7 research outputs found

    Effects of 24 Epibrassinolide on In Vitro Micropropagation of Highbush Blueberry

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    In order to elucidate effects of 24-epibrassinolide (EB) on the efficiency of in vitro regeneration of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L., cv. Brigitta blue), we analyzed variability of seven bioproductive parameters in regenerant plants cultured on nutrient media differing in hormonal composition. The additive action of EB, cytokinin (2iP), and auxin (IAA) was discovered for several parameters, such as reproduction coefficient, weight of regenerant plants, and the content of anthocyanin pigments. The greatest reproduction coefficients were noted in regenerant plants cultured on the medium containing 0.25 mg/L EB, 7.25 mg/L 2iP, and 1.00 mg/L IAA, as well as on the medium with 0.05 mg/L EB, 2.00 mg/L 2iP, and 0.50 mg/L IAA. It is suggested that low concentrations of 2iP and EB, applied in certain combinations, can be used for the industrial in vitro propagation of regenerant plants of highbush blueberry varieties

    Features of seasonal accumulation of phenolic compounds in generative bodies of evergreen and deciduous species of Rhododendron L. at the introduction under the conditions of Belarus

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    Genotypic distinctions in the content of bio-flavonoids and tannins in the generative bodies of evergreen and deciduous Rhododendron L. species are established in the seasonal cycle of development under the conditions of Belarus. Taxons with the highest ability to accumulation of substances mentioned above also are revealed. It is shown that flowers of evergreen species are with the higher content of all fractions of polyphenols, than deciduous species. Individually it is the share in their structure of oxidized compounds as well as of actually anthocyanin and flavonol in higher mcontent and of leuco-anthocyanin and catechines in smaller ones. While during the fructification period the deciduous Rh. luteum (L.) Sweet was characterized by a higher content of bio-flavonoids in generative bodies, exceeding that in flowering period 1,5–4,5 times and reaches almost 40% of their dry weight. At the same time in their structure the presence of actual anthocyanin is not revealed, against the appreciable strengthening, in comparison with the period of flowering, of individual share of catechines and against the appreciable easing of flavonols, and also of leuco-anthocyanin at deciduous species that was accompanied by almost full leveling of distinctions between evergreen and deciduous species in the ratio of the mentioned above compounds.Установлены генотипические различия в содержании биофлавоноидов и дубильных веществ в генеративных органах вечнозеленых и листопадных видов Rhododendron L. в сезонном цикле развития в условиях Беларуси и выявлены таксоны с наиболее высокой способностью к их накоплению. Показано, что цветки вечнозеленых видов отмечены более высоким, чем у листопадных видов, содержанием всех фракций полифенолов при большем, чем у них, долевом участии в их составе о кисленных соединений – собственно антоцианов и флавонолов и меньшем восстановленных – лейкоантоцианов и катехинов. В период же плодоношения наиболее высоким содержанием в генеративных органах биофлавоноидов, превышавшим таковое в период цветения в 1,5–4,5 раза и достигавшим почти 40% их сухой массы, характеризовался листопадный вид Rh. luteum (L.) Sweet. При этом в их составе не обнаружено присутствия собственно антоцианов, на фоне заметного усиления, по сравнению с периодом цветения, долевого участия катехинов и ослабления такового флавонолов, а у листопадных видов также лейкоантоцианов, что сопровождалось практически полным нивелированием различий между вечнозелеными и листопадными видами в соотношении данных соединений

    Comparative evaluation of the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the biochemical composition of fruits of the strange kind family Ericaceae introduced to Belarus

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    The results of relative research of the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the variability of 32 quantitative characteristics of the biochemical composition of fruits of 30 taxon strange introduced to Belarus in 3 kinds family Ericaceae: V. corymbosum L., V. vitis-idaea L .and Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait .) Pers.) in the perennial cycle of observation are presented

    Genotype differences in the variability of the biochemical composition of fruits of introducents of seeds Vacciniaceae depending on the abiotic factors in the conditions of Belarus

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    As a result of research of quantitative characteristics of biochemical structure of fruits of 30 taxons of 3 Vacciniaceae DC ex Perleb species (such as V. covilleanum Butkus et Plishka (a highbush blueberry), V. vitis-idaea L. (red whortleberry) and Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pers. (large cranberry)), the interspecific distinctions of the degree of stability of its separate components to the complex influence of meteorological factors are revealed by 32 parameters (traits) describing the contents in fruits of some organic acids, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, terpenoids and major mineral elements. The cultivars possessing the greatest and, accordingly, smallest levels of the dependence on abiotic factors are designated