5 research outputs found

    Effective precursors for self-organization of complex systems into a critical state based on dynamic series data

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    Many different precursors are known, but not all of which are effective, i.e., giving enough time to take preventive measures and with a minimum number of false early warning signals. The study aims to select and study effective early warning measures from a set of measures directly related to critical slowing down as well as to the change in the structure of the reconstructed phase space in the neighborhood of the critical transition point of sand cellular automata. We obtained a dynamical series of the number of unstable nodes in automata with stochastic and deterministic vertex collapse rules, with different topological graph structure and probabilistic distribution law for pumping of automata. For these dynamical series we computed windowed early warning measures. We formulated the notion of an effective measure as the measure that has the smallest number of false signals and the longest early warning time among the set of early warning measures. We found that regardless of the rules, topological structure of graphs, and probabilistic distribution law for pumping of automata, the effective early warning measures are the embedding dimension, correlation dimension, and approximation entropy estimated using the false nearest neighbors algorithm. The variance has the smallest early warning time, and the largest Lyapunov exponent has the greatest number of false early warning signals. Autocorrelation at lag-1 and Welch’s estimate for the scaling exponent of power spectral density cannot be used as early warning measures for critical transitions in the automata. The efficiency definition we introduced can be used to search for and investigate new early warning measures. Embedding dimension, correlation dimension and approximation entropy can be used as effective real-time early warning measures for critical transitions in real-world systems isomorphic to sand cellular automata such as microblogging social network and stock exchange

    Complexity of a Microblogging Social Network in the Framework of Modern Nonlinear Science

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    Recent developments in nonlinear science have caused the formation of a new paradigm called the paradigm of complexity. The self-organized criticality theory constitutes the foundation of this paradigm. To estimate the complexity of a microblogging social network, we used one of the conceptual schemes of the paradigm, namely, the system of key signs of complexity of the external manifestations of the system irrespective of its internal structure. Our research revealed all the key signs of complexity of the time series of a number of microposts. We offer a new model of a microblogging social network as a nonlinear random dynamical system with additive noise in three-dimensional phase space. Implementations of this model in the adiabatic approximation possess all the key signs of complexity, making the model a reasonable evolutionary model for a microblogging social network. The use of adiabatic approximation allows us to model a microblogging social network as a nonlinear random dynamical system with multiplicative noise with the power-law in one-dimensional phase space

    Twitter Self-Organization to the Edge of a Phase Transition: Discrete-Time Model and Effective Early Warning Signals in Phase Space

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    Many real-world systems of various origins are capable of self-organization to the edge of a phase transition, characterized by avalanche-like behavior. Therefore, it is important, by observing the behavior of early warning measures for dynamical series generated by systems, to timely see the early warning signals (precursors) of such self-organization and, if necessary, take preventive measures. To date, convincing evidence of self-organization to the edge of a phase transition has been obtained, but no effective precursors for this self-organization have been found. This research explores precursors for the Twitter self-organization based on the analysis of the behavior of measures directly related to the critical slowdown of the network and measures of the phase space reconstructed by the Takens method for the series of the number of network users creating avalanches of retweets in the network, corresponding to the three debates of the 2016 United States Presidential Election. We hydrated the relevant Tweet IDs, which were obtained from the Harvard Dataverse using the Social Feed Manager, to form this series. Preliminarily, we explore the potential of measures for early detection of self-organization of sandpile cellular automata as systems with Twitter-equivalent self-organization mechanisms. The equivalence is justified in the proposed discrete-time model for Twitter self-organization to the edge of a phase transition. It is found that there are more moments of the Twitter self-organization than the moments of time when debates started, and Twitter stays at the edge of a phase transition longer than the debate lasts. The effective measures, as the measures with the lowest number of false early warning signals, among all studied measures and for all studied systems, are dispersion and correlation dimension. Obtained results are practically important in the design and implementation of early warning systems for the systems with similar mechanisms for sandpile cellular automata self-organization to the edge of a phase transition