities are identified, often through pupils’ unexpected questions or contributions, there can be valuable teaching-and-learning opportunities for collaboratively constructing and appropriating common knowledge

    Factor's that impact on women's decision-making around prenatal genomic tests: An international discrete choice survey

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    OBJECTIVE: We conducted a survey-based discrete-choice experiment (DCE) to understand the test features that drive women's preferences for prenatal genomic testing, and explore variation across countries. METHODS: Five test attributes were identified as being important for decision-making through a literature review, qualitative interviews and quantitative scoring exercise. Twelve scenarios were constructed in which respondents choose between two invasive tests or no test. Women from eight countries who delivered a baby in the previous 24 months completed a DCE presenting these scenarios. Choices were modeled using conditional logit regression analysis. RESULTS: Surveys from 1239 women (Australia: n = 178; China: n = 179; Denmark: n = 88; Netherlands: n = 177; Singapore: n = 90; Sweden: n = 178; UK: n = 174; USA: n = 175) were analyzed. The key attribute affecting preferences was a test with the highest diagnostic yield (p < 0.01). Women preferred tests with short turnaround times (p < 0.01), and tests reporting variants of uncertain significance (VUS; p < 0.01) and secondary findings (SFs; p < 0.01). Several country-specific differences were identified, including time to get a result, who explains the result, and the return of VUS and SFs. CONCLUSION: Most women want maximum information from prenatal genomic tests, but our findings highlight country-based differences. Global consensus on how to return uncertain results is not necessarily realistic or desirable